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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Only played the first and the second Diablo , epic , exactly as this one eternal quote “ Ahh , fresh meat “ 😏😆
  2. When people will understand that in the year 2023 , people simply fuck out of pleasure and not because of any emotions or feelings , when people realize that in many occasions it is “ rabota “ ( work ) because of the cameras and when finally we all think what we would also like to do , but for whatever reasons LIFE DIDN’T behave like this , then we can speak about morality 😂🤣 Morality , go watch Leora and Paul that one woman is monogamous but she has EXTREME sexual desires and she prefers to fuck dildos since she can’t find other men because she’s afraid of society and she cheats when her guy is thousand kilometers away . Morality watching a happy couple transforming to depression ( Linda and Tibor ) after getting married .. the examples are endless . Ulyana , a 24 to 25 years old girl , she’s single , sexy , model looking woman , if she doesn’t fuck and do things now when she will ? When she’s 50 , older and the time behind her ? Come on , there’s no morality when you have fun as long you are single , when you don’t do things behind someone’s back ( without telling this person ) or when you discuss with your other half and you agree that the relationship is an open one . Wolf has no commitments , he hasn’t promised to any girl that will marry her , they fuck with him because they like him and they trust him rather than searching around ( LIKE THE ONE AND ONLY MARLENE ) for one night stands and then the girls to be “ accused “ as whores , prostitutes , call girls and whatever. As it has been said , any male or female in Barcelona is DOOMED to be characterized , from paying women to come in their apartments 😂🤣😂🤣 to liers and assholes whatever because they fuck other and many girls we see in the project ( Wolf , Dylan , Samson ) 😂🤣😂🤣 Pathetic and hypocrisy at its maximum when 9/10 guys here would WISH AND CRAVE having this success of these men and the blowjobs , fucks , whatever with all those beautiful women .
  3. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO WATCH a “ flash from the past “ but in a MASSIVE UPDATED FORM 😂 , having Ulyana and Wolf fucking their brains out next to Kylie and Rus , erasing once and for all the “ disappointing “ incident that we saw during their last stay when Daniel and Beatrice were fucking next to them … THEN and only THEN I would like to see Kylie if she believes that her sex between her and her husband is the best when the EXPLOSIVE WEAPON Ulyana ( WHO SIMPLU KNOWS HOW TO FUCK AND BE FUCKED ) and the very well stamina and fitness formatted Wolf perform next to them … THAT would be an all time historic / classic RLC moment , well , we are just 10 days away of wrapping it up for October , it is Saturday 😏😏 , who knows and let’s hope 😎😈😈😈😋😋😋
  4. At least , Wolf is a guy that Ulyana can have her fun and anything and not that guy we saw earlier . Say whatever , when a man manages to return to a girl while this girl knows that he does whatever with whoever around , then it is a succesful guy ( and of course Ulyana that can’t find someone 🥸 ) . Well done for the happenings 😇
  5. Handbag is fine , nothing showing that they are moving in Barcelona again … BUT .. we should also not forget the ongoing rumors that RLC ( and I also believe it to be honest ) has an off cameras apartment that future tenants can store things , spend some time there before “ going live “ or at times they maybe night stay / sleep while in Barcelona . Who knows then since B2 is completely occupied also with Kristy now and maybe because there wouldn’t be any space that they are moving slowly again in Barcelona ( I say again that I doubt it .. ) … BUT ( 2nd time 🤣 ) there was the sex happening between Kylie and Rus which was rather unreasonable when they aren’t paid by RLC ( except of course Kylie that she’s many times horny and she wants her husband’s dick desperately ) and this is the only “ worried thing “ of a possible hint return ( yes they are “ loyal RLC soldiers “ as I call these people ) but we have seen them in two different COV apartments in Barcelona , we saw them in Prague , I mean , they could only hire them again if they had an apartment just by themselves , if they have a spare one , but we have seen them and it’s ok , no more . Still , this shows how many tenants manage to keep a really good way of life , some success for more and others coming back when they can’t make it while RLC provides for them this INCREDIBLE financial stability . This we need to recognize to RLC . Especially during the war times we are having in Ukraine and Russia , it might have been that 1/3 of the tenants could’t have succeeded without RLC’s financial help . And the biggest two examples for me ( AND I AM SO SAD saying it because the one is a CLASSIC FAVORITE and the other two really good people ) are Esmi ( come on 34 years old woman , beautiful , clever and she needs RLC’s help to survive in Barcelona .. ) and of course Karol and Kos that they are really wonderful people and they could be easily with real jobs managing and so on but they stay with RLC to secure the income before proceeding ( I don’t agree at all ) . In the end , I am glad for Holly , Thor and Olivia , these 3 really understood the value of money , they spent the NECESSARY time needed and now they triumphs with life choices and decisions , they invested really well . Of course there are other examples but I refer to them as fresh ones .. at the same time look at Leora and Paul . Linda and Tibor and Martina and Alberto ..
