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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It’s been quite sometime for these two to share the couch and the “ official “ boyfriend to be in the bedroom , sleeping assure that it is all nice … These two dedicate the night they are having to the ones that believe that I am a dreamer 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣 or to the ones that I make things out of my mind / according to my canons .. Are we okay now with this mysterious connection ? ( I am waiting for RLC to delete the footage because it will create problems to this couple … 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 ) . On a side note , you can see Elli feeling really nice with this guy ( can we please finally give him a name since he is a repeater and a visitor that for sure creates talks here .. ) and as I have said , this looks like something was between them in the past or they aren’t currently together for unknown circumstances ..
  2. Free top quality sex sessions ( as always ) by Dasha and Sasha .. it is inevitable amazing when two people are totally into one another , their life is calm and they are happy , it reflects in everything they do … So many tenants could learn how the job is done from these two … As for what an orgasm is and how it is achieved at maximum pleasure during sex , maybe the tonight’s session from Dasha can be used as a lesson to girls/tenants on the RLC site and what they need to be done and how they should be fucked / fuck by/from their partner / boyfriend / husband …
  3. Masha always creates something , top tenant ever in the history of this site .
  4. Nelly & Bogdan decided to celebrate the milestone 8-8-8 day in Barcelona as on cameras tenants and at the same time discuss ( ONE MORE ) crisis outside of the their home as it is obvious by still being MIA … Of course , the incident needs to be forgotten but THEY CAN’T delete Nelly reactions and tears and everything that has been transpired before , during and after Bogdan’s absence in B4 for hours .. Let’s hope that this was a fatal mistake by anyone involved to take the decision of deleting the footage and will finally see them away of cameras , it is an incredibly long time and except last night’s event , I don’t think that there’s much to remember by them since they became permanent on cameras B7 residents .. It is time for changes , it might be that sending away N&B , RLC can make a big statement of reinventing ( not necessarily as it high unlikely to have Bogdan away of RLC business ) Barcelona … On a funny side note , dramas and lots of incidents occurred with the sudden 3 days appearance of Masha in Barcelona and at the same time Bogdan being on holidays … Maybe the RLC board of directors meeting 😂🤣 set the tone of the things to come and we already see the changes ( DELETING FOOTAGE being one of them 😂🤣😂😂🤬🤬🤬🤬 )
  5. For whoever has been complaining about the lighting , Venera strikes back and answers with her own amazing way , she’s now walking in the apartment with the butt plug after warming / teasing a masturbation and it seems like she will be going for anal sex with her boyfriend soon .. except if she wishes for a double penetration .. but let’s see how this seducing night will be 😉
  6. Nothing offended happened , it was just Bogdan cuddling Aziza and then kissing her , as long as it was for many hours on replay availability , it means that this particular 3 minutes that the blackout lasted ( Bogdan knocked Aziza’s door twice before entering , he then - as we saw when the NV was available again - was seen simply in kind of spoon position and above her cuddling her , nothing offended but the action shows that there are many things behind this decision of deletion ) was too much for people involved directly ( Bogdan / Aziza ) and indirectly ( Nelly ? ) not to want this footage to exist .. If these are offended incidents ( to who and why ) , then we should wait for people to simply fuck and masturbate and walk naked so as everybody is happy .
  7. There are apartments and people I “ love “ and “ enjoy “ watching and that’s why I pay , luckily I HAVE the choice to choose who I want to watch but I DON’T HAVE the choice of where my money should be going . I wish the pleasure I get watching Venera , Lion , Elli , Alsu , Kimberly , Lavika - to name a few - could be rewarding them with more money going to them and taken away from the tenants that offer nothing the way i have RLC in my mind and the way RLC is advertising the site , plain and simple . What particular comments have to do with certain times of the day ? Obviously there are times that I want a girl acting as I have seen Marlene and there are others that I like watching tenants gathering , having fun , seeing them socializing , flirting , being funny and goofy , normal day things that reflect on the mood I have while watching .. I like to watch people and trying to understand them as personalities and characters , the more the normal daily life they share , I understand them more and therefore I appreciate them more .. As I have said to you , you are usually popping up at times to express your displeasure and be ironic with RLC and make fun of all of us who pay on extend to the tenants themselves . I am very clear for whoever takes their precious time to read my thoughts of what I like to watch , we don’t agree or you simply don’t want to understand my point of view , that’s perfectly fine .
  8. I will say one last thing … the tenants HAVE CHOSEN THIS and they are more than extremely well rewarded…. I HAVE CHOSEN THIS and I am not rewarded with the on cameras sharing of certain tenants … IT IS ME I am talking about and not you how you see RLC … RLC for me is watching the most as normal life of others for whatever reasons I have and not people that are on cameras only to be fucked , masturbate and walk naked .. if I wanted this , I can web surf free and choose the content of my interest .. I have the power of my speech and express my displeasure because I pay for the life of these people , then it is up to the company that has hired them to show if they respect the person who pays for their existence as a site and its employees or to keep on like nothing is happening ( careful , I am asking for normal thing demands and not for example that a tenant sleeps naked the whole night so I can see her in night vision and keeps me company naked while or before falling asleep too for example ) … Here we are talking about normal life human behaviors which are on purpose avoided on cameras or - as we are a bit off topic - a company that charges monthly thousands of subscribers and is deleting “ recorded live feed “ which plays a significant and very important role on the behaviors of certain people that I have chosen to watch for my own reasons .
