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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nothing to add when you just make assumptions by yourself , only RLC has its own rules which are communicated to their employees / tenants and the ones that addresses to us through their site . As long as you put a question mark in your post , it can be interpreted in an answer with lots of variety thoughts .. If a girl is paid outside and she’s fucked inside , can you know if this happened ? Is it then ok with RLC according to your post ? Anyway , we can go all evening for this subject , I will end it here and say that we agree to disagree .
  2. Thing now what you just wrote .. WHERE DO YOU SEE RLC policies announced ? Isn’t it only the legal department of RLC which knows exactly the rules on how the site is addressed as a paying service ?
  3. prostitution /ˌprɒstɪˈtjuːʃn/ noun the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Did this happen and I didn’t see it ? I only saw a guy paying one girl to dance and touch her , is this sexual activity ?
  4. It was most probably because she spoke openly and on cameras about the war which was fresh ( Kristy at that time tried to save it by telling her that they don’t discuss such subjects in the apartment ) . This was Agneta if we are talking for last year .
  5. We will see when the place gets again online ( if it will but there’s still Shantal ) and what updates we get and then we see what more to discuss .
  6. Again , no laws were broken ( I said that for whatever I know it is just that they didn’t give a receipt / black money ) . I think it has to do how we judge morality and obviously , whatever we saw happening was immoral as we understand life . You gave two really good examples about the cameras in the past , so , I would suggest most people think in that way . Above all , it is RLC which obviously has a legal team for such incidents , the apartment stayed online for nearly 12 hours , it means that they were considering all legal . We will see what updates we gonna get and then we can discuss further . The girls simply didn’t know how to balance between real life and non cameras actions and forum member Sergio said it right , they could make easily lots of money but they did it in a wrong moral way .
  7. Can you please under the legal laws , which law did they break ? ( the only one for me is that they took money without giving a receipt for the services ..) . I am here to apologize or accept anything that it is right obviously and my brain has missed understanding . As for Miron and in the past Daniel , I have my own opinion .. I am living on an island , the things I have seen , experienced and done , it is for me totally understanding of what goes on at times .. It is just that we watch the cameras and we can all form an opinion .. but life isn’t the details that we see , in the end , it is already you can say illegal that EVERYONE who visits an apartment with cameras without knowing , they should go to police and report it ( it is always now the famous law of the personal data ) .
  8. The villa ( B4 ) WAS WORKING PERFECTLY even before Nelly / Bogdan become permanent residents .. There are other people in Barcelona who decide / take actions / execute / operate the “ deeper “ daily RLC routines , some members here know a lot of this subject . It’s like watching a team sport ( basketball / football / volleyball ) and the coach is also a player , trying to keep things running as better as possible .. for me , Nelly and Bogdan could have the RLC role ( they know the business and what’s needed , they understand the psychology of the newcomers , plain and simple they are experienced to the maximum with this job ) but simply either in an apartment as a couple ( Carla and Yanai perhaps ) or away from cameras .. Their sex isn’t any fun at all ( knowing especially that Bogdan wanted to fuck /fucks Aziza off cameras and Nelly’s silly adventures which would cost her the marriage if it wasn’t for Bogdan who forgave her ) . The conclusion is that long time couples are becoming tired to watch and repeated if they don’t “ add “ something different in their repertoire or daily routine couple’s life .. Examples ? Leora / Paul , Linda / Tibor / and the only reason that Martina and Alberto still survive has been the adventures of Martina with Nelly , incidents such the New Year’s earlier this year with Marta or the occasional friends / relatives that Martina and Alberto have in their apartment that occasionally we see nudity , sex , gatherings .. Nelly and Bogdan could easily serve this role in Russia when they INDEED had a great on cameras presence , in Barcelona they are ( even more since they became permanents in B7 ) “ inventing “ tricks to show that are still needed ( Lucian and Alexandra visiting , the recent female friend of back in the days in Russia friend of Nelly or occasional appearances and interactions with the rest of the tenants so as not to be completely isolated ) . I consider Nelly and Bogdan and Leora and Paul the most clever tenants that this site had ever had and that’s why they are still “ online “ .
