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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. A pure and out of obligation moment, I don’t even think she enjoyed it .. but fans need to remain happy and tuned 😁
  2. On a personal note , I consider Mila’s ass the best currently at RLC 😁😋😋😋😈
  3. And let’s hope that this will manage to bring good feelings to both of them since they both seemed to have a really disappointing period .
  4. A Babi / Piper / Masha reunion with Italian pizzas and Prosecco , smiles and great talks , that would be fantastic to watch 😇
  5. I hope Mila and Radislava’s fans with their posts and comments will manage to save Radislava and her possible thoughts of quitting RLC ,as it has been mentioned by several members the last days. I think this freshly made and on going friendship can really benefit the presence of both girls with RLC, let’s be honest , Radislava is the only one that has remained that I believe subscribers would invest - apart from their money obviously - some of their daily time to sit back and watch RLC . Mila might also improve as it seems that she has already changed a lot of her mood spending time with her . Unfortunately ( fortunately for them both of course ) , both Lola and Anna keep on with their own personal agenda in Barcelona , while the consequences back in the villa of this luxury but now empty place start becoming more obvious day by day as Nana seems to have quit anything regarding any socializing both inside and outside and sharing it with the viewers , Nelly and Bogdan continue to fill the beds as there are no alternatives and the mood in B4 is simply disappointing 😔 The hopes ( at least the early ones as were expressed ) that after Vivian’s departure and the closing of B1 and the move of Radislava in B4 would eventually bring a step closer and begin a friendship inside B4 for two lonely girls like Nana and Radi seem to collapse as Nana hasn’t looked at all interested in interacting with Radislava and the opposite of course , to be fair. Still Radislava has Mila for the time being and Nana ? Well , she has her TV and in my humble opinion , she’s counting the days till she’s back at home . A complete disappointing period for RLC with 10 apartments and 25 tenants ..
  6. I think this must be one of the nicest and sincere real life moments we have ever witness , having both Gina’s and Lia’s/Mia’s mother in the same place , a normal fun and smiley chat , only Kitty and Smith have surprised us I believe by presenting member of their families on cameras .. very nice moment and well done for the ladies who simply behave the most sincere way ossicle we could imagine 😇🤗🤗👏👏👏
  7. There’s a new sheriff in town … ehh , pardon me , B4 😉😉😉😉😆😆
  8. Perhaps she’s taking photos with her mobile to send to Martina 😂🤣
  9. Do you think that the way she has chosen to live her life isn’t making her having the difficulties and struggles and whatever ups and downs she faces outside her apartment that clearly affect her behavior inside the apartment at times ? She does exactly what she wants to do but everything comes with a price and wait for the moody behaviors to increase since now there will be no one to absorb any kind of happy/sad/disappointing / enjoying moments with a talk , this was Malia’s role both in and out of the apartment . I prefer to be on top and have a relaxing and enjoyable life , without stress and worries , without hiding or not knowing what to say to people that I know almost two years around me and keeping my personal life in privacy in two diverted ways … a private life concerning her outside activities that it is shared with everyone she deals outside this apartment and a private life between her and the viewers that , as it seems , all the people outside of this apartment seem to ignore . And the examples in life are thousands when you try to do so .. it isn’t a coincidence that a great person in the past said one of the most recognized quotes in history .. “ You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time … but you can not fool all of the people all of the time “ . I honestly and from my heart hope that Leora has all things sort out and she does as you say , always and exactly what she wants to do . We , here as viewers , are watching and all or let’s say the majority of the chats and posts here are based ( even the speculations ) on what Leora is allowing us to see and know .
  10. Well , at least a prediction that proved right 😂🤣 ( even though it wasn’t so difficult 😆😆 ) that is seeing Radislava taking advantage of all the facilities that the villa provides , sunbathing on the grass then , excellent , and also , growing even more her friendship with Mila by sharing talks , a positive and to the right direction development in my opinion ☺️😇
  11. Masha’s place was , is and will always be the most interesting apartment and you will never get bored of repeated chats , theories and so on .. 90% of Masha’s life happens on camera , she shares happiness , sadness , tears , laughs with all of us for almost 6 years now ( October 2015 if I am correct ) … she’s the definition of the logo of RLC “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ and whoever doesn’t see this , it is either delusional or has personal complex with her . Of course people can’t like her , but at least , she has always been RESPECTING from the 1st cent till the last $/€ anyone who pays watching someone on live cameras . Mistakes ? Pff , she has made a lot but to all of us , it is a blessing that even her mistakes she has allowed us to be part of her world , enjoy with her , worry with her , question her , characterize her , being fair or not to her . If anyone can recall any other tenant being like her , then , I rest my case . It isn’t a coincidence that the one that rises to this level slowly is Gina , that we all know the good friendship that seems to connect these two and recently Martina who has gained this by letting herself introduced in the Russian apartments project . For any Leoras,Nellys,Kittys and whoever , these are indeed “‘peasants “ for Masha and she can have them for breakfast before enjoying always for herself an “ Imperial dinner “ 😂🤣
  12. Well , maybe in the end he is the one taking advantage of her … who is telling us that this guy hasn’t got other women and he fucks around , Leora is one of them and they meet just whenever Leora wants but he gets his reward and he just keeps on contacting her at times so as to arrange always for the next time ( in between with nice words , arguments , ups and downs ) , who can say that he isn’t in charge and Leora has fallen in the trap and he is just manhandling her by letting her believe that it is all as she think it is ?
