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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As always , the snob ones are away .. B1 ( Yana is too fast to judge ) , Lara and I am surprised as I was expecting Karina to accompany Lavika as they are quite close in B2 ..
  2. As was mentioned and predicted a very long time ago , the right boost for Martina and Alberto came with the involvement of Martina with the Russians .. suddenly this apartment which was a typical couple’s place like the ones we have been seeing for years , became extremely popular and had a different interest which lasted for a really long time. .. Whatever happens now , it is the typical procedure and result like any other couple’s apartment after being online for so many years , unless a variety of incidents is happening every now and then , it loses the watching interest from the majority of the subscribers very fast . It is absolutely normal happening , but I can’t think in general we can have complains from this couple .They have seen , done , experienced nearly all and a more “ stable “ and “ boring “ approach can be justified . We should never forget that Martina and Alberto are the ONLY and UNIQUE participants which have been allowed interference with their Russian colleagues ( of course this goes back in many years and has been analyzed why and how it happened ) , therefore , they can have a bit of an easy going personal period . I am sure that if Martina ( mainly her ) feels that she wants to do something for and on cameras , she will easily do ..the Marta incident on the first of the year , it seems that people are forgetting it ..Let’s see what more surprises we are going to have , we can give them some time to be relaxed for the camera obligations , in comparison to the ( competition let’s say ) other long term couples ( Linda and Tibor , Leora and Paul ) , I think they are the only ones who have offered the necessary variety and different showing over the years .. And they have been doing it natural , without shows or fake things or any other ridiculous approach we have seen from others who only cared to keep their personal image intact ..Patience will reward us as always with this couple 😇
  3. Personally , I want to believe I am a fair analyzer and opinions/ thoughts giver .. I enjoy RLC ( the last 30 hours trying to watch as much as possible of whatever was happening in B1 ) for such events and i have no problem to state what makes me furious . I praise tenants that I consider respect my monthly subscription and i will equally hammer whoever plays me a fool . I HATE watching tenants believing ( 😂🤣😛 ) that they are more than the company they are working , that they are more than the paying members when it is ONLY US who bring a more than a decent life for these people . I will elevate and express my admiration of what satisfies me as a viewer and of what I want and expect from RLC and at the same time , again as a viewer and of what I want and expect to watch from RLC , will completely negative hammer them for what they offer with certain indifferent tenants . To my knowledge , since I AM PAYING , I have all the right of the world to criticize , request , demand , hammer , elevate everything and everyone . It’s easy for me to stop paying but honestly speaking , the fun and times that this kind of entertainment offer at times , it is enough for me to have me as loyal fan . But a fan wishes always for better and hopefully , the hammering helps in the long term process ( as with current situations we can’t see it ) .. but maybe the hammering is the reason that has brought RLC in the position to expand in other cities , the hammering and criticizing might have been the reason that new people like Venera and Lion , Elli , the expansion of Prague and the opening in 2 new countries( Poland / Montenegro ) might have helped to be brought on screens . Overall i am satisfied but the few things that make me angry , they explode me to the maximum and need to have my frustration expressed so as not to keep it inside me 😂 . On a side note , following your example of the 1 month of silence ( 😉 ) only to be able and return and why not , hammer , a wonderful in looks tenant but terrible as for what i want and expect to watch from RLC . I repeat , I SIMPLY HATE when a tenant believes that it is above of all of us who pay for their existence , this i don’t accept . Nobody of all those people could have the life they are having if it wasn’t because of us . Playing me personally fool , pff , they can’t escape my fury 😂🤣…
  4. So … let’s review and analyze / speculate what’s going on in legendary B1 .. - Serafima She realizes sometime during March that she won’t be in the apartment very much and one of her roommates , Zhanna , she’s the same level like her . Automatically this means that she won’t be able to stand in front of cameras naked or have someone else bringing the necessary viewership and justification of being a tenant in B1 . She desperately needs to find a way so she can be away from the apartment , B1 being viewable enough to justify the RLC salary and as she can’t share time with open legs and nudity while at home ( she needs to rest after her nearly all nighters ) and her time away of it and a tenant who is exactly the same like her and an empty room ( Yana hasn’t joined yet ) , she triggers in motion a plan to have someone replacing her / justifying her RLC presence . - Kimberly A funny and smiley , lover of life and the experiences that anyone can make newcomer in a very promising ( for her ) place in an unbelievable city . She enters without being shy and she slowly gets to know her fellow colleagues tenants . She’s charmed from