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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The hide and seek of this guy continues .. I can’t remember anyone else being in a place , being around and about all the time and nobody knowing what it is going on with him . He hides , he appears , he is around the girls , no communication with the rest , even more and new insane premieres of people in B7 … 🤪😬🙄
  2. I don’t care what the others think and it is funny that you know what the others think about me and my posts . I have my way and I don’t insult anyone here , I am not pulo to write 100 short messages per day , I write 20-25 long posts so as to have my thoughts shared and communicated . If I cared who reads my posts and who doesn’t , I would be addicted like the RLC tenants who come here to read what’s written about them 😂🤣😂 The people who are interested of what i am thinking and would like to have a chat , will always respond or have something to say . People who are interred only is ass , tits and pussy , they will obviously ignore things that I have an opinion about because all tenants for me are human beings like you and me , this is how I see them and that’s how I respect them ..but this will never ever prevent me from criticizing them according to the expectations I have as a viewer and the money I pay per month to watch . And last not certainly not least , many thugs can be said about me but there’s NOONE here who can say that I am not one of the most polite members or treating tenants and people who appear on cameras with respect … but of course , criticism when isn’t as what people want to read make you have opinions like the ones you seem to have . Enjoy your day now as I will be doing here since the beach is always 30 degrees here and real life and socializing is happening once again .
  3. I think you are living in a dreamworld and you invent things .. apparently you are interpreting things your own way which is fine .. it is your opinion vs mine , you believe whatever , I say differently , we will never agree and that’s it . About Loraine , the sisters , Leora , my opinion is repeatedly posted here . Loraine is one of the most beautiful women ever been with RLC , a class model woman , amazing .. BUT .. she is completely passionless . Her only goal is to make money , she wouldn’t hesitate at anything . She had a boring last stay only till I found out what happened with her ex and felt sympathy because she didn’t deserve anything . But this doesn’t change the fact she’s an opportunist and mega manipulator and she affects a lot the rest . She’s a diva and that’s how she behaves , it is a pity she’s asexual . The sisters are great , each for their own reason . It might be that even me 1-2 times lost the patience because of things I saw but personally , they are the most genuine girls and they do whatever they do not to please me , you or anyone but what they think it is better for them . I happen to know a lot of things about their family dramas especially at the beginning plus some personal things about Esmi and they have my respect , they are absolutely fine . And then it is Leora . For the millionth time . The girl Leora is gorgeous , she actually gets better like all girls when they become women and Leora is now a 30 plus year old woman . But as a tenant 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 , she’s one of the worst ever . Her social life , her private life , it is the biggest joke since her return with RLC and she’s one of the most boring to watch if you don’t want to watch only masturbations and swallowing and posing which is all a show for her . Imagine , she even fucks looking herself in the mirror so as to check if her ass is well positioned for the cameras . But , men like her , she has her eternal followers , she’s a phenomenon and she has the right to be with so many dedicated fans as there are also now and since some years people being bored with her . To be quite honest , her life in Prague failed completely because - in my opinion - she doesn’t know how to be with people - , she tried really hard to establish friendships , make a new beginning but when after 9 years you can’t accept the job you are doing in front of others , there’s no future on socializing . And then it was Paul again when for nearly 2 years it was fake shows for money and a boyfriend who she was going twice per week to his place .. do you want more ? Maybe you should now wonder what you are doing here and what you are watching . Maybe if you answer this to yourself , you can also find out why you get so much hate for others when they don’t agree with you and your theories . Don’t try to make word confrontations with me , out of respect to anyone reading , I write you in English , if I write in Greek , then the translator will mess it up but I can use 1,000 words more to describe better what’s on my mind .
  4. Ok .. you are right . I say one thing in one and another at other . If you can present me the posts , maybe we can discuss about it if you want . It is strange that others who participate more often in the forum than you never said something like what you say… and still , it is funny that you always want to have a direct confrontation with me just because our opinions are different .
