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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. After nearly 10 years on cameras , I would believe that for the majority who STILL follow this girl ( couple ) Leora ( and Paul ) , they would see her ( them ) as more than “ sexual objects “ , “ pleasure givers “ , “ imagination creators “ , I would think that these two people would be in peoples mind as “ something more “ and caring for their well being as human beings .. All comments then , I would think they are towards this direction , just caring and being interested and “ feeling “ two people who are more than sex delivery activities … If the life these two that have chosen to follow , the social behavior and attitude towards life itself is what the majority here not willing to criticize , characterize and comment , there’s nothing left then that these two people continue being in the category of “ sex objects providing pleasure “ and not two people that after many years , people would like to imagine them living normal lives like the 99% of the people watching this site ( either singles , divorced , widowed , youngsters , grandfathers , loners , sad people ) , SIMPLY FOR ONE REASON , they are humans like the rest of us and they deserve the best . For what I understand and the daily comments here , people STILL see Leora as a sex object , ALL OF THE POSTS have to do with her pleasure delivery on cameras and ABSOLUTELY nothing more . I guess the majority in this apartment wants the topic to be “ running “ under such “ attitude “ , therefore , it is deserved to be let commented and criticized in such way and LET THESE PEOPLE LIVE WHATEVER . Everyone can look themselves in the mirror , if THERE’S ANYONE THAT IS HAPPY WATCHING HOW THESE TWO HAVE CHOSEN TO LIVE THEIR LIVES AND THEY WOULD EASILY DO THE SAME UNDER SAME CIRCUMSTANCES ( working for Reallife cam , money , escape their native country for whatever reasons ) , I rest my case and I encourage them to keep on supporting these two and their choices as it seems that it is the right thing to do .
  2. Well … this is for sure THE SURPRISE OF THE NIGHT .. let’s see what’s going to happen in early sunrise times ..
  3. Not anal sex but the BEST BY FAR swallower in whole RLC rewards everyone 😉 … Masha is great of course but she doesn’t do it as often / always as Venera 😉😉and the only one who could actually show how it is greatly done is sweet little Ulyana .. There’s also Leora but it has never looked “ passionate “ let’s say but rather an obligation and something “ i have to do as he enjoys something “ ..
  4. It looks like there’s going to be anal sex between Venera and Lion , condom used for pussy penetration .. lighting is full on and excellent to watch , let’s see where this couple goes with tonight’s fantastic ( as always ) session .
  5. The question I believe is if Dylan will flirt anyone during the night ( Shantal ?? ) … Many many kudos to him being in such a difficult environment with the language being a really big problem and not being able to participate easily and at least some of the others make it easier with him either translating or chatting with him … Time will tell , however , it is still uncertain trying to figure out why some tenants turned up in B5 and ( many ) others were left behind while they have been seen in B5 in the past ( except if it is a Wednesday and Wayne named invitation - which will be in a way showing the “ whatever relationships “ amongst tenants ) .
  6. Never doubt Ulyana .. her time will come 😊 Plus , we aren’t having her temporary at the moment but she’s in an open contract as it seems … We also had a sexual interaction ( even a short one ) while being the first 10-15 days with RLC once she returned , Ulyana will please her fans as she only knows how to do and i personally haven’t any doubts about her . I think the people ( friends ) surrounding and the “ in/ out “ happenings of friends , in a way , they are blocking her on cameras performances . The summer is coming , the best is yet to come both for her and Harley
  7. These new expected arrivals will be completely crucial if RLC works fine in downtown Barcelona .. apart from Ari , there’s no one else that the girls from the villas can hang out , it needs at least one girl to be “ Ari/Ashley/ Gloria “ style and then it can be excellent balance between the villas and at least 2-3 tenants in Barcelona . Let’s see if RLC goes to a “ repeated “ solution or the person who casted in a really good results the last “ big update “ will be on call to bring “ life “ in B1 once again ( it looked like the two departed girls / friends were hired / suggested from another recruiter than the one who casted the villas people )
  8. It seems that all 3 girls ( Aziza &Ashley left B4 together , Ari was dressed nicely ) met for a girls night out and the guy was the one remained 😂🤣 , it might be they continued till very late combining beach / roof of the apartment and there they are at the moment , dead 😂🤣😂🤣 Let’s see if this was the only guy met or others simply didn’t follow the girls for more .