a male tenant Tim and with her habit ( slowly and early stages unfolding ) of drinking alcohol , she surrenders in a night that causes her troubles as it seems. She starts exploring and approaching the others tenants of her residence and the nearby facility , only some weeks after and gradually to realize that the majority of the girls speak behind her back and make fun of her ( drinking alcohol ? being totally herself without limits ? that she was played fool having herself given to a guy who was fucking a fellow tenant ? ) which makes her lose all trust and enthusiasm when she joined . STILL ( and kudos to her ) she realizes that the most important people ( for her ) , the fans , have started caring about her and creating a fan base and she tries to develop a relationship with them as she feels that they are much more honest with her than her fellow roommates and colleagues . - Kimberly and Serafima Serafima the veteran , realizes that there’s a fragile tenant and she could possibly approach her and in a way achieve with her by her side the aims she has ( analyzed earlier ) . Kimberly tests the credibility of this veteran and she’s getting convinced that she finally found a person she can trust . A slow and gradual mutual friendship seems to built between the two , fast forward , Serafima knows during the week that we are having that her and her roommate Zhanna won’t be much time during the crucial viewing days of Friday and the weekend in B1 at times that people are watching and viewership is secured inside B1 and sets in motion a weekly plan . She visits B7 earning even more the trust and friendship of Kimberly , Kimberly thankful and delighted of this development , the fact that Serafima is showing also a part of “ nightlife “ and real fun Barcelona , agrees to replace her at times so they can both have a win - win situation , Serafima managing to keep B1 viewable by having Kimberly for the views ( a already analyzed that Kimberly has created a fan base ) and Kimberly managing to escape a place she doesn’t feel relaxed and appreciated . The visit of Serafima in B7 is exchanged equally by the visit of Kimberly in B1 , agreed that she can have her friends Alsu ( also Serafima’s friend ) and the B7 boys that can guarantee viewership . The success is tremendous as we have been witnessing but like everything , nothing comes without a price . Serafima is bringing off cameras the new roommate Yana , possible brainwashing her about rules and money making in B1 while wild times of an ecstatic and finally free enjoying life Kimberly continue . It all ends when Serafima realizes that this goes off the rules she has mades for “ her B1 property “ and pissed manages to show to the invited people that this isn’t what she wants . From now on , everyone can make whatever conclusion , I think Kimberly will stick with Alsu and the boys as she has finally friends and B1 returns to boredom and Serafima will see her master plan of wanting it all ( money , life outside of cameras and on cameras rewarded with just being naked and with open legs occasionally ) collapsing , with the only question being how Yana will be reacting to all this chaos as she seemed many times stunned and clueless ( she still had lots of sympathy for Kimberly ) … the biggest achievement comes from Britney who within just a week realized what Serafima is , she asked to change apartments and she saved herself from the manipulation and ultimate opportunist Serafima … And this has been the analysis / review / speculations of B1 , Kimberly and the boys . Since this place will be going in hibernation of comments and chats after the record on fire performance the last 30 hours or so , a fair commenting was needed to review what has been happening in front of our screen all this time . Whoever is patient to read the encyclopedical post 😂🤣😛 , any difference of opinion very much welcomed to be heard and read here .
  5. At least , we can easily name the disrespectful to the viewers things that RLC provides … Eleven ( 11 ) days that this apartment is on the list and there’s zero information on what’s happening with the absence(s ) …. Only to equalize the daily indifference to the paying subscribers of the two women named Serafima and Zhanna and the simply participation to the project of the girl called Lara .. Add a bit the catastrophic “ apartment “ that Esenia and Dima live plus the “ lifeless “ day life of Vera and Una and there you have it of the really complete lack of respect that RLC gives to whoever has decided to pay to at least watch people who are on cameras , who honor their presence in front of them and of course who have no hesitations to present their privacy in daily basis ..
  6. Nothing more than 👏👏👏👏👏
  7. I hope Kimberly stays away from controlling mama Serafima ( so funny as she’s the one who obviously allowed the party and invited them over , they behaved as good as they could by having a party ) … but I guess she was expecting that they just turn on the TV , open the legs and show pussy and tits while constantly texting / browsing on their phones .. please then , stay tuned and enjoy the boredom rather than the fun that these group of people brought for nearly 24 hours .
  8. We judge her for nearly 2 months that we see her in our screens .. we need to judge her if we spend time face to face or see her for a long time in our screens in order to make conclusions .. I have done many many things in my life and I managed to stay disciplined , appreciate and respect .. I haven’t seen Kimberly creating , provoking or making any harm to anyone for as long as she’s with RLC .. I prefer to have around 10 Kimberlys than egomaniacs like Serafima for example ..
