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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I am quiet in this part of the forum but I know that I create lots of negative reactions here with my posts simply because my reality in life is different and it happens to have a different opinion than the majority of the people who support “ The Queen “ …I don’t contribute to a topic that an opinion is judged as BULLSHIT , no matter the content of the post , being stupid , wrong , whatever it is , it is an opinion and i am entitled to it ..This used to be once upon a time the topic with so many people contributing and now it has become the corner of people like the ones who can’t right correct in English or have a different view and opinion except “ very nice / very good “ … In other news , enjoying the maximum my Greek summer , finally Covid free and fun , you can’t get better in the world than living in a Greek island and having nearly everything you wish 😊 2 million people pay to come here for short or long periods and i simply live it for free 😇 And you my good Aussie friend , hope you are doing great , strong , healthy and with a big big big smile …My Melbournian colleague at work makes me everyday nearly find out more and more about your nice country and the things that happen there and how life proceeds …
  2. Living a normal life ? Without taking your long time not seen girlfriend beautifully dressed for a romantic dinner ? Without dressing smart for a nice and loving beautiful walk in incredible Prague by night ? Without sitting even once outside at the balcony with a bottle of wine till the late morning hours in hot summer feeling Prague , seducing one another , having sex at the balcony , laughing , holding hands , laughing and being goofy and naughty ? Normal life that there can’t be any friends visiting to present to them the love of your life in your 3 plus years apartment in Prague ? Normal life that when money isn’t the issue , Paul works when Leora was supporting financially his business from distance and now she supports it with him by her side ? Normal life that during the night Leora spends again hours and hours on her mobile and IPad ? Normal life that a couple has different sleeping hours ? BUT AGAIN and most of all , WHERE IN THE WORLD is this couple’s social life ? This isn’t Russia , this is Europe ..Have you ever wondered that maybe the problems and life decisions of Leora occurred first hand because of the lifestyle back in Russia ? Are you sure that this way of living again isn’t a reason for Leora ( or even Paul ) to abandon again one another for nearly 3 years ? And the last question …Do you , would you personally enjoy and like to have a life like this two have ? That you can’t invite your friends at home , that your girlfriend sleeps most hours of the day not next to you ( yes the job is the reason but , would you ? ) that you can’t go out alone and meet your friends , have your own moments , except of course if you are so depended to someone that you can’t be away from this person even for some hours …Except if you are telling me that normal life for a long term relationship is to be always by your GF / BF site and not have a day to go out with your male friends , watch football , drink beers , get drunk , come home late and be tipsy and things like this …Yes , this is normal life for 8 out of 10 couples , I guess we are witnessing of a 2 out of 10 couples exception of the rule … personally I HAVE MET NO MAN IN MY LIFE asking me and telling me that it is great that many times they can have an alternative , be with a friend and talk many different things and so on … But yes , Leora is Paul’s biggest love of all time and his biggest accomplishment and he simply does all for her …And Leora is a happy with whatever she has , as she always wanted ..I honestly wonder what has happened in this apartment the last 37 months … Malia and Leora next to the other touching their pussies , juices , masturbating side by side , Leora online courses to learn Czech in the kitchen , Leora exercising , Leora in the balcony and vanishing / disappearing commando in the lobby for private phonecalls or slipper’s worst nightmare ,the LB aka Leora’s Boyfriend , the flowers in the apartment , the 3-5 months period of Leora going away for 2 days per week from the apartment only to have poor Malia inside so as the apartment isn’t empty …Ahh yes , this NEVER happened and now we are seeing the NORMAL LIFE OF A COUPLE ….and I wonder if it is so nice why Leora’s masturbations and nudity / exhibitionism gather always more views and replays than a normal couples life sex session ( after 30 months of not seeing one another ) hardly ever making the top replays when there’s competition ….. Ahh , well , this is Leora’s planet and world , it is all perfect and not the slightest shadow in this couple’s life .and always wondering if this normal life why was abandoned for 30 months and both found lovers ? I am looking forward to ONCE , JUST ONCE , to read a negative , disappointing post from anyone who watches the private life of this couple ..It is always “ VERY GOOD SEX “ “ VERY GOOD MASTURBATION “…I really wait for the ONCE to watch and read just an at least “ so and so “post …
