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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. 😆 Run out of liquids 😂 recharging .. they needed a break , all the time inside wasn’t helping .
  2. The quarantine now lasts 5-7 days, it depends the variant ( the country also ) .. Mila’s actions then can be explained but if I understand correctly she went to Italy and stayed in quarantine there or in Barcelona ?
  3. So , it seems that the masks inside were for Leia , that’s why also they distance between Karol and Leia in the balcony .. no masks as soon as Leia departed .. Someone got Covid then or they were afraid to get from Leia ? Because the actions indicate that they were afraid of Leia being now all inside unmasked .. and it was the same again with Nana ? I didn’t catch up with that .
  4. 3/400 , 397 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 7 months and 24 days Tik Tok
  5. Totally irresponsible behavior if this is considered quarantine ..
  6. Most probably , Ulyana thinks that she wouldn’t get any chance to perform later , how can anyone tune in to watch and like it when the lighting just makes you tired watching this that can’t be seen .. colossal mistake but today was perhaps the worst moment and as you say , two experienced girls insisting on something that it’s not working for the people who pay but obviously it is fine for them as the room lights must be very annoying for them .
  7. So.. the twins inside , no masks , Leia and Karol in the balcony , no masks .. as soon as Leia and Karol entered the LR , all 4 girls with masks , Leia most probably waiting her transfer to B5 .. very very awkward thing to watch ..
  8. Ulyana with one of her famous “ riding the sex toy “ shows gets absolutely zero reactions and little attention due to the most disasterous lighting conditions we have ever witnessed ..Barely anything to see , her effort was for nothing except her own pleasure ..For the caliber of her expertise and being a fan favorite , this was way more than horrible to show ..And both her and Olivia continue with the terrible installment they have in the room …
  9. They are a great couple , crazy fun times usually and simply enjoying the maximum their moments , this has been a really good addition ..
  10. Gyana with lights on today , equals Linda’s pair of airbags 😆😉 Some skin issues might have prevented her also by being completely open in lights ..
  11. I think the general feeling is that RLC can’t find girls at the moment ..Nana , Tesla ( cam girl ) , Elian and Daniela’s friend Buffy are the only new girls we saw in nearly 3/4 of a year . This causes problems of where the girls should be placed but a wrong decision of where to allocate a girl , can cause even bigger problems than having empty beds .I think that they just don’t have a plan , subscribers aren’t stupid not getting the feeling that many things are wrong ..And when you watch content without actually enjoying it , it is inevitable that people quit and cancel the subscriptions . I don’t remember if it was you that suggested that it might be new management in Barcelona but what we see it is people that take decisions by not taking advantage of girls that respect and honor their salaries ( H&F ) and instead they give luxury places and great rooms to girls that serve the absolute 0 ..And for me , this is what disappoints me at times watching .
  12. Holly is back , I hope it isn’t unexpected so as for Radi and Cecilia using the bathtub .
  13. It’s many strange things the way they have split the girls and allocated them in the apartments but this is RoC decisions .We can’t also know if Harley wished to be there ( why not obviously than being alone ..) but in general again this party slowly loses its first hours excitement , Loraine struggling with her break up , Radislava and Cecilia in the room , Holly suddenly out ..What a surprise that O&U cover for the rest , I highly doubt now that it might be a coincidence 🤔.. That’s why Daniela gets my almost day praising as the best current villa tenant .
  14. For once - and i don’t know why it happens really once per year perhaps - they could also invite the twins , B1 in general and of course the new B2 arrivals ..We all have questions , for sure they can’t be all friends with anyone but the two new girls for me ( K&A ) - if the rest know that there are new girls in B2 😂😂😂 - could have been a really nice addition so as to check any chemistry and connection and get slowly introduced to the rest of the cast ..Oh well , there are bigger problems for anyone in Barcelona to be occupied with these minor details 😬🙄
  15. Ahh well , I got carried away with excitement only to see Radislava and Cecilia retire in their mini apartment ..
  16. Finally …B4 just in some hours shutting our mouths and complains here 😂.Finally all tenants together plus K&R and Cecilia , good vibes , smiles , fun , excellent atmosphere ..It is such moments when you need to think “ Should we complain and be extreme negative criticizing “ so as to watch B4 be at the standards that it should be ? With that being said , B4 today you rightfully get many 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  17. Suddenly O&U decided to become the girls we know ..A positive development , finally 😇
  18. A couple of months ago , some people here stated their age , the ones they did were around 60 and plus . Now , age doesn’t define how anyone feels , a 60 years old can do or feel or act way much younger than a person of my age . In every general rule , there’s an exception simply to confirm the rule . You might be a person near my age , as I have said , people here ( rightfully ) say things anonymously behind the safety of a keyboard , I have chosen to be an open book here for anyone . I come then with the opinion that people who watch specifically Leora , the majority are older people , retired , many years married and Leora gives them an alternate reality , singles or widowed or people with health issues and observing Leora keeps them company . I only observe very carefully the comments , the way they are written , the language used , the “ knowledge “ transmitted through the posts . Most people here are clever , educated and mature enough of life situations . I can’t prove anything of my saying but sometimes in order to make a speculation ( presented with arguments and not because one day I woke up and made an assumption ) , you simply think anticlockwise with the obvious question , name reasons that young , busy ,in a productive age individuals , in general people with a daily routine life that watching a woman masturbating isn’t giving the same chills and excitement that would give to people that I already mentioned before , these are my reasons that I reached my conclusion . BS or bollocks , I have always been presenting any opinion I have justifying it , explaining it , presenting with arguments that it is normal that some agree and some find it ridiculous . Fair enough as it has always been my choice to be exposing myself with many posts and not being afraid to say what I think . I hope this clarifies even more how I reached my conclusion , it is up to anyone who posts here to always prove me wrong with counter arguments if they wish to make a back and forth chat . As I have said , we might argue here and disagree in many things for a variety or reasons ( culture , social environment , different perspective of how we realize life , morals and so on ) but you ALWAYS present your opinion justifying it with arguments as well . And that’s why in the end I don’t bother of your reactions to my thoughts here in comparison to people that simply say something just because ..
  19. Mr Noldus , Mr Noldus… when are you going to learn ? You didn’t hear the news ? They are fucking off cameras😂😂🤣😂🤣🤪😜🤪😝😝😝
  20. Maksim looking for personal satisfaction when he is laying each and every day nexts to a girl who adores him and wants to have him happy and satisfied ..When you think you have seen toxic relationships at RLC , it comes this one of L&M to top them all of “ what really toxic is “ .
  21. Has Mila even greeted the twins or Karol ? Has she even said / spoken anything with them ? What a waste and major disappointment ..
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