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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Kimberly “ must see “ , let’s hope she explodes with right people next to her as the time passes by ..
  2. Looking forward to “ Kimberly is becoming one of the best “ from corvette with her daily now masturbations 😂😂😂😂
  3. There’s only one guy I would like that I see Tani having sex , this is Yanai ( Thor also .. ) , I think these two would be incredible .. I believe Sasha and Yanai are the two “ complete predators “ to satisfy variously a woman , Kos really knows how to take care of his girl , then “ active performers “ is a very much improved Dantez , Timur and Wayne know what their ladies need to get horny , Lion is mostly passive as the “ full heated “ Venera “swallows “ and drains him completely 🤣😂 …the rest of the guys , they simply fulfill their men duties in my humble opinion … BUT … as an unofficial tenant , Elvis is also satisfying pretty pretty well the most difficult to be satisfied , Masha 😁
  4. Off prime time Leora work obligations , it looks like double shift later with Paul and “ milk drinking “ 😆😎
  5. As I have said , I never believed that Tani and Tim was a couple , I think they had a really strong day by day developing “ friends with benefits “ relationship . I think Tim is a very strong with words guy , he easily seduced 4 girls for what we saw during his last stay and - personally - I think he would do more if Tani wasn’t staying with him . His example with Kimberly comes as a proof to my words , I don’t know how wrong I can be with this approach .. Tani is a woman who either has done a lot in her life with partners or she spent much of her time with just a guy and she did all with him and that’s why her “ special “ and unique skills during personal moments . I am sure she will prove a very big asset for RLC in the long run , it looks like she needs to feel “ accepted “ and be calm and comfortable so as to open herself a lot . But let’s see what and how this beautiful woman will show us even more things ..
  6. Grisha is in the house , I can only remember when Anthony and Miron have been with the girls , the “ full throttle attack “ comments against them … but the rumors that he is homosexual , keep currently the “ jealous “ male away from the negative commenting .. let’s see for how long it lasts and if it is going to be till he seduces the first “ female tenant “ ( it is rather laughable to think that RLC put in a project that mostly is addressed to male community a gay … but let everyone believe whatever 😁😆 )
  7. 😂🤣😂😂😂 UPS , i forgot this 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  8. Say whatever , some negative people had even bad words to say for her , Tani is the absolute example of how a man would seek / have / enjoy and ultimately get the best experiences from / with a girl . Tani is the one of the very few girls that have absolute knowledge on what they need to do for their guys , for themselves as outside appearance and taking care how they look , personally , one of the most memorable girls I can remember for anything she can do for as men , A-M-A-Z-I-N-G woman .
  9. We have for sure one of the most remarkable periods that Barcelona apartments have more the role of a “ free hotel style beds “ than a working environment , full of luxury , amenities , facilities and above all , monthly payrolls workspace . Serafima , Zhanna , Lara , Raniya and Britney , they are currently using their rooms so as to get paid and that’s it . On one hand , you can’t blame them as the times are difficult and where else they could find so many “ plus (+) “ , with getting paid and not spending monthly costs , on the other hand , it looks rather annoying for girls like Karina , Lavika , Tani , Kimberly and Alsu who have done / still doing things on cameras . And unfortunately , keeping on like this , the newcomers will be also learning that it would only take just some nudity in front of cameras to justify their presence while all of their private life is outside the walls of their luxury places ..
  10. Corvette will be pissed off as he won’t know how to take her out of his “ do nothing girl “ list because she wasn’t masturbating and she was only trying to have a normal daily life … Let’s see what negativity will discover now 😂🤣
  11. One of the nicest , most authentic and real moments having T&T watching Shakhtar Donetsk at the penalty kick contest who goes to the next round … a really nice moment considering what has being going on and how much the life of all these people has changed the last 365 days .