  5. I pay because most of the tenants do and behave exactly as I described you .. for the few that don’t , I always hope and that’s why I complain . You don’t want to go in talks with me if and how my private life is because you will be very jealous . RLC is a hobby for me and like others who read a book or play a video game , I also spend some hours per day watching . The way I manage to control my social life and my free entertainment time is of my own concern and you can’t judge how it is 😇 by saying that i don’t have a private life . As I have said , I live on a Greek island , for any European who has traveled to a Greek island , there’s nothing more to be said when the term “Greek island “ automatically can travel you to the 3 S of tourism , that is Sea / Sun / Sex .. Maybe one day , as i have said to others , you visit here and can show you what social life means in the summer . It is fascinating that for most Europeans life is 09:00-17:00 and then you just go to pubs for beers or restaurants to eat , we here finish the job and we can go to the beach for 4-5 hours and do whatever there , participate in the forum instead of reading from a kindle or a book , take some time to post here and not all the time playing with the rackets or beach volley or flirt when there’s no mood or nice girls .. It is funny that you reflect my way of social life and how I do my things and change the subject we were discussing about the girls and how they live in front of cameras .. you I are very welcome to come here and exhaust you with the Greek / corfian social life .. maybe you should make a searching for the area Ipsos by the way which is the center of the Italians here with nearly 5-6,000 Italians per week there ..
  6. I never have express my negativity towards this , it is normal and well done .
  7. If they want to do whatever they want without being judged , they should leave this job and abandon the cameras. They are in front of cameras , their job is to LIVE in front of them . Private life is not to make the bank account public , not have the mobile number public and such things . They have chosen to live in front of cameras , it is their job and they get really really good money … good money because it is a difficult job because it is completely different than you and me .. and there are expectations , this is why I pay this site . I pay to see parties ,social life , tears , laughs , shouts , arguments , I pay to watch them cooking , dancing , doing yoga , putting make up , fixing their nails … In addition to all those normal daily life things , there’s also the NEED of human being to socialize , not being alone , that’s our difference from the animals . For me , private life should be bringing on cameras friends , boyfriends , girlfriends , parents , this is how it should be , a life as close to reality like any of us have . They are getting paid for it , so simple as that , if they didn’t and it was illegal , of course I would agree 1 million per cent with you . We disagree about what’s private and what isn’t , for me it is all their life privacy sharing apart from the sensitive data that i mentioned , for you it is restricted .. Never forget , IT IS THEIR CHOICE to do this , they are there with their own will , nobody has forced them and that’s why they get the money they get . It is really easy to abandon it and have a normal life like you and me , have you wonder why they don’t ?
  8. But they are on “ holidays “ as this was the RLC’s site explanation .. then it became singles which is more appropriate nowadays to be honest . Still , the disagreement is i believe on the way they choose to be on cameras . For example , the Esmi we saw during the summer , I have personally no complaints . The girl has been living an as much normal life as possible , at least the way I have it in my mind ( which of course is subjective , other people think differently ) . I never understood for example why isn’t possible to have people in the apartment to watch a movie , play table games and so on . There’s no need to have sex or do anything sexual or similar , I can’t really understand that except of course people who simply don’t want to be recorded and this is not only respected but should be a sacred rule , like for example when Marlene had a guy and most probably hadn’t explained the cameras and he got furious . And also , I don’t like personally to have girls only like Lavika and Marlene but girls also like the sisters for example are fine for me …the ones I totally dislike are the girls who simply are indifferent and don’t care , in this category at this period is Ailey , Kassandra and Lilith .
