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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I confirm that 😂🤣😂🤣🤪🤪
  2. We live in 2023 , the world is “ open “ and as soon as you make a “ social profile “ in digital platforms , you aren’t “ private “ anymore .. therefore , if I tell you that she’s a friend of them , it is 1,000,000 confirmed ( and spending quite some time with them ) … I can’t confirm if she sleeps over there or she has other people doing so when she’s absent from B1 , it was just a reasonable explanation .. For the rest , I am not the “ FAMOUS “ one here “ INVENTING “ stories so as to present the theory you DESPERATELY NEED TO PROVE AND YOU HAVE IN YOUR MIND . I only answered you of things I KNOW , it was a mistake obviously … you can see that many times you are talking to yourself and nobody responds to you and your theories , i would worry if I were you and why this is happening .. usually we get responses and “ open “ chats even if a post is negative or whatever .. you are posting and most of the times people let you be the “ DREAMER “ that you have proven repeatedly to be .
  3. It’s more than strange - FOR ME - a woman having no problem showing her pussy and so much of her privacy but not “ loosening “‘her defenses so as to have sex on cameras ..Maybe a boyfriend outside ? ( or girlfriend 😁 ) I don’t think they have sex , they simply flirt like children do back at school , fooling and goofing around .. Antony is a veterans cam expert , nothing would surprise me from this man for even more Euros , especially knowing what he has done to his ex …
  4. Let’s repeat ….she’s very good friends with Claire and Carlos and it looks like many times she spends her night there ( saving night transportation expenses as in the morning might be easier with the transportation back in B1 ) .
  5. I think Sambuka has two sex lovers / partners , half of the week is with one , half of the week with the other .. Strong belief that they both know .. The question then goes as why she would need two sex partners ( perhaps providing “ things “‘ to her ? But she now has cost free with the RLC room .. ) , let’s see .
  6. The ultimate question is the following ( for the ones mostly claiming that Zara and Anthony fuck , off cameras 😂🤣😂🤣 - REALLY ) …WHY THEY WOULD FUCK AWAY OFF CAMERAS and not inside when Anthony has no problem “ fucking “ around and Zara has masturbation sessions , she’s not shy in general ? I am waiting for answers to me the “ NAIVE “ person that think innocent 😂😂
  7. The no reactions as it seems 😉😆, it shows how great you have your thoughts and observations in your mind , watching this girl for almost a decade .. The chances then that what you mention is right , are more than high average , it can be completely true at their entirety or maybe some things judged wrong and with ultimate high doubts that few are right and most of it are wrong . And here then comes my comment for your post , what I wrote and made you write back had only to do of the “ NO ANSWERS” given through time from people who appear and give emojis , comment and degrading the people who post and share their thoughts , the people that when - we , the rest neutrals in this topic - try to chat , discuss and express what we think , without being negative ( this i don’t agree ) , we are only faced of accusations of being liars , imagining , creating and seeing ghosts that don’t exist . Quite frankly , it isn’t anymore the emojis that at certain times annoy me but the lack of people who “ pretend “ , “ behave “ and “ believe “ that they know so much but they either won’t say anything or simply face a different opinion or theory demolishing the idea of even appearing here and expressing an opinion . As always then , you appear and you give your “ two cents “ ( as it is said in English speaking countries 😁 ) when THE MAJORITY of the people who worship , follow and pretend of knowing things and facts , HAVE ABSOLUTELY ZERO PARTICIPATION on giving their “ two cents “ . Whenever I make a comment here , it is NEVER meant negative , SARCASTIC YES , hundreds of times because of the things I read here ,the things I observe whenever I watch the apartment ( usually it needs to be something major happening but I can’t remember when was the last time this happened .. ) , with the hope then that perhaps this thread and topic will become more active and people actually will come out and share their thoughts like you did , I congratulate you and thank you that at least keep a “ serious level “ of adult people participating and sharing opinions at a forum ( which this is the reason it is created ) .. I NEVER take anything personal from ANYONE here as long as we are chatting , disagreeing is obviously a necessary habit let’s say 😄 but it is the fact which shows that we should feel lucky being able to have a platform speaking about what we like and everyone being able to understand what we are talking about .
