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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think the guys we saw so far in B7 ( apart from Tim that I can’t say why I didn’t like him - maybe because he was fucking Tani that I am a fan ? I really don’t know why I didn’t like the guy ) , the rest have been fine . Even Anthony for the purpose he is there he is fine , Dylan I enjoy watch him and of course Thor ..
  2. Pfff …not being able to get hard for whatever reasons can be understandable , but for a woman who is not only horny but she “ begs “ to be fucked and not even giving her pleasure to relax her and “ save “ her from her needs , this I can’ understand ( especially being the great looks of Ashley and not any below average girl ) and I wonder what we guys do sometimes 😡🤬😡😡
  3. At least , having such an absolutely “ I don’t give a fuck and will live my life the way I want “ girl , we will always know that whoever guy ( girl ) visits and simply start playing flirting with her , anything could be possible .. It would be fun to see if Anthony will surrender to her one day and if we ever see Samson in B7 again , pff , this will be hilarious to enjoy ..
  4. And … Having a woman that would fuck anyone just for her enjoyment and fun , we can all agree that if she really steps away from the villa and goes nightclubbing or whatever , we could see anything .. and she WILL ALWAYS have the pleasure from Dylan to chill her needs ( for sure will be interesting if Fior believes that this can happen again 😂🤣😂 - which might be of course - and he will be now visiting as he believes - rightfully - that he hit jackpot with this woman )
  5. It really looks like Fior didn’t have any other woman since he fucked Fiora 😂 .. Poor Ashley , she wants some crazy whatever fun and you have this volcano ( drunk ) woman next to you but can’t reproduce fast ( Dylan will be enjoying a lot later in the night if she won’t be asleep )
  6. Always great reunions in this apartment and definitely a big plus watching fellow tenants visiting others like Gyana and Dantez often do … the question is why Venera and Lion don’t visit also Gyana and Dantez .. still , a more than wonderful apartment always .
  7. You need to learn a lot about life and how people live and do things nowadays .. Maybe you can go to a monastery and dedicate your life there believing whatever you wish to believe and let Masha make her life the way she’s pleased and enjoys . She’s not harming you , she’s not messing with your life , she’s not fooling you with faking things in front of you or pretending being another person that what and who she is so as to protect her public image . I suggest that you go out to real world and interact with real people and learn how things for young people work in the year 2023 and then you can come here and express your hate for this person . But I forgot .. you can do it easily and in distance to her , next to her you wouldn’t even know what to tell her and stand by her .. Good night and don’t forget to go to the church on Sunday to preach about people that when they go 18 they should get marry and make 10 children like 50 years ago .
  8. They made a big effort to “ kick off “ / start a new RLC with more “ ALIVE “ things than the repeated quiet and boredom they had for a long time . Most of the tenants ( Barcelona speaking ) have been really ok so far , for 3 weeks in the new RLC we have seen quiet a lot . Quite frankly , even these two ( Severina and Mariam ) with that totally wrong approach showed a totally new thing that we had never seen before , obviously they had no idea what they were doing with the cameras recording but also it was a mistake from RLC that didn’t try to speak to them when the first 1-2 incidents were shown till we reached the last one when most probably the police threat made RLC to take SERIOUS actions . I agree with the post made that in such a big “ RELAUNCH “ , it can’t be that you succeed with everyone . To be honest , I think the majority is completely dissatisfied from Lara and Liza , all the rest have been very active for this short period . I get the feeling that RLC will continue with their idea of bringing new faces except if this now unexpected turn of events makes them want to reopen B1 fast or if this won’t be possible , they will be saving money with one apartment less . BIGGEST WISH ? Bring back Marlene and Tesla ( they are very close friends ) OR have the lovely and wonderful sisters back ( Esmi and Zabava ) .. but , it seems we get two new faces and let’s hope that the casting is done from whoever brought the villa tenants as it was already mentioned that these two ( Severina / Mariam ) seemed to be from someone else ( they didn’t even care to interact with any other all those 13 days ) .
  9. According to recent experiences ( changes in Prague ) and longer past incidents , this apartment will be disappearing , it remains to be seen if it is temporary or permanently ( let’s hope that they keep the beautiful and exotic Shantal ) .
  10. Zara’s presence is protecting her from any bad image to the viewers .. I don’t think she’s an innocent girl ( I still consider her virgin 🤣 ) .. but just some minutes ago , I think Fagen , it was mentioned that also during their previous stay there was a similar incident .. there are some unwritten rules to be followed when you are sharing an apartment , especially on sleeping times .. as it is said by the majority , let’s hope that they get a good night’s sleep and tomorrow either in the kitchen or at the pool they will sit down like adults and solve the differences .. otherwise , it might be a beginning of not good co existence and as we have seen in the past , it always affect the life of the tenants , one way or the other .
  11. Yes .. it has been a very much improved and fun period for the villas and let’s hope that this today won’t destroy the good times we are currently watching ( especially when it seems we are losing B1 and B2 is clinically dead - Ari can’t save it by herself ) .
