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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Moving away gradually from prime time European hours , despite not severe competition , repeated failure achieving top cameras needs to restablish a strategy , it will be interesting to see what she will do more .. OF COURSE , the majority knows what it is needed , but the antisocializing culture will remain on top of the decisions … As good friend stone cold says , same kaka , different period of time ..
  2. Another premiere is always great .. and different 😊
  3. I think it’s another “ coming soon “ moment , that’s my belief 😉
  4. Still , most of the new RLC era of the girls ( after Covid times ) they prefer the local Russian speaking community for interactions and not the local Spanish ( Barcelona ) people . Of course , the obvious excuses is that the pattern of new tenants and replacing the girls isn’t like in the past and the most common 90 days visa allowance bit with things being different now and the girls being able to stay for much more time , it looks like more safety ( and perhaps easier for whatever opportunities in Barcelona ) to get to know people of the local community . Let’s see how it goes for the rest and as long as winter is coming .
  5. Exposure on cameras , hmm , maybe new people joining soon ??
  6. With the departure of “ The Mistress “ , it is rightful that her friend “ X-Factor “ Harley appears so as to show us why she remains one of the best .. late night , early morning treatment from the one and only then 😉
  7. Never underestimate the leadership of Ulyana and what can be shown on cameras if she - very slowly and patiently - continues explaining her the benefits of on camera activities .. Ulyana might make her think differently 😏
  8. The whatever relationship simply completed its circle , there are few things that keep them close and more they suggest it isn’t going anywhere anymore . The RLC shelter is soon to be over , what better period than this one to part ways for a possible better individual future ? I will certainly agree with an opinion posted that it is very possible when both will make their experiences in life apart from each other , without sharing or living together , that the time comes that they will feel that EACH ONE is THE ONE FOR the other and might reunite . Hopefully it won’t be on cameras 😁 , but life is strange . The friendship and respecting love exists , plenty feelings in my opinion . But emotional love in terms of being a couple , this has ended since Martina got messed with Nelly ( mainly ) , that’s what I think . I believe Alberto really stepped back many times and put his pride aside so Martina is happy and satisfied . Of course Martina never asked for it but Alberto did it so easily because he really likes this woman . It is the best time for both of them and I think they show a great maturity of what need to be done , in comparison to other couples we see online . BUT .. the 27th September became 1st or 2nd October , nevertheless , both on cameras and apartment online .. The same script we saw recently with Linda and Tibor .. and they are still there 😆
  9. Nelly and Bogdan , I believe they are the lowest of popularity in the time they are with RLC . They create no viewership , no “ drama “ , no excitement , two indifferent people that only VERY FEW care . What’s the purpose to keep them there and especially in the villa ? You could say for example ( as being typical RLC tenants and they do things right - except when Bogdan cuts the power to be with Aziza 😂🤣😂🤣 ) they they would bring the airplane sign so as at least to inform for how long they stay off cameras .. Not even that … Of course , so easily understood why Ylyana made her way to the villa , I always believe that she wants to have nothing with this place .. I can’t prove anything of course but I also think they they aren’t very popular amongst the majority of the tenants across all Barcelona RLC apartments . It’s funny but I think all their “ friends “ are outside and as tenants they don’t have anyone close . That’s why the ASAP comment , they offer nothing at all .
  10. Sambuka is missed .. Lubna was fine but i don’t think a girl this attractive to watch - of course personal tastes for everyone 😇 -
  11. Has the BOSS COUPLE been back or are they JOKING RLC as well ? Please , they need removal ASAP …
  12. You are delusional 😂 that you can consider this a good thing , but now it becomes more obvious that you want RLC to become a place and site for “ Virgin Mary’s “ and nuns /monks . Your biggest satisfaction would simply be 10 people like Shantal , that they are sleeping , waking up , watching the laptop and occasionally during the week will leave their room so as to explore Barcelona a bit and other days to visit some other people on cameras . This is what you want , then you are a happy chappy 🤣🤣 Enjoy but I don’t think you will remain calm for this long , I can’t think that we won’t be seeing interesting people again anytime soon .
  13. I think she feels a bit sick , that’s why also under the blankets during the day quite a lot .. but maybe I am wrong .