  13. The answer has two possibilities ; 1) she doesn't want to feel lonely concerning having man’s company ( with whatever this comes , sex , flirting , relaxing somewhere else except the female friends places ) and her not bringing the guy inside the house so she doesn’t lose the “ Saint Leora “ image that she would , if she was cheating Paul on camera , the comments that will follow that she left Russia only to soon find another guy and so on . 2) it is her two way men game she plays as we have said again , if the thing with Paul can’t continue , she will have him , if this with him can’t be , she will always have Paul . A general conclusion is that , in my humble opinion and the way that posts keep on coming the last days here , people are getting tired ( even if it is still pleasant when it happens ) with seeing her masturbate , the masturbation sessions has always been a success because , a ) back in Russia , she would also fuck with Paul so there was variety and not only masturbations and b ) till recently she had Malia and whatever kind of shows / games / real life things have been happening so there was variety and not only masturbations . For how long this will be before the audience would wish to see something else ? She has done it all , there’s nothing - at least - more extreme to show . Jimbo said that she’s taking a gamble with this approach , let’s see , but you can also see the reduce of admiration of posts and comments when she offers the adult entertainment .
  14. Said the man who doesn’t give a fuck about RLC and wants to see it sinking like the titanic and worse but somehow , someway , knows so many more details and incidents ( even detailed posts at respective threads ) than the biggest hardcore RLC fan .. go figure out …
  15. @Slipper Guyquad; my sincere condolences and sorry for your loss and may her soul Rest In Peace .
  16. There are the women who masturbate every now and then to pleasure themselves , relax , enjoy and for sure they don’t miss sex so as to cover this lack of pleasure , Martina masturbated for her own pleasure , as a woman , then fir the viewers , spontaneously and not programmed searching for clicks ( that she doesn’t need ) .. Leora is indeed a master but she does it most of the times for the money snd to keep the audience occupied to watch her apartment because except of this ( masturbation ) , she offers completely nothing else to the subscribers . No personal life , no incidents , a big zero concerning the way she lives and what she does except masturbating at certain times to keep a necessity for her vanity popularity . Have a look for some days of what Martina offers to the viewers , no private talks to avoid misunderstandings , she shares completely everything with her loyal fans and the most important ? She A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y respects the RLC idea and project and inevitably each and every one of us , the paying customers . A current sex session with her BF for example amongst so many things and without hiding , well , I am sorry , but Leora is far ( at this moment of her life and facing us , the viewers ) of doing so . Masturbation for her own pleasure then for Martina and a really ( I admit for sure ) most of the times just for the popularity and money earning , only bating and go out of the apartment for privacy, sleep and repeat 😊🙃🙃
  17. How can you know when you are all the time posting in the other thread that another tenant threats with her popularity and her actions this one here ?
  18. A prime time masturbation , compensation for the lost days and the necessary bonus . There are the nice and out of nowhere bates and the ones like this one which are pure click-bates which will easily be watched and observed when there’s nothing else happening . Still , we need to admit that she continues pleasuring the viewers in comparison to others that don’t even think about it and for this we need to appreciate 😇
  19. I don’t translate but I know quite some French and i understand the most of the posts meanings .. I honestly don’t understand why this hate 😔 for another tenant that if anything , she has never provoked or act in any way bad for anyone or has deceived viewers or whatever can be said so as to have a bad opinion . Totally unfair and not nice
  20. Even Leora would have asked you politely to stop insulting a colleague of hers , the beautiful and astonishing Radislava . I don’t even think that she actually would have enjoyed this meaningless comparison .
  21. Here is something .. for reasons I have explained just some days after Radislava joined RLC , i consider myself a simple fan of hers and not a hardcore / extreme fan . But , comparing the girls we have watched the last year or so , i consider her an “‘aristocrat “‘ thinking about the others . Her wardrobe , her style , her decoration thoughts , her way of having this lifestyle , I find it a true and absolute personal way of having her life happening . A selfish thought I admit , but for sure a woman with class and pure femininity and endless sexuality .
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