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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I wish I could see the so called Leora’s boyfriend in Prague then ( quite frankly even just a new face would be a miracle ) and make the conclusions , criticize and judge like all of these girls in Barcelona are not hiding their lives and ultimately the reasonable praising or complains . And that’s RLC’s biggest mistake , that allows different approach for whatever these people decide to share on cameras and all of us here at the end argue for such details.
  2. Actually , Nana brought a guy in her apartment who slept with her multiple times and he was seen naked next to her . She has been seen with other people , she has been enough active and social and it is a joke really to compare her with “ Leora the nothingness “ who hides ever her talks when she goes in WC like she’s the VIP of sorts . Except if a comparison for you is the “ calculated masturbations “ against a person that tries to have an as normal life as possible . To answer your question then , Nana has shown in almost 6 months so much more of her private life than Leora .
  3. As moos said , there are people here that know many more things than what actually is posted and it is up to their judgment as when these infos should be revealed or shared in public . It is funny though that especially for people who don’t have an active subscription ( like you for example ) that they want to know what’s really going on and when they learn to actually question the infos revealed . For people like you , this is the reason that these people prefer not to appear here at the forum , translators and people that know a lot , for a variety of reasons , who have chosen to stay invisible and at least share the knowledge if and whenever they want with a) people that do pay being members , b) people who respect their efforts on spending much of their free time to translate and pass the knowledge and c) people who face the site RLC as a mean of entertainment , hobby or fun place to sit back , relax and enjoy anything that occurs without complaining for every small detail that doesn’t meet your standards for example . I also think that your main reason that you want to watch is sex since on 9 out of your 10 posts , your constant complain is that the girls don’t bring their boys in the apartment to have sex on cameras and whenever you see anything related amongst them you call it “ pseudo lesbian shows “ . At least , these girls have a life and they try to share as much as possible. Since it takes two ( or more ) for sex , we can’t actually complain to them that their guys don’t want to have sex on cameras . It can’t be for everyone as easy as you think ( I do wonder if you would have liked to do it in front of camera for example or being able to perform ) .
  4. For as long as the ex-boyfriend was appearing in front of cameras , I was considering this current stay of the twins as the best one they had . Even if it was the teasing or the English dialogues or the surprising , curious and spontaneous moments he was sharing with both of them actually in the villa ( i even think it was a period that nobody could figure out what the hell was going on ) , this was what made their current stay fun and interesting to watch . Now , we already knew that when they reappeared , we couldn’t expect anything more than “ eye candy “ moments so , this guy made the imagination of the majority run a bit wild , with some teasing in the bathroom while all taking a bath naked and possible hand jobs under the foam water or one of them touching his dick and expecting that something could happen or of course while all of them kissing and touching on the master bed and other possible handjobs under the covers . In any case , after that incident which has been referred a lot the last couple of days which most probably “ signaled “ the end of the relationship or something that seemed irreversible for this guy to be on cameras again, what we are currently watching it is nothing else than two girls who “ need “ desperately to fill in the room of B1 after the recent bad events of the 4 musketeers .
  5. 😱 it didn’t happen to observe it , I think the last guy was a visitor at Masha’s apartment who slept on the couch in the LR . Anyway , little importance and just for statistical reasons I believe 😆
  6. Just try to use the @ and “ sexy girl “ and you will see what I mean . Or of course you can search posts that happened here from her , very decent contributor in my opinion ☺️
  7. On the contrary of what you believe , last night it was real fun and impressively genuine to watch with 4 girls having kind of a mini party at home , drinking , singing , dancing .. this you could describe as kind of one of their moments that they just let go of any “ working “ obligations and they enjoyed themselves . Fortunately or unfortunately for you , you aren’t a subscriber so as to watch with your own eyes and perhaps judge by yourself what I am telling you . Then maybe you realize that yesterday , maybe this is what they needed and this is at the end what they did and came out so real . By the way , the “ veteran “ Holly just by being in RLC shows how valuable as a tenant is with her experience ..
  8. Actually , “sexy girl “ is a poster here that appears from time to time and i believe this is the one that pulo refers to .
