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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Sambuka ALWAYS “ hungry “ and on fire 😋😋 Let’s see if we gonna get the B7 visitors , patience for the next 35-45 minutes 😆😆
  2. It would be FANTASTIC if Dylan and “ The Boy “ are invited at Harley’s and Sambuka’s 😉😉 Both ready for downtown Barcelona , let’s see if it is just a night out for the boys or we are ready for a hot hot hot evening 😉😉😉
  3. It is indeed the day of surprises within the RLC world … when the question was why Fiora - FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME - hasn’t been replacing Ulyana’s absence as seen in ALL of her previous “ off times “ and instead we got to have the wonderful Sambuka , we suddenly see Vamp … well , let’s see more surprises 😏
  4. By the way , why it again has to be related in sex and not just an evening amongst normal daily life people who gathered for the evening ?? It is insane that again the talks are if Leora wears the butt plug , if Paul has a bigger dick and so on .. why these people can’t have such an evening like it happens across ALL OF RLC apartments except this one ? I applaud the incident and well done 😇👏👏👏
  5. I don’t care what Leora enjoys or who she pleases , for me , watching a guy who WASN’T in this apartment since Paul arrived and I have been - PERSONALLY - saying again and again and again what goes on with this guy and suddenly we see him again , I am totally pleased … Because I can examine body reactions as I said , facial expressions , see these two people FINALLY interacting and behaving with another human being in their apartment .. i don’t care for the reasons , RLC viewership , Leora reacting to the criticism , I don’t care … I care for the incident , that’s matters to me , FOR MY OWN VIEWING tuning in tonight … the rest , as people care when they see her masturbate , today I care for all of the above . I don’t understand where I am wrong according to you … even you posted here tonight for example 😂🤣
  6. It is even - FINALLY - a topic that people appear and post , what more to add on how interesting everyone suddenly became and not for adult entertainment content ..
  7. I don’t need to watch anything . I haven’t read a single post , I just saw a guest in the apartment , i don’t care about the reason , how it looks and all of that … I don’t give a shit … I only see a guest on the sofa , end of story , that’s my reality .
  8. This is what we want to see for a change , people , interactions , different routine .. Leora listened the complains ( that’s how I take this tonight ) … glad that the “ Bullshit “ guy monitors the talks 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  9. ALWAYS HAPPY WHEN LEORA READS THE COMPLAINS EVEN FROM PEOPLE WHO SPEAK “ BULLSHIT “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Miracles do happen , obviously , if they want , this couple can be like two normal people .. But I was the stupid one complaining 😂🤣😅😂🤣 LEORA & PAUL , well done for this “ huge “ step tonight , THIS IS INDEED A REASON TO WATCH THE APARTMENT . The facial expressions , the reactions , the atmosphere .. Finally humans and not robots 😇😇 Personally only 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Finally 😊
  10. Masha and Leora , 32 .. Linda either the same or maybe 31 or 33 , Martina 27 .. these are the long terms .
  11. For every Paul and Leora living in a communist country , we have a Nelly and Bogdan .. Honest real life would be to do things that ALL PEOPLE do .. But yes , I forgot , they are different .. how was it mentioned some weeks ago ? Antisocial ?? But then , why Leora if she wants nothing to do with society/people she takes so much into account what’s written / posted here ? If it was real life , where in the hell are all those people in the real life of this couple ? Where is Max as a visitor ? Or Paul has such an impact that can’t allow a male friend who was seen repeatedly to visit ? Where are female visitors like the almost to be Leora’s roommate ( proof that she wanted to have company and do a bit things different … ) . Russians have been discovering Europe / Asia and Africa before the war in an incredible traveling range .. Egypt, Turkey , parts of Greece , these have been some millions of Russian visiting and discovering other countries … not to mention the easy to access likes of Thailand , Indonesia , Vietnam , Singapore or Malaysia .. Millions discover traveling , even Paul and Leora had holidays in their last apartment somewhere ( I am sure some of the people who used to have contact with her know where they went .. ) .. Body language and facial expressions show a routine daily - kind of boring and without real life challenges - life . Yes , for these two , it might be translated as happiness , but honestly , who believes here that Leora can ever show unhappy in front of cameras ? She will never show any emotions with Paul , think now how REAL she was and what emotions she was showing with the Czech Republic living boyfriend … tears , smiles , flowers and happiness , taking care of herself to go out , hiding for private calls , absent twice per week , well , these were real life moments , the difficulty of her trying to balance her outside life and world with her “ job obligations “ … but people have forgotten so very fast what was happening for nearly 3 years and what has actually been happening with the “ shifts change “ in the apartment when Malia was living there . It is their life but if the life of mid thirties people is to wake up after midday , be out for some hours and the rest of the day locked inside an apartment that “ doesn’t feel home “ ( where are decorations , the plants that Leora had in the past , romantic evenings 2-3 times per month , balcony sharing chats and laughs , where are all those things that define a relationship’s status ? ) … In the end , who can tell that Leora simply has Paul there because she simply couldn’t stand being alone ? Some good people here were saying that she was suffering from bullying when she was going out the first days that the war started , then it was Paul who came and brought optimism , stability , smiles … he brought companionship, Leora had the man she could trust and stop being afraid being alone … but look at her sometimes .. where is her guy at nights next to her ? During the day by herself while her guy sleeping .. talking about pleasure and her desperation to find ways even after 10 years to please herself because her guy can’t provide .. Indeed , this is real life of a couple .. but the happiness , I am sorry , but Leora is such a MASTER cameras manipulator that - as good people have said repeatedly - so many things she sells as “ smokes and mirrors “ ( if I have the right English expression 😂🤣) … for me , she’s with Paul because “ the fear of the worse is the worst “ .. In a country that she gradually started adapting and becoming a new person ( ex boyfriend feelings , trial of a job outside - if we believe the beauty salon posts - some occasional new friendships ( Xena ) , some male friends from the past , possible new tenants coliving ) , she stoped it all once again as soon as Paul arrive .. if she’s happy with that , well , this comes out on cameras , but who can trust Leora’s on cameras behavior ??
