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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. BY THE WAY … Don’t forget to send a mail to RLC that the person next to Elli is molesting her and the footage should be deleted … 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  2. Elli and Peater reminding scenes of the past …😏 … Elli‘s mystery will be “ MUST SEE “ for as long as she’s on cameras .. Her temporary lover is gone but I definitely believe he will be back soon … A horny Elli is a person that transforms … If Vladellia wasn’t there , I don’t know if it would be undercover again … AND … THE FIRST TIME HE SLEEPS ON THIS BED .. Elli can be seen easily rule RLC if she wishes . THE FUTURE ..
  3. By the time Leora discovers that real ( sexual ) pleasure in life isn’t inserting dildos and buttplugs when you are a woman full of energy and with the whole life in front of you at the age of 32 , when you can actually discover great sex , explore boundaries that could easily be done when you have a partner for more than 10 years and you could experiment in dozens or hundreds of sex possibilities , Leora will be sitting in front of a mirror pretending that all of her audience and fans are watching her ( assuming that she’s gonna be off cameras by that time ) , questioning herself what did I do wrong in life and at the age of 40 or so ( assuming again that by that time she will be off cameras ) and she’s left sexually hungry , inexperienced and with big whys’ and wheres’ and whens’ that when life gave her a chance to discover , explore and bring herself in a different , more quality , more quantity , more challenging way of life , she chose to keep on inserting buttlugs and dildos so as to increase her bank account instead of increasing her ( EVERYTHING ABOUT LIFE ) experience .
  4. Masha …. WTF ??? She can’t go SIMPLY go from Sasha to Top Knot ( aka Dick ) to Sam to Elvis and now to Anthony .. This simply CAN’T BE … she simply CAN’T DO THAT except if she’s desperate , disappointed and sad of how her thoughts on being with Elvis ( that I personally thought that it was one more fun period for her ) has gone .. Masha is the VERY TOP AND BEST TENANT in the history of this site . The moments she has given and shared and - PERHAPS - even more , the people she has brought on cameras , come on , THE WOMAN IN THE YEAR 2023 , shows WHO THE REAL RLC BOSS IS .. what can we say ? Sophia , Piper , on cameras seen Eva , Dina , Nelly , Dick , Jane , Babi , Tereza , Timur , Olivia , Ulyana , Anthony … I honestly have LOST participants that one way or the other , MASHA HAS HOSTED AND GAVE THEM MINUTES OF GLORY being in her apartment . In my opinion , Masha for RLC is the person behind the scenes that has A BIG SAYING in decisions and how things happen . I don’t know if this belief is wrong but this ALL OF A SUDEN appearance of Anthony and his on cameras presence - not being a tenant - brings me to this conclusion .. Some thousand kilometers away , THE FLAGSHIP RLC TENANT , is offering laughs and pitiness , 10 years after and we are watching a woman with no friends , no social life , AN ABSOLUTE TOTAL ZERO WOMAN IN AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL of her actions that it is really pathetic . Still , the actions of this woman and the top cameras accomplishments show easily the target group of RLC . For as long as RLC is dependent on Leora , it can’t be future . Just a recycle of the past and the present ..
  5. Angie’s biggest accomplishment currently is that she has made a whole forum wondering what’s going on when the real answer is that SHE DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT for the cameras and the people watching , she does it SIMPLY FOR HERSELF AND HER NEEDS ( no matter how these needs came on surface ) . She masturbated at the balcony for her own pleasure without any direct cameras exposure , she is doing without lights on , another proof that it isn’t for viewing reasons . Well done 😇
  6. Ask Leora 😂🤣😂🤣 … She has “ the love of her life “ inside and next to her but she prefers to fuck dildos .. And Leora first fucks her dildo and then “ the love of her life “ because he can’t satisfy her . At least Angie masturbates because she’s clearly lonely .
  7. Unbelievable Angie , I can’t remember a more horny person than her in the modern RLC era other than Ginger .. This is a remarkable 24-36-48 hours period that she provides … A man is needed desperately in this apartment , Sasha ( from above or below apartment 😂 ) could calm her down … But ..
  8. Thanks mister . No complains as life keeps on behaving nice and offering fun , RLC is a fun hobby but for sure not like in the past , still fun to watch when some people who appear from the past and showing how it used to be and trying to “ identify “ the new future stars 😂 ( Elli .. ) . But also many good posters and a variety of opinions are missed here and it’s also affecting a better viewing experience while commenting on the happenings . It is what it is .
  9. I hadn’t comment for Amalia , I am a big fan of her and I simply admired her the way she handled her health issues during her last stay . We have an 8 hours plane delay and bit bored at home , so , just bit active tonight 😂 here .
