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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. So , for only Leora fans , the following 6 days will be a “party “ of enjoyment having her inside the apartment alone like the good old times , except of course if she also takes some or more holidays as well . At the same time , after a common symbiosis of almost a year , Leora will test herself again being alone in the apartment without Malia’s necessary company which has helped her not feeling lonely at certain times and periods . I will expect phonecalls to Paul to become even more so as to have someone to talk and as I said , a 6 days paradise period having Leora from the past . The truth is , and based on the facts of the previous months , that we the viewers , who keep on criticizing for months about the direction of this apartment and the way that the behavior and actions of the girls have led for so much heat and controversy , we will be watching an apartment that the remaining tenant is only listed as an active participant not because she really wants to be inside this place but rather because her outside friend(s) activities aren’t so flexible like her friends Malia’s so as to enjoy more time holidays as well . Once again , I will only hope and wish for the best for both of the girls , but please , what’s the purpose to continue working at a place that isn’t what makes you happy and it only gives you the necessary ( money ) to live a luxury life ? For people who always want to see Leora and her magical aura of erotism , enjoy the maximum . For all of us who think more than the obvious and worry also for the next day and the apartment isn’t just a place for sexual content providing but also a place that the person living should feel happy inside for all the comforts and way of life and we would love to watch , the lonely days will affect much more the following weeks and months , no matter how much time Leora will spent with the important people in her life currently in Prague when she is out of it .
  2. I can’t then say that feelings have changed 😂🤣 within 8 months and the beginning that Malia couldn’t keep her hands off to a night that under same circumstances , Malia didn’t go near her at all 🤨 I think then it is all about the guys not being meaningful to the girls lives ? 😏 Or feelings grow stronger and stronger for the boys for both girls and it slowly affects their common actions ? We need to stay tune and watch 😎 Last but not least , how is this whole new reality for Malia is presented during the repeated phonecalls to Paul from Leora ? And what’s Paul opinion about Malia’s actions ? Who knows actually if Paul’s opinion about Malia’s relation are being taken into consideration by Leora so as to discuss with Malia her ex boyfriend’s opinion also about her situation ...
  3. Chaos in the USA with the invasion of the Capitol: The 4 hours that shook the world 07/01/2021, 07:38 Trump invasion of the Capitol "hurts" US prestige more than anything else - The "American Republic under siege": What the international press writes January 6, 2021 marks the last act of the drama or the tragic end of a four-year term, which divided America and damaged its reputation. The whole planet watched in amazement the unprecedented images that unfolded in Washington and the Capitol, which resembled a coup scene. For the first time in the country's history, supporters clashed with police, stormed a plenary session and adjourned a meeting to validate Joe Biden's election victory. In addition to dozens of injured, four people lost their lives. Members of the Senate and Parliament, as well as the country's vice president himself, fled to avoid the worst. Weapons and an explosive device were found in the Capitol. After the Capitol was "cleared", the Senate meeting, which is expected to ratify Biden's victory, resumed. The unprecedented incident lasted for about four hours, while important questions are now being raised about the lack of policing. It took so many hours for the National Guard and the secret services to be activated. Tear gas and crackers were used to evacuate the area. Washington is now under draconian police measures, while the mayor announced a curfew. The events forced the majority of the Republican Party itself to turn its arrows at Donald Trump, who provoked these strong reactions by his attitude of not recognizing the election result and talking about "fraud" in the angry crowd that had been gathered since yesterday morning. The Biden statement Joe Biden calls on Donald Trump to step up, end the siege The Trump statement President Donald Trump: 'I know how you feel, but go home' Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have split. Despite Trump's public appeals, Mike Pence refused to acknowledge Biden's victory, while expressing his anger over the episodes and Trump's alleged victory. "You did not win," he said. Pompeo also spoke out against Donald Trump, condemning the invasion of the US Capitol by protesters, stressing that America is better than what we see today. Democrats are calling for Trump to be fired immediately, with the activation of the 25th amendment to the Constitution. The District Attorney of Columbia asked the Vice President to convene the cabinet, dismissing Trump, a few days before the formal end of his term. One by one, close associates of both Trump and his wife are resigning. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a member of the Democratic Party whose office was vandalized by the angry mob, announced that the ratification of the victory of the Democrat Joe Biden in the November 3 presidential elections will take place. Indeed, the process is ongoing. The Senate by 93 votes to 6 rejected the request of the Republican senators not to ratify the voters in Arizona in favor of Joe Biden. After all, the climate changed rapidly after the episodes and in the conservative party circles. It was the president-elect of the United States who also addressed the sermon. Among other things, he stated that "the scenes we see do not reflect the values and basic principles of American democracy." Trump, however, limited himself to some lukewarm posts, urging protesters to "respect the police." Ivank's daughter's tweet, in which the protesters were described as "patriots", also made an impression. Finally, the social media "stopped" his account. Former US presidents Obama and Clinton also expressed their disgust. European leaders have also been quick to condemn what happened on the other side of the Atlantic, calling it an "unprecedented attack on democracy". Among other things, the French president claimed that some anarchists had entered the Capitol, trying to challenge the world's oldest democracy, stressing that "this was done with the consent of Donald Trump." British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for an end to the "shameful images" in Washington, where protesters stormed the US Capitol in an attempt to reverse Donald Trump's election defeat.
