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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I see you are another hater of guys and another supporter of girls who don’t really know what they want or with which guy they are messing around . Anthony is the most experienced person on cameras at the villas and he would even “ kill his family “ to make money or whatever like this .. I don’t like the guy but as a tenant during this stay , he has been more than ok . The same shit was said for Thor and only Holly who has been the direct affected person could see and feel about him and prove anyone of the haters here wrong about him ( no matter what will happen in the end with them ) . Wendy kept on for Anthony when he first rejected her .. Gloria kept on for Anthony while knowing that his ultimate goal was and is Zara .. all the rest , it’s your opinion. I enjoy the fun and the unpredictability and - yes the drama - that it is surrounding the villas . This is the atmosphere , the incidents , the aura I PERSONALLY want to see when I tune in the villas . The place that all can happen , any time , any where with anyone . These people are some of the luckiest bastards living in such luxury places in one of the world’s most visited cities , they enjoy all and are getting paid for it. Whatever happens to them and the way they have decided to face it , I don’t actually care , they are adults , responsible and it’s up to them what they wish to achieve . I am simply following their adventures with joy as they keep me entertained .
  2. It took quite some time for Dylan and Azura to get to “ actually “ share some time getting to know each other by talking and finding out things … With Azura being a friend of Harley and Ulyana , I do very much hope Dylan finds his “ entrance “ to the apartment of the fantastic girls … and then let’s see 😉😉
  3. With Dylan around , anything can be possible .. it is funny to see how the opinions for him have changed in comparison to his first days and what was said about him . It is the time for Anthony to suffer the criticism simply because he is just having fun . Dylan and Azura speaking in English , fluently and for easy daily life things and happenings have brought them appreciate one another as it seems when actually they hadn’t hanged around a lot to get to know a bit more each other . Let’s see what’s going to be and if Dylan will equalize .. 😏 Anthony
  4. This couple is the absolute RLC oasis , I can’t think a more “ closer to real life “ like each and every one of us than this couple . Karol and Kos and Gyana and Dantez are in this category but these two have an incredible on cameras life and they combine it easily with whatever they do outside without ANYTHING affecting whatever we see from them . I have the maximum of respect for this couple , I think I can categorize them as one of the top 5 couples that have ever joined RLC , well done and big 👏👏👏 for Venera and Lion .
  5. I am not trying to impress anyone , what’s the point to do so ? I am only pointing out your CONTINUOUS NEGATIVITY for RLC and why you are here posting opinions and characterizing forum members opinions and tenants in a continuous degrading and negative way when you hate what’s been broadcasted on a site THAT YOU DON’T even watch so as to have an opinion of what really goes on and what these people are , how they look like and their daily decisions on what to do and how to live their lives . I am bringing out your hate publicly and I made a very normal and innocent question on your CONTINUOUS posts like “ they should not be here “ , “ they went out to fuck off cameras “ , “ they are hiding and it is ridiculous that you pay “ , which are opinions that reflect YOURSELF AND YOU ONLY and aren’t applied to the mind of others . I will continue asking you stupid questions when I read stupid opinions that you express , since it is a forum that engages chats , it’s up to you obviously to use the ignore button to avoid any interaction with back and forth Q&A and it is up to me to try and figure out why the hate towards RLC and its people when THEY DO ABSOLUTELY NO HARM AT YOU AT ALL .
  6. Stupid question 😂🤣😂🤣 you are criticizing and characterizing again I see … Well then , it was a stupid question because it was created based on a stupid opinion that you have 😂🤣
  7. Let’s start . B1 . Shantal B2 . Liza , Ari B4 . Aziza , Azura , Tani , Wendy B7 . Gloria , Ashley 9 new tenants plus 2 who were fired nearly 10 days ago or so . What is it exactly that you mean and perhaps it is good always to ha railed experienced ones ( repeaters ) so as to make the adjustment to the new ones easier . You didn’t answer the question by the way with names but just with a general “ Frank Zabba “ personal opinion .