  10. My good Geordie mister , 16 more days ending a very demanding season and slowly ( taking a work break as it has been non stop the last 19 months ) a trip to either Jamaica or Brazil in the making 😇.. The island is super warm , still at the beach and just a bit distance from the forum the last days and a couple of weeks , it’s not a funny place anymore and THE MAJORITY of the good people disappear gradually ( it doesn’t really worth it the way that some people here express their opinions ) - seeing someone characterizing a WOMAN from the anonymity and hiding behind a keyboard as “ cunt “ , sorry , it really doesn’t worth it . As long as life behaves nice to some really good people here like you my friend , all fine 😇
  11. I would love seeing Wolf flirting Esmi .. then we can talk business 😆😆
  12. And funny how fast PEOPLE have forgotten the first days of Wolf being around Shantal and EVERYONE ( myself included ) being sure that he is / was her boyfriend and they were fucking outside .. obviously , we don’t know the story and what’s behind the scenes , but there’s way much more to Shantal / Wolf story than anyone can imagine I believe .. And the question for Wolf is the obvious … WHO’S NEXT ? ( it doesn’t look the sane success in threesomes like his predecessor 😆😏😝 )
  13. Jealousy rules .. Just as simple as that .. No need to repeat but very much needed to be reminded 😆😆
  14. Amalia has been missed … The woman is an incredible explosive woman , she does all and she enjoys , she knows exactly how to please and to be pleased . A woman that she’s rewarding for her rather disappointing stay the last time we saw her online ( not her fault though ) , very happy personally for her as it was clear that she had a health problem , but she stayed strong , she fought and won . She’s better than ever , she’s open I believe for anything sexual , her guy is also willing to do things on cameras without holding back , yesterday we saw the first “ approach “ of the couples and see how they can coexist , we need to see how the Spanish speaking will be but Amalia and Mati can make B5 simply amazing to watch with their adventures . In a time we lost “ The Mistress “ Sambuka , luckily RLC found an incredible replacement , Amalia back is value for money , end of story . Now , just another wish is left , PERSONAL HOPE to see Ulyana , Amalia and the mister … then it is great times 😋😋😋😋🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳🥳
  15. So … in the last 24 hours ( and the obligatory masturbation ) we have seen a guy sleeping nearly half a day and a girl in front of her laptop for nearly half a day as well , just in different places ( kitchen , bedroom ) … Recently asked what is it that this apartment is considered NOT BORING , INTERESTING and FUN TO WATCH … The answers were that haters don’t need an answer or for the record , that people find the apartment interesting to watch without explanation , just because it is so … I say ok .. And there was a great post saying that the negativity comes due to who posts . Speaking negative and you get the sad / laughable emoji because you aren’t a supporter .. Speaking just posts but not giving arguments or explanations but just praising and giving a positive outcome to the apartments happening and you are considered a positive / upvoted poster .. Now , many people just watch this apartment for their own reasons so they can’t know what’s happening elsewhere , totally respected . But there are also MANY that DON’T post here but THEY WATCH other apartments. Honestly , with the hand in the heart , IS THERE ABSOLUTELY ANY COMPARISON IN THE LIFE OF THE APARTMENTS of NUMBER 1 COUPLE CURRENTLY OF RLC , VENERA AND LION , number 2 Barbie and Ken and number 3 Scarlet and Casper ( also Gyana and Dantez are fantastic and they deserve to be on the top 3 ) ? Honestly , are you comparing Leora and Paul with those 3 couples and this apartment is interesting and the 3-4 mentioned that are simply entertaining and with a variety of happenings are considered “ not interested to watch “ ?? I really don’t know or try to figure out what this apartment still offers . Even more , since a week or more that jimbo asked a question and the negative results were one sided than the positive one(s) , I still try to figure out the reasons that this apartment is interesting . Let’s exclude the sexual things , WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES IT INTERESTING and fun to watch ?
  16. With all respect to Martina , as I have in the past blamed others who “ hide “ their personal / private lives for whatever reasons ( my ETERNAL complains for Leora have been remarkable I believe when she had for 1,5 years an off cameras relationship ) , at the moment it is Alberto who respects the job that RLC provides and he works for Martina too by bringing Juliette in the apartment and offering whatever content ( we see a happy , smiley , relaxed and total in control with his emotions Alberto while at the same time we see a confused , not smiley and unhappy with whatever life developments Martina who - for sure not her fault as it must be the request of her lover - HIDES completely her life when she has been more than generous for 7 years and the reason that this apartment was mostly watched ) , showing that for as long as he is gonna be a resident , he knows exactly what is needed and he - let’s be crystal clear honest - is the one that keeps the apartment viewable and interesting to watch . Martina is not anymore the person we have been watching , she seems trapped and confused , hesitant and kind of afraid of what the future holds , this is at least my interpretation of her in apartment presence and body language . As I said , the faster these two go , the better . But for what we see , it really looks like there’s no time frame and - despite all the great posters who insist and I don’t doubt them of course and they know this .. - it looks like both of them are extending more and more their stay without actually any major on camera actions that their departure is happening in the near future . Let’s see , still , Martina the weak link currently and not a happy person ( at least on cameras ) .