  9. I have written bigger .. at least like this , the thoughts can be developed with arguments and justifying whatever I think 😊 .. I NEVER USE EMOJIS ( either positive or negative ) and i always speak my mind . Not everything is right , many times I have obviously “ thrown “ stupidities “ 😂🤣 BUT IT WAS NEVER any intention to degrade , criticize or insult either a participant or forum member . I have answered in “ nasty “ ways and “ bad/inappropriate “ language to whoever has spoken in an insulted way towards me without EVER making the first post in such attitude , I most of the times regret that I go to this level as that’s not my type , but sometimes it is more than being able to handle ( actually in my life it is only this site that I go off limits as I am a more than humble and peaceful person ) , but I prefer not to be liked for my thoughts and irritate with any post that I make rather than hiding behind emojis , clueless and uneducated on how to express myself like the majority here does ( perhaps this is why this topic , Leora’s topic , has gone from being one of the most popular and active in chats to a solo summary daily boredom life routine of Leora provided by pulo ) . That was just FYI but I have explained it in the past as well 😉 I guess I follow the RLC tactics at times , I am a repeater 😂🤣
  10. Your posts reflect more about your upbringing, and a lifestyle that is important to you. Rather than that of Leora's. Which, truth be known, none of us do. What is known, is that her mother died when Leora was in her early teens. Pictorial evidence has shown that she has had a select few friends, which she is still friends with. I suspect that going to pubs as a location to gather social friends, has never been part of her social activities. However, I suspect that it is one of your major activities. Not everyone has to surround themselves in a social circle, to be normal. You would be totally lost in a world without social activity. Leora has adapted to the social media world, and her phone is her contact with family, friends, known and unknown to us. Nor are you old enough to have had a childhood prior to not only having television to watch, but also before the dial telephone was the normal phone. What we had to entertain ourselves, was to read books on all topics, and novels on many subjects. Along with listening to the am radios. Fm radios came later. Reading, we have seen Leora do. With her reading books written by some of the worlds best known philosophers, physicists. and novelists such as Erich Maria Remarque. She even did a painting of Stephen Hawking, when she lived in the second apartment. Quite frankly, I suspect that Leora, and Paul have a better plan for their lives, and what they will be doing after they leave RLC. Than many of you, and others, who find the need to continually critique them, currently have, pertaining to what they will be doing, ten or twenty years from now ! ARE YOU SPECULATING having repeated multiple times the “ i suspect “ quote ? You know things while you don’t know things because of any special attributes ( being a Russian speaking language / communicating privately with Leora / observing what others haven’t been observing ?? ) The question still avoided is VERY SIMPLE . Is this life ( Leora and Paul’s ) a life that you find the right one , a life that you support doing , a life that you have been doing when you were at your early thirties , ultimately a life that GUARANTEES A HEALTHY OUTCOME when people get grey hair , wrinkles and aren’t the ones that people used to look once in their primes … Last but not least , WHAT ACTUALLY FASCINATES YOU WATCHING LEORA after so many years so as to post a kind of such a post you just did ? I am 45 years old and I belong to the transitional generation 😂🤣 I feel blessed that I am experience the MODERN ERA OF INTERNET , SOCIAL MEDIA and whatever life provides and I FEEL BLESSED THAT I WAS HAVING A WIRED PHONE , A TAPE RECORDER , A BLACK AND WHITE TV , BLESSED THAT I had to flirt face to face and wait for a phonecall at home or phone the girl and all the nice and sweet things of the late 80s / start 90s .. you are older , when women were “ slaves “ , the men were working to bring the money home and the women needed to be at home to cook , raise the children , study them in the afternoon and so on … YOU FORGET ONE THING . Leora is Russian and not European , she grew up under different values , different society rules . Just think and answer … WHY DID SHE LEAVE PAUL in summer 2019 to move in Europe when she had EXACTLY THE LIFE YOU DESCRIBE and “ suffered “ ? WHY DID SHE TAKE THE RISK ? WHAT MOTIVATED HER TO MOVE not in any crazy , money fancy , easy comfortable way of living providing country ( Germany / Austria / England ) and it was CZECH REPUBLIC ? Why - since obviously has been the cameras - not Italy ( Rome , like Masha did ) or Barcelona ( like the majority of the girls from Russia did with a HUGE RUSSIAN SPEAKING society ) ? Nothing more from me .
