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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. One more proof tonight that these 4 need their own place to completely “ let go “ , do their things , keep both themselves and the subscribers entertained , shows , personal lives , exactly as they managed to be the most enjoyable apartment while all together on B1 some months ago .no surprise that Fiora and Harley keep on avoiding visiting the villa and whatever happens is in this ( shitty for roommates ) apartment . Another “ serious “ and joyful event , it’s funny to think about this show and the ones that see as a participant Loraine 😆
  2. 😱😨 Ups , my bad , I missed this , thanks for correction 😇
  3. And says that who ? Who did we say you are ? Ahh , yes ..The one who “ begs “ to send him videos and photos 😂🤣😂🤣 LMAO
  4. It was about time that he takes a shower after 2 days without 😁🤓🤧
  5. In order to watch , they need to be subscribers , like each and every one who decides to pay RLC to unlock the cameras .The only tenant who has an active subscription is Radislava , the rest whenever they check the site , they simply see the blur images and thumbnails .
  6. Well , we have an expression in Greek which I am going to translate exactly as we say , if it makes sense 😂🤣 In English is something like “ one hair of a woman can draw more than a hundred pair of oxen “ , the Greek idiomatic expression is “ Women's genitalia is capable to drag ships “ 😂🤣😛
  7. I honestly can’t understand what’s going on in B2 and the heating .Anna , Lola , these two mostly as Mila was in bed at this time , they would be nearly the whole day either topless or with their bras and panties in a warm apartment , they used the portable heater only in their rooms . It’s like RLC keeps on ignoring instructing them or kind of saving money not using the central heating thing or whatever it is that heats B2 ..So so weird .
  8. Unless new things are shown , it is exactly as you say .It is like watching a couple , it gets boring if it is only such things happening .Cecilia interacting in karaoke nights with the others like yesterday , seeing her having fun and smiling with the others , perhaps see her being the opposite of Radislava and have some shots or alcohol in general , personally being interested to see how she’s reacting with a guy around , this would be really nice and then late at night perhaps end with her and Radislava doing whatever they wish to do . It’s the famous , easy to reach the top, staying there is the real deal 😁😆
  9. Covid struck hard everyone , lost jobs , difficulties ..where else they can recover financially rather fast and not getting tired let’s say ? Being always and around RLC , another loyal soldier as I call them when the business calls for help to come and provide for an employer that was generous with money in the past , escape the cold north and travel to fabulous Barcelona with soon to be spring and possible beach days if they stay more than 90 days , who would say no ?
  10. Holly starts getting more and more horny as the holidays get deeper in the past ..Say whatever but since she has been single in this bed , we have seen way much more than the time she used to share the bed with Tweety both in B1 and now in B4. She masturbates daily , natural pleasure bates , easy for the viewer to watch and be entertained .She has great relationship with nearly everyone , if Daniela is the first to leave and with the sisters not looking happy in this place , I think all spotlights will be on her as Cecilia and Radislava if it continues , they will need to add even more action so as not to become repeated and predictable .As always , I would like to see Holly with a male visitor and since her English level is improving very fast , an English language guy could be ideal ( of course being a good guy for her 😇 so as to enjoy most things )
  11. It impresses me that nobody has mentioned how tired Leora is looking today and without energy …nearly 23:00 and off to bed…
  12. You are very right , with the other one she was a bit “ hesitant “ .. in any case , it’s been a strange period for Loraine , i have also commented negative about her but she’s out of a long period relationship and it is normal that she’s behaving kind of “ foolish “ . This doesn’t justify of course her on going silly orchestrating shows but as I said having a nice woman doing whatever she does , it is much better than the absolute zero in other places
