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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Linda makes no films , she has OF but I don’t know the content to be honest as I never subscribe in such things . They say she has just some sexy photos but that’s fine . Leora spends money on expensive lingerie and quality products for her pleasure , other than that , I agree they don’t spend a cent . But still , i don’t think their life at home differs let’s say from the way that Alberto has been living for so many years ( at home , videogames , fish tank ) .. yes , the failed investment was a “ hard financial hit “ but to me this is also naive , it can’t be that you are going to invest so much money like he did and not securing it or at least have a back up . I just want to agree with the post made by another member , that M&A after so many years with RLC and their lifestyle we have been watching , they should have been WAY MUCH BETTER financially .
  2. My explanation for Linda and Tibor remaining with RLC is that RLC ( possibly ) increased the salary they get . There’s no other explanation regarding their return .
  3. The site has ALWAYS been called “Real Life Cam “ .. it has ALWAYS been a look at other peoples lives . But with the years , the sex and adult entertainment grew more than watching the daily activities of normal people for a variety of reasons , sex for me has always been just one more normal and important activity that these people should do but the chats of this forum have enlarged the sex more than watching what really life is , such issues for example that we currently watch .
  4. The answer to your question is very easy … just check the other two long term couples that still are with RLC , especially Leora and Paul and of course ( just check the photograph equipment ) Linda and Tibor . Even more ( and in my opinion even more difficult because she’s single and salary only for one person ) check Masha . I think these examples can be a good answer to your question ( in case you bring the money conditions that are way much different in Czech Republic and Spain , just to remind you that Masha lives in a more expensive place , Rome , than Barcelona ) .
  5. Pure truths , well done speaking and expressing difficult things to be presented here .. I just need to add that IF it wasn’t for the translators who REVEALED what really goes on a couple of months ago and recently another translator who presented the storytelling of GF1 to GF4 ( i think his post was more than honest and he revealed also plain truth incidents but it was never confirmed from the two “ BLIND “ to trust translators regarding this topic , good friends emnv and omedo so it remains to get the official approval 😁 ) , we would never know what’s going on , in my opinion , if it wasn’t this revelation , we might have never got to know Juliette on cameras . Also , the translator who gave the time stamps of Martina , it is clear that wasn’t “ faced “ with relief and respect / gratitude for his effort , the comment that some things aren’t allowed to be posted made from another forum member , was the least unacceptable . He presented simply facts that HAPPENED EITHER ON CAMERAS OR DISCUSSED between Martina and Alberto on cameras and he didn’t reveal any private or personal information that happened to know from external sources . For whatever matters then , unless we knew these essential information , we would be stunned of what’s going on and the topics would have reached number 51 and not 11 that it is now , with the conspiracy theories and speculations . My post then in a way sends once again my gratitude and THANK YOU to the ones who have helped watch one of the biggest ever real life happenings on this site being easy to follow , understand and explain , each with his own interpretation in mind as we ARE NOT either MARTINA or ALBERTO and THEY ONLY KNOW how they feel and what’s going on in their brains .
  6. Look how it goes … if Leora finds a “ normal “ guy , someone who shows emotions , really pleases her , makes her happy , smiley , gives her attention , showing her the world and how it spins , taking her on journeys , driving her with his car to nearby countries and cities , giving her gifts , in general , SHOWING TO THIS REALLY NICE WOMAN , the LOVE and AFFECTION that a boyfriend should show to a girlfriend ( and the opposite ) - HINT ; kind of the attention that the guy who was characterized LB but above all ASSHOLE showed for 1,5 years when he would send her flowers , phone her and ask her how she feels , when she would sleep at his place because it was nice taking a bit time off cameras since he wasn’t allowed in the PALACE - , if Leora then finds such a guy , AUTOMATICALLY all of the lonely , isolated , single , divorced , retired ( and let’s be honest older / oldest people who observe this WOMAN and not the guy ) will disappear because this apartment will not give them a reason to watch the woman that keeps them company and “ warms “ them at night , with fantasies , imaginations , wild thoughts when she points her delicious ass on cameras , when she opens her legs wearing no underwear , when she walks braless to expose her big boobs .. If she finds a guy that will GIVE LOVE , PLEASURE AND ATTENTION , then the dream view of this girl will collapse . So it is better support a loser ( emotionally and as a lover speaking and not as a man that for me I believe he is a good person ) and have the girl Leora keeping you company than push for his departure and then Leora departs as well 😂🤣😂🤣 Thats my opinion on that and why people support Paul ( I mean the ones that don’t have ANY COMPLAIN to make and they find all INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL and they try to prove to us that we are blind and that this couple is the least problematic , having no real actual friends and a ZERO SOCIAL life to interact , escape and do something else than their boring daily routine of wake up , dog out , back home , masturbate / blow job , computer , dog out , sleep , REPEAT ) .