  4. The profile of the graphic protagonists of the attack: The supporter of the QAnon theory, the brazen old man and a robber with a degree in ... psychology! "Remember this day forever," Donald Trump wrote on Twitter yesterday in a message to his supporters who violently invaded the Capitol, adding a black page to the history of the American Republic. Trump's urging in his tweet (which the platform later deleted) can be read in a number of ways ... However, the fact that the American president spoke in the same post about "great patriots" from whom a "sacred election" was "stolen" "victory" leaves no doubt that he was trying to abdicate his responsibilities for the shocking chain of events that stuck the planet yesterday and caused the death of four people. What is certain, however, is that Trump's urging was completely unnecessary: No one in America, not even in the rest of the world, will soon forget the unthinkable scenes that unfolded yesterday in the Capitol halls and offices, inside a "symbol" building he had to accept. "Invasion" from the Anglo-American War of 1812! Videos and photos with the bizarre protagonists of this sad episode made (and are) making the rounds of the internet through social media and local media, causing many to ask the reasonable question: Who are these graphic people who were at the center of developments in Washington. Pro-Trump rioters storm US Capitol during vote on Biden election victory Despite the fact that there were thousands of Trump supporters who stormed the building, three are the figures who "stood out" either because of their special appearance or for their controversial (at least) actions. Today the names of all three are known. The horned supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory The top role in yesterday's attack on the Capitol was played by a topless man with a tattoo, a face painted in the colors of the American flag and a fur hat with horns on his head. According to the Daily Mail, this is the 32-year-old Jake Angeli, also known by the nickname "Shaman QAnon", who is almost always present at the gatherings and marches of the American Right, wearing his characteristic attire. See Angeli in an earlier interview: The eccentric "shaman" lives in Arizona, previously posing as a singer and actor and is said to be a supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory. According to the BBC, QAnon is a completely unfounded and unproven theory with many ramifications and variations, which essentially claims that Trump is waging a secret war against Satanist pedophiles who belong to the US elite, hold high positions in government, business and the media and keep their unholy acts secret through a network of cover-ups. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. The brazen intruder of Pelozi's office with the ... "itch" Another figure who was very relevant yesterday was a 60-year-old man from Arkansas, who was photographed with his feet on the desk of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Richard "Bigo" Barnett describes himself as a "white nationalist" online and has expressed a desire to run for governor in 2022. The elderly man who rushed to be photographed "at home" in Pelosi's office when the invasion ended and left the building boasted to his "comrades" that "he wrote an aggressive note to Pelosi, put his feet on her desk and scratched his numbers." The 60-year-old proudly displayed a file he received from the office of Pelosi, one of Trump's harshest critics during his four-year presidency. The brazen man even insisted that ... he did not steal it, after leaving a coin on the desk. With his shirt torn and his chest exposed to the cold, "Bigo" stayed for an hour after the invasion outside the Capitol, boasting about his achievement. However, when asked about the intrusion, the old man insisted that he was "just knocking on the door" when the mob behind him "pushed him inside the building". It was a story he knew would not convince anyone ... "I'll probably keep saying that this is how things went until prison," he told the New York Times. It is worth noting that a note was found in Pelosi's office that read "We are not giving up", but it is not clear if this is the same thing that Barnett said he left. The thief of the ... analogy The file that "Bigo" took from Pelosi's office was just one of the "souvenirs" that the invaders took with them. Another appeared to be holding a piece of wooden sign that was once on the door of the Democratic politician's office, which is a red cloth for Trump fans. Although there were many reports of looting and vandalism, the image that best captures the audacity of the looters at the Capitol was that of a man walking away smiling broadly and holding a large wooden lectern in his hands. It is a piece of furniture that serves as a support for a document to read. According to the Daily Mail, the "gentleman" in question is Adam Johnson from Florida, who holds a degree in Psychology, who ... God knows what he was thinking when he made this carefree move. Photos on his social media, which, however, were deleted in the last few hours, show him posing next to a sign that reads "closed for all tours" inside the Capitol building. With information from the Daily Mail, New York Times, New York Post
  5. ddhm


    Also nicely explained 😇
  6. ddhm


    Excellent explained 🤗
  7. It is exactly the same here in Greece . We have 6 codes to send by SMS when we want to go out before the curfew . During curfew , if you don’t prove the necessity of your movement as you posted , the fee here is 300€ .
