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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The ONLY current RLC male tenant that could satisfy these women you mention , is only one … He lives in Montenegro , his name Sasha .. just simple as that 😉 . The other names you are referring , they have abilities but Sasha ( perhaps also due to yoga , I can’t tell but might be a factor ) is one step above everyone ( and I am not speaking because of the size , but just his stamina , variety , engaging to the pleasure of his partner , being during sex a boyfriend , a lover and a sex partner , ALL TOGETHER according to how the session proceeds ) and that would make the girls go insane 😁
  2. Can you please present proof , explain with arguments your opinion that Sambuka was “ fucking one of her clients ? “ … when someone has lots of partners for whatever reasons and chooses to enjoy it and share it with the people that pay to see her on screens / monitors - AS EVERY RLC TENANT should do - , are those called clients ? When people in life don’t share their lives with someone and they have chosen having an intense sexual life or other partners simultaneously , are those people called customers ? LAST BUT NOT LEAST , whenever you bring in your home a girl and ends up with sex , do you consider her a customer ??
  3. Sambuka leaves 👽👽👽💀🤡🤡.. Go watch the guest rooms at various apartments , this is only when you are satisfied , watching the endless nothing and be happy and relaxed when you wish for the woman that offers the most content to depart .. unbelievable .
  4. It gets colder slowly and the daylight less .. we will see how they will manage , as you maybe remember , the rooms need heating and they can’t be going around nude like in the summer , if they are all in the LR , they will need the portable heating things for that. Let’s hope that they won’t be each isolating in their rooms ..
  5. Best comment for B7 describing EXACTLY how things are , congratulations 👏👏
  6. I think Nadia did whatever she did because Milena has / had a kind of incredible “ dominance “ on her , for Nadia - as we see the incidents back then - Milena was her IDOL and GODESS . I forgot that Nadia did all their shows because she hasn’t shown thjs personality and of course you are right . Fiora now in B2 again but as you see , it isn’t the same for Nadia ( ok she’s not there ) with Ulyana like it was with Milena , despite as was recently mentioned , all 3 girls get along pretty nice , all have their privacy and they all share .. it is just hardly ever that all 3 share , mostly it is duos , Nadia with Ulyana or Nadia with Esmi and so on respectively . We will see how this coexistence goes . I do have high expectations from B2 as the winter will be falling upon Barcelona .
  7. Ulyana needs a guy sooner or later so as to forget the previous ( strange ? ) guy and have her sexual needs satisfied in this double bed that can offer lots of comfort and pleasure . Unfortunately or fortunately ( it depends the viewer ) Esmi and Nadia aren’t into shows or whatever experiments like we used to have under the rare coexistence with the fantastic Quartet , Fiora , Mimi , Ulyana and Olivia that all LOVED what they were having in Barcelona and B2 was the center of attention back then ..
  8. The problem in the apartment between Harley and Fiora continues … for the apartment that ( most of any other ) together with Sambuka in B1 and Ulyana in B2 and some rare incidents in the villas manage to keep the Barcelona interest alive , it is a very serious problem and I hope it is resolved soon . Otherwise , even Cecilia’s next visit or Harley’s sex adventures won’t be managing to be nicely watched like it has been since the time this apartment went LIVE , let’s hope the girls sit down and discuss and PUT both their friendship ( AND BUSINESS ) on top of their misunderstanding .
  9. Look how it would go … If Masha was fucking ANY OTHER GUY , the criticism here would be as follows “ The whore Masha back in action with one more guy “ .. OR WOULDNT’T be like that ? Masha now fucks the guy she’s sharing life with for more than a year , well , let’s not repeat what has been written in the last pages of the forum .. Decide then , which Masha do you want ? The one that enjoys her life and has many sex partners and keeps her feelings aside or the Masha that has a standard guy that THE FORUM HERE HATES ( for whatever reason.. ) ? In the end , everyone forgets Masha’s biggest need , that is for Masha SEX IS AN ESSENTIAL ELEMENT OF LIFE and for her to feel happy . She didn’t have it for a week and look today , session after session with the guy SHE LOVES FUCKING HER . There are only two guys who have satisfied her in that way .. Obviously her long time ex Sasha and of course , the one and only , the guy she would do all for him , the one and only Top Knot aka Dick . And now , Elvis is the 3rd guy that gives her what she really loves , this is incredible sex . So , a Masha with a standard guy , criticized . Masha with various partners , criticized . Mission accomplished I guess , 8 years after and the woman always in the center of interest . At the same time , in the apartment in Prague her longest stay rival , The Queen , the criticism is about the masturbation and Paul picking his nose … no further comment .
  10. I will ALWAYS respect your opinion because you simply say - AND EVERYONE KNOWS - you have always watched Leora . Masha in another character and personality but I ADMIRED HER because she REPRESENTED the site Reallifecam.com for what it was advertised … The real life of other people 24/7 .. that’s what she did . I have seen it all with Masha . Boyfriends , lovers , adult entertainment , tears , smiles , fights , ups , downs .. I saw a young person getting matured and adult and experienced . What have I seen from Leora involving her Reallifecam.com life ? I think nothing more than masturbations , blowjobs and camera teases .. yes , I saw for a short a HUMAN when a guy who was characterized as an “ Asshole “ aka LB entered her life and we saw her losing it of anger . smiling , in tears , traveling in Germany , LEORA WAS HAVING A LIFE , living , trying to adjust and adapt to new culture , people , lifestyle. WE COULD SEE IT even if she had chosen hiding it . For this period I will always defend Leora no matter how much I was BLAMING her back then because SHE WAS HIDING HER PRIVATE LIFE ( when her agreement is to share it ) ..
