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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Elli crying and the “ secret “ friend appears ..More and more things don’t seem to make sense in this place and Elli is one of the top tenants with endless potential to watch … let’s see .
  2. Tani and Masha in the same apartment getting to know one another , i am more than satisfied watching these two sex experts at the same place .. B5 keeps on very very very strong being the place that it even “ shadows “ the villas , this is of course to the Ws’ and Ts’ possible .. finally it’s good to see the tenants getting along 😇
  3. I hope that B1 joins with Kimberly and they have a nice evening in B5 , it can be full of surprises as there’s already a lot of supplies in the apartment.. let’s see .
  4. At least it seems that she finally removed Maksim from her life .. but again , how sad to see that all these girls can’t survive without RLC help …
  5. She’s simply doing what she’s told , that is occupying a bed at times so as B1 doesn’t look completely empty when Serafima isn’t there as well . In a way , it is for RLC to show on the list for potential new customers that they have these “ name girls “ that can be seen if they join the site .
  6. Hmm … maybe some “ cooperational “‘times with Masha away from Nelly’s presence ..
  7. There she is again , surprise surprise 😇 , welcome to the one and only in the house of the two amazing women ( and their guys ) …let’s see what happens this time 😉..welcome to the one and only Masha back ( time to bring some “ order “ again )…
  8. Radislava has no clue with toys , she got knowledge when she first bought the pink one if I remember correctly in B1 .. for me , a woman that knows how to masturbate you can see from her fingers sessions .. if she knows how to do physical , we can always expect that the toys ( the next level ) will be handled equally well . Tani is an expert with sex , very few tenants have the knowledge that she has.
  9. How can you post when you have no idea when you don’t watch ? Please , give the forum a break … It’s funny always that people like you only post and stare negativity , it is impossible that everything is bad , that’s what it is funny with you and some others here … What makes it even worse is that people like you are inhabiting the forum at certain times when you CLEARLY state that it is all bad .. why do you post the negativity ? Why do you state things that degrade these people ? What have they done to you ? Why so much hate to people that you haven’t ( like ALL here ) haven’t sat next to them to say a “ hello “ at least and then MAYBE ..maybe all of your accusations have a reasonable idea behind … but no , it must be all a negativity for you.
  10. She might have had a good night 😏… I guess we will see very soon …
  11. The forum member you try to initiate a dialogue with , will ALWAYS speak negative about any of the tenants , for him they are all prostitutes , drug dealers and have Mafia connections . Just to take it a bit easy with him and his comments or not be surprised of what it is posted by him … Magically , he knows ALL about the tenants , like Aziza now that “ she must do a lot of drugs “ 😂
  12. Hopefully Anthony is somewhere around .. it can by be fun later .. 😉😉😕😋😋😈
  13. You keep on being “ really polite “ with this place .. 😎..
  14. She’s a cleaning freak , there are no issues with her .. and women .. you know when they are in a hurry and delayed 😆😂 , she will have something to sort herself out ..
  15. It is very common , at least here in Europe . Sharing an apartment to reduce and split the monthly rent and standards expenses , very very very popular .. a good chemistry with a roommate also can lead to some really wonderful times . It is just strangers in the beginning but one-two nice chats and possible common habits , doesn’t need more to make or a great coexistence .. Of course this is another example with the apartments in Barcelona , the tenants don’t need to pay anything , they are even getting paid 😁 .. we have seen through the years some great friendships being created , even more , what a better example that Holly and Thor when two complete strangers met in the same common grounds area and started a relationship which now seems really serious and they have gone to the next level of living together in the USA .. it might of course don’t work and they can any time break up , but it is just an example how many things can happen . Side note , nice to see you participating in other topics of the forum , finally you managed realizing that elsewhere the “ real life “ is happening and not a boring coexistence of two people in front of cameras .. we can see people elsewhere who have friends , relatives , they participate in social events , THEY LIVE .. and elsewhere , 2 lonely people that only have the company of one another so as not to feel alone due to their zero social engagement with society . No matter for cameras or not , WE SEE things happening , real life situations , drama , backstabbings , tears , smiles , REAL LIFE .. not always and of course stupidities happen but at least , THINGS HAPPEN .