  8. For you , NOBODY SHOULD BE HERE 😁😁 , which ultimately brings the next conclusion , what you will do and where you would be spending your time if NOBODY SHOULD BE HERE ? Of course it is your opinion and it is a respected one , but , HONESTLY , can you PLEASE name the people that for you SHOULD BE HERE and provide the reasons why should they be in comparison to my opinion which is my belief for you that you WANT NOBODY HERE .. Conclusion .. Please name the tenants that should be there and why . Please name the tenants that shouldn’t be there and why .
  9. If you saw the reactions of the majority and if I have understood well , people DON’T SEEM TO GIVE A SHIT that as you very rightfully say “ looking from the outside in , they lead a very , very unhealthy life mentally “ on how these two have chosen to do things , I think for as long as Leora masturbates , inserts dildos in her ass to find pleasure and satisfy herself and for as long as she’s gonna be “ drinking milk “ , the purpose of this apartment is fulfilled ( which is exactly what people want , since there’s nothing else happening in this apartment ) .
  10. Last night’s spending time together after a quite “ serious “ time that Elli got prepared to have sex with Vencel ( lots of make up and the fishnet lingerie 😋😋😋 , how amazing this little girl is .. ) , it looked to me - it might have been in the past also but hadn’t noticed - the most really as a couple behavior with smiles , touches , kissing and looking happy and smiley than anything I have seen in the past . I start thinking that Vencel might be the guy that has been the “ FIRST “ for Elli and taking the virginity perhaps and the male friend a person she experimented with him at times or as I have said she also liked at a certain point but she never was with him . For whichever couple is currently with RLC , I think Vencel can be categorized as the luckiest ( no offense speaking but simply with the facts , we are watching a really beautiful girl with a guy that lacks the body physique , the ability let’s say to be criticized as “ they look a nice couple in terms of outside appearance “ , the guy is nice looking but he has really problems with his weight next to Elli and I don’t know if this can change ) , nevertheless , they both for sure LIKE each other and they have an incredible mutual respect . The mystery of these two will always frustrate me not being able to sort them out 😡👿🤪😂 . By the way , it was a wrong prediction this time as the male friend broke the appearances pattern and this weekend didn’t stay over . Let’s see what’s going to be in this place .
  11. Well done to everyone approving and encouraging a woman who is “ antisocial “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Well done … it explains a lot 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  12. Latest update … Anthony 5 - Dylan 4 … the only one having escaped Anthony is Ashley ( Zara of course ) … Another major proof that Ari should be in either villas and together with Gloria and Ashley formatting the “ MOST DEADLY TRIO “ we have ever seen on screen . Kudos to the person who casted these 3 girls who simply want to have fun , enjoy and live any experiences … AND … LET’S REPEAT ONCE AGAIN … MEN WHO FUCK MANY WOMEN .. CASANOVAS and BRAD PITT / LEONARDO DI CAPRIO WOMEN WHO FUCK MANY MEN … PROSTITUTES , WHORES , SLUTS , MASHA 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Many many kudos to these 3 girls who FINALLY changed the status of the boring / repeated daily life routine tenants and they just enjoy themselves , live their lives to the maximum and behave EXACTLY as the majority of the girls of this age should be . Well done Ashley / Ari / Gloria on bringing the fun on screens and not giving a shit about critics and the cameras recording ( actually they don’t give a fuck for the cameras , they do whatever , whenever with whoever - apart from outsiders .. so far 😉 )
  13. I don’t think anyone doubts by now where Ari wishes to be and with who she wants to hang out .. she likes and enjoyed the life with the villa people and I do hope she stayed strong to fright her boredom when she needs to share and be in B2 with the absolute ridiculous Lara and Liza who have no wish being in this project apart from free rent .. Let’s hope that one or two new interested in this project tenants will appear in B1 and she will be able to spend time with them rather than having the villa people visit her ( which will make the overnights difficult as there are also the other two that maybe they won’t like all the time ) or she moving 2-3 times per week in the villa to pass her time there . For sure it is Ashley and Ari the most unpredictable currently and let’s see the reaction of Gloria when things with Anthony cool down and she figures him out of being the ultimate opportunist 😁
