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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. A very horny Azura the last days ( possible she has been “ listening “ to the rumors of good times during the birthday parties ) is visiting Dylan … it’s up to the Master then and obviously Azura to satisfy her needs .. let’s see ..
  2. Sambuka the new mega star … Enjoying the moments , fantastic .
  3. There wouldn’t be any loud pool jumping or LR music .. and even if it was , during the next day , “ papa Bogdan “ and “ mama Nelly “ would be advising to keep it a bit more quiet and be somehow more decent .. as I have said in the past , it isn’t that they are forbidden doing things but they know Bogdan and Nelly’s role with RLC and it is more than logical that these thoughts affect them to feel completely free to be exposed .. I can’t think we have seen in B7 ( in B4 we have ) so late happenings in party mood since maybe the villa came online ..
  4. There’s no need to go out and “ search “ / flirt to bring girls home since this casting of girls are wiling to do things on cameras and aren’t shy like what we have been watching for such a long time . Add also the fact that being out he would be spending money to enter clubs and pay for drinks , so , he has the fun , the pool , the girls and whatever safety of not risking anything in his own great place of residing / living… I don’t think if I had so many options in my own house , I would be going out “ searching “ . We can see clearly from the girls that it isn’t like in the past where many could bring locals or more often outsiders , so , the boys go safety since the girls don’t have a problem .. I am personally fine with that 😉 ( plus we also saw Ashley’s / Ari’s female friends so let the circle expand 😁 )
  5. For Anthony it is simply “ Karma is a crazy bitch “ 😂 .. so many times either as a visitor or a permanent tenant with his ex girlfriend , they were both participating in EXTREMELY camera clicks pre-organized shows , his ex was orchestrating it all and he - like a puppy - was following her in everything she had in mind . It is not even counted in the fingers of one hand the times that they really did something REAL , he had always to watch his girl doing things with other girls and he would just be like the dog waiting to bite the bones 😂 .. It comes the time then that appears a guy - Dylan - who simply makes REAL things and not shows , he can literally fuck anyone if he sees that there’s a chance , for example he never hunted girls that there’s no chance like Zara or Dana or Tani , he respected their stories and he simply went with 100% success so far to girls who don’t have anything official or serious and the results are more than obvious for us , the lucky viewers . Anthony can’t believe i think the appreciation he has from almost all girls , I think it is clear that they like his company - I don’t say that Anthony the girls don’t like - but it always comes more natural of what’s happening with Dylan rather than with him .. and also , I don’t think people here can deny that Anthony could NEVER EVER satisfy Ashley the way that Dylan does or be part of these epic threesomes and provide like Dylan has done . Let’s see what more is about to happen , it is a good RLC period .
  6. But they will come here and tell you that we are prejudiced against them … for the hundredth time , Nelly and Bogdan shouldn’t be anymore tenants or if RLC wants them as part of the project , they can give them their own apartment and let the villas be and have the fantastic times we are watching since they made the big update ( I call it RLC 2.0 era ) .
  7. Good analysis points as always and presented with arguments , well done .. Aziza I think is the most transformed girl- if I may use this characterization - since the complete restart of RLC back in April . She was a girl trying to figure out what she was doing there , kind of lack of confidence i would say and then , bang , unbelievable on cameras presence , she hasn’t accomplished still what Tani has shown ( although Tani is the Aziza now 😁 ) but she’s a different girl and we can say that now she’s BY FAR the most deserved girl inhabiting the best room in the villas . As a conclusion , we can now certainly say that the problem was the tenants , they didn’t care the same or didn’t have the right chemistry in order to provide the respected for the viewers content . The girls that RLC has now found ( and the boys of course ) apart from Dana and at the moment Nadia that seem to have their own agenda are trying to provide and please the viewers . I agree 100% with good friend Timber who very very rightfully saying that Tani doesn’t - unfortunately - enjoys being a tenant as her interest is outside and also Dana and Zara don’t seem to like the interactions with the rest .. the rest of the tenants are simply great to watch and so much more is expected .
