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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Of course .. to make a bit of a balanced “ judgement “ , Megan can be another “ Monica “ when she had her most disappointed presence during the last stay when she showed that this life for her , she wasn’t interested anymore and she seemed wanting to close this chapter of her life .. She might prove an improved Holly though like her good friend was before meeting her boyfriend , so , let’s wait and see which “ Megan version “ we get ..
  2. Of course , it is a big degrade for Megan getting one of those rooms in B1 when she deserves minimum the master bedroom in any place . The villas will get some delicious delicious delicious meals whenever she decides to go there , honestly , I can’t wait her first encounter with The Master 😇😇😇 And with her past of threesomes and more , the only one now missing is to see back Holly 😂🤣😂🤣 Megan = value for money for RLC and a safe bet ( let’s see also if she’s improved on her sexual reactions , she and Loraine possible at the top 5 of beauty but both not so “ passionate “ with sex )
  3. Say whatever …. BUT … this is the most check mate move that RLC could make , bringing back one of the all time favorites , well , at least we know that B1 won’t be boring … AND … with the past of Megan with Rocco ( if they never reunited after the break up during the previous stay ) , well , let’s see how she will be dealing with Dylan 😊 It is great to have her back , she has for sure respected the viewers during her stays , I believe everyone is surprised , it is time to see how she feels to be on cameras during this stay .. RLC goes safe for B1 as it was in an unbelievable decline since removing Angel Marlene and the sisters .. a single and appetite Megan will provide anything , let’s see … As far as Sambuka is concerned , she has the name of one of the most famous Italian drinks , let’s see if she’s Italian 😁😁
  4. Nothing will ever be able to “ beat “ the pleasure that a woman gets while doing things with her fingers .. no toys , mechanisms , whatever .. Fingers will always rule 😎
  5. THE GENERAL on duty in her own unique , special way ..
  6. I think it was a different guy who appeared in B2 the night you mention and not this one .
  7. Yes , of course all mentioned names have been repeatedly being brought back . But only Ulyana , RLC offered her also Prague and she is the only Ulyana ( together with Nelly and Bogdan ) that had an exclusive apartment in Russia and she wasn’t introduced as Girl on Vacation . We will see how long she stays , I know you aren’t a big fan of her shows 😁
  8. Let’s just say that it took Samson week after week after week so as to have the stunning Loraine where he wanted and give her the fuck of her life before that “ horrible “ and hopefully forgotten by EVERYONE first performance of the two under the civets which had the forum explode .. let’s see if Anthony and Zara end up the same …
  9. If we can conclude .. can it be that this has always been Aziza’s kind of “ friend “ outside and he is like Tani’s , meaning that he doesn’t ( didn’t 😆) want to be seen performing on cameras ? Did / is Dylan able always to speak to her about “ life “ and she likes to be around him and allowing him to touch and kiss her but because of him she resists sex with Dylan and the one time happened was a “ mistake “ / cheating this one / horny reaction to the great approach he did when she was AGAIN sleeping on his bed ( like she was AGAIN today sleeping on her bed ) and woke her gradually up for fun ? AND THEN , if this guy is more , WHAT IN THE HELL was what she did 4-5 days ago when she went SILENTLY in the LR with her laptop , she left him unnoticed and she slept on the bed in the LR ? Well , she is “ Mysterious Aziza “ and let’s what’s more to be seen by her 😄.. very very interesting development .
  10. Poor Dylan if he had done the same approach to Aziza sleeping next to her and if the same things had happened , the least blamed would have been to delete the footage due to “ forcing “ her to make sex under the covers 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  11. I think it is more than 48 hour that aren’t in the apartment .. maybe good friend StnCld should be getting ready for one more “ archive “ folder ..
  12. I am also glad that already and very fast i christened Aziza as “ mysterious “ . This girl is one of the most difficult to understand and unfold as a person . Bogdan , Dylan , this guy … Let’s see .
  13. Ashley and Ari are still out with Shantal most probably , nobody knows how B5 will end ( most probably sleeping “ innocent “ on the couch ) , slowly we start seeing outsiders which is a very positive thing ( at least for he ) , the problem is that they are ALWAYS from the Russian speaking community and only Marlene was bringing “ non Russian speakers “ . At least there’s a variety and it might be I am completely wrong with Aziza’s guy 😂
  14. I think this is the “ driver “ bringing the girls from downtown to the villas and back .. I don’t think there’s anything more between Aziza and this guy apart from good friendship . The other guy being new is always a good mystery to solve 😆
  15. The villa bosses ( N&B ) are Russian and the whole surrounding crew are mostly Ukrainians .. two of the apartments ( Karol and Kos , Harley and Ulyana ) are inhabited by Russians . I think it is difficult to bring Russian girls but I think it is for their benefit trying to show that they “ support “ both sides and not taking “ side “ either Russian or Ukrainian…. Plus we must not forget that the majority of the people they have in the other RLC hubs ( Prague , Rome ) are Russians .. I believe that the site is still moderated by Russian interests .
  16. You are 😊 there are enough people here and “ behind the scenes “ that they know enough about me 😊 .It is a free world ( site and forum ) for anyone to believe anything .