  3. Why she quit her happiness at first place ? Why she never visited him to feel happier ? Why she messed with another guy for 1,5 years and she was crying for him , going out 2 times per week to sleep by his place for him when this is always what she wanted ( that is to be with Paul ? ) WHY SHE LEFT PAUL first place if the life she had was whatever always she wanted ? My opinion is that she brought Paul because her PLAN A never worked ( that is establishing a way if life the way she wanted in Prague like she had in Russia ) for a number of reasons . There have been people here speaking always about PLAN A and PLAN B …And yes Leora is happy like never before because she has company , she’s not alone , miserable , depressed and isolated , she has someone by her side whenever she wants and not the loneliness she suffered the nearly 8 months that she was without someone in the apartment ( Malia ) to talk to , keep her at least company even if she was tired by her at a certain point .. And the big question remains ? Why Paul immediately after returning from Prague the first time he found a girlfriend ? Wait , let me answer 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😂🤣😂🤣😂😬😬😬😬😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 because this is how answers here at the forum occurs when there are actually no answers ( oh wait , it is all bullshit and I should ask my Russian translator friends 😨🤔🙏🙏 ) … Leora is a master manipulator and captivates anyone , she can sell gold to you even if it is the poorest material closest to gold .. I let the people trust you ( I sympathize with your continuous belief and support on her ) but I also remember when you appeared here when Zena made herself suddenly present saying “ WTF ? This is contrary on everything she was saying and wanted to do “ ( don’t have the time to dig the archives for your post concerning Zena when she appeared ) …Just to remInd you that Leora has already her next step organized in case anything happens in Prague for her , let’s see if Paul is aware of any future movements ..And yes , nobody can’t question your knowledge .
  4. I don’t know ( even if I could easily .. ) what , how , where and with who spends her nights .. I only know that if she was sexually satisfied , what’s the point of keeping on sexually with Alberto if all of her needs are satisfied ? As both good friends omedo and emnv have said repeatedly , Martina isn’t a saint .. Alberto many times hasn’t liked or approved some of her actions but in my country here we say that there’s no point trying to prevent or get mad from your BF/GF if the person has decided to do anything with someone else . I will always say that if Alberto didn’t like the situation , I believe he would have quit RLC … I don’t think that Martina would have done the same as i believe she LOVES the exposure , the popularity , I do believe she loves to be watched but in another “ bossy / demanding “ way because of her character and not like Leora for example who is the top exhibitionist because she has no other interest in her life and this is how she has grown up and knowing it to do professionally .. I believe that this couple will always be there for one another even if both of them get married with others and have children , these two will always be special for one another .
  5. In my humble opinion , it is Martina ( as I have repeatedly said ) that she will suffer if she loses Alberto ( which I believe this will never happen , no matter what happens , the “ worst “ case scenario is that they will be always best friends , people that would never be able not have one another in their lives ) .. it isn’t easy to find a person who accepts all of the way of living style like Alberto does for Martina .. others would question the nights out , won’t approve or accept , speaking about a normal relationship that is . Martina won’t be able to find a guy that he will be accepting her fucking next room and on the couples bed and bedroom her lesbian married lover . Martina will have difficulties to find a guy that she can trust easily all of her secrets without being judged negative or in a disappointed / degraded way like the actions of Martina who many times aren’t the best example ..Martina needs Alberto more than Alberto needs Martina … He proved that he can find a job , he is a decent boyfriend , he knows how to cook , he can make it by himself easily , it is just Martina’s personality and the forum here at CC’s which has mostly male members that her presence overshadows many of the positive characteristics from Alberto .. In my opinion he is a great guy and the only disadvantage is that he is kind of “ home lover “ guy , he prefers his quiet, peace and relaxation and he’s not this much into parties or social gatherings ( he won’t say no and he will enjoy the maximum if the company is for his tastes ) . My conclusion - as I have said again - is that Martina is dependent on Alberto concerning her freedom of actions routine .. I don’t know if she can be with a guy that will “ demand “ things from her , a guy that he will also behave exactly the same way like her .. can it be that she can share life with a “ male Martina “ lifestyle ? Can Martina accept a guy in her life that fucks in the next door bedroom and couple’s bed a common female friend while she builds Lego or plays PlayStation in the LR ? An answer in that can tell about the relationship of these two people for over or nearly 10 years now .. with the normal ups and downs as it should always be in long term ( whatever kind of ) relationships .