  16. Was this a new girl that appeared today or has she been here before ?
  17. I have been , done and seen such things dozens of times .. with Scandinavians , Germans , Austrians , French , English , all at a villa drinking , swimming naked , the rooms occupied late at night for sex and sleeping reasons 😂🤣 .. It is just the tourism way of life on an island and many cultures involved .. but it is just moments being young and trying , it is all allowed except drugs and injections .. yes , some of them they will make 1-2 joints but till there .. all under control , it is life at its wildest times , being single , learning , experiencing .. I totally justify the actions of any of these people , knowing that I might do worse having the chance .. but was ( still am ) able to balance the job with the fun and have made it in a good level at nearly 46 years old .. I think all of these people they are just like any of us with the “obligation “ at times to exaggerate for camera reasons ..i don’t Blake them as they try , I prefer so much whatever we see than ( don’t want to repeat .. ) that overrated tenants who are hiding all to protect their personal image or show things that will embarrass them if they look into them 20 years from now .. always supporting people who ( after choosing to be exposed in the world ) aren’t hiding and share than the people who believe bad consider that they are the center of the world because they can have their legs open on cameras…
  18. “ I want to do with you 4 children “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤪🤪 … At least we find out that the “ thing “ between Grisha and Alsu is cameras orientated , Grisha knows exactly what’s going on and Alsu has definitely her lover(s)/ funk buddies outside .. BUT … in comparison to any other , she does things on cameras and despite being absent at times , she provides entertainment and she’s not indifferent like the stupidity of Zhanna and Serafima which is an RLC disgrace … The only issue I can tell is that she’s hiding the guys off cameras while she could easily bring them in the villa .. it is the new RLC villas generation , only the “ crazies “ Elettra and Taylor had the “ balls “ to not care and bring the outside fun inside .. but then they got hammered because they were acting like sluts .. pff ..
  19. I have another opinion about drinking , personally for 6 months I drink zero alcohol during November to April and I can drink - and I do - really much and without affections from April to October .. and I can drink easily really a lot .. it’s all how you are drinking and not mixing , still , I can see Kimberly’s liking to it but I disagree being an addict.. better we can say a bad habit when she doesn’t want to stop when she starts “ feeling “ it .. but I always love to watch her 😊
  20. I know nothing but I am a good observer .. I might be completely wrong but usually i am right because of my job , I am very good with analyzing people .. I maybe be wrong about her but I also don’t think that whatever is written about her here is truth from the others .. nobody knows anything for girls that share themselves with us for just 3 months now .. let’s see what more we can find out about her ..
  21. I disagree again 😂 … We can absolutely not assume anything of Kimberly’s past , all theories might be right and wrong .. she has done an incredible plastic job on her boobs spending a fair amount of money , her portable devices are expensive ones , she’s very well treated herself , money doesn’t look like a crazy issue for her then … About drinking , she as easily away from alcohol for more than a month , addiction means to wake up and the first drink is a beer and to sleep while drank at night .. if she was like this , most probably even her body wouldn’t support this , she’s very well presented and her busy is really great and even her attitudes , you can’t tell she’s a spoilt person .. you could tell this for Gina for example .. even also having an incredible body , booze fun had made a presence on her body , it isn’t like this with Kimberly .. The rest of your theories are just speculations , it might be true but I disagree as I try to see the bigger image and the way I have seen her dressed for example ( never in extreme dressing code like Britney for example a couple of times ) , it shows that she has absolute control of herself .. let’s agree to disagree about her .. and .. i prefer Warung this great unpredictable fun girl that the repeated , staged and fake for cameras only Leora 😊
  22. Max my good friend , you know i respect your thoughts and your contribution in this forum , but please allow me to tell you that your assumptions for Kimberly don’t find me in agreement with you .. I watch Kimberly since she entered RLC , there’s one big reason disagree with you , this girl she’s simply herself and not pretending , she’s who she is like she is in her personal life .. straight and direct and she won’t seek attention to show that she needs people , she can easily make it by herself , she brought B1 in full attention only by being there and being herself , if people didn’t like her or feel disgusted or whatever , they wouldn’t “ dedicate her repeated top replays while she showers , while she was being “ crazy “ at the party in B1 , while she at times poses for the cameras in her room … finally we see a person out of the box and as i have said many times , you get a chance to live in a villa , party , make money , use pools , fitness room , incredible amenities .. it is holidays working for cameras and they should take advantage of it , Kimberly is herself and for me she’s a pleasure to watch as you can never know what’s coming ..
  23. It’s not about drinking or whatever that has to do with her habits , it is is just that her “ unwillingness “ to join other common events and gatherings doesn’t comply with her character as I consider her a social person and someone who really wants to enjoy her stay and have a good time .. but her attitude shows that she’s very disappointed and wants nothing with the rest .. I believe it is a wrong attitude and she should make one more try now that she found 2-3 people that she can “ trust “ … as for her drinking issues , she was easily away form alcohol for more than a month and she simply let go for two nights/days , as I said , her life , her own reasons .. she can control very very easily staying away , she can’t control herself to stop when she starts and convince herself that “ I had enough “ , “ need to stop now “ ..
  24. I adore Kimberly , I love her incredibly much as she’s a total free spirit woman and will support her actions no matte what … BUT …. It is unacceptable being locked in her room while a social event is happening , it can’t be that she hasn’t a common code of communication with any other person , at least the Ws’ and the Ts’ haven’t done anything wrong and she could try to approach … plus , Anthony has been around , it is really sad that she decides this kind of behavior… and to my estimation , I think - except if they make her feel guilty - that her days in B1 are also over .. let’s see .
  25. There’s no chance with you if a girl doesn’t masturbate .. Whatever you say , everyone here has reasons to watch , yours are to watch the girls feeding their pussy with their fingers or toys .. There are many others here that we like to watch for a variety of reasons , do nothing girls are definitely the ones I said for my taste , for you , even Kimberly is a do nothing so , what more to discuss here ..
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