  12. We will always praise Harley on not only being a great tenant but with the “ gift “ of introducing to us the unique Sambuka … BUT … RLC is 50% less fun without Ulyana around . With the majority of the apartments in Barcelona in summer ( strange ) “ hibernation mood “ and with things that have happened in the villas that we don’t know and have changed the dynamics and the craziness / fun that was existing and nearly everyday something was happening , the addition of Ulyana’s absence adds to the Barcelona boredom .. Key points are the incident with Gloria ( since that day she changed a lot and she affected the others too ) , the departure of Azura who was bringing really nice vibes and of course the not so successful casting ( in comparison to guys like Thor / Samson / Anthony ) of Lacrim .. I think a really “ young and childish “ in his actions “ boy “ … let’s see and hope that Ulyana will come back soon to bring the great aura that she carries always .
  13. New life , this apartment .. New life after some sad /difficult past times .. New life because she liked the logo ..
  14. Whatever I see and believe , I say it and it isn’t only “ they are do nothing girls “ like you will be characterizing them by the weekend if they don’t masturbate to add them in your “ weird “ collection 😂🤣😂🤣 … my own fantasy world allows me to enjoy anything i am wishing / willing to watch and I pay for that and not waiting whole evenings or run replays to see who masturbated and add the notebook of counts so you self proclaim the “ masturbation collector “ 😂🤣😂🤣 I hope they piss you off very fast so this apartment has freedom from toxicity posts 😆😆 ( I say it to you as a friend and don’t take it seriously 😂🤣 )
  15. And it is interesting the slippers of the “ wounded “ one “ New Life “ 😉
  16. They don’t look relationship girls , for sure roommates , again in this thread , acting like the Barcelona girls while showering in the tub .. let’s hope they are the Ulyana / Haey of Prague .. and also , if they have any connection to anyone who is currently in Prague , for sure no cameras shy and they have total understanding so far of what RLC is .
  17. It might be that these two girls were brought in the apartment without knowing one another , RLC told them that they need to share the place and they are getting to know one another on cameras just today , the whole behavior isn’t of girls that will “ tease “ sexually , no “ sensational “ touching , just a bit of cameras attention job and kind of typical fun friends like the things we see in Barcelona .. and a kiss as I was writing this in the tub 😂 … but there are no typical touches indicating any lesbian act , as was mentioned , the goofy fun things of the girls we have seen in Barcelona dozens of times .
  18. My wish ( and it isn’t nice saying it for another man ) would be for Elli making more or similar things like she did with Peater , Vencel finding it out and then MAYBE , just MAYBE , wonder “ WHY THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME “ , “ WHY THE GIRL I LIVE TOGETHER WITH DID SOMETHING WITH SOMEONE “ … and then , maybe he can become from a young innocent boy a man wondering about life and people 😆
  19. Let’s hope that if this is a short / long term holidays for Elli , that she comes back wilder and more excited for fun , i wish she knew her value for this site ..
  20. 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Venera and Lion are RLC’s best couple in terms of living / sharing / rewarding on cameras .. genuine real life with friends , no shy and hiding , that’s what I expect from couples … since your needs are different and your viewing decision / option are others , enjoy whatever you wish .
  21. I don’t care how my prediction track record looks , I have my opinion and I state it and I am not hiding my thoughts like many others do.
  22. A beer on the table and first easily nude times … Prediction … This apartment will revive the fun in Prague .. I think it is also the first tome we see the “ experiment “ on going with a “ GOV “ ( Girls On Vacation ) / roommates / singles apartment … Unfortunately , with the casting supervisor having done some terrible choices the last year ( apart from one of the all time best ever , the incredible Venera and Lion and the great reboot of Dantez with stunning Gyana ) , it is really a big question mark if finally the apartment will be “ Hakeem “ level 😉😉😉 … It looks promising as mentioned , maybe they understood that the couples casting isn’t working and they decided to try differently , let’s see … again , prediction is that will be a fun apartment ☺️😊
  23. This is in Prague , we have seen it again , last residents was the porn actress and the guy .
  24. By the way , it is funny they have Greek names … let’s see 🥳🥳😏😏
  25. Hmm …more lesbian girls ? Let’s see and welcome , by the evening we can tell more … Still , it is much different watching girls in Barcelona having whatever show fun for viewership and at times becoming really hot for them that they actually enjoy out of nowhere discovering hidden things about themselves than having a real lesbian couple which sooner or later will become boring ( even straight couples become so if there’s no daily life variety ) …
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