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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Money can always be done again and again as long as we are healthy .. we have health , we can have the world .. Holly and Megan give a nice karaoke show at the moment and this is the power of positivity I guess 😉😉😉😇😇🥳
  2. Flowers have stop , phonecalls full of anger have stop .. perhaps they were part of this toxic relation .. Leora has also not been out so much for continuous nights last in recent weeks .. perhaps Raul399’s speculations are in the right direction .. Only Leora knows indeed .
  3. I can only say that under current circumstances , neither of the girls can do it alone there , Leora needs Malia and Malia needs Leora . This bond at the moment is unbreakable .. when the world goes with a bit more of normal flow as we know it and hopefully with the vaccines that are in the process , we will see much more from both of the girls I believe .
  4. Mega thanks magachilli2 , the job is seasonal here and is about tourism .. and with the problems of the industry due to restrictions , is a bit more difficult than normal .. but hey , positive thoughts and good vibes and it will all be fine .. the nice girls will warm the thoughts during the winter here 😂🤣
  5. It is very nice to see different examples than what I have experienced , either luckier or more able let’s say , in any case , very glad that you managed with the long distance , I also believe that I have done something wrong of course since they haven’t worked , but it was 80-90% the girl’s mistake and I say this with as much objectivity as possible 😊 At the end , it is usually the girls who are strange 😂🤣 and they don’t know what they want . I will agree with all your other points concerning the relation with Paul , I would just say that in life , you can’t have all . If you do try , there’s no way that life will bring you to a path that ultimately a choice has to be made . Whatever happened , is happening , will happen , only Leora knows as you say . Let’s hope that life has learned her in a very satisfactory way so she makes the right choice at the right time for her .
  6. I hadn’t noticed to be honest , last night when she was on Megan’s bed I was really shocked .. I should take better notice I guess 😬🙄
  7. I am unemployed at the moment so there’s plenty of time for me available , but will definitely reconsider the option as soon as April comes and job begins 😂🤣 4,5 months then still to go 😱
  8. I don’t have replay as I am mostly a “ live “ fan . But sometimes this feature is so very much helpful 😇
  9. If I am a totally new subscriber and I have no idea of CC to follow some more info of what’s happening , how can I know what’s happening and I don’t see one of the two participants that are listed on the home page ? I know what’s going on because I am a CC member and long time RLC subscriber . I am tuning in Friday , Saturday , Sunday and I see no Malia ( I am not speaking about this current absent ) , seeing that already from Friday she will be back on Monday , it is good that I know Leora has the house for herself and maybe I will watch content from her that if I didn’t know when Malia is back , it wouldn’t be possible .
  10. I haven’t noticed the easy bruising from Holly to be honest . The fitness room could be an explanation but it hasn’t happened at this extension all the previous weeks. And the bath tube , also it hasn’t happened in such way in the past, at least of what I can remember . But as long as she in a good mood the last days , nothing is in particular wrong 😊
  11. The way I see it ( most probably I am wrong therefore it is just speculations ) , after the closing of the Russian apartments and the popularity of Leora , RLC management proposed Leora to move to Prague and continue the job . I totally get it that she had to take a fast decision. Isn’t it then that she had to choose either to make the journey or stay in Russia and continue her life with Paul and the dog ? She could both as you say . Why didn’t she bring Paul from the beginning ? Let’s say she would have brought Paul after several months so as for him to stay . And so he came to visit .. only that we learned after several months that the relation is over . So , a relation of so many years ends simply and just like that or there were already problems that they just came on surface so very fast that couldn’t be anymore be faced ? I know from repeating experience ( even if I can’t resist till now ) that distant relations ( 3 plus months usually ) that can’t survive , even with all the help that nowadays technology offer , the touching , the hugs , the face to face natural talks can never be replaced with any of the messenger , whatsapp , FaceTime or Skype applications of the world . Leora was offered to continue her job in Prague . She decided to leave Russia and she started her job in Prague with a relation back home . What I see is that now she has no more Paul in her life . Had she stayed in Russia , would she still have the relation with Paul ? Except if she is now in Prague and she has both the job and Paul , then all the talks about her possible current boyfriend don’t stand as truth . It can be of course when you say that “ why can’t it be both “ that she has the job now in Prague and a relation also there. I am sorry to think different then , for me , a relation that you don’t invite your boyfriend at your own home and you always go to his place , a relation that you sleep over only 2 -3 times per week ( very questionable the last weeks ) , a relation that you see the other for 3-4 hours per day , I won’t name this a relation ( but of course I am not Leora that maybe for her this term comes with another definition ) . I could name it two people who know eachother and just share time together and they like it . So .. it comes this time to choose .. Paul and the dog and the life in Russia or the next chapter .. the next chapter it was ... for me , the right decision to make .
  12. Has anyone noticed Holly legs and especially knees ? Did it happen during the weekend ? I think she was pretty fine even when she was at B1 a couple of days ago .. anyway , just an observation and I hope it has happened only for good reasons .. 😉
  13. I totally agree ... I don’t even mind if they both take it in turns and they are absent for 2 or 3 or more days , but what can be frustrating is that we don’t know when they are back ... this would always help and especially viewers of only this apartment that they are many I believe .
  14. Something seems that has happened recently and this is the increase of drinking I believe .
  15. With only wanting to express my opinion , I will say only this ... it comes the time you need to take a decision ... the relation or work .. that’s what I have to say
  16. The good friend Pepe was saying that it isn’t necessary since one of the two is at home and that he believes that the sign is due to be in when it is an absence of 7 days .. As i said , it is much better that we all know in this way .. imagine if you are a total new subscriber and you sign in the last time that Malia was away for 4 days if I am correct and you see only one girl in the apartment . RLC to be blamed when needed but also props when they make a good decision .
  17. È il migliore che è successo fino oggi , adesso abbiamo un po’ di informazioni , meglio che niente 😊
  18. It seems that our repeating complains with the long absences of Malia the past couple of months got acknowledged from RLC and let’s hope that starting with this time , we will know when she is due to be back at the apartment each time , a move to the right direction in my opinion as I have been also a complainer 😆
  19. You haven’t upset me , I just said that your opinion is the right one , that’s all . We all have our beliefs and opinions , it is yours that is the right one .
  20. I meant in general , as it has been posted , something has happened between Amira and Serafima and there’s no good relation with them , so , it would be difficult to see them together at any apartments if and when the other girls are invited .
  21. I believe the majority of viewers are men , it is of course normality that whenever there’s boy / girl sex that viewership skyrockets . CC is a forum that many of RLC subscribers post and comment but the majority is definitely just enjoy watching 😊
  22. Amira has been great and very adorable also amongst the girls .. The problem is that there has been something with Serafima and this will forbid as it seems any common visits or sharing a place with her 😔
  23. Maybe a current boyfriend or loving affair is preventing her from more interactions .. she has participated but not the same way so far .. let’s see , if she’s about to stay for 6-7 months , with the possible loosing of curfew and lockdown in Barcelona , it might be that we see shades of how she used to make things in the past 😉
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