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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Or maybe all three together .. casting night for the girl perhaps 😉😉😋
  2. Only a simple comment .. WE make the vaccine to protect ourselves and the people we love having around … NOTHING MORE , NOTHING LESS .. Science gave us a weapon to fight , if people still believe that making war to an invisible enemy with bare hands rather than a weapon in our hands , there’s nothing more to tell and add ..
  3. A bit confused of where I should post the following but out of respect to one of the most wonderful guests we have ever seen , the beautiful Cleopatra , will make it here . So , I can only tell that the two brothers - Brutus / Bruno - are keeping the RLC top cams live feed positions since hours with their actions on camera and providing the content that many of the subscribers want to see , a combination of real life happenings , emotions , together with some fantastic sex performances ( Bruno especially , Brutus has always been “ accelerating “ 😂🤣 ) that can entertain the audience .. For whoever saw the latest sex interaction of Brutus / Cleopatra , the least would be to praise Cleopatra for a fantastic swallowing cleaning , licking each drop that she didn’t manage to get out of Brutus’s hand , fantastic 😈😈. Earlier Cleopatra was crying , they were both hugging , supporting and comforting one another , a really nice human reaction . It is insane that RLC has managed to depend its views on two brothers who appeared on screen almost a couple of years ago and with their stubbornness and whatever actions , they managed to be part directly and indirectly of the RLC world and with really great results , judging by the fact that Bruno became a permanent RLC employee .. who would have thought when he was first introduced to us .. And a personal pervert fantasy , the ultimate RLC incident would be that Bruno and Brutus fuck Lia and Mia at the same time , either at different rooms or for the top fantasy imagination , together on the same bed .. if you want to talk about all major sites paying an one time event subscription to watch , it would crash the servers like Zuckerberg’s group last night 😂🤣😂🤣 And , I would even buy an extended subscription of half a year being able to watch somehow , someway , Bruno showing and satisfying in the absolute pleasure way two women who I highly doubt if they ever witnessed sex pleasure in their lives , Kitty and Leora .. a session with him for both of them at any time would make them realize and understand what good sex means and not the one that they have been “ suffering “ for years .. but , end of pervert fantasies and back to real and true life happenings 😂🤣 , still , fantasies are for free … To be continued …
  4. I have seen a black guy visiting her some weeks ago .. her mother twice .. another man who slept next to her .. i have heard her talking to a bank employee in Spanish ( trying to hide giving personal data to her through the phone ) … we all know that she’s a very difficult person to trust but as soon as she feels comfortable , she is generous .. I would love to see more of her social circle in Barcelona , but who tells us that when she joined RLC , she was only “fresh “ arrived in Barcelona from Russia ( a year or a bit more , trying repeatedly to enter RLC to work ) and she hadn’t the time to establish a circle of friends like others ( part of her not so open character ) .. I totally agree and understand your comment about Paris , I lived permanently in Vienna , Austria for almost 18 months and I made some great friendships in a really short time and also met uncountable people .. but my character is very social and I love to interact with people , going out in cafes , bars , clubs , arranging home evenings or weekends like the ones that Gina has ( friends then that could bring their friends that I don’t know and so on ) .. it is a matter of what you want to do in life and how social you are .. we had at times tenants that have been like this but unfortunately , the more people and guests they were inviting , the more the bad comments they would gather ( whores , sluts , drug dealers , boy toys , losers and the list is endless ) from members of this site here , jealous people or miserable ones who couldn’t accept the fact there are people who can be with the women that they want to have but they could never get a chance , the majority of them has been affected , but .. women like Gina and Masha for example at the current RLC roster have decided either to close their eyes and ears and not care of what’s written here or simply manage to ignore everything negative because they are too confident and dynamic persons that don’t her affected of bullshit comments here.. and thanks to them we have seen the parade of guests the last year by Gina and of course the endless guests in Masha’s place .. but at the end , with the exception of few guests , I hardly ever have read any praise for any of the people that don’t hesitate to appear on cameras .. it is like that their lives are ours and we should decide who they should have as friends , who they should invite home again and not kick them out instantly and so on , who they should fuck and when , in which room , with condom on not , with lights or NV since they “‘have the obligation “ to perform at the right camera angle , etc etc etc .. Radislava reads this forum as part of her daily routine “ to do list “ and although she has improved of not being affected of the negative comments here and don’t get overexcited with the positive ones , she still has trusting issues obviously as a person in order to see her more socializing with people outside of RLC . I would not be surprised at all if in the future she gets an apartment for herself , like Gina .
