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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Ahh … MASSIVE MASSIVE surprise , first time seen I think , welcome back on cameras Babi … Elvis and Babi know one another , that’s something 😊😊 … Since Babi has that unfortunate incident destroying Masha’s painting and Masha rightfully losing trust on her , we never saw her again … It is great seeing her back , one of the few who have ALWAYS respected the viewers .. and ONE OF THE VERY FEW who has made a threesome with two guys … Babi , let’s see , very very interesting 😊
  2. If Elvis was accompanying her where she currently is , it would be crazy opportunities for fun times , the country is having some of the nicest women in Europe willing to do all 😉😉
  3. My mistake on understanding wrong and apologies … Too much prejudiced over milena 😂🤪
  4. Ahh .. this i didn’t understand .. apologies on wrong continuous posts .. Perhaps the “ heated “ conversation the last time with the ( really 7 years together ?? ) guy might have played a role in changing priorities .. Let’s hope then that the new happenings prove beneficial in B2 …and finally enjoy this nice woman
  5. One more woman who doesn’t know what she wants in life ( sorry forum ladies ) .. that’s why at times it is so great being single 😂🤣😂🤣 … but please , think twice and double more careful when you allow the pussy to accept “ sperm “ for reproduction of the humanity … this is unforgivable mistakes .. and for me , she has lost much of credits in my eyes .. i could never think - even not together - that the mother of my child would stay away ..
  6. She still has a child and this should be TOP PRIORITY … and it isn’t 😡🤬
  7. In all of the years I am watching RLC , i have NEVER EVER watched a female’s room so INSANELY messy and untied like Lubna’s .. in a way it “ hurts “ RLC business in multiple ways 😔
  8. The same goes for you with your insane archiving and characterizing ones that don’t do what you wish negative ..
  9. There are other “ players “ in the game currently who do things in - for my personal taste and I believe for the majority judging the cameras views - much much much better way .. from the way they masturbate , to sex , to cameras attraction , to REAL LIFE that they have actually one .. Leora is “ QUEEN OF REPETITION “ nowadays , I know that people who watch her won’t agree , but I am really trying to think what new she has offered … if it is the butt plug or Paul inserting toys in her ass ( or recently whatever anal session it was ) , it all looks for me like “ desperate “ actions to please herself and it doesn’t come as a nice result like in the past .. it is just moans , continuous movements of her body and facial expressions trying to show pleasure ( that she can’t get in real and the way she wishes ) .. To her CREDIT AND MAXIMUM BOW DOWN AND RESPECT to everyone , she still and always does her job , because this is her job actually . There’s no life , real life , there’s no real incidents , it is a daily groundhog series of events , but , this woman is lonely and isolated from the reality of the society and for ALL OF THE FANS who are still around , it is just still and always the girl that replaces their loneliness , boring relationship life , empty hours of the day watching a girl that they would love to simply have as company in any form ( girlfriend , wife , friend ) to fill in the boredom .. they still and always believe that this woman can be in their lives since the guy she’s messed with is THE ULTIMATE INFERIOR than any of them and he isn’t a threat in terms of offering her a better life , a house in the USA , paid tickets to come and visit and spend time with ..LEORA WILL ALWAYS BE THE PERFECT FANTASY that the wildest dreams can become true one day .. Guess what ? The wildest dreams are “ running wild “ the last 10 years 😂🤣, the next 10 years we can see how wild they will still be … as it doesn’t seem that she plans to quit the only job that she knows to do extremely well .
