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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. A very horny Martina with a great long session with Alberto .. I think guys we try to create problems with our thoughts , posts and comments when these two people have full and total control of their relationship and the way they share everything ..
  2. Daniela ready for action ( she doesn’t know Nana well as ot seems 😂🤣😂🤣 ) .. this isn’t glory Amalia / BF / Pam / Daniela threesome show / happenings B1 days ..
  3. I believe the reason that this hasn’t become a “ Pam / Jordi “ situation is the leaked video of Tesla that has stopped Nana to think of any further showing and sharing on camera ..
  4. Daniela of course too experienced in order to gather all viewership attention even at this late time in Europe , let’s see what the seduction part will be .. Radi once again isolates herself ..
  5. Not even in the mood to make the “ play by play “ calling action 😂with Nana and the guy as it has become a repeat of what to expect .. let’s see if Fior finally can become Danir … 😂🤣😂🤣 as he seems to be around the girls and trying to get one ( recently Harley .. )
  6. 9 months for this couple in this apartment and the mystery surrounding them and what’s going on continues as nobody can give an explanation of what kind of relationship they have . We are witnessing a complete transformation of a natural beauty woman to tits implants ( totally fine since it is her body and she can do whatever pleases her ) and two tattoos with especially one of them under the boobs area which , personally , has always been antisexual to say the least . But as long as she likes it / them , perfectly fine .. Tonight’s incidence with her changing the bedroom sheet and then Dantez in the bedroom with his mobile checking and her filling in the tub so as to take a shower and masturbate with her toy , I don’t know , it might be normal actions between a couple but were I the boyfriend I would feel that something is deeply wrong . Again the way I see things and my humble opinion but it really reflects as another “ Leora / Paul “ relationship since we now have the dog as well 😂🤣
  7. I think that even if all of the intentions were authentic and genuine so as everyone has a good time , it seemed to me like a “ pushed to be good “ gathering and I never felt any chemistry of this company tonight , but of course that’s my idea and shared opinion . On a side note , Radi is a top class woman if she decides , her style and aura next to the others is just one category by herself . It is a pity she has kind of difficulties of trusting issues with other people and in my eyes she appears kind of “ believing / belonging “ in her own world . Last but not least , Nana looked also great tonight , I just feel a bit bad as a man if this is an eternal game of cat and mouse with her guy , someone who isn’t shy , a great individual , polite and decent , funny , someone who is willing to be on cameras and the way I see it he is kind of a “ tool “ for Nana , at least in the villa and when he appears . I think this should be the apartment / villa for the ex B1 4 musketeers and with their genuine and authentic passion to respect and show all for the subscribers , it would have been the best candidates / tenants to restore the “ lost glory “ of this residence . Let’s hope ..
  8. For me , today is the first chance to “ psychology “ a bit Maksim and his relationship to Leia . There have been posts regarding that it is a kind of “ friends with benefits “ coexistence , Maksim seemed rather not shy and actually bit of enjoying the flirt between him , Anna and Mila .. He seems to have also a good relatioshio so far with Timur but in general i believe that it isn’t the same for T&T as it was with H&A , of course it is too early and remains to be seen . He is a nice looking guy and it will be interested if he makes constant appearance to any of the Barcelona apartments .
  9. It’s also a matter of who posts .. if the site “ discovers “ 11 Pulos’ there will be no problem with active threads 😏🥳🤓
  10. I think Gina hasn’t been out of the apartment for nearly a week if can remember well . It is a pity that this relationship leads her mathematically in self destruction , it is a pity that she knows it but her addiction to Bruno and the life with him can’t make her stand up on her feet and say “ that’s it , it’s over “ .. Gina is a smiley , enjoying life , full of passion and energy woman and has given us some of the best moments as a tenant . It is a pity to see her as “ a ghost of her actual self “ , she’s still RLC’s Queen according to her duration days at the various Barcelona apartments and I am sure that she will find the strength to “ escape “ this toxic relationship .. and then , finally , we can also see Bruno being as he needs to be seen , single and also not troubling with permanent relationships .. just having fun with anyone around the Barcelona apartments .
  11. It’s not celebrated in all countries , it is too “ American “ and it’s just the countries that have adapted completely many of the “ American habits “ .. for us here and generally at the Balcan peninsula , it isn’t a big deal , I guess also for Russia due to the religion beliefs too but the girls I think like the habit and of course it has to do with viewership reasons as well .
  12. She is catching up not being able to communicate when she was out of the apartment for more than 24 hours a couple of days ago . Another amazing evening full of incredible interesting things happening in Leora’s apartment .
