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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This woman everyday that she “ settles down “ more and more in this new life she has in Barcelona , everyday she’s getting more sensual , more enjoyable , more incredible to watch . There have been endless talks for the 10 year tenant but whoever is watching Karol ( and I haven’t been doing so when she was a Girl On Vacation ) since the beginning that she joined , can see the evolution of this -rare to have - woman . If anyone wants to enjoy , relax and feel happy watching a woman , Karol is the absolute current female .. She is THE WOMAN currently in Barcelona , I will agree with the term classy , she’s class and we are lucky having her and enjoying her … When this woman she could be successful I believe on anything she would do in the out of cameras and normal life world .
  2. Let’s see when he visits or reappears again , one thing is for sure , this apartment won’t let anyone down 😉
  3. Out of nowhere incidents with Harley , a new guy for her , clearly she plays men the way she wishes 😂 , I can’t be more satisfied seeing that she’s indeed the X-Factor 😉😏… I won’t understand so easily to be honest on the other hand her guys selection , in my humble opinion , she has been seen with average type of looking men when she could for sure be around much much better .. perhaps her first one was the “ nicest “ of them all , the second guy ( and the one we saw the first two nights in the new apartment ) and this one , they looked one step down of her league .. it was the same with Lavika at times and her guys selection .. let’s see but the warm up from this apartment is happening exactly as these two amazing girls have in mind 😉😉
  4. I am impressed and humbled that you remember my posts 😁😌 You say it , the replays are back on and already make the difference 😝 , sit back and enjoy what (both ) will be doing ..
  5. The replays option for this apartment has been restored as it is very clear at the moment 😏😋
  6. I complain only when my IQ is violated .. I don’t complain when girls are shy , I try to accept it . I complain when in front of my monitor , they parade girls like Serafima , Zhanna , Lara and when deleted footage is happening when there’s no reason . I complain for Nelly , Leora and the girls like we had Vera and Una , each for their own reasons .. and I have a LOUD OPINION to say it 😂🤣 As I have a large mouth to PRAISE AND THANK the girls like Ulyana , Harley , Ari , Gloria and Ashley and I will even exaggerate at times because I PERSONALLY GET THE FEELING BY THEM that they respect my euros which are responsible to get paid every month , body language and actions show me that they enjoy being on cameras and for this I praise .
  7. It’s a business and for months we had more than 50% of Barcelona tenants either doing outside life without life inside the apartment and respecting the viewers of sharing their lives and only some nudity . If this is their business , disaster . We have 15+ new participants and only 5-6 have showed being not cameras shy and all the buzz and talks is about these 5-6 and there are nowadays no comments of the new who have done nothing of special noticing so far when it was a daily MASSIVE MASSIVE complain in comparison to the few that they were doing something . What business they are and what they want to achieve in total , we might be seeing when all are nearly a month in the project .
  8. Tim made Tani feel special and unique by brainwashing her daily ..
  9. I agree very much with your post , especially the part of Dylan pleasuring the girls , you saw in all of them the excitement even for those 1-2 minutes he was licking their pussies . I agree also with his surprise finding Aziza on his bed , it was a real and genuine surprised look on his face . I disagree that these people knew each other before , I think that RLC told them that you will be living in a villa with a couple and two guys , they said the names and that’s all . All the other connections and things on cameras are happening spontaneous and live and as these 3 would live also their lives without cameras they in a villa , they would still try and fuck and be fucked .I think the majority can’t accept that there are girls and boys who simply LOVE SEX AND PLEASURE . And I enjoy them that they don’t give a shit and they ARE ENJOYING themselves , this is the life in such an environment , the opposite has been the paradox so far .
  10. I can’t understand your certainty “ it’s clear that they were asked to do these things “ … why isn’t it possible that FOR ONCE FINALLY we have tenants that they simply like this life ? Partying , pool swimming , downtown Barcelona touring , food and a bit of alcohol at night and sex whenever it feels like … WHY IT HAS TO BE THE STEREOTYPE “ they were asked “ ? Why we need to think that there aren’t people who simply like the crazy and fun times in life ? Hello , this is 2023 where the girls and the boys are with expensive mobiles from the age of 8-9 and they know what sex is from the age of 12-14 and the majority might be fucking from 15-16 instead of the 17-18 in the past .. for me , it is clear that these people see this villa as the place to enjoy their lives and have fun , this is how I would do BECAUSE THE ATMOSPHERE WOULD DRIVE ME INTO THIS FEELING , the sexy girls and the fun AND NOT BECAUSE I WOULD BE ASKED SO . I feel , I do , I don’t feel or I am cameras shy , I don’t do . As simple as that .
  11. I prefer genuine people like them rather than watching people playing it “ virgin Mary’s “ for the sake of their personal image “ young , beautiful and innocent “ ( serafima was the biggest example of this )
  12. In general , there are no replays from this apartment , I don’t think that these two girls haven’t been providing even a tiny moment that wouldn’t make it to the replays , I believe that there must be something wrong with the replays of the cameras of this apartment , let’s see if it goes UM during the day or if this happens today also which will most probably prove that something isn’t working .
  13. Whatever is happening at B7 , it is an absolute reward for these 3 people who established dominance on cameras since they arrived.. they achieved it by doing one simple thing , NOT CARING AT ALL what people would post /think/judge/criticize them ( either positive or negative ) here .. They do as pleased wild and crazy , subscribers like it .. it has been enough with the attitude of trying to figure out “ what am I supposed to do here “ or some of them having signed with RLC to open their legs , masturbate , get the monthly money and go home whenever their time is up .