  11. My posts in this topic is mostly happening so as to “ confirm “ in a way my “ ego “ 😂🤣😂🤣 that no matter how wrong things are and absolutely not normal in typical society rules , the “ usual suspects “ support it . It is incredible that it is ALWAYS the same people reacting and in a way SCARY knowing that these people actually BOTH encourage this way and kind of life AND also their lives is the style of Leora and Paul ( they don’t have friends visiting them , they don’t like outside activities , they prefer to know that their wives masturbate instead of making sex to them , they are unemployed and wake up after midday to live their lives ) .. the continuous support ( Leora’s worshippers ) of this lifestyle , it is totally scary or totally protecting of a woman who doesn’t really know HOW THE WOLRD SPINS IN 2023 ( she actually and in a way knows that you only need to have money so as to have a comfort life ) .
  12. I will not detailed analyzed ,as the majority observing for years this couple , I think the real problem is that SOMETHING HAPPENED in Linda’s private life . Did Tibor cheat on her and she found out ? Was she maybe raped by someone and has caused her the current issues ? Is it that there’s no possibility of one of them ( or both ) being able to have children ? Their current lifestyle and relationship , I personally disagree that it is because of being married , something happened at Linda’s private life ( that’s why the tears , the lack of passion ) and changed whoever she was ( also Tibor ) till they got married and even shares this once in a lifetime happening even with the viewers .
  13. I would say that it is rather sad ( as a human being categorized and not as a viewer / subscriber ) watching a woman in her early 30s not being able to be satisfied by her boyfriend / lover / sex partner and trying to find ways to make herself happy ( or pretend that she’s enjoying whatever pleasure is self pleasing her ) again for whatever reasons ( justifying her RLC presence , increase of bank account , being busy fighting boredom and ignorance from her boyfriend / lover / sex partner , personal satisfaction knowing that she can still “ STEAL THE SHOW “ and gather the camera views to be number 1 ) . I think the most “ worrying “ thing ( for whoever is considering himself / herself a Leora fan ) is that her situation is presented as perfectly fine and there is no need to worry for her and Paul , that this relationship has no problems and it is whatever these two people both want . There’s no criticism about Leora’s life choices , about Paul’s “ happenings “ since being in Prague . There are no opinion expressed on what people / loyal fans think apart from a “ general “ idea that people don’t agree but it is her choice and that she definitely likes what she has . She likes to be by herself , she likes not going out and have some few friends ( that SOMEHOW / SOMEWAY THESE SO CALLED FRIENDS CAN’T BE SEEN ON CAMERAS - really , what happened to her male friend appearing every now and then and her showing her boobs and naked body back in august 2021 -august if the archive serves well -... ) All I want to say is that Leora ( and Paul ) is ( are ) mentioned only when anything special happens . This apartment offers the ABSOLUTE ZERO in any other terms of watching a couple and it is just there to serve the “ adult entertainment “ side ( which obviously is the main focus ) of the site reallifecam.com , people kind of want to ignore and forget / criticize / comment about the life of this couple simply because “ THESE TWO HAVE EXACTLY WHATEVER THEY WANT “ .. it makes some others wonder why Leora had / tried to adapt a different lifestyle, why she used to overnight