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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Guy is either without sex for a long time or he has not a “ built “ foreplay pace .. he isn’t helping himself as well ..
  2. Συμφωνώ .. εγώ έχω πει πως δεν υπήρχε περίπτωση να νιώθω άνετα και ήρεμα .. νορμάλ είναι οι αντιδράσεις τους πιστεύω .
  3. Hmm .. another “problematic “ guy .. i think the cameras aren’t working well for the visitors ..
  4. She does her mistakes , like everyone of us .. but only by mistakes anyone learns ☺️ … but , in comparison to many others , she NEVER hides anything and she shows all ..
  5. Good points and observations , haven’t gone into this level of thinking too much to be honest of what might happens .. the thing is that the endless teasing will ultimately become a rage of comments and posts , exactly like it was with Irma , exactly like it was with Ginger that she would masturbate 4-5 times per day , even more .. the viewers need to watch day by day even 0,1% more , it is the only way that the interest isn’t gone .. it is for sure a new thing we see during this stay from the twins , but if they both keep on like this ,expect a “ dead “ posting forum when it becomes repeated .. like in all apartments ..
  6. To be honest , she goes out almost everyday and she vanishes for hours .. but the general idea and explanation is that she goes to her female friends or salon job or anything like this .. my question is how we know all these info when Leora shares to no one the info ( of course it can be the talks to Paul while phoning ) , how can we know that she’s telling him the truth and not what she wants the audience to know and what she wants him to know since she’s cheating on him ? Don’t you think that it is strange that there’s absolutely no info since Malia left that she and her male friend might have not even seen one another when , at least when Malia was present , we were learning such things ? Plus , do you think it is so difficult for her to lie what she’s doing to everyone in Prague for her living and job for more than two years now ? It is funny for me that Leora is presented here like the “ Angel “ and “ Saint “ girl , when a ) she has been clearly cheating ( sex or not , I don’t think it is an issue ) , b) she has been lying to anyone she knows in Prague about her job or at least not revealing anything ( at least that’s the speculation results since we see no one all this time in the apartment ) , c) she was heard repeatedly on cameras wanting to kick Malia’s ass ( her “ best “ friend ) away from the apartment somewhen around end of summer and oh , what a coincidence , it happened as per her phonecall earlier on spring .. As I have repeatedly said , in order to understand a major manipulator and audience captivator , you need to think out of the box and the common sense .. it is like you are watching a show by an illusionist that all tricks have an explanation but to you they are presented as he / she being a magician … 😆😆 Edit ; to catch all the “ defending “ comments that maybe appear , I want to say that I have no issue of what she does or what she says and with who and whatever .. Leora is one of the million of people who act like this , we just have the privilege to observe and watch her and know about her since there are cameras installed in comparison to the rest million of people that we simply have no knowledge and they might do even worse ( or better 😁 ) .. you and the majority who know my style of posts and comments , know exactly what bothers me specifically in this apartment 😡
  7. I don’t think Gina needs any boost for viewership , alongside Martina and Masha’s apartment ( Leora is off competition ) , they are the most watchable apartments .. and Gina’s is , alongside Masha’s , the most social ones .. I just see a normal friendly visit and i can’t see why we need all the time searching for “ a reason “ … the costume thing might have an explanation if any of the Russian translators interferes and says what’s behind it , but , since it was a comment of this “ style “ , what about then that RLC is thinking to have Gina and Bruno becoming the next Nelly and Bogdan ?? 😁🙂🙃🤓😏
  8. Gina and Bruno and Alberto and Bogdan are also MIA today .. tomorrow , according to posts , Martina begins her school times .. can it be that it is anyway related ? And if she’s with Nelly , that’s fine , why not ? Friends / colleagues should be meeting only in front of cameras ?
  9. I think that there are high chances that sooner or later this session could be uploaded ..😉
  10. Pff .. kissing and touching the one and simply ( cuddling ?)!the other under the sheet , I think that there are so much more also that we can’t and for sure don’t know
  11. Watching a woman pleasuring herself without any toy help , that’s great stuff for old school guys 😆
  12. FINALLY ..an old school woman appears .. a great , pure and natural finger clitoris traditional masturbation by Karol .. no sound or image distractions , just a sensual game with eyes closed and giving pleasure to herself , I don’t care if it was a show or camera views and whatever , I personally got the feeling that it was a natural woman’s reaction moment made for her and we have just been lucky having the cameras and watch her .. FINALLY , a normal thing happening on cameras 👏👏☺️😊😇
  13. Borders are open in Europe since long time .. she’s Russian , even if she has quarantine problems , that wouldn’t be a problem and she could make even 2 weeks holidays and simply RLC state that “ Leora is on holidays to her BF Paul “ .. my point is that many things simply don’t make sense ..
