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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. May 22nd she’s back ..except if she meets someone and goes indefinite holidays with him like the previous tenant in this room 😏😂🤣
  2. Well , who would have thought ,the two guys a) they have managed to bring the interest back to Loraine so as she’s a part of RLC and in front of cameras b) today they are the first ones that managed to drag addicted Dana and Zara off their room and interact with others , smile , have fun and not only masturbate 😂🤣 Thor and Samson , well done guys 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  3. The curse is gone , sorry Kitty but this us what we ( well I believe the majority ) love to watch ..nice , young , positive and full of energy for life and smiles people ..This couple is a nice gift offered by RLC 😇
  4. Still , few can do it , easily saying it and preparing it but executing it is the difficult part , she did it easily and with confidence and only a bit more than a week on cameras , finally an amazing casted couple and not saying this for their sex only but for anything else we have seen as well.
  5. Ups , what an observation , you are right , she has always a standard wardrobe while cleaning at Masha’s , very good seeing 🙂
  6. You can tell the quality of a blowjob when a woman manages to have a guy come in such a short time .. there are no words , swallowing and leaving nothing , pff , Venera shines more and more and more .. And Lion is the King 😆.. even still a Clark Kent with his kryptonite lady 😄
  7. Fantastic blowjob by Venera , she and Katie are currently the MASTERS on this … Ecstatically amazing with the moans as well ..
  8. 47 / 400, 353 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 2 months and 25 days Tik Tok
  9. Incredible sensual Venera showing her talents and skills for one more night .. fantastic .
  10. You might be right since this is a conclusion coming of what we have seen on cameras , I will add also the incident of “ porn director “ Radislava when she was filming Rus and Kylie but there’s also the incident if you remember that she was trying to touch Rus when the show between Kylie and Rus was taking place in her room .. I am only assuming that she would allow Thor and Samson come closer due to her obsession of top cameras , let’s be honest , being massaged by either Thor or Samson or both like we saw both of them with Tweety and Holly , this would be top cameras for 24 hours 😇😂 Plus , it is all business “ rabota” , the guy massaging that day in B2 was a male visitor . Anyway , we didn’t see it but I definitely hope one day it happens .. I still don’t believe Radislava is a lesbian , bisexual perhaps is more accurate for me .
  11. I agree but I will always believe that if someone is completely satisfied with the offerings and sharing life with someone , the priority is to do things with this certain individual and not searching for friends willing to accompany her on traveling , visit other apartments , going out at nights , spend evenings sleeping in other places rather than sharing the bed with the person that you love the last 10 years . Careful , I am not saying that she shouldn’t be doing all these , hence , this is the definition of a healthy relationship , that is to be freedom and trust of anything that a couple does whenever away from one another ..But I try to count the times that Martina has done things together with Alberto apart from walking the dogs , maybe 1-2 per month an evening out together and that’s it .. My personal definition of how I think healthy MY relationship is to share as many common things with my girlfriend , give her any freedom she likes to be with her friends , travel , get drunk , anything but in the end I know she comes home and sleep next to me … I would like also that she trusts me for same behaviors ..and for sure I would travel the world as much as possible with her , I would go to the movies , to a theatre , to a concert , to a weekend anywhere just for me and her and ask a friend to take care of the dogs , things like this .. I don’t know if Alberto has been sharing all these with Martina , obviously they are a happy couple and they have their own habits and routine so my preferences have nothing to do with their life .. but , they won’t always be young with the same energy like now and if they have few common interests now that they are still young , what will be keeping them interested and together when they are in their forties let’s say ? It is for sure an amazing relationship they have but I don’t know if it is for more in the future . I hope when decisions are made , they will be both out of the cameras world deciding this and having a real off cameras life with normal jobs , challenges and risks .
  12. The only thing I was interested to watch from Radislava the last period of hers , was if she could be approached by a guy ..I would have loved seeing her with Eva and Matvei for example , with Thor and Samson nowadays getting top cameras nearly everyday , knowing that she was seeking for the top cameras views , I would have loved to watch how she would have behaved 😊
  13. I miss Ulyana and Harley and I think Olivia would have been an excellent tenant with the summer things happening in Barcelona .. I hope one day Ulyana and Harley are back , Ulyana will always be a fan favorite and Harley won also the audience I believe 😇
  14. I have been doing their life ( Thor and Samson ) for a long significant time of more than 15 years , sometimes you win , sometimes you lose .. it is always what you search , a girl for one night , a sex partner , a sex relation only , these guys are fun , everyday they are next to women , RLC hit gold for me , today it is Zara and Dana introduced to them , can anyone predict for example that Thor won’t manipulate and isolate Zara ? Wouldn’t it be that a change to watch ? Give RLC the different thing , different day rather than “ same shit different day “ that you like to use 😁😆
  15. It’s ok , it’s your way watching RLC , I am personally tired of masturbations , especially being a cameras show when there are also girls who really try to relax being horny .. Radislava , as was publicly admitted , has been a Leora II , exhibitionist and doing things for cameras and top views .. I don’t say it is wrong , I also love shows but when they go from the softcore top cameras attraction to real deal and serious , things that Fiora , Harley , Eva , Matvei , Loraine for example have been doing the last weeks .. massages and touching and things like this , it is enough personally for me . But of course , I have a choice to watch and when things like this are happening , I can always watch anything else that interests me as a viewer . With more apartments now , the choices are at least more for anyone to choose .
