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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. One positive , we have two newcomers , one negative we have them sharing the room on which we already can understand that won’t be easy for privacy and as a conclusion due to past experience , it never worked this in this room when we saw two girls , on the contrary , we can remember it as some of the worst choices that RLC made .
  2. I speak always for myself because it is me writing and I am not the secretary of anyone here 😂🤣 Please dude , use your common sense .
  3. I think if I lose in my mind the way I have assigned this site on my daily life routine , it will then be the day that I will be canceling my subscription . For me , it is all about normal people who - for their own reasons - have chosen this . As long as they keep me entertained - that is allowing me to watch how they behave in their daily life with others and how they live their routine - , I am totally fine . As we know , everyone has his / her own reasons watching RLC , as long as everyone’s pleased for his / her own reasons , then I think that RLC will last long as it manages to please a large amount of viewers .
  4. A very good answer and fair opinion, very much respected by my side. I don’t want to put any negativity , I would be crazy as a man not liking Linda but I am here at CamCaps and i watch RLC obviously for the real life incidents that offers but mostly to be entertained and not feel sad and bitter for a tenant . Linda and Tibor have been one of the best , a legendary RLC couple but nowadays it is not smiles and good feelings watching them , this is all I am saying ( which is as always my own opinion and personal point of view ) . I want to see Linda enjoying her life again , smiling , being crazy , spontaneous , I don’t see this now , it is mostly an unhappy and sad face expression . And this is why I think that maybe going away from the cameras words might rejuvenate their relationship . I don’t think that Linda reads the forum, her latest topless parading is considered mostly a coincidence by myself but I might be completely wrong .. Can it be some last gasps of viewership ( we can agree that all tenants check their viewership ) for some last good money before moving out to the real world ? Don’t get me wrong that I want to disturb anyone’s pleasure of watching this couple but i think it is always more than fair knowing when to move on and preserve a legacy .. there’s no point to be remember for the sadness but for the greatness the couple gave us with sharing their private moments . It is an exactly the same with Leora and Paul and Nelly and Bogdan .. look the refresh we have with Venera and Lion for example or even the surrounding mystery of Elli and Vencel . Life needs to move on even for as us viewers of what we would like to watch.
  5. Come on Alladino , let’s be a bit fair and give time .. We encourage- I think the majority - the recent changes , think also how Wayne and Wednesday were treated the first 2-3 days before their complete transformation and becoming gradually one of the best couples ever appeared in B5 . I enjoy your posts the last couple of months , you above everyone knows how we need to give tile before criticizing .. let’s see .
  6. Or again the stupidity or having two girls sharing the bedroom … pff , same ole same ola like the problems we see in B4 when two girl-friends need to share the bedroom where Dana and Zara are now .. fingers crossed , let’s hope we get just one girl in this room .