  14. All these things she decided to leave behind and keep doing so .. i wonder why she doesn’t take a week holidays and visit Russia ..
  15. Didn’t see it , thought it could be a male voice , thanks on clarifying 😇
  16. Maybe the “ blowjob incident “ guy 😉
  17. An endless teasing , at least talks in English so a bit of understanding and of course “controlled “ conversations on camera .. it seems that we are experiencing as viewers “ the revenge and RLC control of the veterans “ who decide when , where , what and with who .. BUT .. it simply doesn’t work according to the subscriptions statistics and the twins , Lola , Anna , Mila , Nelly , Bogdan ( and having affected the newcomers like Nana ) are simply offering a complete “ zero “ ( 0 ) of anything that can possibly happen on cameras and most probably happens outside .. It is up to Radislava , Gina , Martina , Masha and Leora to keep an “ adult site interest “ …
  18. When you don’t have a satisfied love life ( does she have at all ? ) , this is what it is going always to be .. endless masturbations , exactly as when she was in Russia with Paul , a complete unsatisfied sexual life and the masturbations were always the alternative to keep herself pleased .. the difference is that while in Russia , she knew exactly things about her life , her partner , still of course , “ stuck “ in the cameras world in a conservative and with lots of traditions country .. the move in Prague opened her mind , the western way of life , the freedom , the possibility being in one of the most beautiful European capitals , alongside Budapest and Prague , the capitals of erotical life .. still , all this new lifestyle , she has chosen not to share it with her fans and generally the RLC subscribers , her loneliness is remarkable but kudos to her and endless 👏👏 because she is succeeding what matters the most .. that is to keep apartment viewership and attention whenever she is there and she does it easily simply because she knows how to control the audience like no one else can .. as long as this happens , all criticism , opinions and whatever , she will be able to absorb and continue the same .. but as slipper says , for how long more since she’s alone in this apartment ??
  19. As long as elsewhere they are hiding under the covers or they are living a simple normal life ( except Masha who is also in the same condition like Leora and offers a variety ) , I can’t see why she won’t be getting the views always .. it is just that in all of the apartments , they are trying to have an as much as normal life ( of course shows and teases and so on but as I said not at prime time obsessed ) , then people will tune in and watch .. Leora will always be the cleverest of them all ( couldn’t be any different after 8 years of having the cameras as her best friends - giving her money , fans and so on 😆 )
  20. To make one last comment concerning Paul , it is beyond funny for me to consider Paul someone more than a friend , except if the majority believes that a guy that visited for a 10 days - two weeks time ( can’t remember ) and will visit again for a short time ( making it then let’s say one month in total of visiting in 2 years time - if he visits in the winter that I highly doubt , he can always visit anytime nowadays according to the flights from Russia in Prague daily ) can be considered that he is a boyfriend and that Leora has been “ virgin “ and without sex all this time , a woman of 31 years old , single and with a roommate living for 1,5 years and sleeping outside of her apartment dozens of times , well , if Paul wants to be with such a woman and if Leora has no guilts of her Czech’s life behavior , then for sure these two deserve one another 😁😆
  21. As Chris said , when you learn her well , you can always escape her master manipulation tactics of deceiving .. people watch her and believe what they see , think out of the box and not driven by the dick’s appetite and maybe can understand whatever is happening better ..
  22. I don’t say she has two … we can say that either Paul is out of the picture as a boyfriend and just a friend or the other guy is also just a friend .. the point is that it looks to me kind of strange knowing so many personal things about her when there’s no one that she shares this info ( i don’t believe when she speaks to people on the phone that she reveals things about her personal love life , we can’t also see or know to who she messages , except of course she has a ( some ) forum member (s ) that she shares her personal stories concerning things she does outside the apartment which would come as a total controversy of being a woman that her wish is to hide completely her private life )
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