  9. We are paying to watch the private life of the people who have signed a contract with the company called RLC . They all have their own place which is transmitted live 24/7 by cameras . In comparison to you , me and everyone else , these people they don’t pay the apartment ( rental ) or they don’t own the place so as to have bought it in the past with their own money .. As long as I close my door in my house , I can do whatever I want without worries . These people as soon as they close the door of the place they live , all of their actions are recorded . If they don’t like it , if they are shy being naked,if they want a normal life with boyfriends , sex , doing whatever without being judged- right or wrong it doesn’t matter - , they can rent an apartment by themselves and pay and live whatever life they want and good luck . I don’t care if they live whatever life they want outside but then if I am not satisfied with what I am paying , there’s this forum here to express my disappointment and complaints . Because for me , it is NOT normal life or trying to live normal when you don’t have visitors at home , friends , when you disappear for days and nobody knows when you are back because you “ forgot “ to inform or you informed and they ignored you . If any of these people isn’t wiling to share their private life on cameras because they DON’T WANT , they can just abandon RLC and let the beds free for people who pay to watch them trying to behave and live a life as normal like you , me and the majority of daily life people do . If your private life is not having people in your home but you always visiting others , if your personal life is always sleeping to your girlfriend and your girlfriend isn’t allowed to come and visit you in your home , then you are right to say that all these people are doing great in front of cameras .
  10. There’s no problem for any tenant to do their things outside .. the problem begins if they show indifference to their “ job “ and not caring .. if they want a real life , normal things happening , they can just abandon RLC , find a job that gives them whatever salary and then we can see for how long they can manage to live in Barcelona … because at the moment we have Ailey , Kassandra and Lilith who in my opinion have no interest for this job and they just sleep , shower , eat , repeat daily .. At least Zabava didn’t hide twice and Esmi , well , she proved that if she wants she can provide the adult entertainment which is a big part of her job and the contract she has signed with her current employer .. but Esmi proved that we like her for dozens of other reasons but as we have said , the easy rhubarb is get to the top , the difficult is to remain there .. My problem with any tenant is when they show indifference , then this is when I get furious . Of course , these are all things which have been developed a lot during the Covid era and in my opinion it got elevated so much when certain other girls followed the example of RLC’s top tenant in another city who for nearly 1,5 years was hiding her personal life and nevertheless she was getting all the benefits of the life in front of cameras . The girls aren’t stupid , they now do the minimum , they know that nudity and being sexy provides and that’s it . The thing is that RLC’s top tenant worked her ass for many years to reach the level that she can do whatever she wants , whenever she wants and even if I personally don’t like the way she’s doing things , she has provided endless times of entertainment . The conclusion is - and that’s a personal opinion - that RLC has loosened a lot and it is a really long time that the tenants seem to have more power than their employer , they literally do whatever they want , they go on holidays , they vanish and disappear and RLC simply doesn’t care .. for me Barcelona needs a major major reboot but …
  11. I don’t think Esmi has the opinion of herself being a bootie call .. The speculation is that they are just “ warming up “ , maybe a bar or some spending time in Barcelona and getting to know one another .. of course , time will reveal more .
  12. Strange as why Esmi isn’t staying over at the place she has chosen the last days to try a bit her off cameras private life …
  13. Toxic Nelly … - She did whatever she did with Martina and she was complaining ( mostly whole as COV in B4 ) when the girls where around Bogdan that he can’t hug them or kiss them in a friendly way ( isn’t jealousy a toxicity when she repeatedly - a married woman that she is - was fucking another one but her husband couldn’t even look at a girl ? ) - She lost the friendship with Masha when she sent her to hell when by accident one day Masha pressed the wrong button in the middle of the night calling Bogdan , telling her “ go to hell and never contact him again “ when it was just a drunk Masha making a wrong phonecall but she just like that condemned a friendship of 15 plus years when she repeatedly when being drunk she has been a woman to feel pity for . - She was many times denied anything more than friendship from Martina’s side but she wanted more and more and more .. toxicity as she can’t accept the fact that Martina wanted just to be friends , therefore , a 30 years old woman who denies her marriage and a husband that does anything for her and loves her but she completely doesn’t care . Nelly used to be a fan favorite , since moving in Barcelona , she’s a completely different person .. She had a taste from a woman who already targeted when she was in Russia , Martina . But then , seeing her in conditions like never seen before , getting drunk , losing it , not respecting her husband , not respecting Martina and Alberto , I don’t know if we are dealing with a child here or a grown up woman . I think in the end , the question should just be how a fan favorite woman has become a woman than almost 9 out of 10 people here at the forum want her out as she’s not even pleasure to watch her anymore ( in comparison I think to her husband that even if they are complains about him , at least he is always respected by the rest of the tenants ) .
