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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Dylan and ANYONE is a gold miner for RLC .. The good thing is that fucking Aziza ( who would have thought after 2 months of doing nothing ) and Azura ( who were posts after posts of having a private life of cameras with someone else ) , the guy simply shows that he can even succeed with Liza and Lara for example after “ doing “ Aziza and Azura . The more he will be fucking “ nuns “ on cameras , the more the jealousy will grow. For all of us appreciating the guys on giving some really “ unexpected “ events , we will be watching and enjoying .
  2. Always some of the really good posting here 👏👏
  3. Paul is a sex worker , any comments about him ? Vencel is a sex worker , any comments about him ? Nikolas is a sex worker , any comments about him ? Dio is a sex worker , any comments about him ? ANYONE , EVERYONE who comments negative for the guys , MY OPINION IS that they simply can’t stand that these guys are living a life that at the same age and period , ALL OF THESE PEOPLE never had the chance to live it for whatever reasons . I DARE EVERYONE TO COME OUT LOUD and say that they WOULDN’T LIKE TO LIVE IN BARCELONA , THEY WOULDN’T LIKE TO FUCK BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMEN , THEY WOULDN’T LIKE TO LIVE IN A LUXURY VILLA AND GET PAID AT THE SAME TIME , WHOEVER doesn’t want this life even for a short period , I suggest that they should see a doctor and find out what’s wrong with them .
  4. I think she’s a girl who wants to experience a lot but ALWAYS with Dana next to her , all hopes for this girl to simply let free and live and enjoy her time in Barcelona , it is simply pointless . At this certain point , I think the two weakest girls in the villas are Dana and Zara , we will see what happens but even being a positive person , I don’t think we can in general expect anything more from these two . I hope I will be PROVED completely wrong .
  5. Ahh Fior … He is in love 😆😆😆🤣🤣
  6. Apart from the first paragraph that I don’t agree at all , the rest is a masterpiece 😇👏👏
  7. Special dedicated to EVERYONE here who CAN NOT accept that there’s a guy who a ) KNOWS HOW TO PLEASE A WOMAN AND FUCK HER , b ) that because he knows what he’s doing , he has a big dick and has fucked 5 women in nearly a month is a background porn amateur actor - REALLY ? REALLY ? , so a guy can’t just fuck because he knows how to do it ? Ridiculous , C) the girls simply fuck with him because he obviously makes them feel special and unique , TO ALL OF THESE PEOPLE , here it is Wake up to all haters and deniers , this is absolutely normal and things like this happen by billions of people daily , not millions , billions , if you don’t know how to use your tongue , your fingers , if you don’t know how to touch and kiss , if you don’t know what to say to a girl to make her feel A PRINCESS and A QUEEN , if you can’t make it hard because you are of certain age and Mother Nature has come upon , if YOU CAN’T SIMPLY ACCEPT THAT NOT EVERYONE CAN DO THINGS LIKE WITH WOMEN THAT THEY DON’T ALL KNOW HOW TO FUCK , please , tune in to BORING.COM and REPETITION.COM and sign your anti Dylan petition , he will be seeing it and laughing 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 RLC finally found the respective Marlene and Lavika but in male form and appearance and PEOPLE simply HATE IT . Don’t worry , just drink a lot of bubble water for better digestions because the guy he has only started 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  8. He makes a lot also , it is a win / win … the guy simply knows how to approach women , whoever doesn’t see this , sorry , need to study again flirting technics .. all girls can stick like Dana / Zara , simply masturbate and make money , they do more because they like the guy , the money will come no matter what .
