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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think they prefer to stay off cameras as they aren’t under RLC contract , maybe they are also instructed like this but in my opinion , unless it is that they didn’t want to participate ( strangely as they are the only visitors .. ) , I think it is a mistake they didn’t join .
  2. I think you are exaggerating and you aren’t fair , there are many themed parties , this has been a great idea .. Even if it was a normal party ( what is it actually a normal party .. ) you would complain that they make the same silly karaoke , beer pong , adult card or board games and so on .. I think you are never satisfied whatever these people will provide , for you it should be just all in a living room , sitting next to the other wit drinks and so,e food and some dancing and flirting and that’s your party .. These are some hot women , dressed to impress most of the times , teasing the subscribers because this is part of their residency , but I think honestly that you are never happy with anything ..I see smiley , funny and happy faces and this is what i like to enjoy and not miserable people , sitting on their bed alone with their mobiles , open legs facing the cameras and masturbating ..I still wonder what you expect to watch , what is your purpose commenting on something that doesn’t satisfy you or makes you happy … always alladino style bla bla bla ..👿😡
  3. Venera is the actual superhero tonight , the Wonder Woman once again , this couple is the best we got in many years ..Absolutely fantastic and we are only in their first weeks 😇😇👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  4. Unfortunately , the person who could organize all this in a perfect way , she’s gone ..this was Olivia ..Nobody could be dedicated in such things as her …Unfortunately , her very first effort when she moved in the villa wasn’t appreciated by everyone , you could tell at that times that many things were wrong amongst tenants relationships and atmosphere ..this party also I think opened Olivia’s and the rest eyes that the villa wasn’t the place for them despite the good intentions they had ..Anyway , this is a nice idea and a bit different , girls look really cool .. Waiting to see the “isolations” , many rooms are free in B4 and the boys rooms in B7 can always help 😂🤣..Interesting where Kylie and Rus will have their “ short sex session “ , how things will escalate with Loraine , Kristy , Eva , Matvei and Samson and if Thor will be approaching someone else .. But for me , I simply want to see if anything between Nelly and Eva is being told , if they are going to have any face to face interaction..lots to read I guess later at night 😁, so , hope a good live play by play is presented 😆😝
  5. Just noticed Matvei , therefore , my theory seems completely wrong 😂🤣😂🤣.. let’s see Nelly and Eva together if they are spotted …
  6. This is a really nice idea the superheroes costume idea , some girls look really fantastic .. And , since , I won’t be watching , I hope I am wrong with Eva and Matvei of course and they appear … let’s see .
  7. Little things say a lot for the deeper observants … Since B7 opening , no appearance at anything of Eva and Matvei ( personal opinion , the presence of Nelly but that’s my belief ) … Kristy staying behind and FINALLY for one more afternoon after the nice seduction in B6 , let’s see what happens today .. And of course Karol who has been avoiding the visits at the hill many times … lots of small interesting stories , let’s see what happens and how things unfold .. All that can be said is that the stories in Barcelona can be tremendously intrigued , Prague is for prime time European consumption and Barcelona “built “ to serve mostly the USA audience , viewers and subscribers .. stay tuned for a promising Sunday 22nd May 😁😁😁😆
  8. Daniel will be checking the new blood in the apartments 🤣😉 But now , the competition is severe , beware of Samson / Thor 😝😂🤣
  9. And that’s why having the two sisters sharing not only the apartment but a whole bedroom is a disaster … we mentioned many times the lack of freedom having 2 girls in one bedroom , Kristy and Alana , the last weeks they simply can’t anymore and Kristy usually takes the couch , look how much more Holly and tweety did as soon as they separated them , despite tweety sleeping in holly’s room for the last days , most probably knowing that the end for her was coming …But being related , this is even worse , they can be even more shy for their private things , Zabava had two guys over , I will go with the statistics and say that in an apartment that Marlene is on fire when she’s horny and Karol has a great guy respecting the RLC project to the maximum , I think Zabava would have done way much more , especially the last weeks that the war issues simply happen and it isn’t so much covered in details like the first couple of months … The sisters would be better off alone but maybe the contract or the agreement is to share since as - to be honest I have said and we can’t confirm of course - it might be that Esmi was only brought as a relief and financial support by RLC to both these girls who were really struggled the first weeks of the war due to family situations . RLC policy of having the girls sharing might be then financially beneficial for both parties ( employer / employee ) but destroys many more , even Karen and Oks currently , even Dana and Zara in this stupid room in B4 .
  10. Not so much time to follow the forum the last 48 hours or watching a lot except some replays , I noticed Loraine in B5 ..So , I hope her downtown trip ends up in a nice late appearance at Eva’s and Matvei’s , after a very horny and socializing week in B4/B7 .. Of course , the best would be if Loraine enjoys herself and she’s happy anywhere but would be fantastic to have her in B6 sharing the night with Eva and Matvei .. 😋😋😋
  11. For months and months and months , especially by Christmas 2021 and onwards and the overpopulation of B4 , RLC is teasing us with so many possible returnees , only today we saw Nana in B5 , now Kim , we got Ginger and a couple of others also in recent months ..Now , Ginger and boyfriend fucking on cameras , Cecilia doing whatever at Radislava’s , Alexandra and Lucian doing things on cameras and suddenly a reappearing Kim ( so many girls seem to live in Barcelona nowadays ..) , well , nobody forgets I think the repeated 3 way shows at the last month or so of Alexandra/Lucian/Kim where Alexandra was allowing Kim to suck her husband’s dick . We already see again today that these 3 share always a great friendship , now , nobody of the above mentioned people joined RLC but the experience tells that people who share sexually on cameras without contract , are always closer to rejoin . As many have said , Alexandra and Lucian would be great as COV as Alexandra had no issues sharing ( yes , only blowjobs and Lucian seemed to be jealous when his wife was around someone else ) , but if this means that they can be back , I am really very curious to see how far their relationship has gone and if they are even more open to things . And Kim back , well ,a girl who was a GOV and also as part of COV , this could be great once again .Let’s see .