  14. I am sorry .. but still no answer from you 😇 When you find the right words , I am here to chat your opinion 😊
  15. Money knowing that the cameras made her top 🔝 in viewing ahead of competition and that she still manages to win.
  16. Any explanation on how Daniel suddenly reappeared ? Retard because I dare to say truths that you can’t accept ? I will fulfill your wish of the last two words of your post after midnight here and when the job finishes , thank you very much 😊 ( Funny you are still supporting a woman with obvious mental issues when she almost destroyed a marriage and a guy who cut the power so as to go and fuck ( ? ) another tenant .. they are indeed the perfect couple )
  17. Anthony is a master mind .. he knows he can’t get Zara , he satisfies first his sex hunger by fucking Wendy ( 1st jealousy action towards Zara ) and then formats a partnership with Gloria , making it a 2nd jealousy action towards her , however with Gloria there are some daily interactions since they live under the same roof and they burn have their fun .. ALL OF THIS TIME , his ultimate goal remains to fuck Zara ( anyone remember his quote to Dylan ? “ Not her , she’s mine “ , Dylan actually being the easy going hunter HAS NEVER EVER flirted either her or Dana ) .. Anthony’s game looks still working this results but hey , it was the same with Samson and Loraine .. In my opinion , I have categorized Zara and Dana as “ nun “ girls , being there to provide the basics , on the other hand , I will always believe that if Dana wasn’t there , Zara would be completely more free in her actions , it will always be for me watching Mama Dana protecting daughter Zana .. Till they depart once again like they did last time and remembering the pleasant and smiley character alongside a wonderful beauty that Zara is .
  18. It seems that N&B realized that there are some wild girls currently in the villas that are willing to try anything with guys and they asked Daniel to pass by and get introduced to some of them and who knows , might get some .. If Fior got Ashley , high chances that he get her as well .. or sensitive Wendy .. Obviously , with the rumors surrounding him that he is a “ substances “ provider , I am wondering how we will be seeing people like Nelly in the next weeks …
  19. I agree on this .. As I have said , I think RLC will kick her out as I don’t think they wish to promote their site with such “ professionalism “ tenants .. let’s see .
  20. I apologize for Aziza as I didn’t see this and THANK YOU on correcting me on that , totally then understandable . To be fair also , it looked kind of weird Aziza being “ out and away “ of that as she’s now 9 out of 10 times with the others , so , that was a really good explanation 😇
  21. Let me be the BAD PERSON again because that’s how I am called when i speak negative about them … WHO ? Who are the ones missing ? YES , that’s right …. NELLY AND BOGDAN ( I guess Daniel appearing again after an incredible long time has a better gravity than for them to attend this gathering - it seems everyone was invited ) … at the same level I put Aziza … AS FOR LARA AND LIZA , THE FINAL NAIL showing that they DON’T GIVE A FUCK and they have their own agenda … I think it is more than clear with the arrival of Ashley , Gloria and Ari , how the dynamics are formed .. Azura also belongs to the Harley / Ulyana camp and that’s why the absence ( Harley and Ulyana keep on making me think that they want nothing to do with the Nelly / Bogdan circle ) .. Anyway , it is always better to have a clue than the strange things we had some hours ago when the 3 girls were in B7 .. And of course , nice to see Polya of course ( Lilith makes again more than when she was a tenant but whatever )
  22. I feel kind of sad for Wendy as it isn’t working so nice for her when the others are around , let’s hope that she will keep on enjoying a nice evening and not feel “ abandoned “ or “ isolated “ now that the “ wild cards “ and “ cavalry arrived .
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