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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. So … if I get it right here , you are requesting / asking a normal daily life girl to abandon in a way the “ normal life “ and adjust to “ set up and orchestrated “ on cameras performances like addicted to cameras and exposure tenants who can’t live and have an “ as muhc as normal life “ sharing on cameras but they become a tool for people here who see these women as “ tools of pleasure “ here for the viewers and not as “ normal human beings “ like each and everyone of us is , with the difference being that THEY CHOSE to share their life on cameras ( with many many - mainly and most of all - financial benefits ) and WE CHOSE to pay and watch these people sharing their privacy .. It is a pity in my opinion and the way I see it , asking from a tenant to “ become “ and do things that isn’t complying to her presence and participation all these years she shares her life with her husband on cameras when I think we should give her the right space and time till she feels herself once again , go away from this difficult period in her life ( THAT ABSOLUTELY NOONE APART FROM HER KNOWS - i think maybe a lot of things not even Tibor knows - ) and reward us once again as this couple habe been doing for plus 3 years when they were on fire by being sincere , fully in love and having a relationship that so many viewers would “ beg “ to have . All I am saying is that Linda ( and Tibor ) should remain themselves and not become tools to satisfy anyone’s fetish and “ needs “ here .. being sincere and original as we met them , this is what what I personally expect from this couple . I certainly don’t agree with this couple being still on cameras but I respect their decision and for as long as they share their private life , i will watch them because of them being real ( even in this difficult period - which is though original real life ) than becoming viewers puppets to satisfy needs and fetish of people here .. There are other tenants who feel obliged and are puppets to viewers who “ use “ them as puppeteers to be exposed because they HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER IDEA HOW TO LIVE THEIR LIVES .
  2. It’s still remaining a mystery - which obviously proves that there must be a strange deal or connection between RLC and this couple - on why they don’t give / move this couple to the former Katie & Adam apartment than having them locked in the worst apartment in the history of this site and in a way , not being making the majority fun to watch such a terrible cameras apartment .. and Esenia now is more free exposing her boobs as she was hiding for many months and even at times some turn on lights private sessions than the usual NV .. let’s see , maybe they are preparing the Katie and Adam place for special ones ..
  3. As was very rightfully said , the best way to cover a “ mistake “ , it is always showing how much you love the other … I still remember Nelly , immediately the next day after whatever she was doing with Martina , fucking Bogdan passionately … BUT , because it was a g/g thing , most people here loved it and taking it as normal and not a marriage betrayal .. I can’t imagine what would be here in this very forum if Bogdan was fucking Aziza exactly the way Nelly and Martina were fucking one another , poor Bogdan , everyone would hit on him like “ shame on him “ not respecting the marriage … And amongst people in this forum who can “ identify “ nice women from “ washed up “ women , I consider Aziza is way more more attractive at this very period than Nelly … Still , Bogdan’s tactics show how wrong all this is and how guilty he is and he should be feeling .. and sex on cameras can maybe ( AT LEAST THEY THINK 😂🤣 ) could possibly make the viewers forget the deleted footage and the kiss and the ass light spank 😂🤣😂🤣 … YOU WERE CAUGHT , poor Fior , they might fire him 😳😫😱😱
  4. Easter is coming and look is like Serafima is going to church every morning after her night adventures to light up a candle and pray that all gets nice in her life and maybe finds a boyfriend that understands her , that she needs to be out in clubs expanding her social circles , when at home she will need to be naked for the job she has assigned for , she will need to sleep also at times at the place where her “ official “ job is , so many little details that she’s searching a boyfriend to try and communicate this to him .. a candle every morning might help her .. at the same time , she must keep an “ ethic level “ inside the apartment with fellow tenants keeping an epic level of being respecting and quiet ( achieving this by having an apartment empty is a good idea and a new joined tenant limited in actions .. ) , no loud music of noises or fun because the police might come and she and her fellow tenants get kicked out - and then RLC will be deleting the footage so as nobody learns who started the noise problem - … B1 adventures continue , it is BY FAR , the most fun and interesting apartment to watch , who in the end doesn’t want a pair of nice big titties parading for free everyday and two nice legs being constantly open , showing off a pussy being touched by always nice taken care of nails … pfff 😜😝🤪🤪🤪🤪
  5. What a “ couple “ if they don’t discuss while problems occur 😬🙄.. Nelly simply gets what he deserves if there’s anything going on between Aziza and Bogdan .. but these are all too amateur things for Bogdan who has never given any “ right “ to be questioned about his love for Nelly .. He supported her , backed her up , he was and has always been there for her even when she was collapsing blinded by whatever things she had in mind that she could have a parallel relationship while being married .. Bogdan was a “ cuckold “ for a loooong time despite repeatedly showing his annoyance and displeasure .. if he has managed to play us all fool and hire a secret lover , give her the best room in the nearby villa and satisfying his sexual needs away from cameras such a long time before committing this newbie / amateur , foolish beginner’s mistake done by an all time veteran , well , this whole story doesn’t make sense in many things .. I only know that he was on holidays while Masha happened to visit Barcelona .. coincidence or not , only extreme crazy speculation of how to spice up things and improve an incredible BOREDOM villas period due to lack of chemistry / tenants choice recruiting by RLC ..
