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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Getting more and more of stunning Venera day by day , the woman is irresistible 😋😋
  2. Still sad and disappointed watching Karol having chosen the money over her boyfriend and real life challenges .. Karol is class but more the delay for whatever reason , the more it gets complicated .. can’t understand how money rules over love .. but then I guess I am a romantic Greek ..
  3. Nelly is fucked up with everyone and everything .. I might be cruel , savage and not fair with my criticism , but who has brought this to her apart from herself ? She cheated her husband when he has been the most committed of them all , she left Russia for unknown reasons , she had plastic repairs which made her less attractive , she lost the support of her extended fan base .. does it really worth it for all the money of the world ? What is her last and current RLC contribution apart from joining forces with Martina and criticized for that ? A sad truth , in my opinion , the more Barcelona for Nelly , the more downfall…
  4. Not many left in B4 currently , we need to get used to an empty villa I guess .. At least Dana and Zara do something with the others ..
  5. Nothing different of what we have seen n the past and some crisis involved .. I can’t see any improvement for Nelly 😔 sadly .. 😞
  6. More Esmi , more Marlene … maybe then Zabava transforms once again from the girl showering with underwear to the 72 hours later ONS 😇😉😋
  7. Excellent development …let’s hope Oks describes the happenings 😆😆😏 with Thor …
  8. Paul ? The guy that till 2019 everybody loved to negative criticize for his mannerism towards Leora and for who he was as a partner and nowadays suddenly “ everybody loves Paul “ or some hardcore Leora fans avoid posting anything against him ? Please 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  9. Everyone sees the same ..but you always interpreting it on your own way of thinking .. which is why people question most of the times your thoughts .. Holly and Thor last night , we all saw the same but it is forum free for everyone to interpret it with his / her own beliefs and thoughts .. But please , don’t push for your opinion as being the right one … I think you are hunted by the fact of your beliefs at the balcony incident at Bogdan’s and Nelly’s in Russia where you have formatted your own idea by simply having no idea what happened since there were no cameras …
  10. How can I disagree with a comment praising one of the pure naturals and most impact made on cameras girls ? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Kudos to you my friend expressing the truth and reality ☺️ I don’t know if Gina makes my personal top 5 ever but I know FOR SURE that Gina being genuine , pure and realistic , it is what my seeking of RLC is … I think her RLC times are long gone but adding her in the current weird female cast , she will share things up instantly .. Gina will always be the RLC GOV Queen for me and if I see Loraine taking the spot , well , we should riot 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. 😂🤣😂🤣 At least you guys are more “polite “ during spring times , the bullshit GIF didn’t appear 😂🤣😂🤣 Never forget that this topic has the least active members in the whole forum and it is the “ nest “ of a certain group who in the process of time the forum has christened them as “ Leora’s cultists “ and “ Leora’s worshipers “ .. This , like all other topics could be a great place for opinions and a variety of thoughts to be expressed publicly but … the absence of so many respected posters across CC forums is actually confirming what I am trying to say here … In any case , Leora is a passion and an addiction so , the reactions are totally understood .
  12. I think it is great we see it differently and different opinions are so nicely and respectively accepted .. this is always the meaning of this forum and how it should be 😇
  13. Martina can be very fragile at times .. many would like but for the sake of Bogdan , please not ..this guy , how much more he can accept ?
  14. Let’s see if the translators appear and confirm my post against yours 😌
  15. Gina is one of the most genuine of them all ..the person on cameras is exactly the person away of them .. and we should never forget that she has always been standing for anyone of her roomates , it isn’t a coincidence that it is also that “ everyone loves Gina “ for her colleagues , she’s more sensitive and emotional than many who try to bring this image on cameras but she , like Masha , being real and not giving a fuck for the cameras , it is simply hurting her public image …RLC is a choice , you either become a “ Leora “ or you remain a “ Masha ..these are the two variants ..
  16. They have never stop seeing one another ..but this is a good friendship development ..despite some unexpected events every now and then .
  17. If this current self confident Martina fucks this wreck of a woman like Nelly , I honestly will be out of words 🥺🥺😢
  18. Well , there are still people who believe that Martina and Nelly always have feelings for one another , well , as you say , if that’s the case , why they didn’t continue despite Nelly not being an RLC regular ?
  19. The jacuzzi is misused currently , let’s hope the next days it becomes more active …From Esmi or Marlene and someone somehow , someway 😆
  20. I disagree .. I think the success of the night that personally pleased me to watch ( and finally even at the last days I saw the real “ everybody loves Holly l again - not a coincidence that both her and Tweety got more freedom than the penthouse establishment ) it was that they both behaved as they would do if cameras weren’t there ..to be more exact , I would do personally do exactly as Thor , if we had seen anything different , perhaps it could have been the idea that it was all for the cameras .. I think the respect was mutual , they behaved towards one another like two people who found a really good friend ..and it is a pity that the benefits didn’t happen because of the time frame issue .. It was all natural reactions , even being out with both Samson and Thor smoking ( hashish i believe ) , it was all pure instinct and natural ..you know , when you KNOW that you can have the other one , kind of an inner feeling telling you that this person is for granted , you stop chasing .. you could already tell from the sex game played in Holly’s room that they both knew that of the chance to be alone will arrive , they will fuck one another’s brains out 😂🤣..And they reached this great feeling point naturally , without rush to push to fuck , they knew they have “ earned “ one another , they knew that the “ mission accomplished “ was achieved ..Thor knew before remaining alone finally with Holly that he had won her brain , she had surrendered ..Holly knew she had won Thor , she knew that it only needed to take out her blouse and that would be .. but they didn’t because it was much more than an ONS for them , knowing you can fuck someone anytime , you can postpone it for the next time ..and this is what happened .. I don’t know if they will ever fuck on cameras but whoever has Holly’s pr Thor’s instagram , unless Holly finds a boyfriend in Bali , I won’t be surprised if in some months Thor goes on holidays in Bali to meet Holly 😇
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