  9. On the other hand , MAJOR NOTICE , it was never a penetration and only oral ( maybe this was a “ limit “ not to be crossed for the first night ) , we will see if normal sex occurs it will be just oral FWB 😆😆 Another side note , I DO HOPE the turn of Zara approaching or whenever with Dylan , that will be a legendary moment 😈😈😈
  10. One of the most unexpected incidents considering the “ presence “ of Azura on cameras , RLC at super hot period having discovered Dylan … very easily he got her , an even more extraordinary ending with her swallowing it all … As always , the Master keeps a “ funny deadly “ quote after finishing , today it was something like “ I see you like presents or I hope you liked the present “ 😂😂😂🤣 following the other successful “ I hope you liked the breakfast “ ( having fucked Ashley on his bed when she entered his room the early days of his arrival in B7 in the morning ) 😂🤣😂🤣 … and a gentleman always taking the lady for a shower or better saying , asking her if she wants 😉 .. It remains to be seen if it was an ONS or we can possibly see another ( third , 3rd ) threesome or even more as anything can be possible … for sure Azura LOVED it , a man who always spends time to please FIRST the woman and THEN cares for his own pleasure , he easily enslaves a lady … Dylan is The Master 😇👏👏👏😾
  11. Azura’s reactions are like a girl who hasn’t tasted sex / tongue / dick for a very very very looooooong time 😆
  12. Maybe the rumors of his “ package “ are traveling faster than “ Flash “ plus his will to offer pleasure with his tongue and actually “ play “ with the girl than the nothingness foreplay , is making the girls want to check if the rumors are true 😂🤣😂
  13. The Master strikes once again … nobody will escape if he wants …
  14. Everything according to schedule … AND DYLAN NEVER PLAYS 😂🤣😂😂😈😈😈 Enjoy the equalizer , it will now be Antony 5 - Dylan 5 … and yes “ WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT “ … P.S looking forward to good friend @ed2 😇😇😇😇😎😎😎
  15. As always , the first 12-15 minutes of waiting , laying down and preparing to sleep show if more is going to happen or “ NEXT TIME “ .. I think that Azura likes Dylan so it is up to her if she wants to do more than masturbations on cameras .. There’s one MAJOR key factor for Azura , being friends with Harley and Ulyana , she knows exactly what the cameras world can be , always tenants that know people who have done it all is a plus .. let’s see how this will develop between these two..
  16. I don’t know and it is if not a big concern if Dylan makes something with Azura but the characterization “ Master “ that i christened him just 4-5 days in the project , I believe it was the right one . Only the “ Master “ could be a guy that no matter that all know that he has already fucked 4 others girls , he is always The Guy that girls like to be around him . He has relationships with everyone , they like talking to him , spend time with him , he is a really great character and he obviously a fantastic tenant for the villa concept . If he manages Azura , the words will be no more as for sure would be the famous “ WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT “ as there were the repeated posts and rumors that Azura has a boyfriend . The way I see it , Dylan could easily have them all , the funny and great for the guy thing is that they approach him and he is simply sincere and honest and he wins them easily . A bit ( or much 😆 ) of the Italian south charm , it adds also to the mixture for these young girls . Many many👏👏👏 to him , if it is pay week for the first month , I hope that him, Ashley , Gloria , Ari and Anthony get the highest paycheck as they easily transformed a “ dead “ place to the most watchable one .. and they also “ resurrected “ even a mysterious and strange tenant , that is Aziza . Looking forward to more Dylan adventures , as I said , I REALLY WISH that somehow , someway , Dylan in introduced through Azura to Harley and Ulyana , I will rest my case then as I won’t be able to imagine that they sky will be the limit for this crossover 😋😋😋😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
  17. We find out then why Ari has been in this excitement , unstoppable and “ crazy “ mood the last days .. I would think that Ari was older , many kudos for this young girl proving that SHE KNOWS how the life of a 19 years old in wonderful Barcelona should be .. all the best to lovely Ari 🥳🥳👏👏
  18. Possible B1 tenant and perhaps being tested ? Let’s see ..
  19. I agree with Elettra and Taylor being the ones that entered the apartment and changed the atmosphere being the “ at that time “ Gloria and Ashley let’s say … But I still think that it was just Tani who was doing things as a newcomer that was causing for the main villa to be watchable .. it took more than a month for the story of Kristy and Taylor to unfold ( it really “ woke up “ Kristy ) and Elettra was as was expected , fun and unpredictable to watch . I agree that I should have mentioned Elettra and Taylor and it is my bad that I didn’t mention them , for sure they provided for nearly 2 months moments to keep the villa interest alive .