  6. Showing his happiness that he managed to hide his “ exposure “ by having the footage deleted 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. I think what it is very remarkable and should be noticed , it is the fact that for the very first time that Masha will be away on holidays ( long period ) , she trusts the house to Elvis and she didn’t ask for the hairdresser who is the replace for her always ( as we have said , one more reason why Masha has always and forever respecting the viewers as she very very rare left the apartment empty - and before anyone says that it is also the cats , she lives in Rome and she could easily arrange for the cats on special places that exists for pets ) , it now remains to be seen if this girl ( as it seems ) will get the apartment duties while Elvis is working ( it might be that since she’s a known person to Elvis , he suggested her and Masha trusts him and she will obviously get paid from Masha ) and Elvis will be spending the nights on the couch as we saw yesterday … STILL AND WE SHOULD ALSO NOT FORGET , the housekeepers while Masha is on holidays never had issues to share private things on cameras , so let’s see if this girl will do ( HIGH HIGH CHANCES since -as we know- whoever lays down on Masha’s bed , somehow , someway this bed has an invisible magic wand and “ transforms “ everyone to act 😂🤣😂🤣 ) .
  8. Yes , I don’t believe that ANY tenant can delete any footage by himself / herself , as another member said , these are rights only to administrators and I don’t think any of the people on Barcelona has administrator rights .. if that was the case , we would have dozens deleted scenes , especially the “dark days” of Nelly when she was really looking like a shipwreck .
  9. RLC deleted the scene after someone asking ( Bogdan ? Nelly ? ) … I don’t think RLC would delete a scene that didn’t go against the rules they have , THEY KNOW they have done a stupidity , we know they monitor the CamCaps site , i believe also they must have got complains about it .
  10. Very well said , the biggest mistake is the deleted footage which “ represents “ a “ black page “ in the history of this site , if not the biggest disaster decision they have taken .. as long as they did this , EVERYONE WHO REGULARLY WATCHES knows that there is something that it isn’t right .. And we are just waiting to see when all this chaos will explode as long as these people remain as tenants and on cameras ..
  11. It had to happen at a “ bigger “ impact than what has been transpired already twice in the past so as for people to believe it here and suddenly the posts today are 3-4 times more than the tow other times that Elli and her “ friend “ ( still not a name given 😛 ) we’re doing things undercover … It’s funny that this apartment gets attention not during the times that Elli shared with her “ boyfriend “ but usually when there are visitors and this certain “ friend “ … i will repeat again , it looks to me like Elli and Vencel are having a kind of “ agreement “ , they are for sure very very close to one another but many things at times don’t make sense .. Elli not being pleased sexually , him making sex to her out of obligation as he never shows any affection and her most of the times after sex trying to play with her toy to finish and be satisfied .. At least we have a “ different “ and for sure unique with the happenings apartment and will say it again , if Elli is willing and enjoys the cameras and the exposure ( at the moment she doesn’t look like she cares or have understood that she’s massively watched and mostly her interests are elsewhere and different .. ) , RLC should invest on her .. of course it is Poland and they just began there so it looks difficult , but let’s see ..
  12. Much closer to what I thought earlier and mentioned it , will attach to your post 😇
  13. Tim is a nice looking guy , that’s how I see him at least .. mostly , he is extremely talented of knowing what to say to women , this for us men it is such a big asset which can lead in many “ successful “ incidents 😂 .. Nobody knows what she’s doing outside , if anyone here knows that she has someone , then , they have a portable camera on her and they are stalking her .. all I can say is , that WE KNOW that she has no problems of doing ALL on cameras and if anything is happening with her personal life erotically and the other person isn’t camera shy , we will for sure see this person on cameras .
  14. Albanian it isn’t , I live in a place that we were surrounded by them at a period and this I can tell you for sure .. as I said , the balcan countries vocabulary is more heavy but might be possible , in any case , it is if not so much interest 😇
  15. I will accept this as you listen speaking Italian , but still , balcan countries vocabulary is different than what he and the girl were heard speaking . I will apologize in case i am mistaken .
  16. The language they are speaking isn’t of any Slavic resemblance .. I am very good with languages due to my job and in the beginning it looked like polish but then some words used plus the accent sounded like Czech / Slovak .. in any case ,the surprise is that , as very well you mention , Italian might be a language that he grew up learning as a child or one of his parents might be Italian and the other from the other country he speaks fluently ..