  7. So recently , it was the debate of how interesting this apartment and entertaining to watch is . And the last 48 hours , we saw an obligatory blowjob in the guest room with lights off and - I think - a masturbation show . The last more than 15 hours , a guy sleeping in the apartment , his girlfriend in front of a laptop in the kitchen , then the girlfriend in the bedroom sleeping alone as it happens 80% of the week but before spending again a significant amount of time in front of the laptop and her phone before sleeping and then , a wake up with the guy still sleeping and her directly opening the laptop to watch . As it was excellently said then , this apartment is REALLY INTERESTING to watch . But yes , i forgot , Leora will masturbate and this life of these two young people won’t bother anyone ( still the ones that enjoy it , will wait for the next phonecall to translate , for the next minimum dialogue to “ fish “ any hint for the future and so on ) I do hope I will prove completely wrong , but when these two step feet in the real world and society , they will look like two extra terrestrials that landed on planet earth and try to understand how the world spins .
  8. Good and detailed explanation , personally this “ forced “ masturbations are what have taken club of my mood to watch the girls doing things , that’s why I enjoy all the drama and fun surrounding the guys , that’s why I really like that we have the guys in B7 that bring whatever stupid , great or weird things to watch . For example , everybody now speaks about Wolf , opinions vary and I think this is the first clear win of him , he has people observing him and not being a loser and indifferent like “ The Child “ . About sex , I think whenever we see “ outsiders “ ( visitors , friends , boyfriends , one night stands ) , the sex is real and with actions / reactions . Unfortunately , it is rather rare nowadays to have visitors like in the past , especially Spanish speaking , the girls - i believe mostly because of the ongoing war don’t feel so safe to engage in meeting local people and they prefer to hang around with the Russian lobby - will then just have some fun or occasional hook ups or spend the days as we see mostly single and isolated . The last GREAT DIFFERENT EXAMPLES that didn't give a shit was the one and only MARLENE and of course LAVIKA . This apartment needs to see the girls developing a better bond , like it was with Nefeli . It will be boring till the occasional visits of Olympia’s boyfriend and waiting if Annet offers anything different than wondering around .
  9. And before there are the reactions , IF IT WAS ALL PERFECTLY fine and these two have moved on with their personal lives , we would have seen a breakfast for 3 , everyone sharing , nice mood , laughs and talks and a great mood and atmosphere . Martina just fried an egg and has the dog next to her ; Juliette uncomfortable in the LR and I believe Alberto in the toilet for the needs … It is really difficult how thjs place has become , it isn’t working .
  10. The paradox and “ difficulties “ of 3 people who HAVE TO coexist in an apartment continues .. It is difficult to “ feel “ that these 3 don’t have the best of feelings needing to be at the same time in this place , especially after witnessing the BIG ARGUMENT recently between Martina and Alberto … oh well , their life , their choices they have made and they need to learn to live with them .
  11. If she has difficulties , it means she’s pushing herself to masturbate because she was told that this is part of her adult entertainment obligations , apart from nudity .. I don’t think that these two now have the same nice chemistry like it was with Nefeli but I hope I am wrong and it gets better … For me , any girl that HAS TO MASTURBATE because like this she can in a way “ reward “ for the cameras exposure , it is worthless . I trust you and believe you that you say that they are finger masturbations ( which for me are the best and definitely the “ real “ form of personal pleasure and not the toys ) but NOT ALL WOMEN like to masturbate BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO for the cameras . We can see it with Nadia also , she doesn’t like it . Esmi the same , she will do whenever she’s super insanely horny as we saw with her previous stay . For me RLC girls masturbating has become a “ disease “ since it has become the “ OBLIGATION “ on cameras , it takes away much of the reality . I prefer they are around naked , sexy and teasing than TRYING to do and show something that aren’t comfortable with . Not everyone can be a Leora , an Ulyana , a Harley or a Fiora just to name those that are regulars .
