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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. She had her best friend next to her at all times , the guy who is known as Paul . She had a dog that she was more than her own life that she loved at her last apartment . She had a life obviously that didn’t fit her or satisfied her or there have been given many explanations here since more than two years of why she decided to change it . I think if you are willing to change your life so as to move in another continent , in another country , try and adapt , live and socialize with different people , culture , traditions , it means that despite having these two ( her best friend and boyfriend at that time and her beloved dog ) , she preferred to sacrifice it for a new life. Can it be that Russia was her prison as she couldn’t breathe the western cosmopolitan lifestyle ? Can it be that the political things and limitations that Russia as a country has , made her escape Russia ? Can it be that the way her life was with Paul didn’t allow for more social contacts ? Who are we to know ? ( at least I don’t because I am not watching her since 2013 .. ) . Do you think she hates people and she doesn’t want to be next to them ? Then where is she vanishing for hours everyday ? Where has she been sleeping whenever she hasn’t been at home dozens of times ? Are those friends of hers that she trusts enough so as to sleep at their own places ? And if after 27-28 months in another country she trusts people outside of the apartment but not enough to have them inside her own place , what’s the point of living such a life ? I believe that there’s no single person here who doesn’t want to see a happy , healthy , excited , passionated , full of energy and endless smiles Leora , I for sure want to see this woman who was captivating the audience only with a single move . What I see now , is a woman that can’t sleep at nights , she is afraid in such a scale that she has her lights on in the living room so as the apartment looks occupied while she’s there , she has troubles sleeping , eating , she has mood changes , she freaks out , she often has been seen with health issues . Do you think then that it is nice to pass all of these alone ? Yes , we aren’t Leora , but , would you like to have people next to you that you trust and feel better at times or have this kind of life ? If you think that the way her life in Prague is with such emotions , I do then wonder if this is then the life that we should all have .
  2. Please inform the Shadow that her popularity has reached rock bottom and that it is just the usual suspects that keep her on top . Other than that , as I explained to your friend , make a thoroughly research of what it is written about Leora across CC and the sister site xcamfans and then yes , THE SHADOW KNOWS 😂🤣 And because she knows , she has chosen to live this imprisoned , isolated , lonely and emotionless life with only company in this apartment instead of real mister(s) , she has the company of Mr.Pink , Mr.White , Mr.Black , Me.Red and i don’t know if she soon takes out of the drawer Mr.Rainbow . Only people who afraid of their shadow could live a life like the one she has in this apartment . Then you are right , “ THE SHADOW KNOWS “ .. pity that Paul doesn’t know also and she’s playing with him . But I guess you are one more who approves her actions , the shadowy actions 😂🤣😂🤣
  3. Your problem is that you categorize people . What’s the problem if someone is fat , thin , blonde hair , black , tall or short ? Are you any better or are you a fit model ready to parade and pose for tv advertisements ? You know what also ? At least Masha isn’t shy to expose herself , you hate her or dislike her isn’t the issue here but the woman respects her fans and the contract she has with RLc , she doesn’t hide , she compensates for whoever wants to watch . You don’t like her or whoever enters her apartment , that’s your problem and your choice to watch whatever you want . Your Queen is afraid so much the bad criticism , she’s afraid any comment that might have any negativity towards her that the only thing that she can get her money justified is if and when she masturbates . Other than that , she offers absolute zero …. Yes , once she was fantastic to watch because she offered variety , she used to do so many things but now , after two and more years in Prague , she has absolutely no power and she’s a hostage in her own created prison since she can’t invite anyone , she is afraid to speak the truth about her job in her social environment and she’s hiding all like it is the secrets of the Worlds Government committee . The problem isn’t though about comparing but who respects the contract that have signed and what real life is . For you real life is masturbations calculated for the audience and the clientele , you even actually believe that many are done particularly for you because you love her and she loves you back . For me it is the way that Masha lives her life , despite if I totally approve what she does or not and with who . But Masha respects while your Queen , if circumstances were different , she should have been kicked out of the project . But RLC has big problems currently and suffers , yes Leora helped the site to gain the popularity needed but make a research to what it is written at the forum and also to other similar sites like CC and discover that the new subscribers ( if any ) isn’t your lovely Queen that she can bring but the person who fucks fat , short , nice or not attractive guys , the subscriptions will come from a woman who everyday has a different routine and she LIVES HER LIFE WITH THE CAMERAS AND NOT LIVING A LIFE FOR THE CAMERAS . And now you can use the translation button because i don’t know if you have understood what I am trying to explain and communicate to you .