  8. And this is exactly what I also say , they are lying to them / hiding the truth , the difference is small so as it matters . To make myself clear , I don’t mind whatever the girls do outside , that’s not my concern . But I am paying to see them inside . Now , for some ( most of the people ) , the sexual / erotical content is what matters the most and I understand it completely and this is why I also have no problem at all when they do shows or whatever . But I belong to these category of people that for me , these two girls are more than sexual workers , their are two human beings and I am expecting to be rewarded so as to watch their lives inside the apartment . Unfortunately and in the way I have it in mind on what that means , it isn’t happening . Since the girls want to continue like this , I would require from RLC to give this place to people who do actually want to have a “ normal way of living “ in front of cameras and the girls , since as it is proved this is a a great income business , they can continue their lives without worry of hiding and so on , by asking RLC to become recruiters in Prague as the couple in Barcelona who is many years also with RLC and they have a kind of working relation apart being tenants . I understand the support to their decision and I admire the people who stand for them with that , but we are also thousand others that this isn’t how the site is defining the content that provides . I express public my thoughts because , as it has mentioned as solutions in the past , we can always email and question our concerns . And because personally I don’t like to reach a point of back and forth emailing with RLC , i suggest an idea . If the girls can’t , don’t want , or whatever , please , give the apartment to people who can , at least the money we pay have a fair contribution to the tenants and not being played like fools with this lifestyle .
  9. I totally accept the explanation ... can you explain me with your own thoughts , how the tenants of the other apartments are explaining the presence of cameras to their not so often or more frequent visitors ?
  10. And since I am ready to take a lot and lot of heat from the following comment , this is what I say ; A guy repeatedly has been inside the apartment , long life friend from both of the girls , he has been seen invited to drink , eat and sleep on the couch . Unfortunately he has been judged negatively and characterized with not of the best comments . How difficult would have been then for the girls today to invite any friends and simply enjoy with them as they were seemed to do ? The couch for them to sleep it’s always there , how difficult is for the girls to accept that this is their life and let their friends to be introduced at the place they live ? Snacks , alcohol , smiles and good atmosphere , how more difficult than all of the other apartment is for this one to act normally ? I only say it isn’t happening because any of the friends don’t want to be seen on camera . And I accept ... but , all of them ? No one wants to visit the girls that they hang out for more than a year Leora’s friends and around a year for any connections that Malia has done ? All the apartments ( except E&P ) has people walking in , friends , relatives , what was different for any of the others not hiding them ? Telling the truth and just acting as any other house , ultimately made lots of guests to come and visit again and again . This apartment not only is a hidden fortress but it is happening the worse thing of them all . Again with the help of GAG-HER translations and not making my own truth and conclusion / speculation , the girls have said to no one what they do , at least to people of their main interest . As long then that they don’t embrace a normal way of living since the life they have is part of their working world , the weird things happening , the misunderstandings and tensions with messages and phonecalls will grow and grow . Of course , their content providing pleasure whenever they are in the mood and they feel to ,will always be there to calm down all of the possible heat that long time fans and dedicated fan base develops . For all of the other normal L&M fans that categorize this apartment as one more out of the ten , the heat and negativity in the comments will grow more and more . Inevitable .