  7. Today is a good day to be in the forum , how much I miss such good and nice counter opinions, developed with reasonable arguments , well done my friend 😇 So , my answer .. First , I am a big fan of Bogdan , criticizing him negative the way the recent famous incident was handled , doesn’t change my opinion about him , he is a decent guy , surrounded all those years in Barcelona by girls who ( let’s admit it ) are way more attractive than his wife and before this thing with Aziza , he never ever gave any reason to judge him or question his loyalty , i consider him one of the best tenants ever and this will never change .. but it is time for him to go out in the real world and I will be also explaining this .. But Nelly ? What is it to like from her ? As good friend Omedo said , she’s now unattractive , in the past she was nice to watch , with hobbies , a normal life , with respect and love to her husband .. and look at her now , a ghost , skinny and consumed from the drinks and whatever substances , she has no friends after so many years in Barcelona and she’s counting for the life she has by still being on cameras when as it seems she can’t do anything normal outside the cameras environment . If you notice , B&N have their RLC apartment ( not their own apartment but their employer’s apartment ) decorated and maintained like it is their own , like they possess it when they are just a Couple On Vacation with the technical meaning of RLC apartments division .. They hardly ever party with the others , they just do occasionally and in my humble opinion because they feel obliged to show a kind of participation. This is the villas , a place for long term holidays , a place that we as viewers want to watch parties , drinks , sex , unpredictable and crazy situations.. and the villas people who are temporary guests , THEY KNOW they have to behave because the most experienced , longest with RLC and most importantly , the couple that has also other duties with RLC apart being only tenants , a married couple and not two people who are nowadays boyfriend and girlfriend , they are older , they live just next to them… how would you behave if you knew all these details ? Just think how the villas were when it was FREEDOM of everything and how it is since they became tenants there . It is hardly even unpredictability in B7 or when it happens , it needs to be in the rooms of the tenants , hardly ever things happening in the LR for example ( the last was Tim and Kimberly ) , I get the felling personally that the tenants there want to respect their “ bosses “ in a way . And here comes the difference in our thinking , this isn’t because Nelly and Bogdan have asked or RLC has put limits , it works simply subconsciously in the minds of the tenants , it is always the “ question” and insecurity of “ and what if I do something that they won’t like ? “ . Nelly and Bogdan NEVER EVER would instruct , advise or suggest to any of the tenants to do things BUT maybe ( a simple speculation ) the non good relationships amongst them and the rest of apartments has to do because they are tenants . You can clearly see that it is just the B5 people ( couples ) visiting more often the villas while hardly ever we will see the rest of the girls of the apartments visit B4 and B7 .. can it be that they know that the “ bosses “ live there and they don’t want to get any issues ? Can it be that the lifestyle they have they would have liked many times to come and enjoy in the villas ( look - and it so weird - how many times the villa tenants will go downtown to party in the apartments of B5 for example , lots of events in B2 also , when was Nelly and Bogdan participating or visiting any of their colleagues ? ) but knowing that it isn’t exceptional freedom there they prefer staying away ? My conclusion of not wanting ( personally ) anymore to have N&B on my devices , it is that they have nothing to offer anymore as tenants . They live as a couple in a sharing villa , if people like yourself or others who still enjoy watching them , let RLC give them a free apartment ( like the one where Carla and Yanai is ) and have them live their RLC concept there .. but , how stupid would be to abandon the luxury they have ? They are a couple , let them have their own place and let the villa be with single girls and boys .. and then we can see if we also get different behaviors than what we saw from Kimberly , the two tourists before her ( Kassandra and Ailey ) , the two other disastrous before them Karen and Oks .. is it a coincidence than NONE OF THE GIRLS have been a great tenant ? Can it be that N&B presence prevents them from being as they wish ? I am just stating facts which can of course be a massive coincidence .. In my humble opinion , the on cameras presence of two RLC employees who are more than tenants ( they have other duties as we know ) prevents a lot from the majority of the tenants .. and again , not because they have asked it but the tenants out of respect and “ fear “ don’t want to create mess .
  8. It’s only 15:36 where I am .. we can’t complain when we saw so many changes and we already have around 20% refilled .. don’t forget that they had empty rooms for more than a month because they couldn’t find or unknown reasons of having empty beds .. let’s see , I find it positive as i said and fast what’s happening. .
  9. Changes are happenings fast , this is already a good sign ..
  10. I will say it once again - especially when it proves that it worked so amazingly great - , I believe RLC should let free all participate to interact with one another , i can’t believe who wouldn’t love to watch Venera and Lion visiting Leora and Paul in Prague for example , Elli and. Vencel getting holidays in Barcelona and they have a kind of guest room for them in the villas , Carla and Yanai visiting their Spanish colleagues in the villas or the girls going to their apartment and we can see Yanai teaching them Latin dances … This is so easy to do but they avoid like hell for unknown reasons .. As for unknown reasons it was allowed to Martina and Alberto being the only ones to be mixed and we saw the result ( and this is where I base my suggestion and idea ) , so easy and nothing on risk … but what do I know ..