  10. 😂🤣😂😂😂😂 you are sick really with watching women masturbate .. you need to chill your mind with that , friendly reminder …
  11. Hmm … then , big love Paul where was all this time ? Was it “ cheating “ on cameras ? Or the Czech Republic boyfriend of that time wasn’t also bringing the rightful “ pleasure “ feelings ? Or was it cheating also to him ? And in the end , for both these two girls , especially Leora , MONEY WOULD ALWAYS BE NUMBER 1 … maybe we can say that they would all in order for the cash flow to fill for both ( on that very extreme worldwide due to covid conditions that interaction wasn’t allowed ) these two women .. but 9 out 10 , these were some of the most boring/fake shows seen .. and I think the daily cameras attention was because people were EXPECTING EVERYDAY for something to happen ( since both of the girls twice per week were off the apartment in shifts )
  12. REPEAT …. AGAIN 😂🤣😂🤣 If she is happy , why did she leave the first time from Russia and didn’t stay there ? Well , did money count more than happiness and love ( big love Paul ) , if yes , who guarantees that this won’t happen along the way when the cameras will be off and there will be no RLC viewers / forum readers who actually seem to be her motivation of her current lifestyle and actions ? If no ( money didn’t count more than happiness and big love Paul ) , then , why she left him one / two months nearly after the cameras stop rolling in Russia ? Why did she have a boyfriend for 1,5 years when she was happy with him ? If he is happy , why can the still not adjust in the life in Europe ? He is sick as per posts here many times , he can’t sleep at nights , different bedrooms dozens of times . About the dog being happy , obviously not being alone and sharing life with human beings anywhere , this is a dog’s life 😇 All i want to say is that i see a woman who isn’t sexually satisfied . She will masturbate after sex ( I thought if the man you love gives you what you want , you won’t go masturbate , or am I wrong with that ?? ) , she tried to have a different life in Prague and since this man came and make her happy again , ALL OF THE LIFE that Leora had before arrives in Paul , doesn’t exist anymore . Or does it exist and because of Paul we don’t see or discuss it here ? There’s no happiness in life when there are no alternatives , as soon as the cameras will be off , how Leora will be making / braking her routine if we consider that nowadays whatever she does , she does it for people watching , money , whatever million reasons on cameras … what is it after this ? I CHALLENGE anyone to tell me that after 20-30-40 years of daily routine , they haven’t been searching to expand with hobbies , try something else , anything .. Leora will try this with who since there’s nobody else around than Paul ? And are we guarantee that Paul will accept and like ? Or because it is big love Paul , Leora will accept all that he will be suggesting to do ? I am sorry , but if this is happiness , then , life society is fucked up and these two have found the meaning of living ( and then 95% of the people who read and live their lives in this forum , we are doing it wrong ) …
  13. I think I am totally prejudiced with this apartment , as soon as it made things more “ alive “ when MIlena joined and we had the departure of Bella and most important , Lara ( both girls had other ideas in mind and they weren’t committed in this job ) , i start believing more and more that things happen according to Milena’s orchestrations .. she has the wand and directs the apartment and I think that the other girls respect her age , personal life status and in a way are hesitant to do more ( both Nadia and Lubna fucked on cameras so it doesn’t look like they have hesitations on cameras ) … But then , maybe because of Milena’s presence , they are hesitant for parties , bring more people in the apartment and ultimately enjoy the FAMOUS B2 view from the terrace .. this apartment desperately needs a girl like Ari , like Sambuka in B1 , Ashley in B7 , and whoever in B4 villa who actually has chilled and cooled down of action .. but this with a MAMA amongst younger beautiful - not family committed - girls , it is killing the place .
  14. Morning hours she will compensate with a smilier , happier , more relaxed and calmed down mood … She needs to get all the frustration , anger , sadness , WHATEVER out now … and then .. A FREE ULYANA for her life and her fans , then all is great ..
