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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I have been saying my opinion for this apartment the last year again and again and what I personally would like to watch .. I have said the way I feel when I see the bates of Leora and Malia .. I don’t have a different opinion than yours concerning this and what we are watching.. in what we differ I think is that I find it more “ realistic “ and “ fit “ of both girls characters and personalities what they do solo than the mutual stuff .. sorry to say , when they do things together , it is an insult of my common sense and life happenings . That’s just my opinion and I publicly share it as I totally respect whoever likes to watch the mutual things and i definitely encourage doing since you are fascinated by it but i can’t also not express my thoughts on it 😇
  2. Not you ☺️ He knows who he is 😇 .. that’s why the post addressing to your comment so as to confirm it with another member who watched the incident ☺️
  3. JennifeMom liked it also .. I guess a successful characterization then 😂🤣 .. many people pointed and saw in the beginning that it was Elian who was the master of intrigue and happenings than Tesla ..she was absolutely fantastic ( just her Covid reactions when she contradicted it and thoughts at the end wasn’t the best ones but well … ) .. Elian has been another big blow this summer for RLC and her departure .. it would have been simply amazing villa times , imagine more of Nana development ( although of course we don’t know if she could enter like now she’s doing with Tesla their “ alliance “ )
  4. Nelly is for sure in the HOF .. but let me repeat you my moral problem ( it is personal 😁 ) .. Nelly has a husband and a shared life in many aspects , Bruno is the current BF of Gina , a passenger let’s say .. how can I put both of them on the same “ truck “ when they share nothing of “ connection moral issues “ like B&N in comparison to G&B? I don’t know if you get my point , but that’s what annoys me the most , especially knowing that Bogdan has been in the past( not knowing if he is still ) against N&M relationship and also knowing that the way Bruno is , Gina is completely aware … last but not least , Bogdan has showed that he respects the needs and requests of Nelly almost anytime , can we say this for her ?
  5. Two women saved from committing suicide after endless greek bla bla , 21 years in a job that I have been interacting with more than 1,500-2,000 colleagues of more than 10 different countries , therefore , culture and traditions differences , way of thinking , financial status , family issues and so on .. If I manage to talk a lot here by writing , imagine how I interact when in real life company and face to face 😂🤣😂🤣.. Too social and very experienced to judge people and characters , still , no one is always right and I might be completely wrong for Bogdan but then I would take this as “ the exception of the rule “ of my character / personalities analysis of people 😂🤣😝
  6. Nana getting more adapted and easier with the on cameras shows 😉😉 Tesla is a master professor , hope soon the benefits of that as one of the most amazing transformations of “ shy Nana “ to “ light Elian version “ 😉
  7. Babi ? Tanya ? Piper & Taylor ? The hairdresser ? The cleaning lady ? The Russian milf that she’s doing some face beauty things occasionally ? Dina who currently resides in Prague ? endless …
  8. She’s in my country , sea , sun sex , the 3 “ s “ of defining tourism and I think she takes full advantage of it at the moment 😂🤣😋😋
  9. She is confused this year , she’s like trying have things work in her mind the way she wishes .. already the 3rd holidays this year and we are still in august .. Trying to balance personal life on cameras with on going business outside of cameras world ( music album , modeling photo shoots ) .. also , and the most important in my opinion , trying to fight her loneliness she feels at times .. long times by herself that she feels to enjoy and liking it to periods of visitors /guests and parties breaking the monotony of her being alone .. as I have said uncountable times , the proof is simply happening in front of our screens… Masha has turned 30 6-7 months ago , the life questions have started dominating meow and more her mind .. when will she be a mama ? What will she do with her professional future ? RLC or not ? How much more of this financially beneficial life but privacy exposure that doesn’t allow her to accomplish other things that she might want to achieve perhaps ? Always happy to watch her and always my favorite but also as said many times , you need to know when the time to retire has come .. and doing it this while still on top , despite being difficult , it is most of the times the right choice .. Now I don’t say that there are indications or thoughts in her mind that suggest anything that i mention as obviously I am not Masha 😂🤣 but it is more than logical and reasonable that it is as I am trying to say 😇
  10. Wait for his interview 😉 I stop with football mentioning because StnCld monitors OT posts like this 😁😆 and he doesn’t like it 🙃
  11. 6 years and counting .. if he is like this , my judgement on people and characters will have suffered a very big blow 😂🤣
  12. One life event doesn’t define your character and personality .. have you being drunk once or taken grass to smoke ? Does this make you alcohol/drugs junkie ? Having betrayed a relationship or cheated a woman , does this make you an asshole or a bad person in general ?
  13. Then he has managed perfectly to be able and transform each and every time that he is on and off cameras .. he should go for acting being able to adjust so easily 😇
  14. There’s a respected forum member who has a screenshot of what you mention ( Leora checking the thumbs and the popularity at that certain moment ) when the male friend was visiting some weeks ago and I was privileged to see it , which in a way confirms what the majority here knows I believe .. it was strange though that a camera position master like her made such an amateur mistake ( except if it was on purpose ) , the screenshot and “ mistake “ was captured from camera 3 in the LR .
  15. Now , that’s some good points .. I will add just have apartments with locals so we see interactions with their friends and not bringing couples living as sex machines and isolated in Barcelona ( current B5 couples ) .. Gina and Bruno is a great example of how apartments should be like Carla and Yanai before or Luna and Zac.. this we want more and then RLC can be hugely benefited by bringing shades of the “ real life “ happenings when they had the Russian apartments .. and how much better can be with the Mediterranean aura than the cold Russian way of living …
  16. I know he is all this , I don’t have sympathy for him for all of this .. I judge him for his accomplishments and not the way he has achieved them .. we can extend this to politics , business people and so on .. Are all those achieved successfully by not doing as Curly does / have been doing in a way ? And now Gina or anyone who has been involved , it has been completely their choice , he wasn’t forced to them .. they all had the choice , Gina now and some others had already known his ways and character / personality that he is .. still , they allowed him to be around … it is like you know that a drug or continue smoking maintains your addiction but you keep on doing it despite harming you ..
  17. She’s jealous when he is friendly at any of the girls , it was more “ tensed “ let’s say when the previous cast with Holly and Megan was around because of the strong bonds and relationships that had developed due to curfew and lockdown this past winter as well .
  18. There are more things than a simple fuck .. don’t forget that they are a married couple and have lots of things that are shared financially , lots are situated in Russia .. my life experiences of people around me and the way they behave to life has learned me this ..Karma is a bitch ( it goes for many tenants and the way they choose to make things on and off camera , your recent posts at another thread today is a great example as well 😏 )
  19. Nelly is jealous when Bogdan is around the girls and simply being friendly with them .. it has been mentioned in the forum , there have been also live on camera talks between the two for this .. Bogdan always submits and “ allows “ Nelly to have it her way ..
  20. Malia working since quite some period now double shifts while Leora is absent .. I “ sense “ a big reward from the master commander as a reward for her continuous fans and audience / subscribers/ viewers compensations 🤨
  21. The perfect life , the dream of every man currently on screen .. 😂🤣 Pizza , beer and a BJ from a super hot woman … yes, watching football is missing , but dream life for Timur is catching up with him currently 👏👏👏🙌😇
  22. Double face Nelly is dominating the way she wants , whenever she wants .. but .. Karma is a bitch …
  23. That’s a very good development so when she returns , she is completely relaxed and refreshed as the next months are very important for the future of Masha with RLC and I think decisions need to be made ..
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