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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Poor Anthony … for years this is always what he was dreaming , to have his amazingly beautiful girlfriend sharing with another girl but never happened and a newcomer achieve this in 24 hours or so 😁.. And… Poor Kimberly , now that she’s gone , she could hang around with two girls and even with Dylan who don’t have an issue of drinking a bit more and smoke 1-2 joints to be chilled and relaxed .. THE BEST PART is that it ends exactly as it should , they never went all the way ( maybe they will never have sex ) and maybe it will always stay like this , but all these 3 people have no problem with the cameras and that’s what matters . I hope the girls prove a “ combination “ of Lavika and Marlene and the guy a Barclelona apartments Don Juan , they go out , meet people , have similar parties .. and we don’t need this everyday but occasionally so it is excited like it was today … And it looks like this is only the beginning , sweet little Ulyana is seeing this somewhere nearby in the same city and let’s see what she has in mind 😈😈😈
  2. I am sure that these two girls will “ occupy “ many many topics during the summer .. except if they are “ shut “ like Tesla and Eilan ..
  3. Party continues … need to repeat myself as of being extremely excited … Ashley and Gloria ARE ALREADY THE NEW RLC BARCELONA STARS … kudos and respect to anyone who discovered them , can’t understand how difficult is to find such girls … these two will provide endless fun .
  4. Anthony there trying to find “ his place “ .. and Wendy and azura still try to figure out where they have signed to be 😉
  5. Ashley and Gloria don’t seem to only play goofy games with Dylan , it is obvious that if they all want to fuck , they will do .. no games there , just fun and teasing .. which is obviously great .
  6. And Dylan hungry for sex and it is great he isn’t hiding it .. he isn’t there for games , whoever wants fun he is there … and let’s see how he will play them all ..
  7. The rumors are that Lilith provides substances … And only be seeing visiting Nelly shows that she has already good connections .. I personally didn’t enjoy her stay and I don’t like she’s around as she’s also now taking a lot of the lights that should be on the newcomers … but let’s see .. Ari I would love to see and also the red hair girl friend of incredible Wednesday … and we need to see what type of girl Shantal is …
  8. The teams can easily be seen , Dylan and the girls in the toilet , Anthony and the girls together and Lilith with the rest .. And again who ? A girl who lives not there but seems to know and influence quite some girls .
  9. I think it will be a major surprise seeing H&U in the villas , they hated it there .. but we will see , I don’t think they have socializing problems , they already know lots of people in Barcelona and I don’t think they need this party of girls ..
  10. I hope Dylan takes Ashley in the kitchen and simply continue of where they stop..
  11. Zara can’t do anything as long as Dana is always around her in a way protecting her .. plus , as I have said , I think Dana likes Anthony also so this is also a problem .. Zara knows she’s popular I think but she has her limits .. luckily we don’t have to worry anymore as we have now girls who have no problem of being free and not giving a shit about the cameras ( Ashley / Gloria)
  12. At least we get after such a long time the atmosphere we should have in the villas most of the times ( not exaggerating so it becomes boring and repeated ) rather than winter hibernation we had to suffer for so many months and people enjoying naked women opening their legs on cameras for views and doing what currently B4 and B7 are doing outside , giving a BIG DEEP SHIT to all of us who have been responsible for their salaries .. As for the ones saying about Nelly and Bogdan , it is exactly because of this couple that such parties happen 9 out of 10 times in B4 and not in the also luxury B7 where all bedrooms are bigger for 2 people and sleeping arrangements can be easier .. but the mama and papa must not be disturbed , after all this isn’t a life for them ..
  13. Ok .. now Nelly and Bogdan should wake up like last time and join 😂🤣😅🤣
  14. I agree that azura seems a nice addition but Wendy we need to wait .. it is sad to see Tani making her own way but definitely she can easily have the fun by herself and share if she wants ..
  15. Join the club my friend .. 😂 but moving to Greece tomorrow Saturday and with sun and sea once again so the climate will be helping for the crazy summer that it seems we will be enjoying .. Except if mama and papa interfere again…
  16. Of course , it is nice that Acura and Wendy join so as we can see what they can bring from their side ..
  17. So … a party in B4 , either it will end with RLC 2.0 winning or the RLC 1.0 will be showing that it is just fun and all have a limit since these people will work together …We have the difficult to show Zara , Dana and parasite Lilith against the two girls who already bring the difference and craziness that it is needed in the villas and we haven’t seen in this level since Tesla and Eilan and glances while Elettra and Taylor were there .. A Thor and Samson now would make this a complete fun .. but Antony running for Zara and Lilith there , let’s see if they follow the madness of Dylan and the 2 new amazing girls .
  18. Yes yes yes , APOLOGIES , of course it is Lilith, I don’t know how I brought up Raniya … apologies and thanks for correcting ..
  19. Again , Ashley is DANGEROUS woman , a pure beauty , spontaneous and fun , she can make a really really good name and impression , what an addition …
  20. I think they will be coming back from a club or B4 and maybe it can be lots of fun and not only b/g
  21. Either they will join B4 or they are late night going out to party ..
  22. Anthony is playing around not knowing what he wants ..
  23. I hope Dylan makes this RLC journey with his current craziness than becoming a cameras diplomacy , he is absolutely fine as he is totally free trying to seduce with his madness and laughs and good vibes the girls .. and what a success with this one earlier ..
  24. Anthony destroys the trio fan to make Zara jealous by bringing the others in the villa to show that they also have a great time and of course we are watching the “ parasite “ Raniya who can’t be away from a place that when she was there , she is mostly remembered when Taylor put a dildo in her pussy… and of course , totally disrespected when the other tenants in B4 want to sleep ..
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