  17. It is a bit awkward that IT IS CLEAR that Martina and Alberto try to benefit FINANCIALLY from the company they have been working the last nearly 7 years … And I say awkward because they have been known as a couple which has shared so much , which has contributed even more and their on cameras presence made lots of people to be simply “ loyal “ followers and fans of this ( once beloved ) couple . All this now “ Alberto / Juliet in / fucking “ / “ Martina away “ / “ Martina in naked shower" - like she can’t shower either at her lover’s place or in her possible new apartment and she returns just to be naked on cameras - / “ Alberto / Juliet outside and away of the apartment “ , it is simply - AT LEAST FOR ME and the way I have got engaged with this couple - destroys just like this all the good vibes , atmosphere and moments that this couple has given us . The fact that it is is STILL ADVERTISED as Martina and Alberto , it makes it ridiculous and a big joke . I do really hope for their legacy and moments that gave to so many thousand of viewers , to really move the faster possible with their lives off cameras , otherwise I really don’t know how more obvious it can be that ALSO THESE TWO have INCREDIBLE difficulties to abandon the ON CAMERAS LIFE , E-X-A-C-T-L-Y as it has been really disappointing to see with Linda and Tibor and of course Leora and Paul . I really hoped that Martina and Alberto were “ different “ in this change of life and transition but it looks like they aren’t …
  18. Finally .. One of the worst tenants that occupied ( only by the name and not in physical presence ) the 2nd best room is gone .. The roster now is nearly completed ( it remains to be seen what they will do with the second bed in Lali’s room or they will understand that it’s not the best if it is shared unless a couple occupies this room line Nelly and Bogdan did ) , let’s see then how the season 2023-24 will be .
  19. It simply is - one more proof - how FUCKED UP their Barcelona hub is , they have lost control of many things , even the transition of hiring perhaps new people and getting the knowledge from the ones already working for RLC , it is more than terrible . Which - of course - bears another question . We always believed that the tenant was choosing a name , with this one now , IT IS AGAIN CLEAR that RLC wanted to give this name to the tenant or even the tenant didn’t get the possibility to say “ guys , I was here before under the name Mel “ … A total DISASTER the Barcelona hub .
  20. AND SUDDENLY … all the people that were saying that the girl is a prostitute , DISAPPEARED 😂🤣😂🤣… The common sense in this forum has since long departed . a) Lacrim must have lots of money .. So , instead of managing whatever for the lots of money he has in Barcelona , he chose to be on a site recording his moves 24/7 … Common sense with IQ 200 😂😂🤣 b ) Lacrim brought ONE MORE prostitute in the villa … So , a girl is visiting for nearly 3 hours , a guy that doesn’t have a proper job would spend nearly 1,000€ ( according to how the girl performed on cameras ) just to bring a girl in front of cameras and not simply go to Harley or anywhere that can find and have things for free …. Common sense with IQ 200 … Of course now , we are reading the new scenario . That these are some of his last days with RLC ( which indeed might be .. ) and that he brings the girl for bonus money ..Really now ? Will he make bonus money when FAR AWAY from maximum PRIME TIME , not European prime time , not US prime time , perhaps then RLC has run tests in Oceania and the people who subscribe in Australia and New Zealand are a tremendous number and Lacrim with the girl perform for this part of the world ( time zone ) which is indeed prime time the two days they did whatever they did … And the real question and on cameras things that few question , CAN’T anyone see that Lacrim is isolated , nobody hangs around with him , it is like he hasn’t managed to make any friends , not even for RLC business reasons he has managed to achieve anything . He is by far from the second , the worst ever male participant seen on cameras , a REAL CHILD and I hope the soonest they send him away . But how to do this when they CAN’T even find replacements in their top two flagship properties ?? Oh well , whatever ..
  21. I think the subscribers - knowing what has happened between Taylor and Kristy - had / have expectations that something similar might happen with a girl who hasn’t done anything sexual on cameras , watching then Kristy side by side , well , the imagination has gone wild . That’s what I think it got top cameras for Kristy .. For example , if Esmi was spending a whole evening with a guy just by her side visiting her and be together in her bedroom or living room , Esmi WOULD DOMINATE the top cameras…. It is always the tenants that don’t share much that anything “ unusual “ on cameras by them , it causes the continuous observation resulting in top cameras .. Shantal has done it many times whenever she shared with Dylan and Wolf for example .
  22. Say whatever … BUT … I only know one thing ( correct me if i am wrong .. ) that in the nearly 7 years of M&A on cameras , SHE NEVER swallowed .. Juliet did it with pleasure while was “ begging “ for him to do it .. That’s all about that .
  23. Can you please define ( as Howard did ) what’s the reasons that for you Leora and Paul aren’t boring ? Is it anything special that is happening ? Of course it is your opinion and undoubtedly accepted , but Howard gave reasons of why he thinks the way he thinks . Do you have a reason or a list of reasons on justifying your thoughts so as the rest of us maybe understand and perhaps see things that maybe we can’t currently see ?
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