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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. There are many ways to go to Mykonos , it might sometimes helps and being faster/cheaper going to Athens and then with the ship to Mykonos ( like this you get to see Athens for 1-2 days ) or you can also go to Santorini and then with a ship to Mykonos .. the Cyclades islands ( were Mykonos is situated ) is usually combined so as to make a small island hoping , staying in Mykonos at this period is really expensive .. as mentioned , for sure loads of options to make it cheaper but the accommodation will be some really low AirBnb places for some nights or if expensive , it is then really booked early .. but then the cost of life is really ridiculous , which is what makes Mykonos a “ forbidden “ destination .. lots of details can be told for this place ( especially that I work for the tourism field and I know really many details of how things work there plus 2 of the friends I am going on holidays in the winter work there ) , let’s say that if you know people , it can be fine , otherwise , it is a pocket rip off.
  2. So … except having her room a total mess , Lubna expands the mess now in the whole apartment , pff , whatever ..
  3. Your prediction has been “saved “ .. mine says that Dylan will end up interacting with Harley at a certain point , perhaps talk about Ulyana and what has happened and other subjects ( it will be in English so that can be VERY VERY interesting ) , but there are few chances that he fucks Harley ( quite possible if Harley and yesterday’s guy feelings are disappointment with his performance and if she heard the marathon of her close friend Sambuka ) .. Any interaction at the moment between Dylan and shantal or Megan , it is in the Sphere Of Imagination ..
  4. It is fine , we are all contributing here what we can more so as to help the viewing experience to be more comfortable and easier to understand ..
  5. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 If Samson was here or Thor or even Anthony , it would be more interesting ( Anthony would be orchestrating though perhaps a strip poker ) , but Samson , he would flirt really “ hard “ any girl .. and Thor , he would simply try to charm the girls .. but let him be blessed and enjoy his times with “ everybody loves Holly “ for as long as the American dream in California lasts ..
  6. Well , the best is I think that Harley is in B1 and that Dylan also develops slowly some other connections with Shantal and Megan so as to be able and escape the current villas boredom ( for sure things have happened and the villas are kind out of action again )
  7. Megan had an Italian boyfriend for quite some time , the famous “ Rocco “ ( really cool guy , much more capable in duration that Dylan and quite “ rich “ skills also ) and her current boyfriend I think is Italian as well .
  8. Esmi was nice .. another level ,‘other type of tenant , CLASS .. and the times she was generous , well , these were moments for the Golden Archives ..
  9. You can see “ the child “ trying to be concerned to gain the impressions and The Master comfortable like whatever will be happening IF HE DECIDES to flirt , just relaxed on the couch , perhaps he wants really to help “ The child “ to get the threesome with the Ex and the Woman who does it all being hungry for sex and moments every single day .
  10. Yes , it has been seen in the past that it is like opposite apartment ( crossing the street ) and ringing the bell to enter .. very close .
  11. Shantal will be nice if we see her just masturbate for a normal session without her covers , then we can talk for a trio 😂
  12. Of course , THE MAJORITY here I think wants to see either ( The Most ) Dylan /Shantal or Dylan / Megan ( The Less ) , so , let’s see .. “ The child “ already shows his preference sitting next to Sambuka ..
  13. And the “ X-Factor “ arrives … needless to say that last time , she and Dylan had developed a nice “ connection “ before her going into bed and sweet little Ulyana appearing to make The Master go crazy with her skills .. Now . Harley is kind of alone and tries to adjust since Ulyana’s departure , Sambuka had an impressive non stop fuck from the guy last night but Sambuka always wants more , Lacrim is there for the first time between his past ( Harley ) and the woman he was trying to seduce till he succeeded ( even briefly ) , Sambuka , it is like all pieces are set and we are waiting for the moves .. Last observation review …. it’s been nearly 1,5 months or more till Dylan’s last threesome ..just saying 😂🤣 and “ the child “ started delivering alcohol to Harley , perhaps The Master advised him that if he play his cards right , he might get Sambuka and Harley together 😂🤣😂🤣🤣… who again ? The child 🤪🤪🤪
  14. It seems we will be getting Harley ..
  15. Just careful observation 😉.. But with “ the child “ around , i am not interested in watching till very early when perhaps some alcohol will have flow , Lacrim amongst these people it doesn’t work for me 😔 … But , Harley is also nearby 😆 .. it might be that Sambuka sneaks with The Master to the neighbor 😋😋 when “ the child “ might get drank like last time and Shantal makes her camp and Megan goes to sleep naked .. let’s see , but Dylan has been quiet lately so …
  16. Hmm .. it seems that whoever is present in B1 currently ( especially Sambuka ) hasn’t been informed that in this apartment - ESPECIALLY IN THIS VERY NIGHT HOURS - loudness /noise / high DB in general isn’t allowed .. the last time the police appeared and saw the closing of B1 for a period ( before being inhabited by girls who didn’t even speak at night hours 😂) - it was when we were introduced to Harley , the time the 4 musketeers were running the place ( Ulyana , Olivia , Fiora ,Harley ) - .. someone could tell that Sambuka at least knows this from Harley , at the moment it is loud and let’s see how it goes and how it ends up ..
  17. Having accommodation at this time of the year in Mykonos it is like RLC paying a daily salary to all of the villas tenants in combination .. Mykonos at this very period is for STRICTLY high income people , of course there are possibilities and places but if I show you photos of such places , you will forget what you know or heard about this island ..
  18. I only know she’s there .. the rest I have no idea ..
  19. My master 😂🤣😂 ? Like “ My General “ ? Or the “ X-Factor “ or the “ Seducer “ ? Ok , whatever …
  20. I don’t care for Gloria , she’s a lost “ soul “ , she could enjoy all of the good life she could have this summer , make money ( she did quite a lot I believe ) and enjoy her life the maximum like no other chance will be presented again for free luxury .. everyone makes his/her choice , she made hers .. About Lacrim , I don’t like “ the child “ but he has gone and done already things that many people here have been masturbating watching … whatever .
  21. Truth hurts , I know and apologies that reflects on you .. professor was only one at Casa de Papel 😂🤣
  22. The more we see , the better .. but they are couples and ( personally ) I appreciate for what they have offering us … Tereza , so much hate when she was introduced and look how .. Wednesday , opinions vary and it is really good , but , the general feeling is that she’s really really much acceptable from the viewers … Tereza has secret desires but she’s sacredly hiding what she wants ( Timur perhaps ?? and respect to her guy ? Possible ) .. Wednesday I think we can’t expect more than what we have seen …
  23. I would have really liked to see Dylan pay a visit in B1 and enjoy some time with the girls .. and then , he knows the way to Harley’s place . Sambuka could accompany .. just saying 😏😏
  24. I know that you are watching RLC for Leora and you hardly ever or slightly have paid attention to others .. what you describe , we have seen also multiple times from the tenant Ulyana .. I know you might not be fair when it is that you have only witnessed Leora , but for sure , the ( ex ?? ) now tenant Ulyana has been offering some incredible sessions of what you describe .. I don’t degrade Leora , but I think she’s really overrated when we say that she’s the best .. YES , SHE WAS IN THE PAST , but there have been others at times that have been WAAAAAAY better .. the secret of Leora is that she’s eternal and she doesn’t stop .. but RLC helps her also with that … In any case , I am sure that if you had eyes for others too , you could tell some differences .. Just a really friendly post to your comments 😇😇
  25. She has been seen again doing this … I think is a tenant that the other girls like her , she does her own things , she’s not dramatizing anything , fun , good vibes and times , in my eyes a more than excellent chosen tenant for the Barcelona GOV/ SINGLES project ..
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