  14. I prefer expressing my excitement or anger / frustration the way it comes as in reality and not pretending or controlling myself .. what Greek and in an extension southern mentality person would I be if I would be thinking how I would be posting something that would excite my instincts rather than saying a simple “ that was great “ .. I leave this to others .
  15. It depends on what you want to watch … I think - at the moment - the biggest success is that there’s a balance of everything , there’s content for absolutely anyone according to what they wish to see and watch .. I find this the biggest RLC success . The best for me so far is Ashley , crazy , fun , hungry for sex , showgirl , the whole package is there … A BAD GIRL ready to do all and experience the most she can … and I love those kind of girls who simply don’t give a shit about their image or what will be written / commented about them .. these are the type of women that if you want to finally settle up your life at a certain point when you have done it all ,it will be the best choice .. she will have done it all also , she won’t be missing anything and she can be the best girlfriend /lover/sex partner / friend . Let’s see about the others as there will be many surprises for sure .
  16. The price will be paid ( and we won’t be witnessing it .. ) when they get out in the real world .. at least Linda and Tibor seem to have realized that it is time to move on and perhaps ( if there’s a problem in their marriage ) save it .
  17. It is a pity for us viewers not enjoying her when she has no boundaries , but as long as she’s happy , it is perfectly fine .. i still believe we will see much from her ( she needs to really “ build “ again this nice tanning that we saw she had when she entered B4 😉 )
  18. Ari will be one of the girls that will keep us for sure chatting about her , not cameras shy , she has won already attraction , she doesn’t look like she’s there to hide or not do things .. we need to see if she’s a Lavika or Marlene type but for sure , it feels like her adventures will be camera sharing ..
  19. I think there will be for sure “ trying “ 😉
  20. I disagree .. I have caught Dylan a couple of times explaining some things about himself to the girls , for example , I think 2 nights ago he was explaining the tattoos meaning to Ashley if i remember correctly .. I don’t think it would have been such a discussion if they were friends already , one of the first things that people with tattoos do when they first meet is to talk about their tattoos , if they were friends outside , there wouldn’t be any explanation and talks on cameras . I think it has to do with an excellent coincidence that 3 people met under the same roof and they share the same more or less thoughts and opinions about life , they got attracted and they would fuck whenever they will feel to , they won’t be bothered , disturbed or get pissed whenever anyone does things , fuck buddies for as long as they will feel to… BUT , many times at least one develops a bit more feelings so it will be interesting to see if this happens or it will be an exception of the rule … at the moment , it is more than fresh and it doesn’t even look like it but these people I think will be in the villas for sure till November , so let’s see . Personally , very excited of the party atmosphere , exactly the scenario I have in mind watching B4 and B7 .. And a secret wish , Dylan to fuck Tani 😈😈😈 😋😋
  21. I think it was mostly their pleasure and then a cameras show , it didn’t last much , I think both girls have lack of sex and they have been driven to act out of personal horny feelings.. of course they both played with the cameras but it felt for me that it was mostly for themselves .. The non replays not even at the whole replay section it is also very weird as they occupied the cameras totally during their performances .. to be honest , the last days had also top cameras during their evenings / late nights in the kitchen and they also didn’t have replays , it might be something wrong then with the RLC software in this apartment ? We will see .
  22. And … no stupid toys …just the original female pleasure , fingers and how it should be done .
  23. As was said ..😋😋😋😋 Never ever underestimate the TOP WOMAN across RLC … Because Ulyana the Girl is no more , now we have Ulyana the Woman ..Sit back , relax and simply enjoy what this woman can provide when it is about seducing , teasing , performing … RLC’s future has returned 😋😋😋😈😈😈😈😈
  24. Pff .. saying the same thing since Day 1 and the incidents .. IT IS 2023 , long are the days that there were moral issues or similar things .. this is a newer generation and the ones who grew up in the 60s or 70s ( sorry for the targeting / mentioning you guys but I believe the ones that we are in our middle 30s or 40s have a different approach ) might find whatever is happening weird . It is though more and more usual what we are seeing , ALL THESE people are gathered in two luxury villas , free rent , imagine yourselves ( and if not you are the strange ones ) amongst all of those beautiful girls , I would personally would flirt a different one everyday so as to fuck the most possible , it might be looking strange that now women also think this way , it is 2023 , they can also everyday want a different guy .. it doesn’t make us Casanovas if we fuck everyday a new one and it doesn’t make them whores if they fuck everyday a different guy . This is the world now , pleasure, fun , sexual experiences , both sexes are equal now to live and feel the life anyway they wish .. we men aren’t gigolos doing so and the women aren’t Monica Bellucis seducing … Please wake up and see the world we are having , today we are and tomorrow not , the more we can have , the better .. if anyone is offended or can’t understand , they can find a girlfriend and enjoy the marital life of being with the same woman from the middle 20s and when they reach their forties realize what they have missed in life .. look at monogamous Leora and Paul who are a perfect example of another era .. and compare a woman who does all house work like in the sixties and the man enjoys.. if this is the example and not the free , liberal life that most of the Barcelona tenses represent in this young age , then I am seeing things totally wrong 🤩
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