  12. In all of this , the saddest figure is Wendy .. she goes in B7 and Antony seems playing with her . She stays in B4 and girls problems.. poor Wendy 😩
  13. Whatever has an action , there’s always a reaction .. Tani is a mystery with this as she’s a friend of Aziza , oh well .. WOMEN 😂🤣😂🤣
  14. I didn’t say it is RLC fault , i just say that RLC gets a problem out of nowhere when the girls ( with the big change 3 weeks ago ) seemed to get along pretty well . I think we will be finding out the reasons of the argument during the day .
  15. It is like they were out and they didn’t have fun and instead of coming home , slowly relax and get to bed , they kept on .. what can you say ..
  16. The Ulyana / Harley vs Leora battle will make things better for everyone watching 😁 , the competition so far is bringing results .
  17. Fagen Posted 1 minute ago Aziza shouldnt say anything, she was also partying with Tani the other day with Music in the kitchen while the others were trrying to sleep. You said it all with this reminder 👏👏
  18. Disaster in B4 .. RLC is getting problems out of nowhere when things seemed to be ok with the B4 tenants .. who would have thoughts that B7 would finally get the title of the most fun place to watch 😁 interesting to see how all this in B4 will be played out ( the arguments usually are when they don’t wash the dishes or when they make mess in the bathroom and such things , let’s see what the problem has been )
  19. I have slowly ( and recently ) started growing an idea that many current couples kind of having an agreement to be seen as couples so RLC can sign them , get a free apartment , the monthly salary and whatever bonuses their contract offers … Val and Jul at least had some sex on cameras and they look like a normal couple but I could also say many times that they are just friends with benefits for the above reason mentioned . At the moment , I get the feeling of the growing idea from Elli and Vencel ( they are loving each other but as friends and not emotionally as a loving relationship ) , Cheryl and Nikolas ( they seem to be a real couple but with many problems and RLC seems to be an opportunity for them for some temporary - financially ? - problems solved ) and Valeria and Dio ( clearly to get the money from RLC as they don’t even want to be on cameras ) . I think RLC should make the rules and conditions for any participants a bit stricter ( maybe a guarantee of X hours of weekly or monthly viewership without of course telling them what to do but in a way challenging them to find ways to get slowly people interesting in watching their apartment ) .. unless they meet the results after a certain time , they could give them a warning , solutions to watch and CREATE interesting apartments and tenants exist but many times RLC feels like they SIMPLY MANAGED to find two people who accepted to be on cameras and their mission is accomplished .. It can’t be they found Venera and Lion in Prague , Linda and Tibor in the past , Kitty and Smith and now that they have new modern and beautiful houses , they can’t find right tenants .. Val and Jul are in Rome , even Masha could fill 3-4 apartments by herself with some of her friends if she wished 😂🤣 But I guess , that due to the popularity that lesbian sex has or following the life of lesbians , RLC invested in this group ( that’s why we also had Vera and Una I think ) .. let’s see how this apartment develops or if it improves , at the moment is in a downgrade status .
  20. I think he meant Azura , Aziza sleeping deep 😄
  21. Nelly and Bogdan will solve this out tomorrow 😂🤣 … Mama and Papa will have a talk in a pool sunbathing moment with the people involved and there it is why the N&B supporters will appreciate their presence ..
  22. You are speechless because things are happening exactly when you - one week before - were accusing of the people paying and now you have a subscription . Good night and don’t play your dick so much , every time you appear with your targeted hate towards forum members or tenants , your IQ is going more and more below zero 😂🤣😅🤣
  23. I forgot to mention what I think it will be as of epikouros suggestions earlier . I see Shantal moving in B4 or maybe arrangements in B2 with Liza and Lara sharing the bedroom and B1 going again off cameras indefinitely till RLC solves the issue ( we were saying yesterday that RLC would be in trouble if the guy was reporting what had happened and if the police would answer the call to investigate and they would see more things than actually the girls could explain - cameras for example everywhere which can’t be justified when people enter the apartment or whatever reason without being told …. ) We need to wait but unless new girls are already in the waiting list and RLC is making already the changes and informs them , I see B1 going offline once again .. And with the apartment being already in the blacklist from previous incidents , this might be the END OF ALL ENDS of this legendary apartment ( after all RLC has this new one of Ulyana / Harley so they might can “ cover “ the loss “ in the far future ) .
  24. I was originally yesterday , while watching but not in full screen or full attention let’s say , asking if the cameras were mentioned and the answer was that they said about the camera in the kitchen . This was my very first post before engaging in the chat yesterday , then it was also some other posts that more cameras were also referred but need to go back to the yesterday’s chat and reread what was happening ( now the replay could easily solve all questions but even seeing this action so very fast happening -RLC deleting all footage - it means that RLC was seeing the bad thing coming and they were monitoring the actions ) .. Good friend Timber also mentioned a bit earlier and have also made a comment about it , RLC will always want to avoid any possible police issues , either the police being called to investigate an issue , being called for noise complains or in general actions that will draw attention . I know exactly about the personal data law in whole EU but like every law , the right interpretation can give “ windows “ as we say here . All the things you say it is right , the real question is what was really violated and I think the legal department of RLC knows better than any of us if they have jeopardize in a way that they can’t control any of the laws applied in Spain .
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