  8. I don’t like him as a person , terrible and not a nice guy .. but as a tenant during this stay he’s more than impressive 😁
  9. I give credit to anyone participating … and there are always 2 people adding the bonus “ person “ , it is always Dylan and Ashley .. and that’s why it was said very very early that these two together , the possibilities are endless .. Aziza stepped back towards the end , Ashley was too horny and wanted Dylan to finish on her … most probably is again an one time incident , but between Ari and Gloria , I think this was the biggest accomplishment .. for anyone speaking about click baits and whatever stupidities , just look the time that the incident happen , totally not suitable for Europe and for USA it is also late .. anyway , let’s see who the next bonus “ person “ will be ..
  10. Shantal’s current moments is purely dedicated to ALL OF DOUBTERS AND HATERS OF BEING A “ DO NOTHING “ girl 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 But I know . They will say that they were BLA BLA BLA so as to finally do something .. sorry , I need to become Harley Fatboy .. LMAO 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
  11. PRICELESS … Shantal and the guy and just now Anthony passing by / staring of what’s happening .. that’s the moment 😂🤣😂🤣
  12. There is always one , THE MASTER … he strikes back with the third one and this is the most incredible , who would thought just 3 months ago Aziza … amazing .
  13. I think he is an incredible ultimate opportunist , he knows that at this time most of them are with high alcohol levels , maybe he can get some .. Shantal is sober , I thought he could chasing Aziza .. Having seen him doing things with a drunk Gloria and not letting her sleep and if he’s brave enough to make things in the following morning , that’s why the “ opportunist “ characterization to him .
  14. Anthony … the guy is really addicted to anything , he simply doesn’t know when to stay at his bed .. he isn’t at the level of Aziza and Ashley and Dylan and if we knew that Aziza “ likes “ girls , this , the majority knows how it would end … let’s hope he understands and get away from the kitchen fun … can it be the most unexpected and crazy threesome coming ? He even now destroyed whatever this guy was trying with Sambuka ..
  15. Gloria occupying Aziza’s bed makes it a bit difficult for any possible late action in her bed .. the only beds that at the moment can be a “ shelter are Dylan’s room but with high chances that Elettra returns and Ashley / Gloria’s and the couch in the LR .. it all looks like the night still has some hours before things happen .
  16. It took Gina 2 stays if I remember correctly to transform and become the girl we all know now as one of the best .. she for sure had her fun but other than teasing and the “ usual “ RLC standard adult obligation actions , she was surrendered ultimately when Bruno made a move on her and the rest is history .. Ashley is since the very first hour let’s say the girl that we see today , i simply love watching people living in these villas who have understood what opportunity is upon them and they take full advantage of it .
  17. Elli subconsciously horny while sleeping 😉😉😉😋
  18. I wish there was an “ Ashley type “ in each apartment 😊 .. we are close to it by having Ari and Sambuka but with the other girls around , the only place(s) somehow that this type of fun will be , it seems are the villas .. a super amazing tenant Ashley is ☺️
  19. Let’s see if Ashley will be diving in the pool since she’s blowing a kind of mattress
  20. All these hours that they guy is in the villa , it looks like nearly all of the girls know him somehow , who knows , maybe another off cameras RLC “ assistant “ like Fior ?? And he is also behaving quite comfortable on cameras like having full knowledge of this business . Let’s see how it ends and if he ends up in someone’s bed , it was mentioned much earlier that any male appearance could benefit the party as there weren’t any when we had female guests appearing ( Ashley’s friends ) .
  21. Even if - I believe the majority - doesn’t want to be involved in conspiracy theories , the UM was soon after Shantal and the guy left B7 and B4 is back online as soon as they appear in B7 .. I don’t say that anything happened but things like this simple multiply the conspiracy theories while any apartment goes UM all of a sudden ..
  22. Official HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ashley .. AND ONE OF THE BEST TENANTS THAT HAS EVER APPEARED IN FRONT OF CAMERAS .. all the very best to this incredibly unpredictable explosive girl who loves and enjoys her life exactly the way she desires and wishes
  23. I think whoever has been speaking about an “ invisible “ attraction burning , might be right .. it looks like is Gloria for Anthony and Aziza for Dylan .. all the behaviors from the girls towrds the guys point out to this conclusion . And to be fair , these are human being and not machines so as not any - even the tiniest - of feelings or emotions won’t develop especially sharing this enormous amount of time .. and that’s why Ashley and Dylan in the end will always enjoy each other’s company whenever they wish , they have simply understood the FWB relationship they have and that’s why they will fuck with all of their “ giving in “ anytime , anyplace ( obviously whoever joins them will be a massive reward for us viewers ) .
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