  9. My “ half brother “ hates RLC , me on the contrary I enjoy watching it 😛
  10. So , I am becoming a Harley because of what ? Did I insult anyone here in this forum ( except the person your post refers to and I admit of course ) ? Did I insult any of the tenants across this forum ? Did I characterize the tenants as “ cheap and amateur porn actors who are casted in order to serve with a predetermined script in porn actions “ ? Did I say any of this ? Has it been my continuous try to make everyone in this forum here hate RLC , drive them away of paying whatever they want to pay for their entertainment ? Have I ever spoken with such hate like there’s no tomorrow for people like the guy that you refer in your post ? I simply try to say one thing . I can’t understand why there has been given a characterization as “ douche “ to a guy that we have seen the most in this apartment as a visitor , a guy that indeed he had a one and only bad behavior and he admitted his mistake obviously , otherwise , I can’t understand how Leora ( mostly ) and Malia secondary allowed him to be back again and again . Who hasn’t done a mistake ? Any of us , whenever we got drunk , haven’t we done or said things that we later regretted ? How can we characterize and judge someone as “ douche “ when the woman herself just some months ago she was flashing her tits to him on that famous now evening / night and she was desperately seeking to speak to him the whole night ? He is a “douche “ for us then but for Leora is a good friend obviously and I find it the least exaggerating to characterize him as so . As for her current boyfriend , why characterize him as “ we-all - know - who “ and that he isn’t a good guy for her ? What has he done wrong ? Is it because he has no “ balls “ to ask and require more from Leora and their relationship ? Is it because he surrenders to all of Leora’s requests and he doesn’t demand as a real man things that should happen in a relationship ? Has this guy not been Leora’s choice to have him all this time next to her ? Why can’t we accept him as an important person for her life and let the characterizations and adjectives for ( and if ) whenever we see him in person and then we can judge perhaps his behavior , his presence in general and then make the comments than blaming him all the time for the narcissistic Leora’s behavior towards him . Last but not least , I think it is the worse that I can read here that you call me as the guy you refer to your post when whatever I say , comment and post here is based of what I observe and watch watch with my own eyes , therefore the conclusions ( right or wrong ) are completely mine and not based to his famous “ sources “ that it is even a joke of itself for someone who hates and declares it again and again that RLC and its tenants are porn actors and drug dealers and nevertheless he wants to know each and every little detail , photos and videos of what’s happening in daily basis . So , if you think I am like this guy , then believe this as i can’t change your thoughts obviously .
  11. Nice post and fair enough , at least we could have a civilized back and forth chat despite our disagreement and you explain your things as i did mine.
  12. There we go again .. the problem of Leora , her mood , her actions , it is again her boyfriend . The one that she has chosen to put in her life , the one she has chosen to have around at all times , the one that despite all things , she keeps on having in her life . We can call it a Plan A , an addiction or we can simply call it “ being in ( forbidden) love “ with a guy she wants to have but for unknown reasons she can’t have , at least the way she wishes .
  13. That’s my last answer to you , you keep on getting obsessed of my posts and furious that I am still here despite the psychological war you think that you make to me by having the broken record playing the last days because you don’t like what I write and that I don’t praise like another dictator you are suggesting me to do .. I am sorry ,but this ain’t gonna happen . I will give you as a gift only 3 out of the 10 reasons that I am jealous and obsessed with this woman . Here you go , 1 ) I can have my friends visit me at home when I need company or feel bored 2 ) I can have my girlfriend in my place and not going all the time at her place to sleep over 3 ) I can work and be proud of what I am doing , not earning the same as Leora , but having a routine working life that makes me feel productive for the social environment I am so jealous that poor Leora can’t have all the things that I just mentioned you . Goodbye and that’s my last post to you , it is tired for the rest that take their time here to visit and perhaps read something interesting rather than see two grown ups arguing endlessly for tits , ass and pussy
