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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Google translator before “ games “ or sex.. if she was a good or even mediocre English speaker , there would be no issues so far .. and she just said tomorrow so it might really be that the monthly female issues are the “ no “ reason ..
  2. And today there’s no alcohol used or drugs of those who insist .. only her smile while he “ plays “ with her is the answer to any doubters here 😂🤣
  3. I guess no doubts that Dylan can rich whoever he wants , anytime he wants .. With Ashley and Aziza being the standards, let’s see if he will be going for more with others in the villas or slowly visitors meeting outside .. and .. perhaps another threesome in the making with these two and Ashley ? Let’s see
  4. Maybe Bogdan can learn a thing or two from him how to do with her on NV as well 😛
  6. And the sweet smile 😊 of Aziza enjoying 😊😊 very good
  7. Well .. maybe Dylan will be served only breakfast like Ashley offered him some days ago … Or , maybe Aziza has her period and that’s why she’s not enjoying once again with him … But … the famous 10-15 minutes of waiting before anything happens seem to be happening once again at the moment 😁😈
  8. Pfff …. What to add , say , comment about Venera … This incredible woman when she wants , she’s compared none to others for sexuality and sensuality .. and her masturbations are always more than special because they are too rare and it is an absolute pleasure … RLC so incredibly lucky having discovered ( a second run ) Tereza , Wednesday and Venera in terms of girls from couples … no words for UNBELIEVABLE Venera ..
  9. I think it is time for Dylan and Aziza to have some fun 😉
  11. I don’t say that it is speculation , it is reality but I think that as viewers we aren’t used to watch such content from the tenants .. For example , I can’t stand watching Carla and her laptop kind of chaturbate actions , so I don’t watch it .. but these two girls , I will for sure tune in and watch the next time they will be doing something similar because I would like to see what will be happening .. I don’t know how to explain , despite looking “ paying services “ , we haven’t actually experienced as viewers anything like that on cameras and would like to see how the girls will be playing this out .. curiosity it is ( other type of voyerism you can say ) .. the conclusion is though that the viewers are actually “ disturbed “ because there’s most probably the identity of the profession of these two girls presented on cameras while the others doing so off cameras ( as the posters here claim ) are offended that they have been doing off cameras and they blame the girls that they are “ fucking , escorting , WHATEVER “ outside of cameras and being away from the apartments while now two girls did it in plain sight and people are AGAIN offended .. what is it that it is expected then ? 😁 If Marlene and Lavika fuck 10 guys , there are also other comments of why the girls have so many partners .. when Masha wants to be gangbanged or Leora for 10 years opens her pussy and stick dildos in her ass , it is all fine … whatever 🤪
  12. We will see what you will be saying about that after start masturbating every single day ..
  13. I haven’t observed them or followed anything so far due to time issues ( busy and not much time even to watch the replays ) of whatever occurred in B1 so I believe some good posters and the providing posts / facts .. don’t forget how the new B7 cast has been treated when they are simply real and sincere of whatever actions happening there , I will give a 2nd and a 3rd chance to these 2 girls for “ honest “ content and will have my opinion formatted then .. I understand though the frustration of the people at the forum when this content doesn’t comply with whatever we are used to watch from RLC ( either good or bad content / tenants )
  14. Shantal is very good so far , social and pleasant person .. let’s give time to these two newcomers , not everyone adjusts easily , despite whatever happened last night , from a business perspective , RLC succeeded with the viewership of last night’s events judging the replays .
  15. This is fine , everyone has his/her preferences and that’s the nice thing about it .. Esmi was one of a kind and this woman could be I think so much more but she was “ hired “ at a very wrong and complicated RLC period ( fresh war problems and the family of the two sisters was a really mess thing with the war ) , not everyone can be a Marlene 😉 ..But the beauty and charisma of Esmi , I think it is very difficult to find ..