  14. Pff , I forgot that 😱 .. maybe we could possibly use W1 , that is Warsaw 1 ( I don’t think they are in Warsaw but just an idea when the time comes 😎 )
  15. The women of that era were “ hiding “ to do things , so as the conservative families and society not to learn about it 😏
  16. Elli will slowly make her feel comfortable , will train her gradually let’s say . It really looks like RLC invests a lot in Elli , Vencel out , soon after a new tenant that I think it wasn’t expected . BUT .. It might also affect the apartment, at least in the beginning . Pff , endless potential and possibilities . First , we gonna find out even more for Elli since we will see how she’s sharing life with a girl and not with a boyfriend . Two women , lots of egos as we know , we don’t know how Elli will be that she’s the experienced one . How the new girl will adjust ? Will she be as generous as Elli or this ( and in my humble opinion it seems currently the biggest issue ) will affect the apartment ? ( no guy for Elli , no easy privacy moments like Elli wants ) .. Second , will this symbiosis block any possible flirts or dates that perhaps Elli wants to have or even the new tenant , will she bring her friends in ( let’s be honest ) Elli’s apartments ? Last but for sure not least , CAN WE SEE ANOTHER insane moment that nobody can currently think of , that Elli show us also any “ female fun to taste “ with a bit of alcohol good vibes and atmosphere ? As a conclusion , RLC made another checkmate move , they didn’t bring another guy for Elli , they didn’t leave her alone , Elli spoke and her wish was granted , that is a female housemate and THE POSSIBILITIES of what can be seen are endless . AND … Is RLC reviving the Russian model/pattern apartment ? Good friend @Noldus , should this now also go to the category “ P1 “ ?? Great move by RLC , “ The Future “ is here 😏
  17. Many times i am waiting to engage in a talk here , simply developing and expressing counter arguments and perhaps find a common opinion or in they end , just simply agree that we disagree , how more simple than that ? To me , the biggest question is the follow ; What do all these people earn / win / when they DEFEND in such “ powerful “ attitude this woman ? Pepe - I think - once said that they feel like defending a person who has no power to speak and it is unfair that she gets criticism and she can’t answer back . But then , IT IS ALL HER CHOICE that’s she’s being exposed and criticized , she needs to live with this as she’s doing it the last 10 years . If for a tenant negative criticism is something they can’t handle , why they chose to do this job , especially this couple that does for the last ( 10 + 7 / Leora + Paul ) years . For me , the lack and downfall of this topic with so few people commenting , it shows 3 things ; 1) The apartment offers so boring content that it isn’t any serious reason to post in the forum 2) Many posters are tired to engage in back and forth chats when they see no answers and only people who react with emojis and not saying their opinion , it makes this topic simply not interesting to follow 3 ) The lack of posts and criticism is actually what the Leora lovers want to have here so as she doesn’t read anything bad and her psychical and mental condition is affected so as to keep satisfying them in order to manage and “ fulfill their jerk off commitments “ 😂🤣
  18. Once a slave , always a slave .. the weird thing ? She loves being treated like that or feeling it .. Indeed , a woman of the old era .. the man at work , bringing the money and in return the housewife woman … Very normal for the culture of the country they are coming from … Imagine if they get old together 😱
  19. Very well said , it is strange that they bring local couples who have already a social circle and this doesn’t seem to work . Maybe the mentality of Western European people is what makes it difficult to work . For Eastern Europe people , no matter what , the quality of life in a wonderful city like Barcelona , the money , the experiences , might be blowing their minds .. but for people like Italians , Spanish , there are better things to do out there rather than being exposed for the amount of money they are promised to get .
  20. Ulyana beats easily Leora many times , Leora 90% of the times she will perform in prime time European viewership .. and another big detail .. Out of the possible 100 top replays thumbnails , Leora will maybe be seen in 2-3 and that’s it . Sometimes other places don’t get the top replay but they are more than 10 top cameras thumbnails . For whoever sees things realistically , the myth of Leora has faded away , it is so clear . Only the really heavy addicted to her are now giving her the recognition , she can’t attract anymore new subscriptions or potential new customers that have tested RLC . Life has moved on for the majority of the tenants , Leora keeps giving the same she did last year and 2 years before and during Covid and before Covid and when she was in Russia . The participation in her topic commenting her NO PERSONAL life is also another example.
  21. When you think that RLC could become interesting in Barcelona , they sent away ( or contract ended ) one of the best we have seen in recent years . “ The Mistress “ will be leaving , a woman that respected and understood perfectly the Barcelona concept . She didn’t give a shit about anyone and anything , her life , her rules on how to do things so as to enjoy and be happy . And this came to the viewers as well . One of the best we saw , a THANKS for her contribution and generosity on cameras is too small to be said. She will do perfectly fine as she knows how to be flexible with people and things . A big and nice farewell to perhaps the tenant of 2023 ( she could have the reward with Ashley but for sure belongs to her as Ashley changed a lot during the last part of her stay ) . Let’s hope of course that maybe a relocation will occur or hopefully , “ The Mistress “ returns soon .
  22. This has been a multiyears master plan initiated by Nelly ( obviously explained to Bogdan ) .. for starters , let’s say that when Nelly and Bogdan were living in Russia , Nelly was impressed by Martina when she joined RLC in 2017 . When N&B moved permanently in Barcelona , there was a suggestion from Bogdan ( who had started working in this “ background “ role for RLC ) to Martina to meet his wife Nelly .. The rest is history . As the majority knows , RLC didn’t want to mix the Spanish tenants with the Russian speaking ones . Imagine then the surprise when one day , the viewers saw Martina and Alberto being visitors in the villa .. It went really well that some days or a week or in any case soon after , one day , the villa was empty from tenants ( doing things elsewhere .. ) and Nelly invited Martina in the villa .. and then , in the kitchen, it all begun .. AND THAT WAS A SHOCK and I believe one of the most high ratings scene that this site has ever seen . The forum exploded for many months after , RLC ( it was Covid times ) found OUT OF NOWHERE content to fill in the lack of participants since it wasn’t that easy to bring ( replace ) new tenants , that’s why we also started having long term staying tenants . In any case , it was 3-4 really extraordinary lesbian sessions , the one in the current twin beds bedroom in the villa , I think it can be considered one of the top 10 moments in the history of the site . That was really two women that were having sex FOR THEMSELVES , they didn’t give a shit for subscriptions , viewership , nothing at all . It was a REAL LIFE MOMENT .
  23. I will have no problem if she proves on cameras as generous as the girl who is hosting her then 😏😏
  24. I guess the rules carry in its court , some members from Holland if they read the topic , they could possibly explain how Holland managed to control the weed use .
  25. Even sex can be bad addiction for example , anything controllable is just a good or bad habit .. alcohol a bad habit , sex a good habit. 😆
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