  6. If she chooses to share nothing on cameras and be absent 3-4 times per week and mostly and in general change her attitude towards the viewers / fans , the criticism as always will be back against her .. She has earned the crowd by being or better say , trying to be a normal girl living a normal life without exaggerations , she is original and genuine and people appreciate this and like her for that . She’s not so young like many others , she has proved she’s a clever woman, if getting to know a guy will lead her sooner or later to live by his place , then , first would be a fast decision obviously and then she will might ask for her release to go and live with him and abandon RLC . These are all extreme speculations and fortune telling 😆 , I personally hope that this new flirt in her life is a decent guy and treat her with respect , except of course if she’s looking for some temporary adventures or if ( my personal opinion ) , this might be a local Spanish guy , fun will be made and then “ nice to meet you but I don’t want anything serious “ … no matter what happens , i hope we see some of her private life on cameras which - judging by her previous reactions of her sister’s adventures , she didn’t look so happy for the exposure so maybe it will be difficult to see her on cameras inviting the new friend for a dinner or some drinks at home - would make it fantastic to watch.
  7. Brokk! Posted 5 hours ago If the comments are few, it is not Paul's fault. The problem is another and more about what's going on here on CC. I think that the comments aren’t many because there’s nothing to discuss due to the fact that nothing really exciting happens . It is either masturbation or sex , Paul working , Leora cleaning and ironing and both eating , taking showers and playing with the dog . Leora is spending more and more time on her portable devices gradually , the private phonecalls are almost not happening anymore , I think there were posts in the past that Leora learns Czech , that Leora was seeing her salon friends or spending time with the friends outside of the apartment. For many people here , it is a healthy and all going super fine relationship . For many people here , the question would be if they would like to have a girlfriend that stays awake at night because of whatever things need to be done , sleeps during the day and spend 3-5 hours per day outside of the apartment to walk the dog , go shopping, meet the friends that they don’t want to have them as visitors in the apartment , hobbies , activities and so on .. If any actual social activity was happening , the discussions would be more I guess as there would be something different to observe , notice and perhaps analyze . So , it is just another day , another week and another month .. the only question actually is how the difficult winter will be due to the heating conditions and how they will deal with the ongoing talks that the heating / energy supply won’t be 24/7 like we have seen Leora doing in her apartment .
  8. Mathilda keeps on growing to me as an amazing mysterious girl waiting to discover what’s more beneath the nudity , her rewarded viewers compensations …always fascinated with girls who are incredibly difficult to figure them out …
  9. Thor and Marlene videocall to a Russian speaking guy , both of them knowing him
  10. Why do you think Alberto isn’t satisfying her ? For whatever we can see , nearly 10 years after and they have sex almost everyday ..except if you speak of the fact that she isn’t satisfied because Alberto is a more “ staying at home “ person than her who “ likes to be out “ .. I believe that if Martina would have been unsatisfied by the sex life with Alberto , we would see her masturbate very much to “ chill “ her hormones , she would fuck with him after so many years of relationship 5-6 times per month just to make the “ couple sex obligations “ tasks and that’s it . On the contrary , many times I see her approaching him and getting her satisfaction , we can agree that he could for sure many times help her finish also as - personal taste on that 😆 - this should be any guy’s goal , satisfy the girl so as to give you 10 times back the satisfaction. My opinion also but i many times read here about unsatisfactory sex life for Martina and I winder what I see wrong .If this is unsatisfied relationship concerning sex , I can’t think what Kitty and Smith was , what Leora and Paul has always been ( imagine a woman addicted to masturbation - yes for the money flow most of the times - that she does it even while she’s being fucked , this maybe is nit satisfied sex ) .
