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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Let’s see if C&Y trying to achieve more or just a new “ friend “ visiting ..
  2. The way i see it , it is a UNIQUE and GOLD opportunity to have one of the rarest Boy Boy Girl threesomes in the history of RLC .. A bit of wine ( or not 😏 ) and with the right approach by the guys , I have no doubt that Alsu will surrender to both of the guys of B7 … even now , Grisha shows problems of erection , a matter of study as it is rather rare seeing such situations with guys who appear in the villas for these girls .. let’s see what’s more going to be , at least the return of Alsu made the villa alive after a really boring period ..
  3. Totally agree , unfortunately she has “ stuck “ with B1 because she didn’t find chemistry with the girls in the nearby villa apart from Alsu .. Serafima is teaching them all more than well ..
  4. Even here Serafima with the same attitude .. and Kimberly being educated in master level of what needs to be done for easy money ..
  5. I have repeatedly the last couples of week referred and mentioned that it has been a kind of boredom repeat the masturbations across the Barcelona apartments , just obligatory actions apart from Karina and her butt plug use and …. WOW WOW WOW , what has been this from Lavika tonight .. the incredible sexy lingerie , the mask , the cuffs and the imagination going wild , the endless sexuality with the moves , the different positions , a totally well taken care pussy , pff , this was one of the best masturbations in recent weeks , that was awesome .. It isn’t a coincidence that Lavika keeps on strong after more than 300 days in the project , despite her taking a “ break “ of men , you can clearly see the need of sex is there , she just does things whenever she wants , with whoever she wants .. the biggest respect comes from the part that she played Anthony a fool by having her fun before dumping him so easily , a master of shows and experienced with RLC and she has made him look a dwarf next to her ( I am always a fun of guys but for Anthony , I have no words after the things with Loraine .. ) . Luckily the confidence and trust from RLC to Lavika continues and she keeps on rewarding , adult entertainment tonight by her in a really great high level , no words to describe more .. Lavika , kudos and respect to one of the girls that nearly a year with RLC respects continuously the viewers and luckily this room finally has her only as a resident in one of RLC’s most wise and clever decisions taken…
  6. That was wrong English 👽☠️🤡 , I admit .. but I don’t edit so it remains funny 👻 .. still the post makes sense I guess of what I mean 😆🙃
  7. You took my masturbations statistic at another level .. my respect ☺️😊😁🤗🤗👏👏
  8. It’s been almost a year that ANYTHING that some of us post here , it is either stupid , non reasonable or makes no sense for him , bullshit as he likes to mention with his groundhog GIF .. whoever for me doesn’t engage in a constructive dialogue , what i should say ? I don’t think that all opinions expressed here are bullshit or have no valuation , they are just opinions .. I can’t now prove it but I honestly can’t remember for almost a year now that anyone here according to his reactions hasn’t made any valid post .. I never said ( like I haven’t done for anyone here as I respect everyone .. ) that he is dishonest or any negative characteristic , but there are also other people who know things and personally I am in position to know and I have a different knowledge of some certain incidents .. In any case , my view for Camcaps has always been the dialogue and the exchange of opinions and whenever people don’t interact in such ways when we disagree and they just give emojis of any kind , they simply lose a lot in my eyes .. I think the example I have with you that we disagree in many things but we are most of the times engaging in dialogues trying to find common grounds says it all .. It is what it is and anyone is free to believe whatever but the TOTAL NEGATIVITY of posts , statistically isn’t right ..
  9. You are funny … I don’t only watch ass , tits and boobs but also the change of behaviors .. the pattern has been exactly the same , the girls were looking the cameras , interacting back and forth with the viewers and then suddenly ZIP , silence ,nothing .. more or less it took the same amount of time for both girls .. but as I said , I am not only here to watch sex sessions but see the life of these people .. and what Leora is a disgrace that has done is that she is ONE OF THE VEEEEEEERY few that she has hidden her personal life while alone .. if it was anybody else , would have been hammered .. but it is Leora and whatever she does ( as they said even when she poops it is magic .. ) gets praised .. I wish you to enjoy the ass , tits and pussy because there are also many others who are watching RLC for other things as well .. and we have the balls to express our opinion here despite people laughing or not knowing English so as they get confused with the posts written ..
  10. The stooges have become 4 if you have noticed …
  11. And as was said , the real groundhog boredom … today it is the turn of a shower and open legs .. nothing new but for the people that haven’t any alternatives , the repeat it is what they wish for ..