  9. Now , well done to Anthony , without further talks , he gathers the others and leave this apartment to its misery ..
  10. I hope Kimberly understood now how much Serafima uses her to cover her nothingness in this apartment ..
  11. Did Serafima showed being pissed off and started yelling and Anthony said it the others to get ready and go ?
  12. Pff , the robot control Ice Queen arrived , let’s see when she gets ready for her night exodus ..
  13. It’s better to do all crazy things while young , taste as many sins as possible , experience the most weird situations and then one day relax , chill and realize that you have done enough and use the knowledge and the wisdom / experience of what you have learnt rather than wondering in your middle forties or fifties and at times in middle sixties trying to taste what you have missed younger .. that’s why the best couples usually prove the ones that have done the most possible in their lives as individuals and they aren’t jealous or craving for lust or whatever 😊
  14. Zhanna just follows because she has nothing else to do and because she hasn’t arranged to be out again .. it needs a lot of time that we can say that she proves “ worthy “ for RLC and being a tenant for any of us paying .
  15. She does what she wishes and feels like .. why should I blame her or judge her or criticize her as long as she’s not making any bad to anyone around her , even more to me obviously ? This is what she wants the last two days , it is wrong for many people , I would judge it like this if she behaves inappropriate or do things that are really bad for the others .. I have heard many times in my life the famous “ let’s go out tonight , I want to get drunk and be spoilt “ , as long as these people take good care of her like last night and she can trust them as good friends , it is fine for me ..
  16. And to make one more comment , since the arrival of Serafima in this apartment , it is the very first time that B1 is chilly hot in the chat at the forum and above all , the success of this non stop party time it reflects on the continuous top cameras for nearly 24 hours now .. if these aren’t indications of a successful event and even more , what finally the viewers decide to watch , then I am sorry , but we are watching different things here ..
  17. Very very very nicely said … 😇🤗👏👏👏
  18. I disagree with corvette in many things but actually now , he is right .. these are incidents when we are young , I can’t think that people here haven’t done similar things , the repeat and the addiction is the bad thing and not that once in a while we loosen , let go and we become spoilt … it is just alcohol and Kimberly obviously wanted / wants to get drunk both days for her own reasons , I don’t judge her as long as she’s not disrespectful towards her fellow tenants .. I am sorry to say but ENOUGH of the PRECALCULATED behaviors in front of cameras , fixed camera positions and so many other things .. I like that we finally get craziness and just normal behavior under alcohol influence , I like that this girl doesn’t give a fuck what it is said about her or how she behaves , herself , her life , her exposure … but she’s not pretending or whatever .. and that’s more than super for my personal taste 😇
  19. I am not watching just to have masturbations and sex and whatever , I like to watch the fun and the moments when people relax and let go on cameras without thinking that people watching , Kimberly is so natural but apparently it’s been a LOOOOOOOONG time you had a 24 hour party drinking next to half naked women and whatever happening could excite you .. i suggest you stick to your masturbations addictions and analyzing on numbers ( how many times they have done it ) and let some of us to watch something alternative and different .. finally it is madness and craziness and unexpected whatever , that’s great for me .
  20. For what we have been getting the last 2 months and since the beginning of the year , I an enjoying this “let go “ and cool off from everyone …AND , we get to see Serafima socializing despite pushing herself for it .. it has been too much for me masturbations , massages , repeats and no purposes .. it is a fun change for my taste ..
  21. You can watch nuns Serafima and Zhanna ( nuns on cameras ) and be happy than complaining ( as always .. ) because a girl is on cameras exactly as she is I believe in her personal life .. As much as everyone criticizes what’s on screens , I don’t get and understand why you are watching and even more commenting on something that displeases you..
  22. Anthony recharged the batteries , let’s see if more surprises are on today .. I take this as one of the best fun things we have seen in a while apart from B5 and occasionally things in the villas .. Personally , this is what I expect watching from Barcelona ( careful , not always but in fare doses so I can enjoy it and appreciate the content when it is happening ) and be entertained 😊
  23. I am a complete fun of people who want to have fun and enjoy their lives ( always of course within limits , getting all the time drunk is a turn off .. ) , but the way I see the Barcelona girls , come on , they get the biggest and craziest chance to spend time in a city that so many people want to “ taste “ and experience , they get the chance to make so many things and earn money , this is the spirit for me .. quiet frankly , this is how I have been spending also my time on the island during the summer between my 20 to 40s 😂🤣 .. even now at almost 46 , I AM ALWAYS IN for such moments … this is the life of being single , live , taste , experience , we only live once .. and whenever the chance appears , seize the moment .. Always respecting and being under certain limits so as not to make mistakes or hurt others ..
  24. It is a beginning .. but I don’t think that Kimberly “ feels “ both villas like this place , however , the facilities of the villas to make a party are way so many more ..
  25. Serafima looks completely that she doesn’t belong there .. of course her party times are serious / mature VIP fancy places and times .. too peasant for these things 😁😆
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