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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Because father Bogdan and mama Nelly , if they hear the “ sex sounds “ , the next day they will tell them to be more quiet .. Kimberly is completely horny and she finally found friends to enjoy her stay .. Serafima must be getting fucked out , Zhanna the same , Yana must have told her about her previous stay , Alsu was on holidays and she is fucking Grisha ..Gather all this and go into the psychology of Kimberly and tell me if she doesn’t want also to relax and let go .. if she’s gonna tease us for one more night , well , let it be .. it’s much much much much more fun and better entertainment watching than having Serafima at her usual position , Zhanna’s double bed empty and B4 on a wondering journey of the girls of “ WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE “ … Kimberly is just “ must see “ since she arrived , all hopes on her , it has always been ..
  2. Golden chance for Anthony today to repeat what Tim did ..
  3. It’s been quite some time that Kimberly stayed away from alcohol .. let’s see if the Aperol tonight makes wonders ..
  4. The incredible achievement and miracle from little Kimberly is that FINALLY someone managed to have Serafima stood up from her bed and position , become more active and social .. Kimberly the master 😁… On a side note , let’s see how the “ loudness “ of B1 will be treated and addressed if this continues …😏😏😏😝
  5. Bruno was like this because he was also “ allowed “ to be like this , I would have loved to see a woman be strong enough and playing him and then we would see how he would be cooling down if he was developing feelings .. To make it more exact what I would like to watch , I WOULD ADORE seeing a male Lavika or Marlene .. Thor and Samson were great but all the people here couldn’t accept the easy flirting ways of Thor ( till he lost his brain with Holly ) and the madness of Samson who could approach also easily any girl but his well built body wasn’t well appreciated by fellow male forum members due to the majority of us here being beer lovers 😂🤣😂🤣
  6. And Karina adding the cherry at the top of the cake on an on fire B2 with even one girl simply participating .. imagine then this place and B1 … pfff , what a really unfair situation , I wish I could have a way and ask RLC that all the money that my share goes to Zhanna and Serafima to be given to Karina and Lavika ..
  7. I haven’t been so excited watching a girl pleasuring herself since the one and only , unique and a category by herself , sweet little Ulyana .. and If I make such a comment , pff , well , that was really damn good from Lavika ..
  8. And this was a great orgasm 😊😊👏👏👏👏
  9. I don’t care if she wants to be Angela white , traci lords or Lisa Ann… I only know that she rewards the audience with fantastic adult entertainment .. even the exhibitionist seems to wait for her to finish in order to start her own “ repeated groundhog “ thing ..
  10. I am generally bored and fed up watching masturbations after masturbations when all of these girls should be having the real deal occasionally and enjoying life , but … Lavika the last two days she has taken it to another level .. a completely different approach , horny as hell , amazing performances and pleasure , the girl is on fire .. another unique “ presentation “ tonight , maybe now it can become more obvious why she’s so difficult to be pleased at sex and she has been changing lovers .. let’s hope that this girl remains , fantastic .. It’s been a really looooooooong time that a personal moment of a female tenant has this diversity and difference in the performance .. bow down and big respect to Lavika , coming from a guy who is bored watching masturbations .. this is completely another level ..
  11. Lavika in a “ strange “ discovering of feelings journey with herself .. a whip , a mask , the tied legs .. like an unfulfilled sexual fantasy … let’s see where this will take her .. By the way , second day in a row that the apartments across whole RLC that seem to be more active after a period of 7-10 days that it was COMPLETELY boring and repeated EVERYWHERE .. curious to see if “ a bell “ has rang for many tenants all over RLC ..
  12. She needs to have her real apartment refreshed , open the windows , take the rubbish , etc , etc , etc .. she will be back to justify her presence sooner or later .. and RLC responsible know about it and they are simply watching , it’s not period for them now spending time trying to find tenants to fill in beds ..
  13. There are no words to describe Wednesday , this woman is something else .. this couple , Venera and Lion , Gyana and Dantez , Karol & Kos , Dasha and Sasha , they can always remind us that couples can really have their moments , their emotions , the feelings .. these couples are really great to watch for the variety and diversity of pure positive thoughts and emotions they can give to anyone who wants to watch “ real life “ moments and not any stupidity or fake things ..