  9. I will answer a bit later , this was a very good answer to debate , always nice when in the forum such things happen 😇
  10. He takes good care of his body , he is a funny guy and he knows how to approach / attract/ flirt the girls .. that’s why he succeeded where others couldn’t even approach ( Loraine , the two nothing and all the time away girls in B7 , Ari yesterday who has been seen that she was horny since day 1 she joined ) … I wish all men of his age could be such guys with women .. it is always “ the way “ you do things and no matter the age , looks or whatever ( of course they play a role but then the majority of us men we wouldn’t have chances to fuck 30 - 35 years old girl when we get older or grow up ) .. also women always like to be approached by guys that aren’t children in their brain and can make them feel “ Queens “ and “ Princesses “ … Samson knows for sure what and how to do it , he is much much better and honest to watch than Tim who we had or even the “ showman “ Anthony ( I have no problem being a showman as he is serving a great role so far in B7 ) . My question then is very simple , what type of man you think it is deserved to be a tenant in B7 ( name people who are currently tenants across RLC or guys who have appeared to n cameras even as guests .. )
  11. There is always a match somewhere for anyone and Masha isn’t any different .. For whoever knows a bit of how things usually work in life , the scenario most probably is that Masha will be reaching her late thirties and she will have tried all and then , slowing down a lot of her actions and trying to have more peace than extreme action like she’s now having , it will be most probably then that a guy ( or maybe girl .. ) will appear and she will want to invest for more permanent things ( most probably she will vie out of cameras world as well ) . Saying “never” for someone who isn’t out friend but someone who we have the opportunity to observe her daily life , I think is wrong . “Never” should be a word not being used in such general talks , nobody knows a what life has in store . Masha has been living an intense life full of experiences , getting to know people , characters , she is traveling and experiencing cultures , she’s interacting with locals and can stand easily anywhere with anyone as she can communicate with any type of person as we have also seen during her time with RLC through the years. In my humble opinion , Masha has nothing to be afraid for the future , the way of living her life will reward her one way or another in the future , it will just be then her decision that proves to be a lucky or unlucky ( I think many people here can say that maybe they thought they found the right girl - or boy - only to prove later that it was wrong / divorces , court trials and so on , children needed to be paid till 18 years old .. ) . All I want to say is that the way that Masha has lived her life , nowadays it might look “ nasty “ for people who are kind of conservative in their thinking and what the meaning of life is but I am even more sure than her 😆 that life will reward her with happiness when she will least expect or wishes .
  12. Let’s see if somehow , someway , we will be seeing any of the recent girls we saw as guests in other Barcelona apartments .. maybe we see Fiora taking back one room ? ( which actually is a good thing as she has always been a good tenant and respecting the job she was offered and maybe she could elevate Shantal .. ) or maybe the friend of the girls of B7 we saw a week or so earlier ? BUT … It can be that the ( cavalry ) management is around and they are having a major discussion with the girls ( RLC seems to have invested a lot in this reboot with interesting tenants overall ) , they need to protect the plans they made and maybe the girls are getting ONE LAST CHANCE with explanations given and how to avoid incidents like yesterday . I think it is more than obvious that whatever is hurting RLC are events like footage deletion , things hidden from cameras ( they really tried to add more cameras in hidden spots ) or non realistic happenings ( that’s why maybe the reason of not so many shows like we used to watch in the past ) . Let’s see what the outcome of this major stupidity from the girls last night will be . However , with all things concerned and analyzed , the girls legally didn’t do anything wrong .
  13. Speculations / fantasies create discussions and the chance to see what others also think .
  14. They would most probably be locked in their room , I don’t think it works well the last weeks the sharing of the apartment with the T’s’… imagine if after Thor and Holly we get Ari and Samson 😂🤣😂🤣 ( that obviously is a hilarious joke 😂🤣 )
  15. It’s how I see it , we don’t need to agree .. it isn’t a kind of fantasy ( why should I have such one 🤪 ) but thinking all of his presence so far .. I don’t like him as a guy ( character ) but as a tenant he is more than great .
  16. 17 + 2 ( Ulyana / Harley ) girls in Barcelona .. 10 out of the 19 have tucked somewhere nice we saw the big changes 3 weeks ago .. I would call pretty satisfied number .( in comparison to what we were getting .. )
  17. I don’t think Anthony has managed to forget Loraine , for Samson mission accomplished with her 😏
  18. And now we move to the next seduction perhaps , Shantal / Anthony ?
  19. T&T prove their “ dominance “ also by giving once again one more party and this time things happened .. I believe RLC will keep on investing on them and with the 3 years allowance for Ukrainians in EU , it seems that it will be only their decision when they abandon the project . Definitely one of the most successful couples ever , fantastic .
  20. They could move Tani in B2 so she could be close to her BF than having to make the trip to downtown occasionally ( she provides adult content so B2 will still be interesting in this ) and have Ari with girls who like to have good times and are mostly like her , it is a pity that she needs to be surrounded and share with two girls who don’t have much of interest to provide .. T&T surprise at the ONS 😂🤣
  21. Strangely Samson didn’t manage to satisfy apart from oral sex .. curious to see if these two will go at it again .. But Ari seems to enjoy ( however never believe the moans of a woman 😂🤣 )
  22. At least we know his style and to his kudos he takes time to pleasure his partner and not just put the dick in the hole .. he has already signed for a repeat some time on or off cameras ..
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