  8. But there are also some charming Florence Italians who might be great for “ ONS “ experiences 😉😉
  9. I have nothing more to add , a further extension of thoughts , always adds to some “ food for thought “ for whoever makes the attempt and come to read this thread and topic here 😉 … but again , our thoughts ( ACCORDING TO WHAT WE WATCH AND OBSERVE ) - mark my words - will be BULLSHIT 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
  10. People here say that Leora is happy with the life she has and we shouldn’t question it , she has the guy she wants next to her with his plus and his minus , the dog , she’s perfectly fine . NOBODY , NOBODY I repeat ever gave an answer , since Leora had already all this in Russia ( she also had no money problem and Paul and her have business in Russia , what in the hell , it’s mentioned all the time that Paul works for the business in Russia from Prague ) , WHY SHE WENT AWAY ? Why did she abandon it first place and obviously with long term plans for European residency ? Why did she leave the life behind when it was / is all perfect ? There was even not war back then when she moved in Europe so as to justify the action let’s say . Even more , why did she started dating a guy and stayed with him for 1,5 years if Paul was always her ultimate goal and she always knew she would bring him back ? So , she knew she will be with him again one day or bring him in Europe as she wanted but this didn’t prevent her to live an experience , a rather intense one as it seems , a story that actually reminded her what means to be a human being and not a robot ( Leora was getting angry , smiley , she was getting presents , flowers , she looked completely happy at times , mad and ready to explode and sad at times - in my books typical reactions when we care for someone that means the WORLD to us and that’s why causing so many feelings - .. ) , a story that brought her to make in these 4 years in Prague a short trip and holidays in Germany , it brought her exploring new horizons like what is to sleep elsewhere at nights and not in her “ house “ full of cameras , it brought her when she was away from him to rarely try and see ( even for camera reasons and more money due to viewership ) what is to share some moments with another girl , ALL THESE that Leora experienced before Paul returns , were new , upgrades in positive and negative ways and made her BREATH a different air … AND THEN , the big love returns and the woman is seen cleaning , trying to cook , ironing , being the loyal housewife reminding a lifestyle of the middle of 1900s when women were the “ people at home “ and men were the “ rulers of the house “ .. The life she has trying new ways with buttplugs pleasure , everyday the same routine in her home , it is just less and less sex as the first months that he was back they were clearly more active , well , for all of these , PEOPLE LOVE WATCHING this couple and this woman as we see from the cameras . EVERYONE here can have his / her own opinion what life was/is better for Leora , in the end people will say that it is her life and she’s deciding what’s better for her , the real question is once again , WHY DID SHE LEAVE THIS LIFE 4 YEARS AGO AND DIDN’T STAY IN RUSSIA TO LIVE IT and she now tries/manages to resurrect it in Europe when them as a couple keep having interests in Russia and not risking with business in Europe ? Ahh , well , they will appear and tell you that they know why and life will simply continue for this couple till FOR SURE August 2024 ( 5 years in Europe for Leora ) , THEY KNOW but they NEVER ANSWER all the previous questions REPEATEDLY …
  11. To go a bit further with this , EVERYONE is missing the real point of what’s happening the last days …. ANYTHING , EVERYTHING , Elvis and Masha share on cameras . They don’t go to the bathroom to talk , they don’t go out in Rome in a cafe to talk , they don’t go to overnight in his place and talk and in the end maybe conclude , decide what it might be . This comment is just one more example to show that like her or hate her , Masha is authentic and real and she DOESN’T care or better say , she doesn’t live for the cameras , they are just part of her daily routine life and she SHARES 100% of what’s going on spontaneously and without thinking on how she should behave , how she should act . She’s the perfect example of how it is “ Real Life “ , now think of how many people and especially couples have seen changes , look at Leora and Paul hiding , Martina and Alberto that it is a bit difficult balancing lots of things on and off cameras , Linda and Tibor and how their marriage evolved since they got married in 2020 ( still more than authentic and realistic also on cameras without hiding ) . Everyone here seems not liking Masha’s decisions , talks , approach on serious real life incidents as many would probably do differently . I only want to point out that Masha could easily protect her image and go have these serious talks out of cameras and everyone here wondering what really goes on and speculating , the truth is she’s making us being part of her life and judging her , criticizing her , characterizing her because she’s not hiding . And this is Masha’s biggest achievement as a tenant and for us being viewers . The rest , it is just her life and since she’s not hiding how she thinks and what / how she wants , she’s PERFECTLY FINE in my books , HER LIFE , HER DECISIONS , HER CONSEQUENCES of what’s going to be ..
  12. I think she’s too much addicted on dildos and personal pleasure / satisfaction due to lack of quality sex and even more , very very little sexual experiences . Her sessions with Paul aren’t anything special , there’s no variety , it is just the typical couple’s obligation of having sex being in a long time relationship , simply providing for the cameras and the job and obviously as a couple to “ get away “ with the obligation .. It is just for statistics but girls like Leora , they discover and transform completely when they realize one day what life of NO SEXUAL experiences they had and they suddenly start discovering and experiencing as much as possible . With the presence of cameras we will never know but I could bet that when the time comes and she’s away of the cameras world and if she stays in Europe , she will live the life she’s now not having . It will take much time for her to discover and experience pleasure from other people , but if she gets lucky and 1-2 guys show her what SEX really is and what can give pleasure to women instead of inserting dildos almost daily , well , this is one of the good reasons that I hope she makes it fast away from the cameras to live her real life . And if Paul will be part of her real life when they go away of the cameras , oh man , I can’t think this couple in the middle of forties how they will manage to have an interesting , excited , not boring and as much as possible active life for still being young people .
  13. Fior ( ? ) might be delayed picking up the mama / daughter girls for a daily excursion I guess .. 9 minutes after 04:00 and they are still waiting ..