  11. And we are welcoming girl 225 or 226 if I am correct .. a newcomer for this job , well assigned room , let’s see and good stay / luck to her .
  12. For the REALLY deep thinking conspiracy theorists 😂🤣😂🤣 NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE ANY OF MASHA’S visits in Barcelona .. the facts of today show that she was there a couple of weeks ago and suddenly today so many tenants are eliminated .. it’s an insane speculation but AGAIN , she’s in Barcelona and things happen .. I wouldn’t honestly be surprised if we see sooner or later more apartments in Montenegro and finding out that she helped with possible recruitments .. But i honestly think that her short stay in Barcelona is also a TINY / LITTLE / MINIMUM factor of all today’s RLC extreme changes .
  13. They can still put it under maintenance like Vera and Una .. but I guess would be too much for nearly a week of so many extreme changes ..
  14. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😆😆👏👏👏👏
  15. RLC , give this girl a bed ( if she wishes being a tenant that is and enjoy the benefits and if she likes to be watched by thousands obviously ) .
  16. Let’s hope that all this “ cleaning “ and whatever more comes , it will make the rest of them “ fear a bit “ and not consider their position safe and they will try to become more active and pleasant for the viewers .. to be quite fair , EVERYONE WHO HAS REMAINED , ( apart from Lara , Aziza , Nelly and Bogdan in my opinion ) are rightfully there - B5 obviously included - . It might be a last “ bell ringing “ - again apart from Nelly and Bogdan who are the permanents and TLc should give them one apartment of their own and then whatever and whoever wants to watch , feel free , that if things don’t chase , prepare for your release as well … IT IS ENOUGH I think for RLC doing whatever its employees want and not putting the rules kind of “ hey , you have a job here , either enjoy your participation and the benefits you enjoy or we can reconsider your contracts “ … It is again tictoc time , let’s see what’s happening .
  17. Apologies as I haven’t read the updated posts there , thanks for the notice .
  18. The only scary thing is Zhanna’s name still active 🥶🥶😶‍🌫️😱😳🫣
  19. It really seems that RLC this time is taking things very seriously , I can’t remember the last time they updated the “ status “ so fast .. With that being said , my speculation is that either they hit rock bottom ( perhaps the least active subscribers in their history of being a “ live “ - real time - online site ) and they want to make a BIG STATEMENT that “ Hey , we are watching and you are right and we will try to change “ or …. NEW MANAGEMENT watching , totally pissed off with the “ product “ , they gave notice for changes , things didn’t work and instantly the deadline of “ do or be eliminated “ came today and this is what happened .. The only questions for this speculation is why to send off Karina and Lavika , but for them , Lavika might be due to time spent ( almost a year ) and Karina due to asking for a release .. other than that , it all makes sense , even Kimberly , she wasn’t happy , her presence was mostly toxic watching ( regarding the relationship with the rest of her roomates and colleagues except B1 - who what a surprise , they got eliminated also , she might have asked for her release also since they are going - ) rather than trying to make small and tiny steps to approach the other participants .. Personally , I take it as a triumphant day as the “ bad “ tenants have been removed and the really good ones that said goodbye , we have been more than privileged watching them but they deserve whatever they have asked and it’s good that RLC heard them . New era , post Covid , very crucial with RLC choices for the girls on cameras , if they don’t succeed , they will face difficult times .. let’s see .. I believe they will be great .
  20. If Grisha goes too , I really get the feeling that RLC is definitely shaking things up and says to all of them “ what the fuck is this ? “ and they are going back to a “ model “ of nice and pure entertainment and for sure respecting the viewers .. no matter who joins .. for me it is clearly a “ disappointment response from RLC “ of what’s been happening in Barcelona since they decided to bring online one more “ flag “ apartment .. Of course , it is clear that they aren’t “ fighting “ the root of the problem , that is the “ ongoing “ on cameras existence of Nelly and Bogdan .. again , fingers crossed for a “ reboot “ .
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