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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I hope nobody complains today that all the girls calling one another with their real names 😇😁
  2. So ..Ulyana again isn’t participating in a villa event , Radislava just participates being present ( which some months ago , wouldn’t be happening as she would be in her room ).. Let’s see what the night brings .
  3. Masha doesn’t care about the cameras , she simply lives her life the way she wants .For many people , she’s the devil incarnated because she has sex with different partners 😂🤣 Unfortunately , many men are jealous at CC because guys can have some of these women , there are also others who don’t accept that a woman can have multiple partners , there are also many who don’t like to see a woman changing men like shirts 😂🤣 I am more than pleased to watch a woman that at her age , I could have 3 girls in a day too and not only two like she had / is having today 😂🤣 .There isn’t any bonus except the pleasure of enjoying life . Only the GOV have been working with bonus rewards , anyone who is under couples contract , isn’t getting any reward , just apartment and monthly standard expenses . Leora and Masha under the singles / roommates contract / concept , I believe they have contracts with special terms , of course , they are the only ones knowing that .What we know is that both of them , whenever they ask things , they both get , they are after all the longest tenants in the project .Masha asking hospitality in Barcelona for example and granting it , Leora leading a life that in the past , other RLC participants have been kicked out .These are the facts 😇
  4. She isn’t the same let’s say in general since she got married ..But the age affects everyone , she celebrated being 30 in 2021 , she still and always has the right curves at the right parts of the body 😇
  5. Aussie is always a special guy , he knows 😇
  6. According to the viewership , a lot ☺️ The question is once again very simple , if ain’t the masturbations , what is to watch in this apartment ? Ironing , taking a bath , eating , dancing , singing , sleeping , portable devices checking , repeat ☺️ . Who cares 😇? A guest appeared , for whatever reasons .If it was for Leora to achieve goals , it shows her miserable life she has in this apartment . If it was genuine interest and not playing with the fans , she can only benefit herself with this attitude . Otherwise , as many times said , life is fair , it always behaves the way you behave 😇
  7. Sex speaking , I agree 😆 But for the interest and viewership that this will cause , I am all in for that 😁😆
  8. On the the other hand , a guy that even Radislava is joining and not staying in her room , all of them being comfortable , who knows , he might be a gay 🤨🤔
  9. The rooster in the coop , very nice watching the sisters joining as well 😇 Perhaps Ulyana can be the one seducing him 😁😁😆
  10. Since I don’t keep any archives , does anyone believe that this guy is the one that visited Holly during her last stay and was with her for 48 hours , laptop movies and sex ? 99% I am wrong but just for the confirmation 😁
  11. The guy is “‘embraced “ by all girls , it seems like he is known to all of them . Most of the times , a tenant isolates a visitor and not sharing with everyone . He doesn’t seem also shy with the cameras or better say , he is comfortable , interesting to see what’s going to be .
  12. Major surprise with Radislava and a guy in the same place 😂🤣 , at least a rare happening as she usually vanishes for outside activities , perhaps an unexpected visit then or a guy that she also knows , let’s see .
  13. Talking about visitors and generally people we hadn’t seen for a long time .. welcome ( although it becomes a bit predictable to decode movements and actions 😆) to the guest and please prepare a new # for play by play action tonight 😉😉😋
  14. When the “ instant rewards “ stop 😆 we know that it gets perhaps serious with Elvis 🙃
  15. Birthday is approaching , time will tell if there’s gonna be a turn back to social events or the sex pleasure period will continue .