  6. No suitcases or whatever , they live elsewhere now and Russ , wow , his Spanish , very good 😏
  7. Signs of alcoholism when you begin the day with alcohol. But she hasn’t shown any actual signs of it ( being drunk some days ago is not the same ) . Let’s hope she will be fine .
  8. In a way , we get to know lots of how the tenants think , behave and react since the daily “ interaction “ with them by watching them ( especially Ulyana who is many years on cameras ) in so many different moments of their lives . Ulyana in a way has grown up in front of cameras , the young and little innocent girl is transforming everyday . She’s always trying to find good choices and purposes of doing things but it is at times obvious that this big change in her life ( moving from ALL OF HER LIFE in Russia and starting a new life in Spain , it is a really big journey with many ups and downs ) isn’t so easy to adjust . The biggest proof for me is that she seems to trust NO LOCALS or foreigners , she’s always in the “ Russian speaking “ lobby , of course it might be her being shy or not confident speaking much or good English (in my opinion , if she wants , she can have easy dialogues ) but she’s also not willing ( for what we have seen ) learning Spanish . So , even if not knowing a girl , we can for sure decode many actions due to a “ general bigger image” watching a person daily in all aspects of her/his life . Ulyana currently - as I have said - is the girl that RLC could build the reputation and fame but I LOVE THAT she’s not a Leora , she has her life , her friends , her craziness and choices , trying to balance as much as possible . And .. The absence of Olivia in her life and being her guide and advisor is incredibly missed , she’s like not having a REAL PERSON to trust ( at the moment Harley is this person and secondary Fiora - surprisingly as i thought they are closer but Harley seems to be , maybe because of closer age - ) and maybe this is why we see so many weird decisions and actions . Let’s see how sweet little Ulyana , The General , proceeds in life , we need to thank her for sharing and growing up on cameras from a girl to a woman all those years .
  9. At least this guy is just a toy for Ulyana and perhaps a bit fun , all of her reactions are nothing serious .. for what we are watching , it is really Marat the one and only for her so far ( of course we don’t know how she has been doing off cameras but she hasn’t been much time - in the course of time - away of them 😆 ) … but really now , this guy , come on ..
  10. Ulyana and her choices … Pff , I can’t understand this girl …
  11. Well , seeing the actions of Kylie and Russ , it might be that they do then search for one more RLC opportunity , doing things like being tenants ( usually visitors / ex - tenants don’t go all the way since they don’t get paid ) it might be wanting to show RLC that “ hey , we can be back anytime “ or even counting viewership . I think we have seen really a lot of better say everything by them , if they should return it should be in an apartment just as “ Couples “ and not in any shared place . Let’s see .
  12. The fact that this apartment is STILL “ being sold / advertised “ as Martina and Alberto , well , THIS IS A JOKE . And ok , we are long time viewers or old subscribers , what in the world’s thoughts RLC has by “ fooling “ potential new customers / subscribers when they still advertise / promote as so this apartment ?? ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS . It looks like that not even RLC knows what to do and how to proceed/behave towards this couple .. Absolutely ridiculous and epic disappointing .
  13. As far as I can remember , the “ treat “ and agreement was for Viola to be next to them and while they fuck , to masturbate . I think Kylie and her were touching at times but that was it . I think if it ever happened what you say ( I don’t doubt you at all but it is also “ famous “ the jealousy of Kylie for her husband - COMPLETELY FAIR since why she should share her husband , still for the RLC reasons , the shows needed ( need ) to have the necessary teasing to attract the maximum of viewers - ) they might have been more than regularly intoxicated ( they are also famous for extreme drinking as we know ) and having lost slightly control . With Kylie busting her ass the last months losing quite a lot of kilos by running distances even in official events , I don’t think that this way of life is anymore in their plans . They are definitely one of the most successful couples in the history for RLC ( most of it I also believe is based to the fact that Kylie is considered the ANAL QUEEN , the woman simply loves it and she ALSO LOVES the sex of her husband ) and I think they have moved on with their lives . Of course , I might be wrong and they are one more example of a couple that they will be needing RLC‘S help to make it through and RLC will grant their wish if they can , but I think RLC days are over . For Russ , hey mister , I know you read this and the forum , no bad comments or anything negative , always one of the best and top male performers but many would have wished that you FUCK THE BRAINS OUT OF SOMEONE ELSE as well 😂😆. Enjoy Mrs. Kylie though 😇
  14. It is also known that Kylie NEVER shares Russ , she allows full nudity but IT IS ALL UNDER HER CONTROL . Kylie wants to fuck Russ in front of others ( I think kind of showing “ look , we are the best and nobody does it like we do “ ) but she will never allow any other girl to even touch his private parts , Russ’s dick is hers and hers only .