  12. Well … Here is Sam ☺️ as predicted , ready to make an impact even though he has already done 😊
  13. I think you were wrong 50% 😏 Marlene should never be doubted , even if at times she might be sleeping out , it is absolutely normal .. Nobody has shown more than her since she joined and in comparison to the rest of the girls who share the same amount of RLC with her so far ..
  14. 48 / 400, 352 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 2 months and 24 days Tik Tok
  15. Fair point 😁😛 , obviously meant Barcelona 🤓
  16. So..This was the first time that Marlene pushed for a guy to wear a condom , all the previous times , the first one I think it was without , the second was the guy who wanted ( or the other way around between the first and second guy ) and the third was a failure who was using her as a toy but her mistake to see her again for the second day , again no condom ..and then it was today which both seemed to enjoy till the end which was a disaster as described . Now , some guys think that the pussy and lips of a woman are from iron or whatever made , imagine if a woman treats our private parts so rough , squeezing the balls 😱😱 and so n , I don’t know if this fingering was giving pleasure to Marlene or it was just a slight little pleasure because she wanted to get fucked and she couldn’t .The guy had either no condoms or he wanted to fuck without despite the first short round that he used one ( which is somewhere thrown by the way I think still in the room as he took it off and threw it 😁😆) . We can tell that Marlene was slightly tipsy also but we have seen her drunk trying to enjoy , the almost hour of sharing her room with the guy was for sure sobering of whatever drinks . BUT , even with two of the guys or maybe the three of them , after sex she was going out of the apartment for minutes to hours , she now went out a couple of minutes after she pushed the guy out , since she came back , you can tell she is disappointed and with lots of thinking , I believe she thinks that was some serious shit . I give her kudos because she remained calm while in the apartment is Karol and Esmi next door and she has become really good to manage her emotions on cameras , however her genuine face reactions , mumbling when something in her mind comes , this now was a situation that she makes her ending trying to calm down and let go of whatever and thoughts by putting in the tv series she is watching . I wish her the best after this adventure and that most of all won’t create any problems for her future presence , I think for Esmi knowing all this will be the ultimate reason so as for sure not have anyone on cameras 😆 , if she even thought a 0,1% , and Karol will advise her and calm her down , the way she will share this night with both of her friends / roommates is essential for some future actions by both her and Esmi , Karol’s experience and guidance is well needed and of course it will be interesting if we could know what and how and of course if she presents to the girls her earlier adventure . Good luck to angel Marlene , current top and best GOV since a very long time …
  17. Let’s hope in the long run that this incident tonight won’t prove against her great gesture that she has been offering to the viewers of sharing her private moments without any hesitation .But this was really scary tonight at the end but have to admit she also looks very determined when it comes in “ questioning “ and she knows how to defend in all means herself …Let’s see what happens from now on as the guy wanted to destroy Camera 13 , he sent a message a bit before leaving the room and also said something loud , this also snapped Marlene to accompany him at the entrance and push him out ..
  18. AGAIN , she didn’t have her sex .. The guy came in 2-3 minutes after wearing the condom ..She then had no other to have the second round , it was great blowjob and much rough fingering by him .He finished in her mouth swallowing .. And then chaos , the guy was mad for the cameras , Marlene makes the same mistake of not explaining at least , this guy can actually cause problems to her as he went completely mad ( rightfully in my opinion even being one of Marlene’s biggest fans ) , I hope it will be fine and now she manages to control this chaos .
  19. WELCOME BACK to angel Marlene and her partners , she was missed 😎 Enjoy everyone 😋😋😉😉
  20. I have a different opinion , where’s my mistake on that ? I am not Karol’s boyfriend and I don’t have or live their lives but since we are at a forum where opinions are posted and this causes discussions to agree or disagree , I simply express my disappointment that Karol and boyfriend continue living apart from one another , sleeping maybe 2 times per week together and maybe meeting for some hours per day . I would personally quit all that and try to make my own life with the person I care most in the world when the chance finally to be with this person everyday was just in front of me . You might have understood by my posts that I hate money over relationships and this perhaps makes me not liking what they do . BUT …As long as it is what they want and what makes them happy and whatever ,this is what matters the most . This doesn’t prevent me from posting what I think and I don’t understand why I shouldn’t express my thoughts .. You judge my post as bullshit when I have never characterized and in general I avoid doing it at anyone’s post here , having the power to express yourself and talk is one of the bigger gifts ,I respect your opinion and maybe when you simply don’t like someone’s who at least respects you answering you back in a respected way , you could try and do the same .Anyway , it is what it is , you have your thoughts I have mine and as you may have noticed my opinion has nothing to do by not liking Karol or boyfriend as a couple and personalities but for their choice , it is as simple as that .
  21. Pff …Loraine and her games , I don’t know if it was Samson talking with her 😝 on the phone or a guy of her past ( Anthony 😂..) , but maybe Anthony had really enough of all these and he left her … anyway , it is Loraine , nothing changes at times .
  22. Let’s see the behavior from now on from Loraine according to what was discussed with Thor …
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