  14. No matter what they do , this shithole they are living ( most probably a special agreement with RLC as they could have easily been moved to one of the empty apartments that RLC has in Prague ) it forbids to tune in and watch more of this couple . As with other couples , the lack of no social life makes it boring , I think the really few sexual encounters keep the apartment busy as when it happens , Esenia really goes for it and likes to give pleasure , many times she looks like a “ different / wild transformed woman “ when she gets horny . They do have honest and real feelings for each other and you can really say that they are one of the most authentic daily life next door couples but for a project like RLC with DJs, porn actresses , models and singers and two villas , having for these two such an apartment , well , it is a disgrace for RLC .
  15. Please check the PM to the admin 😂🤣 considering my premium membership 😛 because I have issues . Thank you mister ( sorry for the off topic to the rest 😬 )
  16. Azura is simply underestimated .. she gained much much sympathy by myself when yesterday she opened completely to Dylan and said things about her personal life and that she’s always around and never felt like she has a home , that was really great to listen and in a way explains so much trying to understand these people . Again , the decision of RLC since over a year now to try and have at least 1-2 English speaking people is working great , I think it started with Luna , we then got Taylor and now Dylan , it really adds to watch and learn things in Barcelona better and easier .
  17. The sisters will always have their fans and rightfully their haters … Esmi’s sister i think liked the cameras but she simply wasn’t a girl who would do “ commercial “ things just because she should ( masturbation seems to be “ obligatory “ let’s say ) .. I also think that the presence of Esmi kept her a bit “ hesitant “ for more but in the end , she really liked that guy and got completely loose .. By the way , with Dylan around , i am thinking how “ cruel “ he was trying to make her cum or wet by fingering her ( she was often in pain ) and you see now The Master how he easily makes them enjoy and you wonder how it could all be with this crazy Italian and lovely Zambava in B4 nearly a year ago 😊
  18. I still like her because she’s a black girl and it’s nice to have diversity , she’s “ strangely “ shy as she often has no nudity problems and other times she acts like a nun , in any case , when it is too much happening or it is boring with RLC , it might be a good alternative and watch her and try to understand what’s going on in her mind than the Russian speaking at the rest of the apartments 😁 … At the moment , the worst in the roster is Bella .. But , she’s Nadia’s friend so who knows , maybe we will be again “ caught stupid “ like it happened earlier on Monday ..
  19. The guy seems in charge , he knew exactly where the room was when he entered , he wanted a BJ and he got it , he is quite “ skillful “ 🤣 , no problem with the cameras and behavior completely normal and no stress at all , no shy , all great . It then might be explained that it is Nadia who has been shy or afraid to invite him in the apartment but let’s hope that the camera results and whatever happened might have been the beginning of a no more issues for privacy on cameras … And yes , one of the best deep throaters we have seen , as all men who love and respect a great blowjob girl , Nadia is great and a lucky bastard this guy is 😁
  20. B1 is perfectly fine and in a way , the “ secrecy “ of Shantal adds to the free spirited and doing all beautiful girls , Megan and Sambuka .. If Nadia did it , why not Shantal out of the blue ?? ( and make in the end fun of all of the complainers - they will just say that it took her too much time or in general find another excuse to prevail their unhappiness and negativity ) ..
  21. I thought that in real life the boyfriends visit the girlfriends at home and they stay over many times and at the same time the girlfriends will stay over at the boyfriends places . Is something different happening here ? Because , honestly , the people in this forum seem to have no clue what goes on in the modern era when girls and boys share times at each house and isn’t the “ men “ that decide , dictate and order how things should be … Perhaps that’s why Leora has always been the “ top cameras “ , the majority as it seems still prefers and likes watching a “ slave “ and back from the 50s to the middle / end 70s era girls , when they were obeying blindly to their guys , they would be the perfect housewives while the guys would be the “ men “ of the house and provide .. 😂🤣 The current concept is working great , there are many things to observe and question and for whoever watches objectively and not subjectively , it is a good RLC period . Always good to have your “ thoughts “ here every now and then and hope you stay active and not the madness of the negative / jealous people to take over good posters like you 😊
  22. Nothing more to add my good friend 😇👏👏👏 I just don’t want to make them the favor and occupy a forum that so many interesting people exist and people like them have made the majority of those people to “ be “ in the background and shadows rather than expressing their thoughts , no matter agreeing or disagreeing . The hate and the jealousy will always prevail because the majority are old , lonely , single guys who don’t have interests and whenever people here ( like me for example ) get into discussion with them or exchanging posts , it is LIFE for them and a reason to exist and be at least happy that some others are making them feel “ visible “ and not “ invisible “ in the world . Still , the sad thing is that so many great people have abandoned the site on expressing themselves and they only read of the happenings .
  23. Here are the facts … things don’t happen = apartments boring things happen = the boyfriends act like owning the apartments things happen wild or nothing at all = girls are sluts or they shouldn’t belong in RLC payroll . Conclusion… certain viewers don’t even know why they are watching , why they are paying and WHAT THE HELL IN THE END want . If you ask them this question “ why do you watch and what do you expect “ they will look at you like “ umm 🤔 , what did you ask me “ 😂🤣😂🤣
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