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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Hmm… I think we find out that Harley / Ulyana’s apartment is just “ next door “ of B1 let’s say . It can also explain a lot of things that have occurred in the past , the high possibility that this place ( H&U ) has always been an RLC ownership but no cameras .
  2. There’s one big difference … Dylan has tasted even once Aziza … While Anthony is still trying ..
  3. https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/470-rlc-apartment-overview/
  4. Without RLC , being the clever woman it has been endless times mentioned that she is , she could easily I guess find a decent job even in cold Siberia rather than discovering her sexuality in front of cameras and making a big bank account because she shared her open legs and sessions with thousand of eyes . Nothing wrong with that obviously but in the very end , there are WAYS of making money and WAYS of making money . Just my personal way of seeing it ..
  5. It was wrong spelling , apologies on mistake but this is when it is fast written 🤪 .. Let’s see what we gonna get , personally , since one month ( only regarding Barcelona though and not the Prague changes apart Eliska and Pepik who are much better than the first stay ) , I am more than satisfied with what we watch . In 4 weeks it has been lots of sex , threesomes , dramas , tenants waking up from lethargy and becoming active , we even got by luck an all time favorite , Megan . Unless this isn’t enough , I REALLY DON’T KNOW what the people want to see here .
  6. Simple question… anytime Ashley or whoever gets dressed nice , does this mean that it is escort job or whatever ? Can’t any of these people get dressed nice and go in Barcelona center for a bar / restaurant / club evening and just have a great time and look gorgeous ? Are all of the people in your circle that they dressed in a smart way , either high heels or mini skirts or whatever doing escort jobs or they simply want to look and feel nice , possibly get flirted or things like this ? I find it really annoying that in a super amazing city like Barcelona that people can go out and look fantastic for whatever reasons , the RLC girls are “ stamped “ like escorts / prostitutes / whores or whatever .
  7. There are people here that occasionally say that the “ disappearances “ from tenants during whole nights might be indications that there are apartment(s) that they are staying there , also the ones that they depart RLC , might be staying in such places . Officially and if I remember correctly , we don’t know what has happened to the apartment of Luna and Zac . We also never saw this new apartment of Ulyana and Harley coming , so , the way I see it , it might be right that some people say that there might be other apartments that RLC has but it might have been no cameras installments . In any case , we will see what’s gonna be .
  8. Somehow , someway, Fiora always manages to get a bed to sleep 😂 .. I still remember poor Harley and what she suffered .. And I get the feeling that RLC contacted Ulyana and Harley asking them if they would be interested in rejoining and I believe they didn’t bother with Fiora ( most probably they would have asked her also if it was an apartment like the ones we already know in Barcelona where the other tenants stay ) . In any case , we also know then that Fiora will always be available , judging from the fact that she offers easily nudity , we need to admit that she’s a woman who always respected and liked the opportunity given ( her tears can’t be forgotten while departing the first time when she was a tenant in B2 )
  9. Let’s hope that Ari moves to one of the villas or in any apartment in general , otherwise her departure it would be a really bad incident when it has been / she has been some incredible fun times with her and her whole presence was fantastic . Let’s see , maybe we get a rumored new apartment ?
  10. I think he made it clear that he doesn’t like drinking to either Azura or Wendy during this past week … but he likes his daily joint and perhaps yesterday during the garage times ,there was also some other “ light “ substances consumed with the rest of the “ crew “ , he ultimately retired to his room and he fell asleep soon after . I think this was the reason he stayed away from any “ night business “ , i believe that Shantal would have been a more than “ safe bet / gamble “ last night 😉
  11. I honestly can’t understand “ hurting her “ .. do they have anything other than fuck ? How do you hurt someone when it is just spending and enjoying time with someone ? Or isn’t it nice times for Gloria with Anthony ? I think you know already that I don’t like the guy but he does absolutely nothing wrong with her ( apart from not agreeing fucking her while being wasted but that’s his problem / never believed that a drank enjoys and feels everything the way that a normal sober person does . ) . In any case , than is the scenario we will be watching , 3-4 days of cold behavior and then a fuck to forget all and groundhog days .
  12. Let’s see if Fior will keep on making often appearances now that he found a new possible “ candidate “ for him .
  13. That was the long awaited awkward moment 😂🤣
  14. Maybe she was crying because she found out that Anthony went back to Gloria’s arms , ehhh , pussy 😂🤣😂🤣
  15. He is a good guy and he searches his luck , the place - especially this cast - offers many opportunities , Wendy is a sensitive girl , well , he didn’t manage - at least till now - to get the full menu 😂 . We can bypass the live feed and watch the replay if is needed with these two 😊
  16. Wendy with two “ outside “ scores … but then .. This must be the VERY FIRST ever in history that a tenant makes first a woman and after some hours a man 😁 .. Common thing ? Both outsiders .. well , it has been like the good old times , party happening and then things happen… AS IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE 😊 .. And Fior scores his 3rd RLC girl 😁😁
  17. Gloria’s ass views makes miracles for Antony tonight , he might be having one of his best ever on cameras performances .
  18. This I can’t remember but it shows the “ rarity “ of the incident .. But good friend Ash1 very excellently said about Taylor .. still , a very rare thing happened earlier and in my opinion one of the craziest ever by seeing a typical normal daily life girl .
  19. The problems and whatever this couple will be facing , will simply appear when their “ golden era of making money “ ends either sooner or later with their departure from the cameras world . Obviously , the majority won’t know the way that the life of this couple takes but for the few who will be always around and about Leora’s life and exchanging news with her , they will see that whenever things are posted here and the comments made , have always been because some things are so OBVIOUS even for the most blind ones watching this couple for the last 8 years ( 2 years have been not together ) . As you rightfully say , two different people ( ups I forgot , they have in common being antisocial ) will live happily ever after …
  20. It looked like Ashley “ fucked up “ with one of her phones but it looks ok again .. I also think that there might have been an honest talk between her and fior earlier judging by the way it ended and perhaps concerning the whatever “ relationship “ that Fior might wanted ( the guy fell in love with her 😂🤣 ) … he for sure tries for opportunities as he is quite often the last 10 days or so around and about the villas . Let’s see if Wendy invites him in her room later 😁
  21. The top replay within 30 minutes or so , it SIMPLY SHOWS the UNIQUE moment that just happened .. This was by far one of the highlights so far of 2023 .. and it is just May
  22. Anthony looks like his ego is restored after the last “ gaming “ days with Zara .. it is like now waiting - as was mentioned by another member - for Zara to appear and “ show / prove “ to her that “ hey , I don’t give a shit and care about you , Gloria will always like me / satisfy me “ 😂🤣😂🤣 I think last night’s comment from the Starrider and the fact that he didn’t send the girls away and allowed them in a way to make him a fool by always thinking that patience and “ obeying “ might one day succeed his goal , thus was a really great post by him . They are the “ virgin nuns “ 😂
  23. Oh yes … i forget her recent adventure in the villa .. it might be that due to Taylor being a pure lesbian , it wasn’t much of a surprise like this today with Wendy and the girl .. I think that not knowing that Wendy is bisexual , the girl not belonging to any “ super wow model type girl “ that we are usually seeing around , it has made this ( at least for me ) a really great moment for the archives , that was a real life thing 😊
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