  12. I personally get what I am offered and to be quite honest , 2022 additions have been quite satisfied ( apart from the recruitment of the Barcelona apartments and the late 2022 opening apartments which haven’t been the same dynamic for a variety of reasons with the biggest failure being so far Vera and Una ) .. It is statistically difficult for RLC to succeed with all but it is also quite remarkable that they are struggling in such an extreme rare coincidence being able to bring Ukrainians so very much easy and they don’t get the advantage of it .. It looks like they are filing in Prague and making it their second hub behind Barcelona but all people in Prague are Russians .. And as I mentioned recently , I think the war results are coming as a conflict .. I think they are struggling with more Ukrainians as the company is Russian and they have issues to convince them to work for a Russian company .. and also ,perhaps the biggest problem of them all is the real deal , the money .. I think the money they give has very little to do with what they paid in the past .. the exposure now in comparison to when the site first launched 12 years ago , the possibility of anything being broadcasted on internet when in early 2010s and Middle wasn’t as much as now , it might be preventing for people to accept this job .. Still and as a conclusion , I believe that in the end it is all about the money .. if RLC starts paying excellent and well again , they will easily find people .. obviously they aren’t giving much nowadays and the results can be seen in Barcelona .. let’s hope that somehow they are watching the problems and they will be balancing better for the product they offer .
  13. I agree that even Maksim or Paul look like Rocco Siffedi in comparison to him 😂 … And in my humble opinion , Alsu is a woman who likes to get satisfied but she’s not at the same sex level’s pleasure like Tani for example , so , she likes what she gets ( or it might be a fake satisfaction ) … the fact is that at least Grisha and Alsu are offering something so as to chat and analyze ..
  14. 2 girls did and within 4-5 days they got the notification to stop , the current tenant Kimberly and the stunning looks Radislava .. They were both communicating with the audience in English , they loved it but RLC put a BIIIIIIIIIIG STOP in this .. and personally , i don’t think Leora would like this , here she doesn’t like to have people on cameras and have a chat , in the past she would go outside to make all of her private talks ( miraculously all of those phone calls since Paul arrived magically I repeat disappeared ) … Leora must change her way of how she sees and behaves to the normal world out there before she find ways to interact ..
  15. And let’s ask the question now that they are gone … Why almost ANYONE couldn’t get attached to the couple , become a constant fan or anything suggesting that they could “ build “ an audience ? Katie is an explosive sex machine , she knows so much about sex but her skills were hardly ever brought on surface .. as I have said quite early when they joined , this looks like a childhood / school relationship that it is lasting many many years and they both like one another but it is at times even boring for them .. they have found many ways to reinvent at times their sexual games ( unforgettable role playing games / personally I would watch this and was entertaining ) , they had visitors , a couple of times guests ( Katie ) that more could happen ( in the beginning the girl that her and Katie were kissing and touching ) and a couple of months ago another female friend that Katie wanted to have something more but then it was sad and bad to see Adam almost chocking as he seems that he suffers from asthma and it was really painful and hard to watch and Katie had to help him which eventually destroyed the night .. This is a couple that won’t be missed and I think will be easily forgotten .. But I think Katie’s sexual skills , at least by me , will be long remembered ..
  16. Even if they appear , newcomers would have difficulty to make it kind of Elettra style or any of the incredible girls we saw in the past who had no hesitation and simply , they were combining a wonderful normal young’s people life by making money sharing this on cameras .. The difficulty comes from the fact the girls absolutely get hammered here if they have a normal sex life with lots of partners , they are called sluts , whores , all these stupidities that Camcaps allows to be posted about the girls .. and of course , whoever of the girls gets interfered and reads the forum , unless they have some strong personalities so as not to be affected , they get disappointed or many of them take it personally and they do nothing rather than parading naked .. of course , the biggest mistake comes from their employer which at the moment seems like has abandoned the Barcelona apartments and focusing more on expanding in other regions .. it can’t be explained differently this incredibly obvious degrade of the things / incidents in Barcelona in comparison to the past .. except if their numbers are all time high and they don’t care having Barcelona run in the auto pilot …
  17. The thing is that this apartment can be excited and interesting to watch if these two people start behaving like normal people of the majority of the rest of the planet or to limit it , like 9/10 people in their resident city , Prague . The place will become alive again if they allow some parts of their outside life to be shown on cameras . I am challenging everyone to say to me that they aren’t curious to see outsiders entering this place , interactions with other people to take also notice of another side of these two individuals . This place and the way that this couple lives , it is a repeated “ kick “ to our common sense .. 2023 , two people without friends , rules - if they have 2-3 friends outside - that nobody enters this place , an apartment that EVERY SINGLE DAY it is the same routine again and again and again .. I admire you that you still want to watch one more masturbation , one more blowjob , one more “ milk drinking “ , but what is it different or what is it going to be different ? Even sex for these two is an “ obligation “ either for the relationship or the cameras or/ and both .. there’s no new things in sex like dirty talking , passion , there are no new things in apartment’s couple behavior .. when they sat next to the other and they joked , had fun and tease and - again speaking sexually - end it in a super exciting sex interaction ? When Leora wore a pair of attracting and seducing lingerie so as to invite the love of her life to give her a pounding like the ones she fantasizes when she takes her bath looking on her mobile ? When did she prepare a nice romantic diner while Paul was out to welcome him home ? When was it that he appeared with a bouquet of flowers to leave it next to her bedside ? When was it to buy her a sexy pair of lingerie so she can wear and make him crazy to give her a Paul treatment according to what he likes from her ? WHEN IT WAS THE LAST TIME WE SAW SOMETHING TO BREAK THE MONOTONY AND ROUTINE OF THIS PLACE ? In my humble opinion , the boredom and indifference that this place slowly becomes it is the fact that here at the forum , THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO OTHER DISCUSSIONS apart from anything sexual between the two . The viewers / audience habe stop analyzing / speculating about the life of this couple , the only repeated talks are when , where , how , Leora masturbated / sucked dick / got fucked and that’s it .. it is the only discussions here at the forum .. I think this shows the dynamic of this place in general . I am not the owner of RLC or running questionnaires to understand what the audience wants to watch but if this place represents the idea of the RLC executives of what RLC is and what does it mean the “ private life of other people spreading peace and love “ , then I honestly believe that the fans and viewers of this apartment have really put down the expectations and what / why they pay their subscription for ..