  14. Your friend Pepe has seen it , according to rumors . Are we going to play with words ? Can you answer what is that you enjoy watching in this apartment ? Contract .. the site says “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ … does it say “ hiding the private life 24/7 “ ? Do we agree that Leora has a private life outside ? Yes or no ? Do we see it ? Yes or no ? Has Leora friends or she is alone the last 27 months ? Yes or no ? Are the other apartment tenants stupid that they don’t hide ? Yes or no ? Contract .. the contract says most probably that the only thing you must do is not hide the cameras and obviously no violence and no heavy drugs in public ( cocaine , heroine and similar ) … please explain why with the exact same performance as Leora , some years ago tenants have been removed and released from their contract .. Do i know they contract ? No .. Did they act the same as Leora ? Yes .. I have said endlessly what I wish to watch , i don’t see it happening and I won’t stop criticizing negative the nothingness of this place …the tenant and her behavior is another story … question , what is that you watch RLC for ? What’s your reasons ? I repeat , perhaps your friend Pepe can provide you with a contract copy which obviously it has to do of when Leora was in Russia . Except if it is another imaginable construction like the rumor that he developed that Malia had a child in Russia . As you say , you see the letters in the coin and me the head and the opposite at times 😇
  15. I didn’t speak about you and you know to who I am referring to or the people that the post was indirectly addressed to . I have my differences with you but we always manage to chat in a civilized and honest way I believe 😇
  16. You keep on saying about the sink .. you keep on saying about a guy that is ugly and looks like a vampire again and again .. pulo is repeating everyday the same posts and same gifs .. is it then that the negativity can’t be faced as expressed by me or is it written anywhere that the goddess and queen should be just praised for the nothingness that she provides ? Or are you also impressed that I am not shutting up as people here want that it happens ? there’s always the “ ignore “ button which I don’t understand that since I speak nonsense or people get irritated of my repeated posts “ ignore “ to use . And it is the first time that I see someone like myself so indifferent of what I am saying having 3-4 people all over CC stalking me 😂🤣😂 I guess it disturbs a lot here and that’s when I realize that my posts aren’t that unfair as people criticize them .
  17. 👏👏👏👏😂🤣😂🤣 More edit … with all the sincerity that you can give an answer , tell me please , if all apartments of RLC and their tenants were ( not ) doing as Leora has chosen to , what would be the meaning to watch ? Please tell me with all the sincerely you have that all apartments had tenants that sleep , go out , masturbate , repeat . Is this how you imagine RLC ? Can you not see that Leora is fooling and the last remaining supported are people like you ?
  18. We are judging and criticizing what we ( don’t ) see inside the apartment , I see a complete zero of happenings in this place and as an RLC subscriber and given the chance that this platform here , CC , allows so as to express my thoughts , for any person who praises the 3,500th masturbation of Leora , i have all the right in the world to comment what I don’t like . If you think that I ask Leora how to live her life , then you understand it wrong . I criticize the zero happenings of this apartment according to the way that Leora and with the contract that she has signed with RLC has chosen to do ( better say not do ) . If she wants a different life , she can quit and allow this apartment for people who won’t hesitate to live an as normal life as possible in front of cameras.
  19. Sorry to interfere , but as i have said maybe to you too once , the only reason that people decide(d) - ( and not so much nowadays ) - to move in the US is the chance of a better financial life , nothing else . In a country that still racism is a problem , the use of guns and the thousand of deaths per year and also the idea that the Americans lack knowledge of what the rest of the world thinks about them and that the US will always go and make a war for its country’s interests ( oil , natural sources ) with the excuse that the nation is under danger 😂🤣 , well , it isn’t as you think it is . Have a look what’s going to be soon in Bolivia and the way that is coming due to the most valuable natural resource that exists in its soil , that is the primary material for the batteries needed for the electric cars .. Anyway , OT and will not say anything more on this .
  20. Exactly … I am happy finally that you understood … shadow knows indeed 😂🤣😂🤣👏👏👏 By the way , I am more than impressed that you know how my life is and about work and all this .. it is funny to see the reactions now of you and your friends when you and your friends for years are responsible for the degrade of quality of this thread and the loss of so many valuable posters and also Russian translators . Karma is a bitch , I am here to state the things that few dare because you made them disappear . As I will praise with all of my will , I will keep on seeing this apartment as the reality that it is now , a complete big 0 and a joke . The more you and your friends come after me , the more you prove me right .. it is a pity that you can’t see the obvious .. please , laugh free 😂🤣😂🤣😎
  21. Still , I believe that the neighbor doesn’t have Holly’s body 😉 But you are right in what you wish to watch as that’s what the majority wishes too I think . Let’s see , maybe we soon get surprised ( but not with B1 partying for sure .. )
  22. Es ist immer nur meine Meinung . Ich sage nicht das korrekt ist aber ich bin immer hier und sehr freundlich für alle Meinungen zu diskutieren ☺️
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