  17. 😂🤣 You should look my many hate posts about RLC things .. usually the fate of some ( few people like me ) members here that we are “ big mouths “ because we are confident of what we say and as for me personally being a southern person , driven ALWAYS from passion and dynamic to express whatever I have in my mind without making any “ reduction “ or “ sales “ in expressing my thoughts , it brings people like you to think that I am paid by RLC 😂🤣😂🥲 Your thinking is as equal that Anthony and Gloria would be the future perfect couple , it is as equal that Gloria is hurt and sad because of Anthony . Obviously I can’t prove if I am getting paid by RLC , but please , keep on supporting your theory , I will be waiting to see future posts of yours when you see my wrath and hate for incidents that I will be again using my “ own way of language and description “ the same way as you claim that I speak passionately about RLC . When I like what I see , I speak it out loud , when I dislike and hate , I do the same . BUT I never offend any of these people who have chosen to provide and create moments like the majority here who DESPERATELY can’t avoid watching things that they hate 😂🤣
  18. I think if the Russian apartments weren’t closing , Ulyana would have still be with RLC . I can’t remember anyone else ( except Irma ) that RLC brings back again and again . Prague , Barcelona , then the return in Barcelona for a permanent stay till they fucked it up , ultimately an apartment which for me leaves it clearly that it is for an “ open contract “ term and for as long both wish staying . Time will tell but if I know something for multiple time repeaters , this means that they bring subscriptions aka money . And to be honest , no other topic in Barcelona has forum members come publicly here and confessing that they resubscribe because of Ulyana .
  19. I think Anthony is a clever guy and very underestimated on what he can do .. he managed to “ trick “ Loraine and she never saw it coming .. it is much different spending time face to face ( like now Anthony does with Zara ) and explaining / brainwashing than any possible messages , video calls , whatever contact that might be between Loraine and the two “nuns “ . We will see how it will all be played , for sure it is interesting to see how this will be concluded ..
  20. Are you not the one saying that THEY ARE FUCKING OFF CAMERAS ? Now it bothers you that they will do it in front ? PLEASE MISTER CHOOSE .. off cameras and fucking and feeling PITY for RLC and all of us that we can’t see it or on cameras fucking and “ classless sex worker “ ??? Your jealousy of a life that YOU CAN NOT ONLY HAVING BUT ALSO DREAMING OF , it has made your hate and jealousy about life and people and how everyone chooses to make it , insanely mad .. And you are coming here at the forum to express your daily hate and jealousy for tenants and forum members on something you hate to watch ( as you say ) but the only way to have an opinion is being here at the site and begging for videos to see it 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 You are a funny guy , I wish you the best and find inner peace , your jealousy and hate will hurt you in the long run.. WITH THE ULTIMATE QUESTION … WHY DO YOU HATE SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE TO WATCH BUT YOU POST HERE ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  21. The way I see it , Anthony’s master plan might be rewarded . He has managed to have Zara exactly where he wants , spending time with her and showing being “ her friend “ when we all know what he said .. “ not her , she’s mine “ … All of the interactions with any of the others might have worked in favor for him , making Zara jealous as with the famous “ why them and not me ? “ He has obviously told her that he is many years around and about with RLC , he must have told her that his ex has managed to be an adult model , that he has made really good money with the life on cameras and WHO KNOWS ? Maybe he is “ trying “ to convince her ? ( WHO KNOWS … ) that they could possibly follow a Holly and Thor life in USA and in California .. for what has been said , WHY ZARA WOULDN’T want this life ? Traveling , expensive cars , hotels , luxury at its best .. it will only need from her to “ surrender “ and then the life is hers 😂🤣😂🤣 … And maybe one day Zara finds out about him and what his behavior has been in the past towards his INCREDIBLE EX ( but even for her , Karma has been a bitch ) … I think anything sexual of Zara , would be one of the biggest “ UNBELIEVABLE “ moments even been seen .. Anthony has proved himself during this stay , let’s see if this ultimate head to head competition that is currently on the making with Dylan will keep on proving beneficial for all of us viewers and subscribers … Nibody was seeing Dylan and Azura coming , nobody in the past could see Tereza becoming this absolute amazing tenant we have been watching for such a long time , maybe it is time for Zara and the “ promise “ of a new life on cameras and DEFINITELY more money 😁🥸 Stay tuned for more ..
  22. Nothing more to add … And Gloria will reappear soon 😉
  23. Both girls gradually adjusting in their new permanent life in this apartment , the results are day by day more and more impressive . Harley and Ulyana simply provide and the funny thing is that they are still “ WARMING UP “ . The summer is coming in Barcelona , the best from these two girls is ready to unfold in front of our screens . Ulyana is ABSOLUTE PURE JOY to watch anything from her .
  24. It’s good that people that we are appreciating what we are watching , we come out here loud and express our enjoyment of the content provided by RLC since a month in the villas . I think it is the only way that like this , the deniers , the negative people , the ones who can’t stand that this life indeed happens , will be perhaps not expressing their hate in such big range as they do .
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