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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I can only see lovely Babi ( but not her lips ) in the apartment again and another female friend … life back as usual , just Masha missing , maybe she left for some days again ( I don’t know how it is now between Babi and Masha ) … As life has learned i believe the majority here , if something has happened once , it will happen again and again and again ( heat and insane argument / fight … )
  2. The tourist is back I see for a couple of days …RLC has lost control with Tani also as it seems as - technically - she does nothing wrong .. Tactics we have seen in the past and simply just copy/paste currently from Tani …When you don’t fix a problem , it simply grows and expands , here are the results ..
  3. The real life mention was the fact that happened whatever happened in this place , perhaps the first time in the 8 years of Masha being a tenant that control was lost in her apartment on cameras .. and she has done RREEEEEEEAAAALY a lot that things could have gone wrong .. People here say that the people we see on cameras are ( bad ) actors trying to play their script .. they believe it actually with much passion , so , has this been an act ? Masha has been living in italy with her cats for many years , she has chosen this life ( which for sure has benefited her ) and she’s more “ European “ than many of us Europeans , she has always been living a decent life , despite whatever has been written about her here because she simply lives her life . I do hope what happened “ WAKES HER UP “ on how she considers life and luckily , because she’s a cameras veteran / expert , I think she knows what needs to be done from now on .. She just didn’t expect what happened as I think very few could see this extreme incident coming … yes , they had arguments but just some verbal disagreements and never in this level … let’s see . If there are problems at Masha’s , imagine how a difficult period currently for RLC is and perhaps they should rethink quite a lot of things with the tenants .
  4. Ahh , thanks for update info , the last time I checked ( it’s been really long to be honest ) , she was living there .
  5. Let’s agree that we should “ preserve “ the ones “ written “ at the site already and then we can maybe create new ones 😆😏
  6. I don’t mind having my posts read or not , but expressing what i have in mind and even 1 person for example shares the same opinion , it is more than positive 😊 .
  7. True .. but then it won’t be ddhm 😆😛
  8. All inclusive holidays , it is normal .. poor Elli ..
  9. But “ Heisenberg “ eliminated him 😎😎🤩🤩
  10. Because you say so , i don’t have to agree with you and your “ categorized “ masturbations .
  11. Congratulations … I am not here for trophies or rewards , just speaking my thoughts on things I pay to watch at a site I enjoy and like . Enjoy your superiority , I am sure it is much appreciated by the majority here .
  12. You mention is fake .. how can you know if you don’t watch .. ?
  13. Once that Masha isn’t to be blamed 😇😇 in the end , it will all be as good friend rado06 said since the first months of this relationship , that is too toxic for both .. But Masha has sex as top priority and Elvis has been giving it to her the wha she wanted , the last time she was enjoying it that much was with Top Knot ..
  14. Lots of talks at the balcony for Elli…let’s see when Peater appears or any other “ speculation “ person ..
  15. I thought you were against the newcomers who brought bad vibes and return of old and trusted ones ..
  16. Sasha was never abusive ..or anyone else we saw her through the years .. this was over the limits even for the top tenant ever , Masha .. and Masha is WAY TOO STRONG to let this happen without retaliation .. And Masha , well , we can consider her as more than a tenant for RLC so I believe they are already working for the “ back online “ incident ..
  17. If it is just speculation, it isn’t good to address it and create wrong thoughts in the forum .. if it is true , then Masha is COMPLETELY wrong and unfair with Elvis .. but then , Masha always has “ pushed “ for an open relationship , I strongly doubt that she has a problem of Elvis fucked another woman , on the contrary , if he told her , she would invite for a threesome .. it is difficult for me to believe that Masha is furious on that ..
  18. Masha isn’t a beginner , total and full control of cameras , real age honest reactions and she doesn’t give a fuck about them , part of her life .. all honest reactions like anyone of us would do in our life … RLC can’t afford losing Masha , she will make all arrangements and she’s MORE than ANYONE chasing her or whatever … Sooner or later , I think we need to expect what we will be seeing ..
  19. As far as Fiora is concerned , EVERYBODY KNOWS that she loves this cameras world and for sure will honor and respect with her presence ALL OF THE PAYING SUBSCRIBERS , she’s one of the most PERFECT examples on how a tenant should be taking into consideration the RLC opportunity … BUT , if I were Fiora , I should already think that I WASN’T the first choice , it was The General Ulyana and the X-Factor Harley .. she just got the chance because Ulyana left .. which shows that primary or secondary she helps her friend Harley in the apartment and possible some help they received all these years from RLC and she repays .. for whoever remembers , Fiora asked repeatedly from RLC to give them a room in the villa when they left the then occupied by Eva and Matvei ( if I remember correctly ) apartment , Fiora was asking to give them time to find an apartment as they had nowhere to stay .. maybe it is a repay or also a kind of help.. We already know what to expect from Fiora more or less , it is questionable how Sambuka will be whenever she visits and if Fiora will also be COMPLETELY ABSENT from the villas or rest of the apartments gatherings or social events.
  20. At least , the last 2 weeks or so , whenever a “ complain “ is mentioned , “ magically “ they fix it soon after .. Complains concerning the “ absence “ of tenants , airplane signs on .. Non sleeping for some days , “ private moments “ compensation incidents .. we should do it more often ..
  21. At the moment , with what’s going on , they are the least of problems .. if they want , they can always be fun … I prefer watching Tereza than the Mama or the kind of anorexic girls we have ( Lubna / Oks to name just two examples ) ..
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