  11. BUT NOBODY MANAGED TO STAY 8 YEARS IN A ROW ON CAMERAS AND A-L-W-A Y-S the apartment making it top replays even after so many years that you can say that the interest will gradually fade away .. Look the daily criticism at Leora and Paul .. Masha’s criticism comes for the CONTENT that exists and provides - either her or whoever appears on cameras in her apartment - while in this one , L&P , the interest is what toy ( color ) Leora inserted either in her ass or pussy , where did Paul cum , if Leora drank Paul’s milk , of the dog Eva is feeling ok , if Paul took a shower before touching / caressing Leora , if Leora had underwear while cleaning the house … NOW … please go back in the previous apartment 4 years and a bit backwards and bring the chats and talks made for L&P apartment back then .. and bring also Masha’s .. and then we can talk who and what Masha represents for RLC and what Leora ( and Paul ) … But ass , tits and pussy sells easily for lonely people .. PEOPLE WHO ARE LONELY will always hate women who have men next to them .. Look the admiration on Leora when’s she alone doing her things and look the hate on Paul when he’s next to Leora .. what new should I say ? Ahh yes … BOTH - MASHA and LEORA - have made tons and tons and tons of money because of sharing on cameras .. and look .. Masha has seen the world and has friends whatever everywhere and Leora thinks calculated her next steps - beauty salon , mobile and shelter animal business - .. the one lives a life and organizing the future and the other lives zero life and organizing also the future .. any different opinions or am I judging BS again 🤣😂😂😂🤣 ?
  12. If she doesn’t masturbate in 1-2 days she will be just a “ DO NOTHING GIRL “ …
  13. You are fast judging . Let’s see her before we make our conclusions .. I don’t think it is fair for a newcomer , no matter the outside appearance .. are we watching a cameras site for people and their lives or a models contest that we should expect women fighting who wins Ms World ?
  14. Masha is real life , ups and downs , a decorated house that she OWNS and has made it being her own shelter , two cats , endless social life with friends , relatives ( her mama visited her some months ago , taking showers nude - approving her on cameras life - ) , unlimited sexual experiences so she can one day say “ I HAVE DONE ALL IN MY LIFE “.. Masha , never quitting even on a wheelchair for months , sad and disappointed that both her lovers ( Dasha and Sasha ) got married in the end , she came out stronger , determined . Like any young person she exaggerated / exaggerates at times but SHOW ME A YOUNGSTER who does all right .. She got a ( toxic ? ) and jealous guy the last year , a guy who fucked 2-3 ladies in her own apartment and she didn’t bother , her apartment is the place of gatherings , SHE GAVE TO RLC community girls like Piper , Sophia , Babi .. Masha WILL BE THE GREATEST TENANT ever because Masha - Reallife.com . End ..
  15. She’s scared because - assuming he’s a rich guy - the money will flee 😆 .. so .. seduction one the phone is needed 😇
  16. Different country , different habits , weather , lifestyle .. she could never be in a balcony in Russia the whole night at the end of September 😉
  17. I disagree but fair enough 😇 , that’s the forum purpose 😎
  18. Elli is the Star and things need - at least in the beginning of this change in her personal life ( we should feel grateful seeing it as she’s sharing it ) - to go the way she has it in her mind .. We know Elli , WE DON’T KNOW the guy .. we will get to know him - as we did with Vencel - and the criticism time will come . BUT … ELLI LOOKED HAPPY and SMILEY sharing time with him , playing with the pillows , SO MANY SMALL DETAILS .. Let’s see .
  19. Many many tears for Elli … IT IS BEYOND ME that people believe that the lives of these people are a “ SCRIPT “ and “ SOAP OPERA “ when this is a REAL LIFE at its “ toughest “ SCRIPT 😔
  20. Well…. IT IS REALLY FEW LIST OF TENANTS ( couples ) THAT HAVE CHEATED PLAIN AND CLEAR ON CAMERAS . I guess you want to see the repeated things that “ angel girl “ Leora does the last 10 years , ignoring the beauty of Ulyana and - in my humble opinion - THE BIG BALLS that Elli showed to everyone that INDEED she has another guy , she invited him in her apartment , they fucked undercover … WHEN SHE COULD JUST DISAPPEAR for all the time Vencel was absent and have an empty apartment …ONLY A TENANT that belongs in the NEW RLC of the 2020s decade perhaps could do - AND SHE DID … She cheated her guy on cameras , end of story .. If this isn’t BIG for you that a tenant did , I don’t know what is … She’s THE FUTURE because NOBODY from the past RLC days would cheat LIVE ON CAMERAS their boyfriend .
  21. Honestly .. without watching please don’t format opinions for others what they should do or not , their decision especially the ones that pay and have an opinion of what they watch .
  22. At least we will find out what’s going to happen , we knew that he comes back , perhaps the theory that they went short holidays is true and Elli really cheated on him absolutely clear on cameras and that’s why she was hesitant all this time that the guy has been there .
  23. It’s already a good thing that whatever misunderstanding they had has disappeared since some months now and Babi gradually made her return first visiting her and many times the recent months even doing things on cameras ..
  24. Say whatever but Babi’s ass is ALWAYS a pleasure when we get to have it on cameras , the woman has one of the best that people who have appeared on cameras have ..
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