  16. The definition of FWB is appropriate with this guy and Masha 😇 Well done and as always his help is much more appreciated 😇 Escaping the routine with Elvis , for sure then this guy does something that Elvis can’t provide 😉
  17. Why would it mind even if you were / are a so called “ newbie “ ? Does this prevent you from not saying what you have in your mind? 1st post or 10,000th post , we are equals amongst equals and the freedom of talk is what makes the civilization the way we know it . Enjoy your participation and your presence here 😇
  18. Uniforms… The phantasy that men can be dominative over women ( the opposite too of course 😁 ) , amongst the most popular , police , pilots , maids 😉😉 Human beings hidden wild instincts , always surfacing in wonderful relationships with sex plays and so on 😇
  19. Daniela seems will be going out today , let’s see if she’s coming back with company , it is quite some that it happened or the only repeater that we keep on seeing is Cecilia …Many days since anyone else had a visitor in the villa…
  20. Many people in this site claim that they have sources , I also have mine then which are the most accurate that they can be 😇😁 The funny thing is that these people used to be part of this community in the past and the information that are revealed every now and then , they could be spread across the whole forum but there are so many people who never appreciated , made fun , questioned , tried to minimize them and ultimately piss them off that they decided to quit posting here . I assure you that people here who could make the forum tons and tons better because they are educated , reasonable and full of knowledge of many things of what’s going in with RLC , people who can make an actual sentence and make a nice dialogue , chat and talk about topics in general , have chosen to stay away than become verbal victims of people like Harley Fatboy let’s say , to give you an example .The forum supports people like him , his continuous insulting towards the girls and other forum members , why these good people should be here and go through all this when there’s nothing to prove to anyone ? They have been giving information , they were expressing fairly their thoughts only to be confronted like people who just say things … To make it more clear what I mean , have a look over at the Martina’s topic , there are two wonderful guys there , omedo and emnv , who , without being an obligation and spending lots of their free time , they bring many times information publicly so for the majority to know what is going to happen or clarify things that we saw and be explained .Well , these two guys are confronted with denial , questions , making fun of them and doubting the info they give .Luckily for everyone who appreciates what they do , they still continue when they are also two guys that could easily step aside and leave everyone blind , speculating , saying whatever stupid theories and just making up things , exactly as many still keep on doing despite proving AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN the validity of their translations . Therefore , consider that there are enough people who know facts , speak the language , observe , watch and since the girls ( except Leora that hides most of her private talks ) don’t have issues speaking publicly many things concerning their RLC presence , every now and then information is revealed by them of what’s going on with the questions you asked . I highly doubt that they will come out of the shadows again , it is way much much much better that they stay away so as to face all these things that I mentioned you before and enjoy the respect that they deserve for keeping a certain number of forum members informed of many things happening with RLC ( and not only ) .
  21. It isn’t Smith , it isn’t Kitty .. it is the relationship .. repeated , tired , no motivations , no extras , the same things since many years , chilled and relaxed money with RLC without plans for the next day .. at home , out for the dogs , no friends , whatever happens it is an obvious result of this repeated life .. Two nice young people who met perhaps at school or even more back , child years and yes , they do seem that one can’t make it without the other , that’s why at the end of the day , they ALWAYS reunite .. the future and life are ruthless though , the mistakes that any of us make , they always come on surface in the future ..”burying” some of their best years without both of them exploring , discovering , trying to find out things for the next day , it is what seems that is going to define a lot their future either single or together .. Toxic relationships cause problems in an extension of other sides of ourselves and ultimately to the psychology we have and how we might be facing other people in the future . Either it is deep genuine real love between the two or the difficulty of not being able to break up after so many years together , it doesn’t change the fact that anyone who has an objective mind and can see things clear from the outside , he / she would say that in front of our eyes , two young people , nice looking , funny , smiley , can’t handle life challenges and they remain under RLC safety which at the same time affects daily their life as individuals .
  22. The money they get from RLC , it is more than satisfying , even if they were locals from the cities you are referring to , it is much more than what an average European earns . But for the Russian and Ukrainian ( especially them ) girls , it can be that in one month they get equally 3-4 monthly salaries if they were living in the respective countries . No matter then wherever they come from , the estimated 3-4,000€ per month ( nowadays might be around that or a bit less , it used to be much more ) , I think it is incredible more than satisfying for any of them 😇
  23. It is a big question why they don’t sleep together when they know that the guys aren’t staying over .
  24. Simple answer also 😇 , didn’t mean anything bad . All questions and opinions much much welcomed and appreciated , it is as Pete said though , forum rules . However , there are people who happen to know kind of the information you asked and they might be sending you a Private Message as it is the only one way for such sensitive personal data to be in the forum .
  25. 5/400 , 395 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 7 months and 20 days Tik Tok
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