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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Oks and Aya - as could gradually be seen - are not in the “ same “ circle with the rest .. very strange that this particular bedroom in a way divides also the “ relationships “ in the apartment .. it wasn’t any different before with Dana / Zara .. not nice watching the tenants not being able to find “ common Interests “ to at least communicate .. it was exactly the same when Oks was first introduced in B7 .
  2. RLC at the moment looks having many people on holidays … the only information we have from people who are absent is - who else - Masha ( she always informs or RLC gets the updates for the viewers , possible good administration’s hub in Italy ? ) . No clue how long Ulyana will be off , Elli and Vencel and a more than CATASTROPHIC / GENERAL chaos in Barcelona with tenants appearing and disappearing .. really bad organizational summer for RLC .
  3. You are using weak examples , also girls who are currently “ locals “ , only Stella was a “ foreigner “ … the thing I personally know is that salaries now are WAAAAAAAY less than what it was once upon a time , I know for sure ( and for this I am million per cent sure for to some good people who prefer being on the shadows here in the forum ) that there have been tenants that reached even 5,000€ ( some even waaaaaayy more ) for certain periods of time when they were in Barcelona . Maybe the “ online “ friends of Leora know how much she earns if she has told them ( the ones she was contacting with in the past ) but I would personally say that the amount of money she has been earning can’t be “ not much “ , there wouldn’t be a point or a motivation to continue if it wasn’t much , apart from the fact of course that she’s cameras obsessed like no one else since this is her only actual job she knows how to do the last 10 years . For sure let’s say , she has been earning - according to the salaries in Russia - much much more than normal / average jobs ( TOTALLY DESERVED back in the days , she helped the site to grow , have more subscriptions , she made it popular , all money she made was more than worthy … but not nowadays when she just makes shows , even the sex is a show for the cameras most of the times - personal opinion of course ) . My example ( using the girls of B2 as the visual example ) was referred mostly to the majority of the girls who have been really active in the beginning and in the process , and as more as they stay , they reduce their “ activities “ . Don’t you think that if - according to them - the money was more than satisfactory , they would continue being equally or at least slightly less active and not this “ embarrassment since 1-1,5 months now ? You get the money , you continue , no money , no funny , so simple like this .. About Stella , it is better a look at the archives of what and how and when Stella has contributed . As a conclusion , I think it has been Leora’s decision to stay till now with RLC , she could have stop / quit when the apartments in Russia closed . There have been tenants after the closing of the Russian apartments that have done / contributed more than Leora , but they have been brave enough and they knew that life has more opportunities than being naked and with open legs for such a period of time and they stop . The problematic current situation of RLC and how much they pay can be easily seen when they can’t find participants when in the past , they were queuing so as to get a “ bed “ in Barcelona .. obviously the money was great back then , the lifestyle and things promised were great , nowadays it is stupid as it seems ( disaster money I guess ) .
  4. Dasha and Sasha on fire today … after an “ extended “ anal session in the morning , another private moment in the afternoon .. it is incredible that these two ( Masha also but at least she has a new lover ) go so strong and passionate with sex , really awesome and “ educational “ for the majority of the participants how good , quality sex is made and the most important , how real feelings and love between these two has never stop and is at same or even more levels than when we started seeing them together . For sure , a remarkable and historical couple , it is just that we have seen it ALL - literally - from them and nothing surprise us , when it actually should . Many tenants should see Sasha and Dasha as a BIG EXAMPLE .
  5. They just didn’t according to his standards to archive them … he has simply taken the “ do nothing girls “ in another , different , higher level … RLC has thousands of subscribers but the girls - in order to be kind of well deserved to be on cameras - they need to perform and act according to corvette’s needs … and then they can rest assure that they will “ escape “ the “ do nothing “ characterization ..
  6. Nobody knows if all these people know this site from the past or they just discovered it when they were about to join . Nobody knows if - while being part of the project - they have been “ educating “ themselves about the site/employer they work for . Nobody knows if they aren’t talking with other participants on what they think about RLC , on explaining their popularity on cameras , how the top cameras work and how to achieve it , nobody knows anything then on what really the girls know . But think a little bit , you are working for a company and you realize slowly that there are also other tenants elsewhere , tenants that achieve top cameras , replays and so on . Wouldn’t you also discuss this with your colleagues ? Now , Nadia got to know Milena who is many years a repeater and Milena knew others who were many years before tenants and they know Leora . Don’t you think that employees don’t discuss themselves what’s going on elsewhere ? Don’t you think that they don’t discuss about Leora ? Or you think that Leora isn’t thinking of the accomplishments and the life in Barcelona ? Or you don’t think that Leora when she sees her popularity down as it was for a couple of weeks when Ulyana and Harley were on fire , she didn’t think of ways to get back on top ? For me , when a woman blowjobs easily on cameras and even getting fucked this shortly with her previous guy , it isn’t a matter of being shy to do things . It is two reasons then that they don’t do more ; a ) the guys don’t want to expose more themselves ( especially this one yesterday it was clearly an agreement that he didn’t want to do on cameras anything to be exposed but Nadia told him to be relaxed and cool and if he felt like doing things it would be ok ) - but this isn’t what I believe - b) the girls ( Nadia in our example ) are completely unsatisfied with the money they get - according to them - with the things they are “ obliged “ to do on cameras . I believe they think that they deserve more for whatever more they want to do and show , they don’t get it , they don’t do . This is my main explanation also why many of the girls in this big recent update ( even Dylan ) stoped being wild and crazy and do so many things , they got paid and they didn’t get what they expect . That’s my main scenario of what’s happening lately that it is boring again . I KNOW FOR SURE that in the past , when the -now Mama - Stella got paid , she expressed her complete disappointment and she compared what she got with what she would be earning out in the real world . The result - as we all saw - was for her to leave early , despite she had sex on cameras and adventures with Bruno and one of her best friends Gina also a tenant at that time ( I don’t say she left RLC because of the payment but it might affected her , otherwise she might have stayed more ) Conclusion , when the other tenants check a girl that hasn’t actually a life , she’s all the time home whenever they check RLC and many times she’s top cameras replays , why should they bother for more ? That’s really easy to explain if you try to “ analyze “ the thoughts a bit deeper and LET’S SAY , bring yourself being a tenant ( doing this job ) , try to think like them and maybe the answers are easier .