  11. The days that both these girls cared for anyone of the people to watch anything that is related RLC have gone by since last summer .. it is the absolute taking advantage of people paying to have two girls that they will come inside their working place to be for certain times and days of the week so as to make shows ( I still try to remember the last time any of the girls did something because they wanted it for themselves first and not for the sake of the viewers because they have to do something ) and let the IPhones , IPads , hair fixings , nail fixing and beauty treatments continue 😂🤣 I didn’t even make one comment during the evening because I enjoyed this real life moment that I believe the girls had . Than any show , this was what I liked from them , seeing them getting drunk , act silly , smile , just ignore their phones , have fun and eating their snacks and sharing it all with the fans genuinely and in a great mood 😇🥳 But once again, the hidden desires that can’t be shared prevailed . The clock is ticking , the bubble grows and the sound of exploding will be huge and the results .. well , as RLC members we will be watching .
  12. The two way life continues 😂🤣 When you thought that the night of friends is what the girls are searching to enjoy the most , catch up and have a moment for themselves ( and sharing with the fans ) , the outside life which is original , exciting , adventurous , full of real emotions and feelings than the ones inside the 4 camera walls working apartment appears and tells the whole truth 😇🥳
  13. The power of the people and the public opinion is much stronger than all the media . People are always the ones who can create revolutions and take things into theirs hands when they feel and sense “ that’s enough “ .. I came here just to post my thought and after a certain back and forth posting , you didn’t even know ( not you personally ) that a woman is dead ... it is a pity to put winners / losers and what USA will become over a soul’s life ... nothing is more valuable than the life of a human being . The faster the Americans will realize this , perhaps they can go out of this chaos faster .
  14. Unite as a nation and seize the good things as a country united and leave differences aside . The world will still keep spinning no matter what and Americans aren’t the center of this planet that because the country now will be run by Democrats , the end of the world as we know it , will come to an end .
  15. You don’t answer my question .. has in history proven that whenever Democrats were in command the nation went shit ? I don’t know what they have become obviously because i don’t live there.. but if they were as shit as you claim , then 81 million people have a very wrong mind approach of what’s happening in the world... and to make the story better , I will say that you are stolen , if whatever you claim is right , then 70-75 million Americans are stupid ...
  16. We have nothing against Turkish people , it is all politics , we have nothing to divide with them . They are people like us , we are Greeks and they are Turkish .Politics is a game that the losers in the depth of time are always more than the winners .
  17. I know the history . My question will always be , has your country since 2000 and after the twin towers growth economically and socially or not ? You are arguing Democrats and Republicans and at the same time , the Chinese and the Russians work in the background without no one is dealing with them .
  18. Has it happened when other Democrats were leaders ? Why it will happen now ?
  19. My comment today here was just to show that you are indeed a great nation ( I am serious now ) but your arrogance can’t make you understand that what you are doing to all the nations worldwide , has turned back on you . I am sorry I won’t comment further more because I don’t have the vocabulary to engage in a political talk , but just worry of the next days and try to keep safe and in peace there . That’s all that matters .
  20. If you have proof , take it to the court ... Ups , I forgot .. they tried and they were told that there were no illegal actions made
  21. What does this has to do with the problems that are happening today? We are a shit country and no one denies , it is the fate of all small countries , especially the ones in the Balkans as the big countries have loads of interest here due to the rich grounds and we inevitably have corruption politicians ... we are shit and we never deny and we learn to live with this . We have never ever denied/questioned a democratic procedure though in our long history , that to he honest , we created 🥳
  22. You see ? Slowly I am learning from the best .. I am not doing so bad , am I ? 😏
  23. The comment was meant for the Trump supporters ... that they all believe that the world is conspiring against them so their greatest leader in America’s history is stolen .. As USA is the greatest believer of conspiracy theories , have one saying that it was all organized by the democrats party so as Trump looks bad .. To be serious now , we are all human beings and I hope that this won’t lead to any civil war things , you have one innocent woman dead , how do you call it there “ collateral damage “ .. and you are still debating about who won the elections instead of proceed united as a nation and look how you will face the real problems , pandemic , unemployment , health system and so much more that we at the other side of Atlantic have better knowledge than all of you there . I have zero interest on who should be president as in Europe my country follows what Germany says as they are the european commanders here , before saying that you are the greatest nation , look all yourself in the mirror and ask yourselves how the hell did you reach today to experience one of the most embarrassing moments in your small history as a nation .
  24. It might be that the new president paid all those who caused this shameful for the history of USA 🇺🇸 incident today so as Trump looks even worse than what he has already been 😂🤣😂🤣
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