  13. Ehh ? Sorry I didn’t understand , too difficult level for my English .. she was so sad with her father that it took her only 24 hours ( 36 maybe ) so as to masturbate , laugh and enjoy her life , I am sure it was very bad with her father to get so fast recovery mood . Sending your concern and affection also , participating in the forum talks during that period since it was as you believe it was , I am still searching your compassion posts with the binoculars . In any case , I am not going into arguing with you , my possibilities to convince what I want to say are - ( minus ) one million percent to a person that since the beginning of the existence of Leora in our screens , it fascinates me that you haven’t even seen any negative in this woman’s actions . I guess for you , people make only good things , only positive actions and no mistakes in life . For you , Leora is the perfect angel , Santa Leora De Krasnoyarsk . Have a nice evening , masturbation will be in some hours to thank you for protecting her over the years ☺️
  14. Coming soon … the 10 ACT list of why I am “ jealous “ of Leora so as to answer that issue that bothers a certain individual here as well ☺️😇
  15. I think we need to wait when she takes her Czech language diploma and she call her classmates to celebrate 😬😁
  16. Maybe welcoming new girls perhaps …🤨😏🤓
  17. I think we need to ask the member who has the source and can tell us more ..😏
  18. Let’s see when they reopen it then , either by the evening or tomorrow since the transportation is already happening .
  19. It will reopen by the end of the evening or tomorrow ..
  20. Bogdan makes the “ clearing “ once again , always very decent with the girls 😇
  21. I will make a simple comment today . I will agree with anything that anyone says , let’s say mostly the “ broken record “ characterization ..BUT.. Can it be that I am simply carried away also by Leora’s “broken record “ actions ? Come on Leora , show / do / give / say / express / act / behave differently than ; Act 1 - wake up Act 2 - prepare to go out Act 3 - come back home and prepare the ordered food Act 4 - turn on the TV and the IPAD also on in the bedroom Act 5 - something sexy to wear , no underwear and camera choosing according to the mood Act 6 - mobile in hand for a bit of social media browsing , touching the kitten at the same time , a fast perhaps phonecall to Paul or a short / long disappearance in a private place for phonecalls regarding personal issues Act 7 - careful check of RLC’s activity leading ultimately to the daily masturbation Act 8 - food or snacks preparation before going to bed Act 9 - at bed with mobile browsing or a bit of IPAD watching , depending on how tired she has been or the interest of her mobile messages exchange , ending with a short call to Paul Act 10 - Sleep I am a “ broken record “ maybe because I don’t do anything everyday than repeating the above 10 daily Acts of Leora . I wish it was different , I wish I could see a pattern of her so as with her studies , daily awakening so as to go to an outside job and be active the whole day and not sleep till afternoon with so many interruptions while sleeping , I wish i could see her decorating her apartment so as to feel it as her home, I wish I could see her making a puzzle , knitting like she did some weeks ago , trying to cook , learn and study and do homework publicly , do some fitness exercise publicly , sharing her sexy image , I WOULD LIKE THAT I SEE ANYTHING DIFFERENT than the earlier mentioned daily 10 ACTS … I didn’t say visitors / fun / talks / change of apartment mood , socializing , laughs, emotions , new people that the forum here can talk about , think about , criticize about , because there’s no point when Leora isn’t doing anything different than what she does everyday, how can I ask that she does individually with people inside ? I have no problems with anyone and I am trying to be fair , I express my opinion and my thoughts , i often ask questions in which either there are no answers or people ignore or simply because they know I am right and they stay silent. Like the majority here I am a fan of Leora but a fan who is judgmental because he wants to watch as much as better content from a person he likes and adores . And as long as I am not getting it , I can’t but not express my annoyance in a way that personally fits my personality and without insulting the personality of either her or anyone else’s here . Conclusion .. ddhm is a broken record but Leora is a whole “ record label “ that “sells “ the same thing day in day out . I hear the same record , I can’t but not repeat myself ( and sorry for not having a nice voice 😂 )
  22. She will have her working salon license to work by then plus she could be living with her current boyfriend in Prague , no worries about her and if the RLC plan stops somehow working 😂🤣
  23. I have no doubts and the way you actually managed , it is how it should be , focus on studies as the biggest aim of them all and at the same time , living your life and enjoying the student years 😉 ( which are some of the most wild and crazy one can have ) .. but no matter as I am simply a fan of these 3 ( + Harley who is a newcomer but fantastic for my taste also ) , I will be in denial 😂🤣 as of their original aim of these girls .. they have a chance to really change their lives if the studies are indeed their reason of making this big step in their lives but let’s wait ..
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