  16. It’s good to have visitors , this is already a massive improvement than the previous failures .. but more and more I get the feeling that while all of the recent Barcelona additions seem to have been recruited by 1 source , these 2 girls seem to be an addition suggested or casted by someone else , they have zero interaction with anyone so far but obviously it is a extremely early to Maud conclusions , they will characterized and judged like everyone as the day pass by .. Visitors for whatever reason ( since we can’t prove anything and only the involved people know ) are always the great unexpected to watch , the replays prove the truth as many many viewers were tuned in yesterday watching .. RLC has variety , this is Wray currently matters and there’s content and tenants for all kind of tastes and subscriptions .. I am personally very optimistic of what we will be seeing , it is now just “ Prague hub “ struggling but let’s give a bit more time to the people there as well . It was endless time for Vera and Una , we can wait to see how the two couples ( Eliska and Pepik are quite ok during this second run si far ) will be handling the new cameras life .
  17. There’s no worries anymore for B7 ( apart from NOT watching boring Nelly and Bogdan who I believe very few are actually watching but they are the bosses and nothing or no own can move them .. ) , the 2 girls and Dylan will provide all of kinds of content but they can’t everyday be crazy and live in the edge , they need to slow down as they currently do and obviously get more and more experienced with the cameras life .. if it was everyday crazy action , it would be too much and even the loyal fans will start getting bored .. I am sure we will be getting tons of content and i believe we will be discussing for a long long long time these people adventures , they are excellent additions and whoever can’t see this at least , I don’t really know why then they would protest for Lara , Serafima and Zhanna … ( maybe adding Liza soon to this club but we will see .. ) .
  18. Lots and lots and lots of guts from wonderful Zara going head to head with Leora … Obviously one more proof that she’s not checking her phone and she does what she feels after one more sexy dance showing 😇 Very nice 🥳🥳
  19. Hats off and a big bow down to amazing Ari with the “ new “ wall poster of the ONE AND ONLY Margot Robbie and the incredible Harley Quinn character , very easy to reveal so much more of what she likes , enjoys and has fun of … I can only wait and imagine incredible things by her … It is just that it has to be with Anthony 😔 who i hope he doesn’t drag her into stupidities when it is more than certain that this girl has so much to show and give .. Ari , fantastic 🤗😈😈👏
  20. Let’s repeat once again …. AT THIS VERY PERIOD 365 DAYS AGO we had pure reality and 4 amazing girls , Zabava , Esmi , Marlene and Karol and it was simply great … and people were complaining for the “ reality “ .. and now the obvious reasonable complains have to do with girls that aren’t at an even 5% level of the personalities of the 4 mentioned girls .. Karma is a bitch , complains for the 2 sisters who were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and look now 😂🤣😂🤣
  21. She was still the girl who handed over to Dylan the “ spanking tool “ .. maybe she didn’t expect it would be so rough , my prediction is that we will see more than rough moments the whole summer , when the temperature rises and the summer will be upon these people , wild things are expected .. and I think we will be seeing outsiders as the girls ( and boys ) will start going to the beach and beach bars and so on .. Villas tenants should be open minded and this latest addition looks more than promising and the results have been more than obvious and satisfactory the last 10 days .
  22. We will see , at least we have stories to follow and the “ awakening “ of Aziza in a complete 360 degrees personality and villas attitude change , it is much appreciated . With Ashley being in my opinion the wildest girl to watch ( Gloria also of course but let’s say she can be more selective in her doing things while Ashley doesn’t give a damn and I love it personally ) , I am expecting the fun to move and everyone of us being stunned with a possible Ashley /Aziza /Dylan incident .. let’s see .
  23. She will be fun , totally free spirited girl , let’s say that it would be great if she was in the villas with all that’s happening there now but then , imagine if she wasn’t in B2 … pfff . The problem is that I don’t know if Anthony will be able to provide the “ much expected “ fun , not the ideal partner i believe for her ..But better than nothing 😁 P.S . We can blame him for whatever , but Anthony is on fire and the girls seem to like him being around and having no problems flirting with anyone .. let’s see if his next “ invitation “ will be B1 as for me it is clear that he is in a way “ summoned “ in Barcelona to create moments …
  24. Let’s see if we gonna get a “ get to know B1/B2 “ tenants in a theme party later tonight … And if more additions apart from Anthony will be participating .. one thing is for sure , the roof will be seeing some of the people who will be joining for a loooooong time 😄
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