  5. You will be informed by my sources if anything has happened … 😏🥳😂🤣
  6. And again .. Leora is using the guy to achieve personal things and some life things concerning her stay in Prague ( maybe long time permanent resident there or born there ) ? Can it be that ? Or she thinks she’s using him but he is the one using her ? He fucks her by sending her only a message even meeting in the middle of the night , he will send the right words to make her isolate in the bathroom so as not to show us her private talks to us ( only to come after a “ talk with him in the bedroom and phone big love Paul ) , he will make hr easily angry if , in my opinion , doesn’t follow her rules and way of things she wants that they are , only to be in the easy position with some back and forth messages to bring back the smile before she eventually falls asleep early morning hours 😁 .. Of course , it can be all a big big big preparation game by her , kind of the famous “ I will soon tell my ex that we are a couple “ , only that they both stay together with this excuse so as to satisfy their sexual hunger and lust .. ahh , almost forgot , at the end of the day , Leora will end up home , no matter whatever mood and will masturbate with “ mr.pink “ , “ mr.black “ “ mr.rainbow “ … so as she can get the satisfaction needed by the comments made from obsessed people to her that she’s “‘the one and only and eternal Queen of RLC “ .. ok ✅
  7. So .. she can’t live without this guy in her life , but it is always Paul that she needs to phone 😂🤣🤣🤣 Total playing with her “ big love Paul “ , totally disrespectful then .. or of course , totally playing with this guy too 😂😂😂🤣And of course , playing the “ cat and mouse “ games with all of her “ loyal subjects “ , the now famous “ peasants “ 😂🤣😂🤣 And this woman is considered to be “ Santa / lovely Leora “ 😂🤣😂🤣 Maybe I can understand a bit the insecurity and fear that jimbo often has referred here about no visitors .. all this “bitchy” behavior perhaps would create irreversible results , which might lead to non pleasant things on screen .. but wait , Karma is a bitch .. whatever you give in life , you will get it eventually , either sooner or later .. Poor “ big love Paul “ that his ex is playing with whatever feelings these two people have for one another ..
  8. When i say instructions , let’s say more specific “ employee’s demand “ … RLC demanded / requested from Gina / Bruno to cover the empty B4 beds .. it is like the move of Radislava to the villa , the move from Amira and the villa in B2 last year .. We should never forget that these people have “ bosses “ , “ supervisors “ , even if there are things that they don’t like , at the end there’s someone who pays them and if they don’t like , they can always quit .. of course , this raises many questions of how “ truely “ and “ really “ the tenants are to do as they wish .. I still believe that the couples concept like in Prague for example ( Linda / Tibor - Kitty / Smith - Mirukawa / Dantez ) they have complete freedom of their actions ( also Martina / Alberto ) in comparison to more controlled COV / GOV projects , but in case of any request from the bosses , they should also “ obey “ .. anyway , I find it pretty exciting that Gina / Bruno are back , on the contrary of many here who don’t agree … For me , this place should be a nearly everyday different excitement atmosphere , good vibes , happiness , smiles .. the use of the pool , the gym , the garden , it should be all about invitations to friends , funny event nights playing cards , adult games , alcohol flow , flirting , sex .. it should be a continuous ( ok let’s say 60-70% of week days ) happenings week and not this miserable approach of “ do nothing “ like we see at Leora’s place for example .. come on , it is a villa , free rent and facilities .. my goodness ..
  9. She needs to visit the country first and take a look of the place here … she will simply love it , then Barcelona is 2 hours 45 minutes away , we could possibly “ persuade “ Martina to visit here and we become the “ off camera Michaels “ , then we could share more with the rest CC members here 😁😁😆