  4. You are “ obsessed “ and I call you like this after your own words , you said it , not me 😂😂😂😂.. wait to search a bit your post 😂😂😂🤣 By the way , she loves you too so much that all these shows are an exclusivity for you and being her most faithful “ soldier “ .. wait to find your post .. Here it is , well , you aren’t obsessed , you are addicted .. that’s the same meaning in my poor English language knowledge .. or not ? 🤓🤔🤔 masterchef56 Posted August 27 Well,I can tell you this.To me,it doesn´t matter if she bates or not,I just love to watch her and all the funny things she does if you really study her properly. Just to have her at home is satisfying to me,like yesterday when she was ironing a pile of clothes,dancing sexy,singing and smiling.Or the day when Malia had left,cleaning the whole apartment in her undies.And she doesn´t necesseraly have to wear those sexy negligee´s she has on.Just watching her give me pleasure.There are som many things with her that I find amazing if you only take your time to study her.Yes,I confess that I´m addicted to her and I´m not ashamed of it.Oh,btw of course I love it when she bates.but
  5. She just does what needs to be done for the payroll . People like it , therefore , that’s what matters in the end .
  6. Big guy , normal 😆 But she generally sleeps with earplugs .
  7. Perhaps Masha “ warming up “ both guys for an epic threesome 😂🤣 By epic , i mean that from one side we have this huge / enormous total cool guy and then we have the tech guy , petite and even smaller than Masha .. that would be then an epic encounter of the three 😂🤣 Masha and her adventures continue to “ break “ the boredom of RLC and together with Leia and Maksim are the “ refreshments “ needed . I think it is time to get some new faces in the villa for a change 😏😏🥳
  8. Masha back on track providing for the fans and mostly for her own pleasure , I can’t even think if it wasn’t for her and at least someone that is so consistent like her , how boring RLC would be especially after the disappearance of the 4 musketeers .
  9. Radi has a bad reputation of being always late and letting the others wait , that’s what I can say about that 😉
  10. Seeing Karol next to Holly , the thing I said when we saw her again with her natural hair color that she looks so similar to Holly , I believe we could say that they look like twin sisters…Let’s see how their chemistry will be , it can be a dream duo to watch 🥳🤩
  11. Back to the prison early , not so many plans I guess which remains to be seen how the weekend will be .
  12. Excellent to see Masha introducing one of her lovers to Alessandro , well done 👏👏
  13. I prefer to see both of them with guys ( we are getting enough girl/girl things which are mainly a show )
  14. I noticed that two , the replays are changing frequently with Leora’s masturbation also being there .. maybe the attempted replays affect the changes .
  15. This is a “ deja vu “ and endless teasing like the ones we were watching for almost a year between Leora and Malia . Radi has studied extremely much Leora , she knows exactly what she’s doing ( which in my eyes they are just simple massages and nothing more like the ridiculous things between Leora and Malia ) .. In my opinion, as long as this drags viewers , it will continue till the first complains start .. if Daniela wanted anything more , she could have slept at Radislava’s bed , for starters.. or it could be massages happening in Daniela’s room but they both know that camera angles are terrible and they stay with the nice close ups in Radislava’s room😉 Here to apologize publicly and in front of everyone if anything between the two happens .
  16. It’s my opinion , nonsense to you , but for the things I saw during the first week of Elian and Tesla especially , i have a different theory . With you , it is just sex that you want to see with the girls inside the house , what can we do ? Their guys are unwilling to do , they aren’t paid enough to show all , this is it . As soon as they made permanent contracts and B1 a permanent residence , you saw the difference . But for you , even on that days you called for stupid pseudo lesbian shows when they had their friends during Olivia’s birthday , you called for another stupid show when Olivia and the others decided to throw one more party in the villa this time , get to know the other girls ( colleagues ) and enjoy a themed party . So , please , watch first before you say things that are fantasies in your mind and according to what you read here .
  17. I don’t think we can judge RLC’s decision as disastrous by not even having Holly back even for 24 hours . Her previous participation included sex with two guys , indeed after a certain point she looked tired of her stay but I think it was for the ongoing issues in the villa . It was during the so called “LeMa “ virus period as I have said again and again. Holly has proved her value , of course we will all be here to judge really bad if it proves just a rent free stay .
  18. Excuse me to interfere with the phonecall sequences , but who knows if she doesn’t phone him in private and when she’s outside of the apartment ? Who knows that they haven’t been spending the last days many hours together and enjoying that there’s no need of contact inside the apartment ? Who knows if the happiness of Leora ,dancing , staying till long at bed sleeping and not providing “ sessions “ so as the obsessed @masterchef56declares his “ broken record “ love to Leora aren’t happening because they have a satisfied life finally outside of the apartment ? At the end of the day , I can’t honestly understand how and when the posts repeatedly express the idea that “ only she knows “ , at the time there’s no visual or hearing proof of her communications , we make conclusions that things aren’t or are fine with her current boyfriend .