  9. I pay to see the LIFE OF OTHER PEOPLE IN THE APARTMENT . Not empty apartments because the tenants want to have another life not sharing on cameras. Are you paying watching an empty apartment then ? You say I PAY WHAT I SEE IN THE APARTMENT .. what do I pay when the apartment is empty ? The fresh air or the air cost to be transmitted live on internet ? I don’t care about VH.TV , so , please no references to your posts about this when you decide answering me . Again , their private lives outside is discussed at times on cameras and that’s why there are mentions and posts here .. what happens outside stays outside as long as my money isn’t helping endlessly for this .. I feel offended that Serafima and Zhanna can go out to clubs and bars with my money that I contribute and then not even something of these moments isn’t brought on cameras .. careful , I don’t speak about sex , I speak of the people they meet , the connections they make . What’s the point not sharing this ( of course there are people who have problems being on cameras but there are dozens more like we see IN ANY APARTMENT that they have no problem to be exposed ) . So please , watch an empty apartment and stay silent because this is what you pay to see as very clearly you say and let me complain when an apartment is empty because a tenant has chosen and decided that she doesn’t want to be exposed and share their private lives but with my money enjoying luxury outside hiding . I pay and DEMAND not being played a fool , when a tenant DOESN’T WANT to show for whatever reason , I REPEAT TO YOU , pack and go and have a normal life like the rest of us , what is it that you don’t understand with this sentence ? I can apply tomorrow for RLC and have all my normal life outside and inside nothing and just getting paid , then everyone would want this , or not ? We disagree so much in the way we see the project “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ so it is pointless and we never manage to come in terms of what should be or not , I respect your opinion but it is completely wrong for my standards .
  10. Not all apartments have the same concept , that’s why they are divided in categories .. You should other things from singles in Barcelona than the couples .. and different things from Masha in Rome being categorized as single for example than the singles in Barcelona .. I say that I like and wish that the girls go out because only like this they can meet people and perhaps bring them on cameras .. from couples you expect to see their friends or relatives visiting them , I don’t know why it needs so much explanation ..
  11. What site are you and me watching ? Are we watching people living in front of cameras or getting paid by me and you , have all costs paid and a super great nowadays income to just sleep , wake up , eat , go outside and make their private life repeat things ? If any participant / tenant can’t have a life in front of cameras for whatever reasons ( especially when there are REPEATED POSTS that things happen outside ) , then they should simply quit and not getting all the benefits that was mentioned before and at the same time having a second life outside of cameras . I totally understand that they can go many many times and do things outside like all people do on their daily routine life , their life to spend as they want outside . But when things concerning their private lives are happening for a significant amount of time and they choose not to share it , sorry , I don’t accept and I am not paying to be played a fool . I am not here only for tits , ass and pussy moments , the masturbation sessions and the sex happening incidents , i am here paying watching the people sharing their lives because THEY CHOSE TO DO IT AND THEY ARE GETTING PAID for it . They can pack , leave the money they are gaining and the cost living problem solved they have and make the private life they have outside without my money .. Nothing is an obligation but it is COMMON SENSE .. are you living a life that for 4 years you only had 3 people visit your place ? Imagine if ALL TENANTS act like this , would you pay to watch or you wouldn’t be a subscriber ? If you want only sex and tits and ass and pussy and masturbation , please , there are thousand of free porn sites to exercise your fetish .. We are talking about people that NOBODY FORCES them to do whatever they are doing , THEIR CHOICE … BUT … MY MONEY FOR THE LIFE THEY ARE HAVING . And my demand is to see them living a normal life ( as much as possible ) and not having a two way life . Luckily other tenants have been rewarding me , but I guess they are the stupid ones who live normal and the others are the clever ones cheating by being paid and hiding.. What they do outside they don’t have to show me on cameras but I can expect that they show me parts of the life they have outside so I can also justify my thoughts of why I pay the money I pay and I contribute to the life of a particular tenant that has outside and decided not to show me. FOR AS LONG AS I PAY , a tenant is obliged to show me that it’s good that I am paying . And when they are hiding , I FEEL STUPID THAT WITH MY MONEY THEY HAVE ALL THE LUXURY outside .
  12. Whoever makes these thoughts today , I find it completely normal , this isn’t like the incident with Miron where the opinions varied or other incidents like when Kitty was abused or Leora in the past ( i think there wasn’t replay option back then ) , this is just a normal incident , a tenant seen cuddling another tenant and slightly kissing .. If we get things like this deleted , what’s the point of watching , even more paying the option of having the replays since we can’t watch 24/7 ? Whatever you decide to do , not only you but many others , i think regarding this event you are ALL TOTALLY RIGHT considering to stop the subscription … even more when I think they will not answer back as there’s no actually reason to say anything , nothing wrong happened and they just deleted it .