  14. I think it isn’t bad for anyone here to admit that after their sexual relationship which lasted for whatever time it lasted , they are now two good friends . It happens around us , to people we know , relatives , best friends . I don’t know and even more I can’t really understand why should we make theories and speculate that there’s more than the on cameras things when Nelly and Martina meet , they are just two girls that managed to remain friends , for whatever reason no more sex and just hanging out together , it is funny I think that we should doubt that if both girls wanted to do something , whatever things are written here or being commented , would be stopping them doing anything . Therefore , I think it isn’t wrong to accept and perhaps praise that they manage to stay friends ( personally and as I have stated in the past , it is really weird and out of Martina’s character in my humble opinion to befriend such a toxic person - at least since she moved in Barcelona - like Nelly , for sure she can choose her friends better but she was also recently betrayed by a girl who she was considering really close , so , her choices don’t look the best ) … The only thing that it is a mystery for me and has a very BIG ??????? is the fact of Nelly not visiting Martina in her apartment …and my totally and ignorant 😂🤣 speculation has to do that Alberto might have asked this from Martina , Alberto hasn’t been a fan of Nelly let’s say ..
  15. Well..If this ain’t major news …B5 in B7 ..I think Tereza and Timur aren’t so much in favor of visiting the villas , they might have also affected Holly and Thor gradually as they also reduced a lot their visits as soon as they started spending more time all 4 of them and most importantly , when they realized that they can all 4 hang out and enjoy really great . Of course , the strange guy keeps Ailey laying down on her bed in her room and no interactions and I see no Kassandra , Tim , Samson and his lady …Well….🤔
  16. It is Sunday , I was in church and too lazy 😁😝😜
  17. Venera looks like becoming the next RLC’s asset , simply amazing with an endless potential ..All eyes on her and anything we will be seeing in the near and far future 😇
  18. I don’t watch this place often as I don’t have a good feeling for this apartment , finding the relationship kind of weird to say it politely 🤣I will watch when these friends visit as the place gets funny and with good vibes ..and I know that Noldus gave the names and I think they are on the first page but posting fast and not in the mood to go back to the first page and check , it was the easy solution to wonder about who is who 😁😛 I think though I will remember from now on , so , merci monsieur 😊
  19. Lavika got confused …2 free bedrooms , one with a double bed - her room - the LR where she was originally sleeping after the ladies Saturday night out and she goes and interrupts Anya’s sleep to lay down by her side at the small single … Pff , women , go figure them out 😂🤣😂🤣😝
  20. Don Juan in direct competition with Marlene and Lavika …Get him the room in the B7 villa instead of Tim ASAP…..
  21. If Lilith was even 10% of Gina , we would be making some great chats about her here …The truth is that Gina has been one of the best ever and poor Lilith could only learn so much from Gina if she was around …
  22. To be honest , these funny arguments between two good friends , “ the childish “ ones as I call them or as say here , the need to prove “ whose dick is bigger ( whose right and whose wrong ) “ 😂🤣😂🤣 show the good friendship and relationship 😆.. I think it will be even better times for Marlene with the arrival of her friend , let’s see .
  23. Finally and for the first time ,B2 gets a “ holiday treatment “ feeling ..Girls back after partying , one lays down on the couch falling asleep at once , the plastic food after drinking , the other girl with door open and not caring as she’s not disturbing anyone , ahh , great holidays times , well done RLC and clever move making the apartment finally “ no strict rules “ apply…
  24. Yes …Alana is the “ Queen “ , her sleeping is precious and she can’t be disturbed .. Pff , I think her “ specialties “ won’t be missed by the rest of the girls …
  25. 79 / 400, 321 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 11 months and 5 days Tik Tok
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