  14. First wish granted 😏 ..now Lavika ( however she’s the top RLC tenant as a single girl currently in Barcelona and she doesn’t “ need “ any of them .. but still that would be great .. ) and let the speculations begin 😁
  15. Young guy , thinking the extreme way that the southern people do .. I prefer watching a bit of “ madness “ ( of course inside human behavior limits .. ) than “ backstabbers “ or people who have no “ appetite for exposure .. it is a matter of taste and preference and we disagree , that’s perfectly normal and fine 😊
  16. Kimberly - as was said - she’s funny , active , social if she finds people she can trust . She feels much better with these circle of “ friends “ she has made and personally , watching Aziza or Britney trying to figure out how to make a good stay in the villa ( personally I am furious that the best room in the villa , the penthouse , has been given to Aziza , especially thinking where they had poor Harley for nearly an entire stay 😡🤬😡😡😡 ) , to be honest , i think that the better and more comfortable she feels , we can expect things from her .. She is around girls who have done things on cameras ( Yana , Alsu ) , if she gets away from the shadow of Serafima who seems to advise her for cameras exposure in more “ experienced “ way , i hope we get rewarded .. I think the majority here ( especially the ones who lost her blowjob and tits finishing by Tim on her ) would definitely like to see her letting go and be the crazy smiley girl we have been enjoying since she joined RLC ..
  17. I think you are all forgetting the stunning “ Missandei “ aka Nathalie Emmanuel … now you can think of how this woman might be ..
  18. Bruno is fun , drama , unpredictability … great adult entertainment .. 2.I need to realize for who you are talking because currently I am not watching .. 😬
  19. It is ridiculous what RLC has allowed B1 to become , the legendary apartment with so many incidents happening through the years and two girls ( Zhanna and Serafima ) spending their time between their outside original apartments and the place to make money by all of us ( stupids ) for this apartment…the only surprise is that this stay Serafima is moving a bit around Barcelona than laying down all of the time in her room with her legs open … i wonder why she can’t find a lover as fast as the last time and she abandons something that she does only to increase her bank account ( and her free passes around the city … )
  20. Now ….. I would LOVE seeing Alsu and Lavika joining .. and then whatever happens in the shower all together ( P.S … Bring back Bruno and the gang ….. )
  21. I think - in a way - Leora proved the negative comments wrong as yesterday she was generous to the fans … so , she isn’t getting affected as it seems .. And , at least you are a member that finally someone has something to say and chat here , so , I hope you stay active with your thoughts and opinions ☺️😌
  22. If you are eating / fingering / fucking but you don’t “ FEEL “ it in your veins , in your mind , in your heart and soul with your whole being , personally , there’s no point and better don’t do it .. it still looks like obligatory actions and nothing comes as pure passionate spontaneous acts .. where are the kisses , the hugs , the affection ? For me , these two ( and since they continue whatever they have ) they seem to have so much but it actually - for us that at least we watch from distance and we don’t live the situation- feels like having nothing .. it makes more and more sense to me that Leora abandoned the project “ new life in Prague “ because she felt completely lonely and isolated , the need to have someone around who understands her and accepts her lifestyle didn’t take long to come on surface after the “ sent off “ of Malia and the first lonely months in Prague and a relationship with a guy who wasn’t giving her the “ security “ she would or was expecting .. and then came Paul … and remember how these two were last summer the first 2 months after nearly 2,5 years of not seeing each other and look how they are now .. People here speak about happiness and ideal life with the person that Leora wants to be but as I said in the past , what is it that Paul wants ? Who can put his hands on fire and guarantee that this is what Paul wants ? Very simply anyone can wonder , why keep on this kind of job when you live in another country and the plan - as it has been revealed repeatedly here - is for the woman to stay in Europe ? Is life moving on or there are second thoughts ? So many things don’t make sense and it all looks like the money issue has gone so much deep in the mind of these two that you can actually now think that they just want to buy a house , a villa on an island or whatever expensive investment for the future .. and then the question that easily comes , how all this will be maintained as soon as this life goes away from them ? Bills , stress , aging , the usual life of the majority of the western world … but I forgot , true love can bypass all obstacles and can triumph in all circumstances .. and I believed that fairy tales all end in “ they lived happily ever after “ , do they or we need to believe that this is how they end ?
  23. You need to pay and check what you have missed and stop begging with PM so they send you videos videos videos ..
  24. I wonder how you know all those details when you have mo subscription .. plus you disguise the product , you like nothing as you want everyone to pack , yet , here you appear day in and day out to express thoughts of something you don’t watch .. I am impressed .. as an old friend here would say , LMAO 😂
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