  12. Kimberley looks like she’s studying a lot of RLC , seems like not being able / not wanting to interact with others , RLC studies are her daily routine .. this is at least the result watching her after the “ notification “ that seems she got from her “ supervisors “ to stop talking and staring intensively the cameras , personally I like so very much this girl for the differentiate that seems to have but i definitely dislike watching copy / paste positions of Leora , her being on her bed and isolating for long times of the day , at least of course she’s willing to interact but obviously under her own terms … We have Leora and Serafima , if we get also Kimberley into this motive / routine , it will really start looking that the girls found the meaning and a bad habit , that is easy money by posing for the cameras and all of the rest who are doing things and sharing private life moments , will be considered fools .. This goes for Lavika , Karina , Tani , Tereza , Wednesday , let’s hope Alsu won’t prove a new Lilith .. High hopes and expectations of Kimberley but she can be unique and herself and not copy / paste .. she has already established her audience and she has nothing to prove , she just needs to remain herself and will for sure satisfy the viewers because it is obvious she cares for our adult entertainment ..
  13. I am expecting to have “ wild “ moments with Alsu taking over and Tani “interfering” when she wishes , I have all the admiration of the world for Tani , i can’t be less than massively excited of the things i saw her performing on cameras , so , i am more than satisfied and also her presence - especially since Tim left - is way more social than her last couple of weeks with him . The villas need locals - Bruno type or like Diane’s and Olya’s guys - the villa need to get unpredictable .. but I think ALL of villas tenants kind of hesitating and holding back with the presence of Bogdan knowing his job and also Nelly who i don’t think she belongs to this type of girls who reside in the villas … Let’s see , still a pity not to see things happening more regularly and often than perhaps a 1-2 per week .
  14. Spring needs to come asap and watch a bit the girls at the pool and maybe start slowly going to the beach , getting tanned , maybe some locals flirt them , the apartments currently apart from Lavika and Karina aren’t offering much .. and of course B5 is great but the couples are a bit distant lately ..
  15. Interesting to see if she joins the “ jerk off “ friend later and have a quick nap now 😉
  16. It’s not fair jumping to conclusions but speculation occurs due to both low voice discussing / whispering , we see Kimberly then doing what she has been getting disappointed and sad , that is being commented by the others and now it looks like that the talk is gossiping for other fellow villa tenants .. I don’t say that she should be locked inside her room if she doesn’t like but you can’t blame something and then doing the same .. I hope my speculation is wrong but it doesn’t look like two people having a general talk with whatever subjects discussing and get to know one another , opinions and beliefs , it looks mostly a “ gossip “ for others in my humble opinion .
  17. Wrong thread 😊 … The difference by the way is that Vencel has no problem walking half naked while Miron was “ hiding “ ( covering ) his body .
  18. Loraine managed to teach Anthony all the tricks , not that we can understand things , but speaking low voice ( whispering style 😂 ) , he learned from the best 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. I think being a “ public “ person , it is inevitable and unquestionable to suffer “ criticism of personal life “ . To be honest , if she really cared , she would have abandoned this way of life too long ago , but here she is , always , despite any criticism suffered ( however she’s undeniably the most “protected “ on whatever she does in comparison to other colleagues of hers in the same business and company ) , she keeps on , I would translate it like what matters the most is her own well being and she doesn’t have to answer or be questioned by anyone .. To go a bit further more with my thoughts , I think all this criticism comes as a way that the majority here likes / adores / enjoys ( or have done in the past .. ) this woman and they only want to see her happy , successful , healthy , smiley and simply living a life that it will offer her only the best of experiences and moments .. and this criticism and commenting comes as an oppose that the way her life currently runs won’t be offering any of the things mentioned above .. Who are we to know ? Who are we not to know ? But we are who we are with our personal experiences and things we have lived in life , we say what we say according to the things that WE have lived and WE believe that it will turn not in the best of interests of her .. caring , advising , trying to post opinions and thoughts in a mean of communication like this forum in which the person we are referring to repeatedly reads , it looks for me like people want the best and that this girl is simply happy for what she has offered , otherwise they wouldn’t comment , post , expressing thoughts , they would stay indifferent because this person wouldn’t mean anything . I don’t think that there’s ANYONE not loving / caring / admiring / feeling amazed and wonderful with the girl Leora but I think there are many ( who don’t even post now or express thoughts ) that don’t appreciate the chosen / decided life of the girl Leora , I happen to express my thoughts , right or wrong , it is thoughts .. but this is how I see it , as we comment for a celebrity when we are with friends and judge any action in our LR , kitchen , bedroom before we sleep , it just happens the same here .. but this doesn’t mean that there’s empathy , hate or dislike to the girl Leora , why should it be ?
