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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As mentioned , we don’t know why she left .. it is all speculations , ONLY SHE KNOWS .. Both girls cheated their guys in front of cameras and thousand viewers , if I was the boyfriend , this would be the end , no matter what .. since it happened , it will happen again in the future for these girls , so simple as that .. Harley staying is great for her , money , apartment , fun , she has what she wishes being single . The conclusion is one , Ulyana departing was ONE MORE deathly arrow in the heart of RLC … proving that they can’t keep their tenants nowadays .. which in a way proves the theories we have been developing lately that they aren’t a good employer anymore ( in terms of finance ) as clearly they can’t keep tenants or find new ones .. if they give good money , who would deny of these girls ? And ( SORRY LADIES ) for the majority of these girls you know that money is their world ..
  2. Hmm … I am sorry , but BOGDAN is also RLC employee except being a participant .. two jobs in one .. and for what rumors say , Nelly also has minor duties .. just recently , there weee triumphant posts that Nelly and Bogdan there are in the villas so as to keep an eye so as not to be excessive alcohol , drags and so on .. as far as I remember , during being “ observers “ , we had an intruder in the villa , the police being there at times , boring periods of nothing happening.. if there were simple tenants , their time is up and the majority agrees I think .. if they are so as to be the “ eyes “ for RLC , well , just look how boring it is currently with girls gone for days , empty beds and so on… I don’t know if things could be better or worse without them , only stating facts during their stay / duties
  3. I speak with facts .. you have another opinion , the forum is here to read your developed written theory ( if you have one ) .. i don’t say I am right , but who can deny that it isn’t a reasonable theory ?? Always speaking with facts and never just “ YES SIR , WHATEVER “ ..
  4. The overall truth and experience is that ( except the period of April till middle of June ) , both villas have been boring… coincidence or not with the presence of Bogdan and Nelly obviously can’t be proven , but , IT IS A FACT … since Nelly and Bogdan in the villas , tell me when it was nice apart of the first two months of April ‘23 - June ‘23
  5. RLC has lost control of its tenants in Barcelona , people come and go whenever they went , don’t notify absent days so perhaps RLC can communicate to subscribers , empty beds , not able to have new tenants , in the end ( SORRY TO SAY ) it is Bogdan and. Nelly who keep good management and that’s why everyone is running on “ WHO WILL BE THE FIRST “ to grab the change and join … Very few people actually wonder that maybe , maybe , the fact that two Russians are the “ Managers “ of one of the villas isn’t allowing Ukrainians to have second thoughts joining ( VERY VERY BAD OPINION THAT I DON’T THINK SO but it might be right .. )
  6. Let’s be patient to see who joins the villas .. and there’s always ( currently ) Harley and Sambuka .. Ulyana is a loss , perhaps RLC could have her more special with her salary ..
  7. If it is as you say , why she surrendered to Dylan ?? She wasn’t drank , SHE WAS THE ONE to stand up from the bed when Harley went to sleep , SHE LOVED the way Dylan had approached her and “ playing “ with her the whole night .. Even the things she did , she did it with passion and not like for the cameras or stupidity or whatever . She wanted clearly to have fun and she did .. if a boyfriend is like this for women , pff , we are all stupid 😂🤣
  8. She will regret it in a month or so .. such situations have little chances to work out .. the fact that she was already “ wanting “ more adventure , fun , she wanted to be “ flirted “ , she LOVED to tease her fans , she actually enjoyed being desired and get the attention ( NOBODY looks the cameras the way Ulyana does ) , I don’t think she can have ( for a LONG time ) the life she wishes , Ulyana I think still wants a life the way she has it in her mind , typical for her age , young and with instability .. let’s see , but the fact that viewers ALWAYS feel pleased seeing her back , will be her “ big weapon “ .
  9. I agree totally … but Ulyana had sex with Dylan , i don’t think it was a boyfriend issue .. with Olivia in the USA , MAYBE , there’s an opportunity presented there.. and she can follow this way now ..
  10. Leora can have back her top cams 😂🤣😂 , the “ toughest “ competitor left ..
  11. Ulyana is RLC MUST , my bet goes that she’s back sooner or later ..
  12. We actually don’t know what has happened ..
  13. I think Harley stays , I could predict that maybe they move Sambuka now with her and have someone else in B1 .
  14. The problem is that this will not work , it is more than obvious .. and I don’t know if she has more “ opportunities “ , it has been said that RLC has been generous with her ( on the other hand she has always been a good tenant for RLC and the viewers who pay ) … Let’s see , it is Ulyana , at least during this stay we saw “ parts “ of what this girl / woman can do / be .
  15. Sweet little Ulyana 😔😔😔😔 Sad day …
  16. Wendy is gone , she’s the second now from the tenants that joined during the beg change in April that departs ( Azura the first ) .. We can tell a lot , what SHE WAS NOT , it is not being interested . She cared a lot to develop relationships , she wanted to be and feel part of the “ team villas “ but i believe her many “ mood changes “ during even a day , wasn’t so easy for the rest to follow . Her “ crash “ in the beginning with Anthony maybe affected her original approach as she might felt “ used “ and “ being played “ . I think the best friendship she had was Azura but she had to go . SHE WAS for sure social but when she wanted , she kept distant also when she wasn’t in the mood . A woman tha my has gone through a lot in her life and is still in search of finding life meanings , chill and have peace .. but the past is like hunting her and doesn’t allow her to have what she wishes … As a conclusion , she was a sympathetic tenant , good vibes mostly and for sore rewarding . She could for sure do more , her clear bisexuality was a nice thing to evolve even more but incidents in both villas the last 1-1,5 months that FEW perhaps know , have taken her also away from the more fun she used to have . I would welcome her in the future , the others seemed to like her , I think she needs to make more peace with herself and a second stay - if ever happens - might give more from her side 😇 Farewell to a good tenant 😊
  17. I think these 3 have in general provided some of the greatest moments in the history of this site , the fact that after many years haven’t lost interest and they still do it in great quality level , it is for sure their top highlight . And I agree that their sex is real , yes they provide for the cameras but it isn’t their priority , the cameras for them are just there and part of their daily routine lives .
  18. There’s always one thing ( for those who know … ) that can show that a woman knows about sex … this is the way that a woman bends when she’s about to “ receive “ treatment from behind , the “ doggy style “ position .. And Nadia knows how to bend 😉
  19. One more proof today that Nadia knows a lot about sex ..
  20. We owe a BIIIIIIG apology to Nadia and her new guy … maybe he needed time or the right “ feel comfortable “ on cameras … well done 😊
  21. Lacrim appears to get a bit of action , if Harley allows .
  22. At least , it is nice to see a kind of “reconciliation” between Dylan and Aziza , it was really bad for a period between them .
  23. No interaction with others and away / distant from villa(s) social events / gatherings , I WILL ALWAYS blame the tenant who stays ways from it .. if they have problems with whoever other they share the place , they are adults , they have a mouth and should simply talk their differences .. childish behaviors should make them remain in their own real life things and not join the luxury they can have ( on the other hand , if RLC can’t find worthy tenants , they will hire anyone ) … the bedroom is just a place that prevents even from things happening in case one proves to be wild or wanting more to enjoy .. the last two tenants and these two have no interest for more as we see .
  24. The “ tourist “ is back for some “ obligatory residency “ shows the next days before her next departure .
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