  12. Can it be that her and Pepik are taking time “ not together “ and she’s devastated ?? Maybe Pepik being mad at her drinking again ? I agree that it was no alcohol for many months , even cider though is alcohol not matter the volume .. let’s hope for Eliska the best , this second stay has been much much nicer for sure , still , the lack of social life of this couple it doesn’t excite as much as it should be ..
  13. I think the female guest with the white t-shirt might be Scarlett’s sister .. very look alike face characteristics .
  14. The explanation is again simple my good friend Max . In every rule , there are the exceptions , glad that you belong to that 😊
  15. And this is the difference between “ The Child “ and the guy that knows how to be around women .. the one has no idea and waits to get lucky in the Fitness Room while the other is pounding for a second time a woman with many desires , lots of sexuality and needs , Margo . For whom will a tenant in Barcelona speak with compliments to other female residents ?? Just as simple as that .. For “ The Child “ they will say that he put his dick out and started masturbating and for the other they will say that he was giving pleasure , kissing , touching and being a great lover .. that’s all .
  16. I think Margo knows ALL . They are both “ committed “ in their villa jobs , Wolf has the benefit of the car that helps him REALLY much in many things . BUT , we need to admit that the girls TRULY enjoy being with him , whoever can’t see this , I am sorry , they are watching a different program . It is the absolute opposite of Lacrim that the girls have understood that he is a “ CHILD “ and don’t want much apart from just hanging around for fun with him . The masturbation effort in front of Sambuka and Fiora a couple of days ago , it is one of the most embarrassing things that me , as a man , I have seen at this site … LUCKILY , BAD KARMA once again for him , Sambuka’s chair broke and the stupidity stop , it was the second time of BAD KARMA , some months ago he was trying to stop Dylan fucking Aziza next to the pool that he fell on his knees and hurt himself … Of course , for the ones that hate Wolf , there he is , Lacrim in all of his glory and morality 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣
  17. A fantastic session as always between the two fuck buddies / lovers .. let’s hope it doesn’t end like Ashley / Dylan ..
  18. EVERYTHING in life that happens once , WILL HAPPEN again .. Unwritten life rule . You cheat once , you will do sometime again . You beat once , you will do once again . In the end , once a slave , always a slave 😬
  19. As long as you put your hands on a woman ( or a woman on a man ) , even if you have all the 8 billions souls of the planet right , you automatically lose it . It isn’t bigger cowardice that beating up a person . Whether Paul was right ( or not ) , he lost that by grabbing Leora by her neck ( violence )
  20. I respect your opinion in this topic and forum and you are a person that writes his thoughts with arguments , you also observe a lot / much this apartment and for sure you have a more in depth knowledge than the majority who post . With that being said , I see then that i received a confused emoji from you , I said that it is RIDICULOUS that this apartment is still “ advertised “ and “ sold “ by RLC as Martina and Alberto , is it something that you don’t agree with this ? This comment is just a counter post to this conclusion of yours “ But as is so often the case, evidences are demanded and in return none is given for one's own theories... Well, everyone can now decide for themselves what they think about it.😉 I have my opinion on it...😄
  21. So true … AND OF COURSE , the bosses are absent , what a relief … the LR will be much fun to day today in B4 … we have two couples that aren’t shy to share their sessions in front of others , Amalia and Maty , Kylie and Rus , what a promising evening 😉
  22. Wolf is surpassing even the one and only , The Master 😁😁😉 … ahh , finally , it is time for the JEALOUS CLUB to appear , what Wolf does , from one massively beautiful woman to another one , come on appear , who wouldn’t want that ? Or is it about being moral to the girls ? 😂🤣Come on , this is the life when you are young , nice and single , YOU HIT WHATEVER IS MOVING and you try to have as many as possible .. otherwise , it is also the church open on Sundays , you can go there and pray so as to at least have one ( not to get laid ) to even look at you . The life of Wolf is the life you watch at the movies of James Bond ( ups I forgot , EVERYBODY HATES JAMES BOND because he fucks in each movie 3-4 different women 😂🤣😂🤣 ) , the life of Wolf is what all “ MENTALLY HEALTHY “ people would wish , everyday a different pussy , another blowjob tongue , another ass and boobs … And since you / we can’t have it , there’s also the masturbation effect …😂🤣😂🤣please , leave the hypocrisy aside and be genuine men and admit the obvious before throwing cursed to a guy that women LOVE being around him ( for whatever reasons ) , simply , STOP BEING JEALOUS because one guy can do whatever you dream of …
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