  15. They are already living in another city in Spain , most probably it is just a visit to Ulyana’s place or an event happening in Barcelona so as to attend , as we saw , they all left very late at night ( a party perhaps ) .
  16. I agree with you , I think the possibilities with Angie are endless , the funny thing is that above ( or below 😂 ) her are living some of the most “ generous “ and “ having done all “ people ( Dasha’s and Sasha’s threesomes are some of the top ever sex events in the history of RLC ) , Samantha was also “ crazy “ back in the day , but in my humble opinion , all those 3 won’t be joining . My belief is that we will soon see another apartment in Montenegro , either some familiar ( Russian ) people from the past or Angie developing relationships gradually with other people that we have never seen before . I am sure with her current sex appetite , it won’t be that difficult to find people to satisfy even crazier sex thoughts , the difficulties begin that she’s in a foreign country and I don’t know if she has knowledge of where to find such people , then there are of course the cameras and who will be wiling to be exposed and last but not least , if whatever happens will be indeed PURE ENTERTAINMENT as she has been so far providing and not whatever shows for the cameras ( so far , it has all been personal pleasure for whatever reason - for example the previous guy , really bad with sex , he was there for the money providing I believe , while it might be that there’s a relationship “floating “ around for her as it has been mentioned - except if it is over and Angie has gone wild because of that to forget or whatever reason ) .. What matters the most , Angie is a pleasure to watch , being and living single , well , I think this is what we should expect from a tenant . As of the type of women I prefer , she personally also fulfills my wildest imagination ( incredible tits , wonderful ass , horny face to look and fantasize ) , it is exactly as Wednesday who was the absolute “ must see “ ( boobs , ass etc etc 😂🤣 ) . As always , WELL DONE ANGIE .
  17. Pity I wasn’t posting at that time here at CC 😂 to provide the live play by play .. I always know that it comes the time that these posts will become “ handy “ and useful in the future 😆😆
  18. The fact that there are people watching the sex sessions between Leora and Paul is beyond my understanding .. the fact that they NEVER EVER reach the top replay cameras while Leora ( STILL ) with her masturbation sessions achieves this , I think it says a lot what people like and want to watch in this apartment . Overall , if people here are PLEASED watching Leora and Paul having “ sex “ , then , I am sorry , something is wrong with the pleasure that these people have enjoyed in their lives from wives , girlfriends , sex lovers , one night stands , whoever , whatever .. As always a personal opinion of course, but really , the sex performances of this couple is the perfect example of “ WHAT NOT TO DO “ as a man with a woman ( EXCEPT OF COURSE BEING THE BOSS AND COMMANDING YOUR OTHER HALF TO BLOWJOB YOU AND SWALLOW - apart from the fact of course that NOTHING ELSE in terms of sex these two have - ) .
  19. I can see that the slave was on duty once again 😁😆
  20. Incredible horny period for Angie , she needs sex all the time ..how lucky for a guy and a curse also 😂🤣 as he needs to satisfy no matter what .. Angie at the top of her game ever , well done
  21. And I need to also mention something that I think everyone has noticed but hasn’t been posted .. STRANGELY , they don’t go to fuck in the bedroom and i believe at the really more comfortable and “ luxury “ bed than on the couch or the floor or anywhere between the kitchen and the LR .. that for me it is very strange and can’t explain … Still , watching Angie since she’s back from Russia , she’s for sure one of the best highlights for RLC in 2023 .. and she has kept the interest alive in many ups and downs for RLC this year , for sure at the top 5 of tenants that joined this year .. well done and big respect for Angie’s contribution
  22. I believe Angie being drunk yesterday was the reason that he ( and Angie ) had that massive marathon.. in the end , it can be as was mentioned yesterday a nice lovers story 😉
  23. I don’t care 😂🤣 .. her life , her choices , our pleasure to watch .. win-win situation for everyone .
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