  20. I agree totally with you , the truth is that Ulyana isn’t using RLC as her main income occupation , if she saw RLC as a platform the way that Leora does / did for example using it , this woman she would be at the top of viewership the majority of the days .. but , she ALSO HAS A LIFE with many ups and many downs and personally , following the journey of hers since the first day she appeared on cameras , it is great to see the evolution of this girl ( not easy leaving Russia and the life you have there at such a young age and begin a new life in one of world’s biggest attraction cities ) .. In my humble opinion , Ulyana is the one and only pure successor of Leora for RLC , the thing is that she’s double better than Leora because she’s a normal human being having a normal life and not the weird and lonely / isolated life of Leora . Her journey with the cameras continues , for as long as we have the chance to watch , we can feel blessed of what this woman provides . As you rightfully say , either on purpose or because it simply happened and she didn’t notice , laying on the couch a couple of days ago and her pussy exposed to the “ world “ , it was so incredibly natural like you are sharing the living room in a normal afternoon with your girlfriend / partner / wife and it made it extremely special to watch and that’s the top views without even “ doing “ anything . Let’s see what more is about to come from sweet little Ulyana , we can all agree that her variety of what and when to show can be endless .
  21. Tani was the one keeping the villa alive during her interactions with Tim when it was a boring B4/B7 period .. she has for sure earned her time there , unfortunately , for whatever reasons , she’s not bringing her relationship in front of cameras ( the basic reason i would think is that her guy doesn’t want adult entertainment exposure ) and this makes her stay kind of repeating as she’s also not interacting a great amount of time like the majority of the rest of the villas tenants do . On the other hand , she for sure does spend more time with others in the villas than the girls who used to be there while having her adventures with Tim ( Lilith who spent so many months / Raniya ) . I think she knows that is a tenant who has grabbed attention and i believe she would simply do all if her guy was willing , the 2-4 times per week performances are always a reminder of that and that she “ thinks “ of the viewers .. but when there’s no variety ( in overall presence ) , like now , it reaches the point that - for example - Ari could occupy her bed .. But to be honest , I would rather have Tani stay in the villa , for sure Wendy and Azura who are knew and definitely Aziza who is a roller coaster of emotions person haven’t impressed me ( personally ) with their presence . But then , all 3 ( Wendy , Aziza and Azura can do anything i believe ) are bringing a good balance in comparison to the craziness of Gloria and Ashley and the two guys.. Let’s see how the presence of Azura and Wendy will evolve and then maybe we can say more if Tani isn’t so interesting being a villa ( I will always be a Tani fan 😊 )
  22. I am not a fan of masturbations and i do not actually watch as I would when a guy or a girl will try and flirt , slowly and then see the results ( kisses / touches / sex perhaps ) .. The same goes for lesbian , I don’t like it to be honest but if it involves any girl that hasn’t done something similar or isn’t a pure lesbian and they catch me by surprise , I will definitely dedicate time to watch it . There are few girls I just enjoy watching when they go into this procedure ( masturbation ) , I think they are mostly the ones that they don’t do often and every time they decide , they will capture my attention as to see their performance . Ulyana and Harley I will watch 9 out of 10 times because Harley is simply authentic and mostly in a “ male “ way ( she uses almost always her fingers while watching porn kind of what usually men do 😁 ) , I think her masturbations are a total natural .. And Ulyana because of the incredible sexuality , the variety , the unpredictability of what she’s gonna do next , the rest it would need to be a special occasion to sit back and enjoy . About watching having sex ( b/g ) it is a matter of taste then and since you don’t like it , I can totally understand the reason you present .
  23. I think it is that she just can’t anymore be in B2 with two girls who has not even a single common thing with them apart the language . She’s a girl who wants to have fun and enjoy her stay with whatever this means in her mind . The villas are occupied so even if she would ask , she can’t move there . I won’t be surprised if she stays more often and for some days in either villa , till at least - perhaps - things happen with the girls ( lovers , boyfriends , fun nights out and sleeping away , etc ) . Let’s see .
  24. Beware of and when this woman starts bringing potential boyfriends who can perform on cameras and satisfy her .. There were , there are and there will always be tenants appearing but amazing little sweet Ulyana will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be one of a kind … AND SHE SHOULD NEVER AND EVER BE DOUBTED 😈😈😈😈
  25. Pff … Ulyana slowly and gradually establishing her kingdom once again … 2 masturbations within 12 hours so as for a large amount of viewers / subscribers to enjoy at any time frame BUT the most IMPORTANT … THE ONE AND ONLY “ insane “ and “ deadly “ CAMERA DEEP STARES started appearing again , NOBODY , ABSOLUTELY NOBODY can look the cameras and in a way through them , this woman speak to us and show us her appreciation of being her fans and followers . Ulyana is the future and the soonest people understand this , RLC will be dominant once again as the best voyer’s site .
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