  7. So true .. Tani , one of the best but not worthy anymore ( except the ones who wait for her to appear and give the masturbations obligations compensation ) .
  8. End of RLC day as Dylan closes the door behind him in B4 ( most probably he can’t find his phone )
  9. After the ( nice ) tease , it is time to sleep on the off cameras apartment for Nadia … So much right from many fellow CC members that RLC administrators have lost control on their tenants in Barcelona . It isn’t that they can’t be elsewhere , of course they should sleep away , at boyfriends , girlfriends , anywhere … but the hiding of their personal life when this is what they are paid to do is ridiculous … AGAIN … WHO STARTED THIS IN SUCH BIG GRADE after “ The Purge “ ? Obviously - no “ punishment “ - it has expanded and has become a DISEASE …
  10. Timur “ Put your hands up “ 😂🤣😂😂🤣 can’t stop laughing 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  11. Nice real men talk between Bogdan and Dylan ..
  12. I totally agree , a more than normal couple , ups and downs , arguments , respect though . Real life comes out normally on cameras from them as they would be off cameras .
  13. Perhaps Dylan feeling guilty because he isn’t a “ drinking guy “ and tonight he has drunk a bit more than what he does .. and that’s what also prevents him for more ( second thoughts ) … pff , one more theory .
  14. How strange .. the police didn’t come today 😏
  15. Of course , and as always , the biggest conclusion once again is that ( BOTH ) villas have so many hidden spots that the tenants are so aware of that on such days and moments , it becomes really frustrating not being able to follow up a major incident … RLC listened in the past and installed many extra cameras , let’s see when the next cameras update will be as it is really disrespectful to have so many hidden places in 2023 ..
  16. At least the Tereza / Dylan theory was a MASSIVE FAILURE 😂
  17. Will answer as soon as time allows and be relaxed .. insane period currently , good friend here will compensate 😊
  18. So … we have now in the “ secret “ garage Dylan and Tereza … 🤩😱
  19. Of course , Miron’s incident might also be a factor here ( pff , too many theories / speculations ) ..
  20. So … there’s indeed something that has happened and prevents from fun and excitement … Dylan steps back , hand/facial expressions not being able to go all the way have either to do by respecting Aziza’s condition or something really serious has happened between them all this time and it must not happen again anything of this level between them … But please , proceed , all haters come and blame the guy ( this time because he doesn’t fuck 😂 )
  21. I will always say that Dylan was for Aziza her “ secret “ wish and for Dylan Aziza has always been his biggest “ trophy “ … there has always been a strange connection between these two , that’s why i think Aziza many times has been mad with him , not talking to him , shouting , avoiding .. perhaps the only one who has “difficulties” to accept that Dylan was fucking others inside the place that she and him are living .. but when you have a good time with someone that repeatedly knows how to give pleasure ( he has made Aziza “ crazy “ many times ) , this is inevitable that is happening again .
  22. What people were saying for Aziza and Dylan and what mister ddhm was saying all this time ???ahhh , doubters … but then , THE EXCUSE IS READY … Dylan is taking advantage of a drank Aziza 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣 Please , just be more observing and have faith on such parties when in the end , it is just having fun and enjoying and let bygones be bygones ( ahh , almost forgot , it might now come others saying that Dylan will rape Aziza 😱😱 ) Of course , The Pig , the whatever accusations guy stopped because he saw the condition ..
  23. Except if Nelly has her period ( no idea as I haven’t watched in details ) ..
  24. I am not the one expressing anger on things that I don’t like to watch ( are you doing this maybe ? 😏😏😂🤣🤣 ) … I am not the one “ dictating “ how and what people should be doing to satisfy peoples needs ( are you doing this maybe ?? 😏😏🤣🤣😂🤣😂 ) … last , I am not the one characterizing tenants as porn actors , whores , drug dealers , pigs and so on ( are you doing this maybe ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂 ) … now , you can visit your doctor to prescribe you things to keep your pressure down when you are watching things that don’t satisfy you but you are still watch them … hmm, this needs indeed professional help .
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