  18. L'appartement a encore de nombreux adeptes en raison des années de gloire passées où Leora a "grandi" toute une génération 😂🤣 Mais pour le moment. c'est un appartement qui offre le zéro total sauf bien sûr pour les célibataires «affamés» qui aiment regarder Leora marcher à moitié nue ou poser nue pour les caméras .. si c'est ce à quoi on s'attend, alors, que puis-je dire? Je pense qu'après tant d'années à l'écran, les attentes de la majorité des téléspectateurs seraient plus importantes .. mais il semble que les gens se portent bien en regardant une fille de 32 ans "essayer" d'attirer les téléspectateurs avec un tour après l'autre jour après jour .
  19. We can see if Alsu will bring one of her many dates she has outside in the villa and if Grisha will be like Anthony , attempting with another one .. a story to follow since IT IS FINALLY SOMETHING HAPPENING .
  20. Everyday this apartment gets more and more uninterested/boring to watch ,I wonder what it offers , what are the expectations for any of the paying viewed . I currently believe that the only real interest is for the hardcore fans to see “ what’s next “ .. but even this , what can anyone expect ? It will be just one more masturbation , one more blowjob and swallowing and some sex at times ..Or am I wrong and other things are expected ? There’s absolutely ZERO other things happening in this apartment .. if this is a reason that in this way the business owners expect to attract new viewers , then , this is the successful way I guess .. I believe that this apartment now exists so as it serves RLC to maintain and keep a very big subscribers basis who “ grew up “ and kept on subscribing because of Leora .. but in my humble opinion , in the year 2023 , with 12 years experience as a site , I don’t think that this apartment and the way that it is working is ideal for attracting new potential subscribers .. Of course , the numbers are only visual by the RLC executives and they know better .. But if anyone here believes that in current RLC this is the way that an apartment should be presented and attract viewers , then , for sure all reasonable people we are missing something here ..
  21. Maybe she can persuade Kimberly to let go and finally expose herself .. let’s see , at least we have her now to make it a bit interesting 😊
  22. It was the same the first time they fucked .. lots of jerking to keep hard in a way .. rumors have it that he is into men also , maybe he’s bisexual and Alsu provides for whatever camera things ?? At least we have a story to follow and talk about , other than this it is just waiting endlessly for the unexpected from all others .. as was said , only Alsu and Tani are the ones who can provide a bit different than the boredom masturbations ..
  23. At least we have Alsu to break the boredom .. Let’s hope for more “ extremes “ in the villas .. Need to moan and just say that hopefully we see also outsiders both for the girls and the guys and not a continuous “ internal affairs “ situation… kudos to Alsu who rewarded everyone for her delayed arrival 😏
  24. Tani the only one who wishes to play a bit with the cameras …Dana and Zara in the same room - as expected - it ruins all of Zara’s will to entertain the viewers and herself .. and maybe some people here can now realize the loss of Alsu who - we like it or not - she’s the villa girl who wishes to do things .. pff , a really booooooooooring and without any indication that things can improve period for the villas .. who would imagine that these two places would be like this ..
  25. The only and true real hope for one of the most boring periods due to terrible chemistry assignation of the girls in the Barcelona apartments ( together with the fact that RLC simply watches and not interfering but how can they do when they have allowed the last 2-3 years flagship tenants of them to hide all of their private lives .. ) , it would be that Kimberly and Yana allow themselves to be flirted and flirt with the ultimate goal being to bring their dates in the villa .. Don’t expect Yana with the Ice Queen and the Boring Princess in B1 to engage in anything , these two at the moment seem to want to do something in Barcelona and not being locked 24/7 in facilities and luxury ( it is a pity as none of the villa girls seems to want to enjoy the fun and entertainment side of Barcelona with the endless bars and incredible daily touristic life ) … and people they were complaining for Elettra who had the “ biggest balls “ and could every second day bring outsiders inside the villa ..
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