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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Can you please describe what you see on camera so as having reached a conclusion that they have a kind of sexual interaction ? Have you seen kisses ? Dick or pussy touching ? Boobs ? And since Martina fucked Nelly in her ( and Alberto’s apartment ) , why would she dare not fuck the mister ? Are you in any condition to justify your thoughts or it needs ( once again ) that the script which has been formatted in your mind to be simply posted here so as to see others supporting your imagination ? By the way , I can’t really think what and how many posts you would make if there was no camera at the balcony and they would be both away of cameras …
  2. And this guy .. hmm … whoever keeps memories archives of “ people being on cameras “ , I think we have seen him again somewhere ? Like being part of the music band we have seen twice in B7 ? At least , he must have been the driver bringing Wendy home 😉😆 .. Wendy isn’t exaggerating , always natural with whoever she has done things , a great bisexual .. let’s see if this is just a “ friend “ sleeping over
  3. As always .. IT IS WENDY OUT OF THE BLUE .. let’s see ..
  4. Aziza … one of the most mysterious tenants that have ever appeared and personally witnessed .. 4 months exactly with RLC and usually i am very good understanding characters , I can’t decode this girl .. and that’s one of the greatest reasons watching her , SIMPLY NOBODY KNOWS what will happen / appear what from her side .. a wonderful voyer’s imagination .. The mysterious Aziza times hope they continue and mess the brain ( will always have my speculation though that Dylan and Aziza have the most “ hidden attraction “ towards one another but they are managing to keep it hidden and personal .. ) .
  5. He just said ( Lacrim ) that he is on holidays in italy and returns tomorrow ( think he meant Saturday ) .
  6. Just noticed that Lacrim is one of Harley’s ex sex partners .. no time to watch and read , well , this is an RLC move that can create endless speculations and scenarios .. to be honest , I never liked him being with Harley , on the other hand , the guys that Harley had , I think apart from the first one appearing in B1 when she first joined ( the one she was making romantic dinner in the now Shantal’s room and ending with good sex ) and looked like a nice looking guy , the rest , I can’t understand her choices and decisions , but her life and if she has been happy and having what she wanted at that particular moment , then it is perfectly fine .. My personal insane theory and speculation is that Lacrim liked Harley very much ( we saw them arguing during the first two days that Harley joined recently ) , maybe he didn’t like that she was back on cameras - really no idea - and he’s now taking a kind of revenge wanting to prove that he can make it and fuck as many as Harley has done 😂🤣😂 … the fact that Lacrim is fluent in Spanish and Russian , can lead to scenarios of seeing many new “ locals “ in the villas .. not a fan of him but of course he can prove a really great tenant .. We just found out by him that he explains to the person he speaks on the phone , who lives in B7 , special mention to Dylan that he is Italian , he is currently on holidays in italy and he returns tomorrow ( I guess he meant Saturday ) .. the way of his Spanish is really easy to understand due to very easy vocabulary spoken … A big welcome to him and can’t wait seeing if this marks a total turn for Harley and Ulyana with the villa happenings ( WHICH I TOTALLY DOUBT ).
  7. Obviously , the big revelation tonight … Is the famous recent rumored “ Martina’s girlfriend “ present ? Is she now there or away from cameras ?
  8. PERSONAL OPINION EXPRESSED !!!! 😁 It is a pity I don’t see Karol and Kos ( RLC colleagues ) and of course , where’s Nelly and Bogdan ??? 😎😎😆🤔🤔🤔
  9. People in the house , different routine , immediately the forum got active … needless to say then what people wish and like to see … but it doesn’t happen unfortunately 😔 .. the change is much much appreciated today no matter the event 😊
  10. Lacrim in the house then …Let’s see if he brings tears 😎😎 ( lacrima ) 😆
  11. Welcome back Mr.M… and let’s see what happens from now on 😏
  12. I never liked things like this … SHOW ME WHERE I SAID IS AWESOME .. but you are nervous because today nobody has bated and you are getting batesick due to lack of watching .. even a tent bate would have easily calmed you down .. sorry , you need to stay strong and concentrate for tomorrow and the weekend that is coming .. I am sure you will double enjoy it and of course your archive even more .