  13. Harley looking great as always and with one of the nicest pussies being in the project , still Kitty’s top class .
  14. Your turn to be absolutely right .. as long as she’s fine and feels ok with herself , we can just observe and see the remarkable changes , as men we state the obvious I think but her choice , her consequences 😬🙄
  15. It just needs good “ filtering “ of opinions expressing a more open minded approach at the times we are living ..Other , more conservative and often presented as “ the witch on fire “ opinions , as always are always welcomed to be posted and through a nice dialogue to find a common ground of Masha’s adventures , things we all consider that could be better and where actually her whatever mistakes happen . Unfortunately , the forum since a very very long time isn’t “ helping “ with the development of thoughts , you justify things with arguments , you are an heretic , people makes fun of you and call you with names that are even forbidden by forum rules ..You choose to stay silent so people speak their mind and the only thing that comes is hate towards a participant because either she fucks a lot , she drinks a lot , she makes drugs .. it is what it is , always nice at least knowing that there are others speaking a more common “ life language “ 😇
  16. I can tell you one thing about Loraine .. she’s a failure show orchestrator , I think though that she believes she does the right thing and what people want to see , so , then it is a matter of intelligence .. Still , she’s at the top 3 attractive current girls , she had sex on cameras , she brought a potential new lover without proceeding more , she tries to provide whatever she tries … It is fake , yes , but what would you choose ? Watching even that and also participants like “ Volcano Daniela “ that need only a “ pinch “ 😂🤣 to explode and also watch Loraine not being a shy woman on cameras or girls like the twins / Mila and at the moment Kristy and Alana ? Sorry , but if I had to choose , Loraine should remain .. and who knows , maybe a “ Dick “ kind of guy appears suddenly and can teach her some things 😂🤣😂🤣
  17. It was till recently that posts indicated that Leora’s boyfriend was out of the “‘equation “ ( again ) … why are theories resurfaced that she spent the night at this guy’s place and not anywhere else ? I guess she will phone Paul and let him know where she spent the night so the speculations cool down 🤓😏
  18. I think he was already instructed to keep his pants on .. Daniela seemed in the end wanting to let go the restrictions but Loraine’s influence seems that it prevailed . Let’s see today 😎
  19. How incredible the way this apartment has become 😔 With threesome shows , stereo bates , tenants who would tease the viewers and writing on the side of the staircase “ anal , sex , blowjobs “ and so on to a monastery atmosphere , girls that are getting paid to have a place to sleep only to be naked for some hours during the day in front of cameras and for any of us privileged people who have a beach nearby can enjoy nice bikinis and amazing bodies for 7-8 months per year , this all looks like a joke … The problem is that the way this apartment has been “ marked “ , I don’t really know if even new tenants join can escape the misery that it transmits . If it is so quiet and without any social life , they should simply cancel whatever terms this apartment is under RLC contract , pack the cameras and find another one in Barcelona which will be causing no problems . 11 or 10 apartments isn’t actually any difference since the departure of Karol’s boyfriend , the only social thing that has happened ( not counting the visit of fellow tenants ) is the appearance of Nana’s guy a couple of times . Absolutely disappointing .
  20. She has a permanent sex partner at the moment , we call him Elvis and he shaved his head bold last week . Yesterday in the afternoon she had sex with a guy that visits her occasionally and helps her with computer things , they both reward one another with a nice sex interaction 😇 I don’t think she does anything different than - let’s hit a vein now 😂🤣 - Martina and her times that she’s off cameras , if we are to believe that anytime Martina goes out , she fucks always with someone , I mean , she also used to have two people having sex with her at the same period when her female lover was sharing her with her boyfriend 😉😁 . Masha does all in front of cameras , I can’t think if there’s a best tenant respecting the project as this is her true and real life without regrets . One of the secrets for anyone to advance , it is to close the ears and proceed with the way she thinks it fits her lifestyle . She likes this one , she shares it with us , can’t ask for more as a subscriber to this service 😇 Since when wanting to be satisfied sexually and not have standard partners in personal life should anyone ask for money ? 2022 , yes , it is too much extreme at times and perhaps lots of moral values have disappeared but also the pure conservatism eras of a relative making you up with someone to marry without even loving this person , the eras of monogamy that the first girl you would meet you should marry and be father and mother at the age of 20-21 years old and raising children , well , we have gone now to different times that it is nice to “taste” also as many as possible , either being a man or a woman . Using the experience with wisdom can for sure lead becoming a great husband / wife / parent / life partner 😇
  21. Welcome back to the unique “ cleaning lady “ .. but she’s losing much of her charm with continuous “ skinnier “ appearances , it looks like she has lost even more kilos than her last appearance . This means also her nice curves are disappearing , no matter if her body looks more fit . Anyway , always a pleasure being in front of our screens 😇
  22. It is funny that many languages still use many Greek origin words in the vocabulary 😆 , therefore , endless times of the repeated arguments between K&S , the word “ sociopath “ can be heard again and again amongst others 😔😬 from Kitty to Smith . Smith , due to the unfortunate event during their last stay ( he went furious inside the bathroom while Kitty was taking a shower ,and for seconds violent towards her but it was enough for RLC to kick them out ) tries to remain cool , on the other hand , Kitty always calms down after some hours and life goes on . Her video calls also to other guys , mostly of Muslim / Arab origin in English language and telling them that “ my friend isn’t a problem “ it is also something that makes me many times wonder what’s actually going on between these two and how they still make it . I haven’t watched the incident you are being referred to , the time they were kicked out it was something similar ( I don’t remember if he grabbed her by the neck or slapped her also or both in a matter of seconds ) but nowadays , it needs to be really extreme for a tenant to be kicked out , similar incidents were happening between Gina and Bruno , it was only till the police that was involved that RLC kicked them out . In any case , we are just viewers and trying to think as human being towards others , it is a pity being a bit older than them watching a life with big potential ( at least for me ) passing by and so many things that can be done to be slipping over . Yes , it is money which secure at the moment a not so worrying life but it comes the time that you think of these fully productive years and what you should be doing differently and since the time machine hasn’t been invented ( yet ? 😂 ) , most people , if ain’t all , regret . Like all people , I wish them the best but many times I simply question myself if they do know what it is best for them .
  23. I never ever want anyone to change , I simply post my opinion of what I see , what I would like to see and that’s all 😇 Why or who am I to be able and change the opinion of the others ? But simply telling what I have in mind , I don’t think i harm anyone’s brain 😇 The whole idea is to discuss , criticize and share our thoughts at this platform , I don’t think I am doing anything different than that . Having a negative opinion , expressing it repeatedly , I also don’t think that it has to do with changing anyone’s beliefs of what he / she likes .
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