in the past for nearly 1,5 years , why she would exercise , try to dance when alone , why she seemed more skeptical and free on thoughts to try “ SOMETHING ELSE “ . I personally watch a woman who is trapped in her own choices , she has imprisoned herself in a way of life that she’s missing to enjoy some of the best years of her life , it is simply like a train passing so often to pick her up and show her the life and what she can do and she’s skipping all the choices because she’s afraid to risk , be strong and ask her boyfriend / lover / sex partner “ COME ON , let’s go out and go on holidays , go have a drink and come after midnight , fuck like we have never done before ( let’s try anal , butt plugs , BDSM for a change ) … I sincerely ask anyone “ DO YOU KNOW ANY PERSON IN YOUR SOCIAL ADULT CIRCLE THAT HAS SUCH A LIFE LIKE THESE TWO PEOPLE ? “ . Because with the endless support , no criticism , the “ appearance “ that it is all great , that there are no problems between the two and this is A PERFECT LIFE AND AS THEY WISH IT for Leora and Paul , well , I think that either I am lacking basic social life ( unwritten )rules or people here believe that this is perfectly normal happening .. and most of all , THEY SUPPORT IT AND FINDING OT FASCINATING . It is what it is , but thinking that ( at least Leora ) she wanted this life , I AM SORRY , but I totally disagree , I can’t simply think that Leora after 4 years in Prague she wants this life .
  14. I will take this as a “ SPECIAL GUEST STAR “ post 😊 Hope you are doing great ☺️
  15. Finally … so great to see them interacting and visiting their fellow colleagues .. now it is just Liza , Lara , Harley and Ulyana that would be nice happening ( extra extra major surprise Carla and Yanai 😇 )
  16. It will be the MOST INSANE thing ever if it happens that we see a THREESOME of Ashley / Dylan / Fior 😂🤣😂🤣😂 … I honestly can’t think about it if it happens 😂🤣😂😂
  17. I think the blame should be going to the Prague hub casting people , Barcelona saw a good improve and they really brought a good amount of people who changed the dynamics , even Severina and Mariam were interesting stories to watch but it was extreme real life things while the cameras were recording and I think it wasn’t explained well . I believe in Barcelona the “ difficult “ place is B2 with Lara and Liza , the other places are more than ok and fun to watch . The Prague hub is suffering on finding new and interested in this job people , the restart happened also there and it is just a couple from the past which is actually engaged with the project ( still not so much of a social life showing ) and they seem to have understood the concept ( Eliska and Pepik ) .. the two sane building apartments are a big failure at the moment due to inactivity in every aspects of daily life while being in front of cameras .. The explanation might be that the Prague hub is concerned and focused having and keeping Leora happy and trying maybe to figure out the possible exit of Linda and Tibor … they also have two really cool places with Gyana & Dantez and Venera & Lion plus the non cost as it seems Esenia and Dima’s place , so , it might be that they don’t “ pay so much attention “ in casting with all details concerned .. let’s see where it goes there , Linda and Tibor seem to be under expiring date and Leora next year she goes the desired 5 years residency and she can do whatever she wishes with the Europeans Union permit ..
  18. Very curious and interested if Ari will end up in any of the apartments ( villas ) or she will be just enjoying a nice afternoon/ evening in Barcelona either by herself or with other(s) , dressed up really nice and sexy , hot hot hot 🔥🔥 Let’s see .