  16. Funny again as two guys who seem to be very adorable amongst the ladies , the one almost fucking two within one week and the one of them being Holly , AS ALWAYS , when men do things , they get hammered by the male population of this forum as “ unable “ “ show offs “ “ incapable “ “ not possible to get a boner “ “ not able to fuck naked women next to them “ …But wait , if they fucked everyday another one , they would be the “ male Masha sluts “ , the jokers fooling around taking advantage of the girls either by dragging them with alcohol or manipulation in their rooms.. Pff , chill out guys and everyone , at least these two FINALLY have entered RLC and there are other things daily happening and nobody knows what to expect .. For whoever wants the same thing different day , please , look on top cams left , Leora prime time exhibitionism as always from 21:00 to 00:00 for whoever wants to see pussy , ass , tits .. We should stop being jealous because these guys every night can flirt and possibly have a different girl every night rather than thinking why when we were in our age , for whoever was single , couldn’t do the same ..
  17. It all happened too fast , this is for sure , RLC wasn’t the best on how they were treating Radislava despite being very popular , but I got the feeling that she couldn’t make it anymore in that atmosphere . In any case , all removals were just like that and in 24-36 hours they were all gone like they were promised something .For example , the last days and the girls leaving , we have seen them packing methodically like it is expected . In any case , I can’t say I am that excited in Barcelona with the replacements , my excitement is that the guys are hunters 😂 and we got Luna and Zara ..But in comparison to what was offered by the 5 departed , it is better not making comparisons ( of course it is too early for the newcomers but let’s say I am also not a fan of skinny girls like the ones of Dana , Oks , Nelly ,even Karen )..
  18. Always respecting anyone’s opinion , I will say this though ; after 9 years with RLC and living for more than 3,000 days continuously with cameras being her best friends ( she has spent more time in front of them than with her ex boyfriend in her life ) , Leora is a master , a professional , the best there is on how to control peoples ( men ) dicks 😁.. After 9 years of Leora , the only thing she has left is to masturbate and this now more rare than in the past .. I am not intrigued anymore as I have seen it ( and actually way much better than her current shows ) hundred of times and when she was at her prime . It is great for the fans of tenant / girl Leora that they still get crazy of what she shows , I personally don’t get ecstatic because the tenant Leora I laugh with her RLC presence , the girl Leora I still love watching but at this point and personally for me , the point of seeing more from her and be an RLC tenant sharing her life on cameras is more important than watching one more masturbation show . It is always what anyone wants to watch , respect to those who love watching her shows as also thousand others would love to see Leora be a normal human being and not this lonely , isolated , imprisoned in her own little world believing that one more masturbation is anything that matters . Now , if Leora is physically real and emotionally there with something she has done more than 1,000 times , then it is anyone’s opinion to believe and watch it for the 1001th time. As Leora got old in front of cameras , the audience has also got more matured , there are still the thousands that watch her but there are also thousand others who have abandoned the ship the last years , maybe because of the overall RLC content but for sure also of not watching more things from Leora as she attracts the viewers , she has also sent a lot to cancel . Show must go on , she provides , this is what matters I guess , there are always though the ones that for them RLC is indeed the private life of other people and on this Leora has failed , it is what it is and whatever anyone is paying RLC to watch 😇
  19. I think Radislava would go back to RLC instantly if she was called ..The thing is that it looked like she asked for her removal ..I think we need to miss her before and if ever she appears again ..
  20. Massage ( professional style , lasting nearly an hour , two hours in total ) to Kristy and Beatrice 🙂
  21. I think that everyone forgets that Holly has taken the decision to leave RLC and move to Bali …Just for everyone’s information …. ( except if the week in Amsterdam makes her rethink , however I don’t know if RLC continues obeying to both her and Tweety’s “ do whatever they want whenever they want “ ) ..
  22. I think it is the first time we see the cleaning lady having any interaction with anyone else but Alessandro ..I hope Sam can “ interrogate “ her a bit and find out things for her 😏😁
  23. @JenniferMomand me are related only to who makes the longer posts here 😂🤣😂🥲 But it is a pleasure to interact with Jennifer because she has the respect towards everyone and most of all , being a woman , she understands way more than anyone of us guys any move we see from a girl much much faster than we can do ..She also avoids certain topics for tenants that are indifferent to her when I would have loved to see her opinion there and see what the reactions on her would be ..But i believe and hope she speaks her mouth soon of what’s going to be seen either sooner or later 😆
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