  15. Let’s only say that she’s a “ disaster “ …
  16. Harley one of the top 3 pussy that exists at RLC .
  17. I have issues on making my account premium … that’s why messages are difficult at the moment .. it’s been some weeks working on a solution 😊
  18. My good friend Max , the saddest thing for these two people is only one thing … THEY DON’T KNOW TO STAND IN SOCIETY , they are unsocial , they have no friends , people to trust , people to share times when they aren’t together . They have absolutely no clue how it is to have monthly bills running , waiting for money to enter the bank account , they know nothing ( especially Leora ) how to spend the time when not posing for the cameras . What is it out there , how can you approach other people when you lack contact skills ( except if she shows a boob or the pussy or the ass for attention because this is what she knows / Paul will be the whole day in a computer controlling a job he has in another country ?? ) This isn’t how life works in the western hemisphere .. And before many will say that they have so very much money , what they will do with it ? They don’t travel , they don’t go out , they don’t have luxury , a car , they have absolutely no experience on real life .. especially Leora she “ grew up “ with the cameras being a small girl , one third of her life is dedicated to please people , that’s what she knows to do .. So , how can you do : escape / try something new ? Or the skills we have seen she has in some hobbies will provide the income for the future ?? So , the biggest problem of this couple is being unsocial and lack completely the ability to be amongst people .. in the year 2023 , trying to do things independently and staying away from the society when the world was craving for contact after nearly 2,5 years of being locked , well , what more to add ?
  19. You just mention about having “ opinions “ , you are judging mine “ broken record “ which then applies to you as well .. Or as you say “ So you got the right to have an opinion but the minute I got one you suggest i should stop replying to you “ … I will always answer when I think I have an opinion , it’s up to you to reply to me or ignore it … By the way , this site isn’t for you , as many others , what are you expecting to see ? Knitting and drawing or tailoring ? ( Which is great but as you see , EVERYONE ABANDONS THEIR HOBBIES SOON AFTER BEING ON CAMERAS ) . If you want to preach innocent personalities or soft dudes , pick other people and let me express / answer the way I think - it’s called having a counter answer - .
  20. Definitely … she might get “ alive “ again Ashley who is in hypnosis 😴😴 ( despite being daily active , fun and entertaining but still she has changed quite a bit since her first months )
  21. I am not watching RLC so as to watch only masturbations and sex .. There are also other things that I pay attention , things that many times can explain things that have happened , currently happening or will be happening .. but this is too complicated to explain for narrow mind thinking people , so , I stop explaining and for the time that Ari is going to be on cameras , i am going to enjoy seeing a really beautiful and “crazy “ woman who respects the viewers than the latest arrivals with girls that aren’t my taste such as Lubna , Oks and Aya .
  22. I speak with facts and otherwise , I wouldn’t mention or simply would have agreed with you .. I have fucked also a 3 digit number of girls ( in let’s say 29 years 😆🤣 and not more than 150 so as to give you a number more or less ) and have used condom with 7-8 … NEVER EVER it has happened anything ..I don’t say it was / is wise or the right approach but i repeat to you , NEVER EVER occurred anything to me or to a partner . Again , I don’t say it is safe and you play with chances and opportunities but it is mostly taking good hygiene of yourself , checking quite often with your health and then it is up of course to the partner if she’s willing to surrender or she insists on protection … I mean there are girls that won’t even blowjob you because they afraid that might get mouth diseases or whatever they believe .. so , no clue Greek here has been enjoying his life a lot and that’s why many times I speak the way I speak … but these are benefits living on a Greek island that millions wish to even visit for some days and enjoy and I have the privilege of doing that everyday 😂🤣😂🤣
  23. Ari in the apartment and immediately you can see the change of the place and the atmosphere . Ashley clearly “ clicks “ with her and that’s why she joins , obviously all of the other 3 girls don’t bring the same vibes that fantastic Ari brings … Lubna could be a good addition but unfortunately her outside job is preventing to have more dedication for the “ cameras job “ . Nadia , as rightfully said , such great potential but selective and I think - perhaps unfair - Milena there and her rules aren’t helping .. I think it is all possible - BUT ACCORDING TO THE WAY THAT MILENA WISHES - .. And the other two girls see this and I think they are both not going to make her “ B2 hero “ while doing all the privacy business ( Still Milena made the place more alive but occasionally and with strict rules ) .
  24. Have you seen anyone of the girls that Dylan has fucked in the last 3 months getting any sexual disease ?
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