  19. For whatever information and knowledge we have , B2 must be the best place of the downtown apartments .. the incredible beach view from the roof , the balcony seeing the sea , easily parties and late till sunrise events , this place has been the “ host “ of some of the most remarkable moments .. It is a pity that two really great tenants like Karina and Lavika had reached their “ contract’s up time “ and had to go and we are now “ stuck “ with Lara and Liza .. Ari is belonging to the level of the Ashley and Gloria fun and enjoyment and I am sure that with better tenants next to her in B2 , this place could be once again wonderful fun to watch , that’s for the occasion that it seems that it isn’t possible for her to move in either of the villas currently .. let’s hope that RLC has a better plan for the B2 happenings through the summer than having Lara and Liza occupying beds when they have no will to “ engage “ in any possible fun with the rest in Barcelona ( both haven’t been in the villas either swimming or BBQ or any whatever event ) ..
  20. Harley seems she will be having a fun night , the “ partnerships “ she makes no matter how weird they are , she always manages to keep herself around and about .. the first night of her return , we saw the last guy she had in B6 ( better say the current Carla and Yanai’s place ) and then suddenly one day the guy that currently takes a shower being her new “ partnership “ .. let’s see what’s in store for the one and only X-Factor Harley 😊
  21. I feel really sad for Ari watching her by her herself “needing “ to live in this place . The girl definitely belongs in the villas , the place she could swim and tanned every day , be with the others in the evening and watch a movie or have some talks in the yards , she would just be around people like she seems she enjoys .. on the contrary , she needs to find ways to pass her time when there aren’t any events organized , she can’t obviously move all the time at the villas and spend time there or the others visiting her in B2 when there are the two other “ uninterested being with RLC “ girls .. I hope there’s a way so Ari could move in the villa but if this would happen , B2 would seal another “‘unwatchable “ apartment … she’s the only one keeping it ALIVE let’s say .
  22. And one last comment , IT IS A PITY that Wednesday and Wayne have decided to part ways with the rest of the people in Barcelona and make their own way of doing things .. it is now nearly 3 weeks or maybe more that they have isolated themselves for any sharing with the others , I don’t know if it might be a thing Ukrainians / Russians as I think it hasn’t been defined that the Ws are Ukrainians, so it might be a reason .
  23. The only possibility of “ extra “ fun I think it is only when Ashley will be sharing times with Dylan .. the thing is that Ari seems to DEFINITELY have enjoyed whatever happened , so , there are for sure 2 girls who have no issues , the question is who could be the next one willing to experience moments and enjoy .. I think Wendy would enjoy but as it has been mentioned , she seems to have personal issues , so , she’s not a 100% safe bet for the others but she wouldn’t mind participate I think .. Aziza AS WAS EXCELLENTLY SAID , needs to figure out what she wants as she’s indecisive … IN MY VERY HUMBLE opinion , Ashley is for Dylan the woman who enjoys sharing times the most because he speaks English with her and they see life the same and that’s why they enjoy whenever , wherever with whoever but his biggest and always desire seems to be Aziza , maybe because she doesn’t surrender easily , she’s messing his brain 😆 .. He knows he can have her , he knows she likes to be around him , she DEFINITELY likes and enjoys when he is kissing her and touching her and licking her but she has this “ uncertainty “ on what to do .. THE SURPRISE who would crash the site would be MARTINA , she’s the only one fitting a great insertion in the mix .. Let’s see if this insane ssebario ever happens .. and also , I would personally love to see Ulyana or Harley around Dylan or both , just for the crazy fun times .. but as we have said , I don’t think H&U will be seen inserting themselves with the villas / singles Barcelona apartments ..
  24. So … Aziza HAS NO PROBLEM and she’s smiling / enjoying being in the room of the guy who was groping her / touching her / molesting her a couple of nights ago in B2 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 … @kris66 any explanation ? Nothing personal with you honestly , but we made a record of posts as good friends Noldus pointed out and many many many were trying to tell you .. well , here’s the answer I guess 😎
  25. Beautiful , stunning , such a different and wonderful tenant Elli is and the “ mystery “ keeps on with this apartment as of what really goes on in the life of these two people … You see a flower ( Elli ) that if it is taken such a good care , can blossom to one of the best ever.. But it all looks like such things aren’t a priority ..
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