  13. They are normal human beings exposing themselves on cameras which is THEIR CHOICE .. I don’t see ABSOLUTELY ANYTHUNG that they do when I was their age , same life , same fun .. i don’t consider myself a sex worker or is it because they do it on cameras ? When they only eat , sleep and are on their mobiles , they are professional being people .. when Megan cooks or Anthony eats , then she is a professional cook or a professional eater … when Tani makes tattoos she’s a professional tattoo artist .. obviously I disagree with you with the chracterization sex worker , exactly the same that I was laughing the first days of Ashley and Co and judging them as “ wanna be “ porn actresses ( which we have / had with Cheryl 😂🤣😂 who is a real porn actress ) .
  14. Nearly all of the tenants have been out tonight .. I think only Aziza / Gloria and Ashley were left home and Wendy came back early .. The couple N&B obviously doesn’t count ..
  15. On the other hand , as soon as Lara left , the place became watchable again and Nadia for out of her shell .. and Nadia is indeed a really nice woman .
  16. Where is Taylor when is needed .. ? 😏😏
  17. Mama Milena educating her roommates about RLC .. and Nadia is a fast learner 😉
  18. Ulyana is the best .. but people still watch the addicted to cameras person simply because the addicted hasn’t got any other life outside of the cameras obligations ( which on the other hand it is great because for RLC she’s the best , the most loyal employee and faithful till the end to the company that made her a star and gave her the opportunity to make money .. ) … The reality is that Ulyana is Doctora level of entertainment simply because she has CHOSEN to also have a life , friends , she has chosen to share her sadness and happiness , she HAS CHOSEN to behave as a human being in front of cameras and not as an obligatory on and off robot , ready to function at certain times of the day for the sake of employment . Luckily and for her beloved life’s sake , she has chosen to put herself first and then her on cameras obligations .. otherwise , this girl , this woman , Ulyana , is the top of the top if she wanted to have RLC as her main job …
  19. It gets funny with Megan in the apartment and the master bathroom “ reserved “ 😂🤣😂
  20. Mega star Sambuka and finally the rightful replacement for the one and only angel Marlene after this long time 😊 … Well done with this irresistible woman.
  21. So … Sambuka’s lover Nr.3 appears for action as it seems , this time he seems like willing to be exposed 😉… I will heavily speculate ( apart from one guy that seemed like a “ student “ friend or whatever / he only took a shower and slept overnight ) that Sambuka brings people in the apartment who accept the fact that want to be on cameras and do things .. I think this is her initial thought , she’s in B1 to simply balance the life she has in Barcelona but at the same time make a “ big impact “ and prove that she’s worthy getting the opportunity of this job .. and .. she’s doing simply great providing absolute content without any hesitations .. and the mystery now is what’s happening with sex partner number 1 …
  22. I agree that their customer service is ridiculous .. but Prague is absolutely a mess , I need to say this , their whole attention is how to keep happy their “ mega star “ in the same city that they seem to ignore what’s happening in the rest of the places .. but people seem to forget very fast how the “ mega star “ was behaving twice per week and her disappearances but in a perfectly managing time routine so as not to have the “ plane sign “ ( holidays ) next to the name … and when you allow something from the beginning and you don’t eliminate it , that’s how it grows and expands ..Prague is a big mess , even the apartment of Esenia and Dima it reflects to a disastrous approach , so difficult to watch that apartment also the way that it is ..
  23. You are “ destroying “ the narrative that some people here were saying that they are “ porn actresses “ .. But now that they are a bit chilled ( I don’t think that the same way of life can be made entirely during their stay ) , the same people gave swallowed their words … they will soon appear with other characterizations about them so as to justify their original christening of the girls …
  24. Paul ironing ? 😱😱😱 this should be a post for the historical archives 😎😂
  25. Again a proof that RLC Prague hub isn’t working , the couple is gone , they are too experienced and i don’t think they haven’t informed RLC that they are gone , they have always been doing it , obviously RLC Prague admins are “sleeping” or too busy ( and they have all the the right being so with so many apartment problems ) .. still , absolutely ridiculous without information ( even more when the general feeling is that the couple is moving .. ) .
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