  13. Of course , we now know that this incident is causing already a chain of reactions amongst many many many people and that’s why it is deleted but I PERSONALLY SAW IT live when it was ending and on replay to catch it from the beginning ( as long as it was still there and not when they erased it .. ) and WILL ALWAYS REFER TO IT in case of any chats happening here or whatever is happening and we are commenting . Whatever we saw the ones we did , it isn’t a speculation like some members here speak that tenants do out of the sight of the cameras but a REAL INCIDENT .. And because i am TONS PISSED OFF currently , I will ALWAYS be mentioning it in case the needs of chats we make here have references to it .. This is just to say that there’s no protection or hiding or anything like many many members have been doing to tenants because they say that “ they can’t protect themselves because they aren’t allowed to speak/write and say their opinion and I protect them “ ( believe it or not many forum members post here as a kind of protection to tenants ..) , as far as I am concerned , this action they did , will face it and whoever decided it , will now see the bad effects of this decision as it is CLEARLY showing that they are dictating what it needs and they want to be seen and not the total freedom of us that we pay of what we want to watch and when … RLC will face this action with much much turning on them , I am more than sure .
  14. WHAT IN THE HELL’S FUCK THE MANAGEMENT OF RLC IS THINKING ? TO WHO THEY THINK THEY ARE ADDRESSING TO ? TO SHEEP THAT THEY GET SERVED WHAT IS SHOWN OR PEOPLE WITH BRAINS THAT CAN QUESTION THINGS , PEOPLE AND INCIDENTS ? WHAT IN THE HELL’S FUCK ARE THEY DOING ? I have been blamed here that I support and whatever the site and this obviously I won’t change but with all the power I have and the chance that I get from this site here CamCaps to post and express my COMPLETE LACK OF DISRESPECT that RLC MANAGEMENT is showing like NEVER NEVER NEVER ever before by deleting the incident that Bogdan was seen cuddling Aziza and kissing her slightly , THIS IS NO VIOLATING ANY RULES of harassment or forbidden issues . I consider this the worst thing they have ever done , I don’t know if many people will react and especially year members that RLC answers quite fast by complaining of WTF this is , but if we now get chosen incidents deleted because are causing issues when the cameras are recording 24/7 and they want to give to us whatever THEY want that we watch and NOT what WE want to watch , then it is how they will slowly establish their disappearance as a site . I know that they believe that “ one small incident “ won’t hurt their public site image that they think they have but i am more than sure that if they get dozens and dozens and dozens of e-mails of WHY IN THE FUCK’S WORLD DID YOU DELETE this incident , they won’t escape to react and answer .. Totally disrespectful and perhaps the worst ever reaction they have done to all of the active subscribers they have at the moment in the history of this site .
  15. We are both HUGE fans of the one and only little Ariana , come and repeat this comment to me if you see how her face is nowadays with the “ adjustments “ she made ( she’s still gorgeous by the way .. ) and tell her “NO “ if she asks to suck you .
  16. By the way , it seems that B7 has two guys with the same REAL names , we should be then double careful of what it is shared on chats on cameras as we won’t know maybe who the reference will be ..
  17. She’s a woman loving the money , already for me this is a big turn off .. But as of natural presence , this woman is one of the best ever appeared ..
  18. I am sorry but I think we can have some serious night action with Yanai and the ladies so , switching there as B7 now will be sleeping ..
  19. If they try to blow your dick with their blow up lips , tell them no because they won’t be incredible blowjobing you ..
  20. For all the people who suddenly speak negative about the guys , it is because of them and themselves only that at least the villas remain fun to watch … think about Thor , he gave some of the best moments with Holly and he managed Oks ( or Karen ) .. Samson , THE ONLY ONE who managed two Lara / Serafima/Zhanna type of girls to even involve in a threesome ( I don’t think anyone forgets the amazing ex he had for almost 2 weeks , the ONLY ONE who managed to have performing on cameras like never before on one of the most beautiful that RLC had, Loraine and of course - as mentioned - ) the two just sleeping in the villa Ailey and Kassandra .. and of course master word bla bla mister Tim who is THE ONLY ONE who managed Kimberly and of course seduced Tani . Anthony has been fun to watch so far and Grisha , well , let the opinions vary as he is a category by himself … The truth is that without the men , the villas would have been suffering 10 times more than the present situation .. and let everyone blame the guys when the real problem is the girls who are shy to have private life on cameras .. and the top of the problems of course ( which as of today enters another direction and perhaps we will be facing one of the biggest dramas ) , the permanent stay of Nelly and Bogdan as a couple when these two villas should be for singles , parties , events , fun …
  21. At least we have incredible Alsu taking over from fantastic Taylor and Elettra , providing for the necessary entertainment needed in the villas .. however … the new episode just started with possible Bogdan / Aziza and of course ( hopefully ) Tani and her outside adventures that might end inside the villa 😉 And this is how we Europeans welcome the time change 😂🤣
  22. Now … it took some time but we AGREE 😂😎
  23. Dana and Zara with the usual mama to daughter advice of what has happened and how the behavior should be .. maybe Zara coming and dancing so close to Anthony wasn’t appreciated 😂🤣
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