  19. Just a long answer to my other “ long posts “ half 😂🤣
  20. And we didn’t even see the hairdresser (re) appearing .. usually for women , changes of hair = changes of life ..
  21. It will take enough time till the villa goes back ( if it does ) to the “ standards “ before N&B made it actually their own apartment to live and they weren’t just employees like the rest of the tenants . Now , don’t get me wrong , the first months weren’t that bad , it was still autumn 2020 when they joined , the virus was still a question mark in many aspects of their daily lives . But , what did we see ? Girls who couldn’t walk naked because papa Bogdan could always appear out of nowhere . A self destructed Nelly who hadn’t got a clue what she wanted in her life , she was controlling not only her husband’s behavior , but she was free to do whatever she wanted without any of the girls being able to say anything as I truly believe that they were afraid that due to Bogdan’s connections with RLC , they might be kicked out . Soon after 2021 entered , Nelly was an absolute wreck , not only she couldn’t manage her addiction to substances and alcoholism but she even protested to her best friend of 15 years that she couldn’t bring her boyfriend in the villa because , according to her , “ this isn’t such a place “ so as for people to bring their lovers 😂🤣😂 Haha , what an hypocrite Nelly when she brought Martina again and again in the villa . Bogdan tried to clean ( and he always managed ) his wife’s personal and psychological problems . Despite expressing his annoyance about the ongoing thing of his wife and Martina , Nelly kept ignoring him . But even at that time , he stayed strong and brave to the woman he loves at that difficult times for her . And what did she do ? She got angry with him repeatedly because he saw him being friendly with the girls and she got mad at him , challenging him and shouting at him that he should stop flirting the girls ( hugging them was flirting for her )😂🤣😂 The woman was delusional and poor Bogdan , who at the same time was trying to keep equal distances from everyone and be a fair individual like the rest of the tenants , had to deal with his wife’s demons . In any case , it is pretty clear from the above , that in a direct or indirect way , many of the things that were happening or not inside the villa had a strong impact by both of them , even if they weren’t involved . It was just the whole atmosphere that everyone was hesitant with both of them there . Look now , we have a naked Radi exercising in the fitness room . There’s more freedom of nudity also from the rest of the girls . I could actually say that if they could bring the 4 musketeers in the villa , especially Olivia and of course the amazing passion for this business that Fiora has , could bring back this place at its old former glory , when the majority of us men could always expect the unexpected .. shows , visitors , parties , jacuzzi events , living room nights ending with guys flirting the girls and isolating them in their rooms and so many other things that have occurred at RLC’s flagship property . I believe that RLC understood their mistake of the long stay of both Bogdan and Nelly and the complications that this was creating , I mean , come on , we don’t even know if a reason of the girls who Ioved their life in Barcelona and as soon as they entered in the villa , would have decided to renegotiate their contracts and stay for the whole summer and even more if it wasn’t this “ within “ the limits life they had to live . Imagine if it was Bruno for example the day of that insane and madness performance of both Elian and Tesla , imagine if Bogdan was a “ Nelly “ for example and surrendered to Elian’s repeated seduction tries .. but no , they had the music loud , they wanted to fuck everywhere , they were just enjoying their part of being members in that villa on their own way during daylight and they were accused that they were too loud 😂🤣😂 come on … summer in Barcelona , loud … 😂🤣😂🤣 It will need time for all this to go back to a normality , call me a crazy guy but if it was these 4 girls who are also friends in real life and they were given the chance and let’s say make the villa a permanent project and not only the GOV that it is , I am more than 100% sure that they could elevate it to a level that we might have never witnessed before . 4 girls that live now in Barcelona , with their own lives already as we witnessed during their short stay in B1 , with their boyfriends , with for sure so many new friends that the seductive and new general Ulyana could easily make , the creative mind of Olivia , the passion for RLC of Fiora and Harley who was just already enjoying her stay with RLC , tell me how this place couldn’t work in a MAGNIFICENT and truly original , unique and fantastic way for - not only for them - all of us lucky ( finally ) subscribers that we would live / watch / observe together with the girls their lives .. their move in Barcelona , their ups and downs of their personal lives , their studies , their friends and the ease that they could bring them in front of cameras , this would have been the perfect Real Life period for the villa … BUT …😔😔
  22. There will be complications perhaps though if the man of Plan B mixes himself in the already decided Plan A life 🤨
  23. Ahh . Maybe Paul arrives next month , you don’t want to miss that 😏🤩
  24. LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣. Not only she went to B1 and overnighted there but while she was transporting herself , she had a quickie with him . What a poor lost and lonely soul you are 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣 LMAO 😜🤪😜🤪
  25. Nelly is always in Barcelona . When , not only Martina , anyone , goes out , comes back home and looks as you describe , can it just be having had a rough night full of dancing , singing and in general having fun ( partying ) ? Why should it be all related with sex ? Except if ( in case you , personally , still go out ) all the times people go out , they don’t go just to have fun , relax , enjoy and escape - in the case of Martina her school duties - but just to hook up with everyone they find and have sex ..Life isn’t all about sex you know ..
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