  20. She might be the youngest girl currently across whole RLC .. This is a type of participant that the company could invest on her , social ( friends visiting regularly ) , open in any sex encounters , questioning choices ( obviously not happy with Vencel by masturbating another male while her guy is sleeping ) and of course , as was mentioned ?young , pretty , formatting character and personality in front of cameras … let’s see where this journey with this girl will take us ..
  21. RLC is dying ? 😂🤣😂🤣😅🤣🤣 Then if you want that it “ stays alive “ and watch your wonderful ass , tits and pussy ladies , you could contribute even 1/10 of how you are contributing here at the forum asking when the free cameras aren’t working for you … then maybe RLC could manage to survive one more day ☺️ …. RLC is dying 😂🤣😂😂😂🤣 ???? That’s why in nearly one year , they expanded in 2 more countries , they established Prague as their 2nd big hub and they OPENED 8 new apartments and a villa in 4 different countries … Ohh , wait .. RLC is dying because the girls don’t masturbate , they don’t run up and down naked and because the girls don’t make lesbian things or have orgies while enjoying a bit more alcohol … 😂🤣 … on a side note , Elettra is a whore because she fucks whatever she moves but if it was Serafima or Britney , they would be the top “ Barcelona villas “ bunnies … And when dally life people appear that their outside appearance isn’t likeable and because they “ ARE INVITED “ anytime and they have the absolute freedom to use the facilities of both villas like their own place , they are called and characterized fat , morons , disgusting and idiots or whatever … I honestly wish you luck to find a job as you recently posted and maybe then you can contribute than asking for videos or begging for free cams … there’s TONS AND TONS of free ass , tits and pussy at the net that I don’t understand why you so tensed trying to watch daily life people who have decided and chose to live in front of cameras .. Well , let’s see when RLC seizes operations because “ is dying “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  22. This couple will always be one of the best recruitments and discoveries of RLC , it brought them money , subscriptions , what else to ask ? They both got also an easier life and also got “ saved “ with the unfortunate investment of Alberto some years ago … BUT .. As I have said repeatedly in the past - and my personal opinion of course - , it is very strange that this couple when the time comes , Alberto will be able to go his own way and be fine with it while Martina she will struggle massively not being able to have a guy next to her accepting her lifestyle and wishes .. because - obviously - i don’t believe this is a couple that will live together .. they will be always best friends and there for one another like nobody else .. but they are both - soon to come - ready for new things in their life , I still believe that Martina enjoys the cameras while Alberto stays just for the money thing .. Alberto will struggle but he will find a girl to adore , respect and take care .. and Martina a guy who defines more her lifestyle , that is going out and partying , traveling , meeting friends , this is mostly a guy she would like to have and not Alberto - but she will cry loads when the goodbye time as a sex relationship ends - , however these two will meet and share till the last breathe they will have on this planet .. Someone who has no strength , no pride , no power to protest that his “ girlfriend “ is fucking a woman on his own bed that he shares with his “ girlfriend “ just next door to him while playing PlayStation and not even being outside with a friend let’s say , this is for me the turning point of this relationship .. and it says a lot on how things will occur in the future ..
  23. I am thinking that I would like to see Yanai “ fuc…ing “ the brains out of Marie 😉 Despite Don being also a great stamina sex partner , Yanai is one of the best male performers , that’s why I would have liked to see him seducing some Russian speaking from the villas 😂😝😆 … and then i woke up from my fantasies 😂🤣😂🤣
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