  17. This was not Albanian , I assure you 😇 ..
  18. I enjoy women that know what to do sexually .. I like to watch girls who know how to please guys , Tani knows a looooooooot , this i appreciate about her … plus , I think she’s a really cool person but Tim’s influence on her ( as I have said she might a kind of insecure girl ) made her lose her way in some things as she really seemed to be brainwashed by him while he was there .. She’s a big pleasure for me to watch her .
  19. Fantastic Tani as always .. And Alsu .. these two the ones that are guaranteed adult entertainment and hopefully Tani will have no issues during the summer if the circumstances allow .. Dana and Zara play the cameras game , however Zara can be an excellent tenant as she’s a really funny and outgoing girl but “ police officer “ and bodyguard Dana is not allowing her to explode .. And then it is Britney that we are still trying to figure out and the - now we know why ..- mysterious Aziza that got the best room and all this time she’s on camera world , the most insane thing we saw from her is being cuddled by Bogdan and the content being deleted … Tani is expert sexual class , end of story .
  20. It’s the full day of surprises , I never could imagine that Elvis isn’t Italian , I think they are speaking Polish or Czech with the female guest and looks like the mother language , this I never expected ..
  21. This is called superiority .. this is simply one of the nicest moments we have ever witnessed .. it simply proves - and in this extreme difficult cameras world - that there’s only one thing that can heal it all , this is of course , TIME . It is absolutely great that these 3 took their time and allowed the time to make them calm , think nice and peacefully and in the end - as we see today - remain friends … luckily I was referring about Masha earlier in a post and she indeed proved it once more , that she is the BEST TENANT ever and that she would ONLY HER manage to create this insane reunion moment we are witnessing amongst her previous lovers … MANY MANY MANY KUDOS to Sasha and Dasha also who see the bigger image and also never abandoned this friendship no matter how difficult the things were amongst all 3 of them after a certain point . This current incident shows that we - human beings - can hope that we can think reasonable and say that the past is the past , accept it and slowly move forwards .. and these 3 people today SHOW US and PRESENT US on cameras that being sincere and allowing the time to heal , it can all be as once was , good friends who simply appreciated extremely much one another . Big respect and bow down to Masha / Sasha / Dasha .
  22. From the positive side of view 😂 , I think we will see many many many things from her , I think this girl doesn’t know still her “ power “ , it will take time but as soon as she realizes , I don’t think she is going to have issues regarding the viewers and at the same time enjoying herself .
  23. The funny thing is that EVERYBODY ( i believe at least .. ) would like to see Elli having nice , quality and interesting let’s say sex than her sessions with Vencel who ( I mean it is clear ) isn’t giving her pleasure as his main concern is on the video games more than his “ girlfriend “ … Elli , such a big asset for RLC as she’s a girl that hasn’t been formatted yet and not a woman that she is in the direction of knowing things and going for decisions and life choices .. in a way , these were also the Russian recruitments when RLC came online 12 years ago .. so , let’s see ( plus , I am a SUCKER 😂🤣 when I see a girl with nipple piercings , fetish 😁😂 ) .
  24. As I said , Masha in terms of an RLC tenant , she has been the most respected towards the viewers and never hid anything , because of her whole presence , I consider her the best . As of her choices to guys ( and girls ) , it’s her life and what we don’t like , it isn’t our problem . Ugly is a very heavy word and kind of subjective , I also don’t like for example seeing Vencel being the “boyfriend “ of Elli or many people , 10 later protest for Paul being Leora’s boyfriend . This for me - of course we can mention - but it is irrelevant to judge a person . Watching Masha having sex , it’s also another personal of her issue . The woman is explosive in bed and few can satisfy like she does and as it is also known , few can satisfy her , her ex long boyfriend and current tenant again , Sasha , I think you can see what services he was providing . Seeing a complete unknown to us person it is a privilege due to paying this site , otherwise , i think if we saw Masha at the street , we would consider a normal daily life looking woman ( this goes also for the majority of the girls as there have been some really wonderful exceptions through the years mainly in Barcelona ) , nobody knows what anyone does as long as their home entrance door is closed . If you believe that Masha has ugly sex , i am sorry , but this we are massively disagree 😁😛 From bad and ugly sex perspective ( they both have no idea ) , it is Leora and Paul , what these two do , it should not be used as an example for couples .
  25. If Elli and mysterious guy were doing this at top viewership hours , they would have destroyed the viewership , this is pure voyeurism at its best , waiting the whole night for even one second to see what these two do .. Elli should be naked the successor of RLC’s new generation but she’s like imprisoned with children attitude people ..
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