  11. I hope Esmi is “ warming up “ for her next big step with RLC , that is to present her private life on cameras ( not sex related , but a visit like the great Mr.J aka Jordi 😇 )
  12. I SIMPLY LOVE that whenever you comment here everyone - but one to be honest - makes the “ kokoko “ chicken sounds while when the rest of the forum members that express or post a negative or not praising comment , they are criticized in any possible negative way that can or might be 😂😂😂🤣 You my friend have the power 😁😁😆
  13. I see no information at the main site since she’s gone .. she did it again and there was again no information .. if the girl isn’t interested , she can go to Barcelona , rent an apartment by herself and at least RLC can hire someone that maybe has a bit more respect for the paying subscribers .
  14. It is funny as posters appear to comment here which is named “‘road to 8/24 “ and not at the main topic of comments .. I only data provide Leora’s pleasure moments 😁
  15. The big news is that even Masterchef got tired and he quit posting … That’s the news of 2022 at this part of the CC forum ..
  16. Party time in B5 later ? T&T must be tired though ..
  17. Can anyone please inform RLC that they have an employee who works for them in the villa , she goes by the name of Ailey but there’s no sign of her , no idea , is she ok ? Has she stop working ? Is she’s on strike because her salary isn’t high enough ? RLC … RIDICULOUS 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡
  18. 76 / 400, 324 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 11 months and 12 days Tik Tok
  19. I agree but there we are talking about the common life of a couple and it is normal to have popularity and chats at the forum as both of these couples with their actions and behavior , their friends and the surrounding “ drama “ ( Martina’s activities off cameras that create speculations , the long absences of this stay from both Carla and Yanai ) . As we have said in the past , Esmi is a girl who has shown so very little in terms of adult entertainment but in an insane way , the majority of the talks during the whole summer are based and concerned around her , either concerning the “ expectations “ of what’s next by her , her relationships with Kristy , her sister , recently with Loraine and of course in general speaking about her personality . It is funny and weird also on the other hand , as Marlene is an incredible tenant with a personal life that it is exactly how perhaps the majority of the pellet would like to have, she’s the best English speaker i believe together with Monica , she has “approval “‘by all the girls across the Barcelona apartments , she lives her life more extreme and more adventurous but she’s less in talks at the forum . Imagine if Esmi brings “friends “ in the apartment …😱😱😱🤯🤯😱
  20. It looks like Carla and Yanai have this FWB relationship nowadays or “ business partnership “ so the RLC helping income can support at this period . No matter how great they spend their time while together ( sexually i mean ) , I don’t think there’s anything else now connecting them apart from their friends . As always , hoping that this apartment and both of them remain “on air “ and that it doesn’t come to an end sooner or later . Let’s see.
  21. Till she comes back in some months , especially if Holly will be around and has a “safety “ place to stay …
  22. Luckily Kaley made it “ alive “ from the bathtub ..😬
  23. I only know that no matter what , doing or not doing things , speculating or not , being present or absent , Esmi keeps on being continuously here on the talks , this simply shows how popular she is and how much people want to see her around and of course always with the hope to show us more and more . I don’t think there’s any other tenant gathering as much attention as her .
  24. I think differently .. 😇 Esmi has been taught by the likes of Karol and at times by Loraine ..And don’t forget , if she’s start disappearing more often than being in the apartment , it will not be the best for the criticism here .. But , it will be nice because she will be doing what she’s pleased , still , she’s also doing a job that the last couple of months she has embraced and learned to enjoy it and appreciate it and in my opinion , I think she appreciates with her own way the “ interest “ she received from ( her ) the fans …
  25. Pfff..This is the most “ sisters mood “ loving , caring and enjoying , cooperating and doing things together ( really , have they ever prepared the bed together ? ) , this is a really rare and unique moment and it is really fantastic seeing it happening , well done Esmi and Zabava ..Happiness then simply brings the emotions and the feelings ☺️
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