  10. I am multitasking .. there’s always time to achieve all ..
  11. I rather give the emojis on the posts than what everyone one else does with the reaction emojis on posts 😆 As you know , i never give any emoji to any post 😏
  12. If you have noticed , since the incident on New Year’s Day and Daniel having sex with Holly , we haven’t seen anything really extreme in terms of being able to say that there was drug use or anything similar .. maybe some joints every now and then but in the next 4-5 years this will be allowed worldwide like it is happening in Holland , so , let’s wait and see how it is going to be .. a major party is missing from the villa , a party where the rooms will be with guys flirting the girls , new “ Gingers “ giving blowjobs to future BFs of current now Gina and Bruno couple 😂🤣😂 It is the villa , bring back Tesla and Elian to give the rhythm and the tone to it 😂😂🤓🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩
  13. In my humble opinion , this move from Gina and Bruno in the villa it is an internal move and instructions from RLC .. N&B are missing , it will be now the twins for some period , I think RLC didn’t want to have empty beds in the villa and send the info to Gina to save the apartment as she did while she was also there or whenever she appears ( although Karol has been nice so far , and even Radislava - sorry Moos on a different opinion on that 😬🙄 - watching her gradually and slow adaptation in her new environment that I start believing she likes it more and more ) . With B5 ( especially Timur and Tereza ) having the villa as a complete “ forbidden to visit territory “ , the same going for the B2 girls and the B1 girls who just joined , it is a rather easy move and totally explainable .. Bruno is back to the “ place that his legend started being creating “ , Gina at a place that she really loves to be ( although her own place she enjoys it a lot ) , I would like to see some drama to be honest but …. It will all take a formation and be explained when Masha soon visits Barcelona ( again 😉😉😉😋😋😏😏🤩🥳 )
  14. Karol flirts Bogdan ??? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Is this a joke that comes from the last celebrating episode of “ Friends “ ??? Please tell your source to wear glasses when he watches , he gives you the wrong info and instead of being him the ridiculous one , you take all the blame ..
  15. That’s why it is nice that we have Gina and Radislava that they are currently living in Barcelona .. we have already seen a great change with Gina getting her own place , it took though many years till she reaches this point .. we might get the same with Radislava .. this is the only model that works great , you can see also in Rome and with Masha’s apartment , the locals are always the ones that can revive in a way the good old RLC , with the real friends they have at their residing cities , the new people that they meet and won’t disappear as long as they abandon RLC ( which is what usually happens with the GOV in Barcelona ) .. let’s see how this new B1 idea will work out .
  16. I am just 26 days before finishing work and season here and it has been a tired and demanding one with all limitations with traveling , especially with the British people and sometimes short texts and posts are made 😂🤣 I will try and “ behave “ in the winter also and not post so long comments 🥶😬🙄😐😑 🙃🙃🙃😛😜🤪
  17. It’s funny that we are still talking about this subject and analyzing till the very last detail each and every phonecall she makes and to who .. I have said in the past , I don’t really know and understand what this serves .. if she phones Paul 5-6 times per day for repeated things , this is already annoyed and it can be the best talk and sharing only once per day with whoever friend she has in Prague . My point is that it is her absolute right to phone and speak even 24 hours per day if she wants but … the more she communicates , the more this shows her loneliness , isolation and feeling scared alone .. scared because she has no one to trust like she trusts her ex boyfriend in Russia .. at the end , the sleep , wake up , outside of apartment , return , masturbate , repeat , i wonder for how long it will keep the interest … there are signs of tired subscribers while there’s direct competition as the viewership is shared and spread .. but she prefers to check before and play alone lately .. let’s see .
  18. Cleo is clearly learning about her popularity , more and more appearances , a recent also “ cameo “ in the villa , definitely deserved , with whatever she has shown and not being camera shy , she is one of the best guests we ever had .
  19. Had she a different and more “previous joining “ attitude when she was the talk of the forum numerous times , she would for sure enjoyed ( and many times not ) many more chats about her ( and Smith ) here … the way I see it ( it’s good that you prove lots of us here wrong ) is that Kitty ( and Smith ) remains in this apartment so she can balance easier the financial expenses . Paying rent and monthly standard accounts that RLC provides it for sure help her to have income from her outside job , duties and activities .. But I don’t believe that anyone here believes that the often and famous arguments between them , is far beyond over ( which obviously I hope I am completely wrong ) .
  20. 4+ days without B&N , a bit of more spontaneous actions back in the villa , especially from Radi .. But also Karol who loves to walk nude at times … Another “ remarkable notice “ by RLC of no in info about the absence of Bogdan and Nelly .. I hope they have already been searching for their new accommodation in Barcelona and that’s why their absence all these days ..
  21. She will do on the kitchen table , at the balcony , no boundaries and everywhere 😋😋
  22. It is always this very apartment that everyone will tune in immediately to check who the guest(s) is / are , how they look , what they did and when , how it appeared and so on .. of course , if it fails the personal standards , everyone is a loser and they can’t do anything .. if they are great , then Masha or whoever are bitches and so on .. if it is just a social friendly gathering , it is a boring apartment 😂🤣😂 If at any other apartment it was happening at times the 20-30% of the people who appear , the events and the completely unexpected visitors and incidents , we would talk for the best site to sit back , enjoy and watch … but …. It is Masha’s mistake that RLC is boring 😂😂😂🤣😂
  23. As said in the past and noticed quite early , there isn’t a better cock rider better than Tereza across all of the RLC apartments .Her body physique also makes it fantastic enjoyable to watch 😇
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