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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. At least a new visitor and new face to watch 😉 at the end , we need to think always of Olya 😁😋😋
  2. And maybe a couple more cameras in the LR and the master bedroom 😉
  3. Money is always the “ x-factor “ for such decisions 😁😆🥳
  4. Good points as always , I watch RLC since 2016 and a blonde Leora for me has been seen only in videos . For all the rest , we agree to disagree ☺️ even though the points you make have the most reasonable explanation . But for every Leora , there’s Masha , there are the girls in Barcelona and so on . Anyway , it is fine , after all , we have the choice to be pleased the way we wish , but we also have the choice to complain ( as I mostly do for this particular subject 😁 )
  5. They are “ protecting “ their privacy when out of the apartment 😏
  6. Nana unaware I guess that she has the best ( recently joined ) roomate to enjoy common sessions of her current fitness room activity 😁😆
  7. I don’t think he said anything wrong regarding a fantasize that he has or mostly , something that Anna hasn’t been willing to do as a woman 😇 I don’t see how the “ sick man “ characterization is made by you 🤨
  8. Yes , I forgot to mention also about “ Radislava’s apartment “ , on the other hand , they obviously can’t say “ B1 “ 😆 or in any case prolonged it somehow . As I have said , Radislava being a permanent Barcelona resident , she might be under the same contract that most probably Masha and Leora have , that is indefinite time frame . We will see☺️
  9. We have officially entered the era of “ -1 Barcelona apartment “ according to official info of the site and as moos54 posted in the respective thread . It took B4 a month or so to be renovated last year but in the past 1 year for B1 to be renovated again if I am correct. For whatever matters , cut cost is in full effect , -1 apartment , less employees to pay 😁
  10. elle est venue à l'appartement vers 02h20 si je me souviens bien, elle a fait quelque chose à boire et elle s'est assise sur le canapé, le langage corporel indiquant qu'elle était en colère et frustrée et nerveuse (c'est tout à fait mon avis mais c'est ainsi que je traduis ses mouvements ), elle a continué avec le film ou la série télévisée qu'elle a regardé récemment, elle a utilisé son téléphone avant de passer un coup de téléphone (je crois à Paul) puis elle a de nouveau utilisé son téléphone après avoir raccroché avant d'aller aux toilettes pour certains (assez ) minutes). Je ne me souviens pas quand elle est de retour à des moments tels qu'elle va généralement dans sa chambre ou sa douche avant de s'allonger et de dormir ou de jouer avec son téléphone ou de taquiner un peu les téléspectateurs. Je peux me tromper mais c'est , je le répète encore , comment son langage corporel montrait une frustration totale
  11. Good morning and just a quick comment that I also said that we “ disagree for the security reasons explanation “ but for sure it isn’t the only reason that she keeps her life private and this is what in my opinion goes in stark contrast of what the site advocates , “ the private life of other people “ and not “ the best amateur masturbates on camera “ 😂🤣 I totally get the rest of the explanations but please allow me to not comply with them , as Dennis and Malia appeared on cameras , using also as a big example whatever happens in ALL of the rest of the apartments , i just think that Leora hasn’t even tried to communicate this to whoever she has met in Prague or the Czech Republic in general , which of course it is absolutely her right doing so . But if we go to the reason that she doesn’t want to reveal how she deals and what the cameras are used and for which purpose in the apartment , then , we go to the thought that she feels “guilty “ of what she does or “ shy “ or any similar excuses . In any case , it is what it is , the last sentence I totally agree , about a gamble that she’s taking and it currently works as it seems ( although and if we believe the site statistics, as the site has lost many of the viewers of the past , I guess she has lost many as well , taking into consideration that she has been the “ flagship “ of this site ) .
  12. Well , the neverending drama seems to continue 😂🤣😂🤣 Perhaps Kitty and Smith living in the same city has provided with bad influence to this ongoing story .. ahh , but I forgot 😱 it is again this guy’s fault 😄😄😆
  13. And the surprise ? On the couch , with panties , t-shirt and not half naked or teasing 😁 Things might have happened and of course , I presume , a phonecall to “big love Paul “at 03:39 local time / 07:39 Russian time for the frustration to calm down and relax ( in my county is called “ using someone “ 😂🤣😂 )
  14. Women are different than men after their 50s , we men can always be charming and attractive 😉 anyway , it is fine , not of any significant importance to continue with this subject , there are better/ nicer things to talk about 😁
  15. By the way , Radislava has been very generous the whole evening for someone to keep being tuned in her room😉
  16. Body language of anger and frustration , perhaps disappointment 🧐🧐🤔🤔 That’s what I believe but I can definitely be wrong upon the unexpected arrival at around 02:15 and directly to watch TV 🙄
  17. She’s almost 60 years old , what should we expect ? I liked that she has no issues , this is the idea , that people behave as normal as possible . She’s visiting her daughter , she took off her clothes , quick shower , what should she do ? Wear a bikini like elsewhere ? I don’t know what should we expect from older people that are parents , shouldn’t be allowed to visit and behave as in real life ? You could just not watch 😁
  18. Thank you @rado07 fir excellent information as always ☺️😇
  19. She isn’t shy , that’s great . No problems with her body , I always like these people 😇
  20. We disagree . It is too late here ( 02:46 ) to share the thoughts why . Maybe during Mittwoch
  21. The last I remember , she was on online courses to learn Czech , Paul was attending as well . In any case , learning the language if anyone plans to stay for a long time , it is the first thing to do while abroad , I can only congratulate her for that and that she made it a top priority currently , it means that her staying there is not only just words for the audience but it is part of her longer term plans . And with that being said , it shows that the Russian life is once and for all abandoned and the near future to be years seem to be all planned in Europe .
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